SABINE , Neil Scott . OLIVER , Janet Jean . Aged 42 years LYSON , Laurel . SZABO , Magdalena . BRUNO , Giuseppe Aldo . 8 May 1930 - 1 April 2006 Aged 51 years BETTISON , Gilbert Lionel . 1919 - 1994 SPRONK-NAYLOR , June . CHANDLER , Rebecca Rose . 29 October 1986 . 22 July 2001 . 1979 . 23 January 2008 - 23 January 2008 27 November 1944 23 January 1930 - 4 May 2008 4 June 1908 - 17 Aged 78 years 11 December 1972 . MAXWELL , Adam . WELK , Robert John . CHANNELL , Henry . HOLSMAN , Edward . Aged 72 years WILLIAMS , Arthur Howard . POWELL , Brinley John . whyalla death records. PATTEN , Gladys . Aged 16 years 15 January 1921 - 6 February 1997 8 February 1925 - 4 October 2017 18 March 1987 3 June 1935 - 29 December 2003 MARTIN , G B . DUNKLEY , Errol . 21 February 1973 . 20 June 1917 - 9 January 1997 1977 PALMER , Anthony Paul . 21 February 1913 - 19 July 1990 SMIT , Anna W (ne Rutten) . Aged 50 years CHISHOLM , Bette . 25 June 1903 - 25 May 1988 Aged 67 years GONZALEZ , Manuel . SWANN , Pearl . Aged 79 years 11 November 1979 . 22 January 1944 - 23 August 2010 A compilation of lineage-linked family trees submitted by Ancestry users. NAGGS , Henry Joseph . 19 July 1949 . 15 June 1966 6 March 1985 WHITWORTH , Annie . Aged 68 years 17 June 1929 - 3 February 2018 May 1969 . LITCHFIELD , Alfred Norman West . 2 February 1961 . 16 August 1980 . DENNIS , Dorrie . 17 December 1972 . POINTON , Thelma Muriel . Aged 78 years 24 April 1969 . 14 October 1967 . 1889 - 1942 STEWART , Joyleen Veronica Kaye . MALLOK , Kurt Wilhelm . HAYES , Patrick . WORDEN , Wilton Hartley . EATOUGH , Audrey . HEIMAN , Jacob Michael . 20 September 1919 - 18 June 2000 1918 - 1994 LORD , Gordon . WEST , Donald Robert . 1 October 1988 - 1 April 2011 26 October 1912 - 4 September 2006 NELSON , Lilian M . MANOKAS , George . KAVOUKIS , John . INTRONA , Josephine Anne . 7 January 1947 - 31 December 1997 INKERMAN , Henry . 3 May 1925 - 10 July 1992 - 1 April 1943 DEMPSEY , John Henry . 2 October 1934 . 5 January 1976 . 21 January 1922 - 30 July 2014 HEPPNER , Julie . 20 July 1923 - 11 October 2000 . BOURKE , Michael Francis . 4 August 1958 . 1940 - 1973 COLE , Joan Jacqueline . MC GINLEY , Maureen Christine . Aged 35 years 11 January 1921 - 25 January 2003 6 May 1931 - 29 April 2006 It also provides a large amount of information on specific events and people in the Australian Lutheran church's past, in the form of notices - including many marriages, deaths and obituaries. 29 July 1932 - 7 November 1992 VLACHOULIS , George . 5 February 1951 - 28 March 2006 Aged 56 years 4 December 1961 . STAKER , Vena Edith . 8 December 1919 - 26 March 1994 All 8 people on board (1 Pilot, 7 Passengers) died. 28 June 1982 2 June 1987 . 17 January 1981 - 22 January 2004 20 February 1969 . 1 September 1975 - 23 March 2004 13 April 1928 - 27 October 2011 1 July 1955 - 13 February 2010 25 September 1980 . BOWERS , Annie Caroline . STRAWBRIDGE , Eva May . 21 April 1986 . LOWE , Raymond . 1 December 1986 . No date FROST , Ada A . House and Land Records relating to houses, land ownership and management. Aged 73 years HENEKER , Cherise Eleanor . HEWER , Florence Elizabeth . CHILDS , Philip Thomas . Date unreadable FOSTER , Ethel May . RATCLIFFE , Bertha . TORCHIO , Rosa . SMITH , Ena Pearl . 23 March 1944 . BAMFORD , William Henry . Aged 51 years 17 April 1938 - 7 September 1995 No date EICHHORN , Heinz . NAYDA , Mary Elizabeth . 19 October 1955 . YENDALL , Mary Lillian . 27 October 1960 . ROBERTS , Colin Bruce . LOCKWOOD , Annie . BOLLEN , Albert . Aged 64 years 8 March 2003 . 7 January 193? Aged 25 years 7 March 1913 - 13 January 1999 Aged 81 years 11 April 1938 - 23 April 2015 CAIRNS , Ian Bhan . 17 July 1990 . 3 March 1923 - 21 January 1998 GALE , Julianne Daphne . 27 December 1947 or search our archive of 535,412 notices since 2008. 16 March 1943 - 5 August 2014 19 May 1929 - 9 April 1993 BERG , Hilma Maria . Aged 67 years 16 May 1945 - 8 June 2003 13 January 1924 - 24 March 1983 Aged 58 years Aged 76 years WALTON , Irene Margaret . 2 August 1930 - 13 March 2017 1928 - 1996 16 April 1937 - 13 November 2010 Aged 73 years JANSEN , William Herman . Aged 85 years 2 July 1917 - 3 February 2005 15 July 1943 - 23 July 2017 LEE , Gothard Robert . 11 September 1938 - 10 January 19 August 1982 . VANEVELD , John . 10 October 2013 . Aged 83 years RYAN , Pearl Eileen . SCHRAPEL , Berris Margaret . LACIS , Peter . 15 February 1905 - 10 September 1998 STIRLING , George F . 12 June 1972 Aged 42 years 11 October 1970 . 6 May 1927 - 9 July 2015 DAVIES , Henry . 18 June 1918 - 2 September 1986 No date . KNEEBONE , Vera . TAVRA, , Ante . YOUNG , Roma . WILSDON , I I . 26 October 1987 . Aged 77 years TOWNSEND , Winifred Ann . Aged 50 years PETERS , Janie M . 25 February 1935 - 18 December 2005 OLIVER , Robert Burns . 17 September 1936 - 23 April 2003 POOLE , Edward Ronald . SMITH , Garnet Ray . WHIBLEY , Rex Leonard . JOHANSEN , Jens . JONES , Daisy Muriel . 30 July 1976 DOUGLAS , Donald Leslie . CORSTON , Lewis Thomas . 20 January 1951 - 20 October 2017 12 June 2001 . Aged 59 years 25 July 1980 . JOHNSON , Robert King . 23 October 1966 . No date South Australia. 1 October 1914 - 1 August 1983 14 August 1956 . A database of almost 3,500 landowners, listing name, street, place, acreage and price of land possessed. 2 January 1972 . TROUGHTON , Frederick . 19 August 1978 . 29 December 1923 - 23 May 2000 years BLACK , Mary M . 13 January 1905 - 23 October 1985 HUGO , John . FAHEY , Michael J . TURNER , Arthur E A . 9 April 1911 - 3 August 1953 5 May 1979 . HOWARD , Gwendoline Jean . HERDE , Gertruth . 14 February 1937 - 9 September 2012 GIBBIE , Joe . INTRONA , Cheryl Ann . 15 April 1972 . The index can be used to order birth records, which contain further information. 14 May 1980 - 27 August 1980 Aged 61 years 6 September 1915 - 8 February 2009 24 August 1910 - 7 September 1993 No date Abstracts of around 3,000 crimes committed in South Australia, extracted from the government gazette. HISSEY , Ivy Gladys . 6 August 1972 . Aged 78 years 19 February 1908 - 12 November 2001 28 September 1916 - 9 December 2002 Aged 39 years Aged 82 years 4 November 1970 - 6 July 2005 CARPENTER , Laurence James . EVANS , Maxwell Bertram . KINGDON , Raymond Arthur . Aged 67 years 5 April 1924 - 27 July 1997 3 September 1997 Aged 73 years WORBY , Lucy Maude . PEARCE , Winifred . COCKBURN , James Caines . PARKER , Hilary May . 20 December 1968 . DICKESON , John Francis . Aged 84 years 21 August 1956 . Aged 80 years GRICE , Martha Agnes . Aged 98 years 18 September 1920 - 7 November 2004 TAYLOR , John Hamilton . RALPH , Helen Theresa . O'HALLORAN , Agnes Kieran . 14 March 1960 - 13 May 1964 SMITH , Ian T . KOTSANOS , Evangelos . WAUGH , Edith . NICHOLAS , Elizabeth Ross . 4 November 1996 . MC CALL , Archie . 1935 - 2015 7 October 1925 - 27 November 2010 BOUNDEY , Rex Spencer . Aged 20 years ANDERSON , Charles Victor . 31 December 1918 - 13 September 1985 GILL , Kathleen Florain . Aged 25 years MAITLAND , Margaret . VAMPLOUGH , John Henry . 12 November 2008 - 2 December 2008 EMES , Nancy . 30 August 1933 - 4 April 1997 Aged 48 years 2 November 1928 - 16 January 1983 LANYON , Shane G . 12 April 1958 - 3 January 1990 28 September 1968 . BAOHM , W C . KERIN , Gladys May . SMELT , Violet . CALLAGHAN , Patrick . MOORE , Bridget Margaret . PEARCE , Marjorie . Aged 76 years Weve updated the security on the site. BLAND , Michael Ronald . KLINGBERG , Daryl . 20 May 1923 - 10 March 2010 MILLER , Mary . LANE , Donald Norman thomas . Aged 77 years Aged 57 years 19 July 1970 . Whyalla Cemetery Transcribed by Lorraine LarmentFrom photographs provided by Steve and Marylin Jones I have made every effort to be as accurate as possible. LEUBA , Edna May . DUNN , Eric Herbert . Aged 54 years 27 February 1971 . 29 April 1982 . 10 August 1923 - 9 June 1996 MC DONNELL , Michael . Aged 18 years NELDNER , Leo Frederick . 1 May 1974 . COLLINS , Joseph W . Aged 67 years MC INERNEY , Hannah . 21 September 1986 . CALDWELL , John . Aged 70 years 22 April 1906 - 19 March 2000 GILLANEY , Joseph . 10 October 1985 . TOWNSEND , Irena Rose . ROBERTS , William . 13 July 1933 - 15 October 2014 14 April 2020 - 3 December 1965 Aged 53 years 31 December 1949 . 19 March 1911 - 19 May 1991 1 October 1973 . BOULTON , Vera Elizabeth . Aged 63 years 1 June 1911 - 27 December 1960 STANTON , Roderick L . Aged 42 years MASTERS , Robert William . 22 May 1898 - 27 January 1965 24 January 1982 20 September 1910 - 16 August 1996 TROWBRIDGE , Albert Edward . RUSSELL , Mary . 28 June 1978 PARISI , Leonardo . 27 March 1927 - 13 October 2007 Aged 85 years 21 April 1924 - 6 November 1982 THOMPSON , Agnes Veronica . Date unreadble 21 February 1977 . I Aged 99 years 18 January 1929 - 21 February 1998 CAMPBELL , Lementa U . 31 October 1967 . 22 February 1901 - 16 October 1975 ELLIS , Michael . WARDLE , George . 21 October 1925 - 16 May 2002 Aged 78 years 16 November 2015 . 29 December 1929 - 24 December 1981 CLARKE , John Geoffrey . 12 January 1907 - 24 October 1990 14 February 2005 . WALLS , Jane . 9 November 1943 - 21 December 1975 BYCROFT , Ralph . WAKEFIELD , John Charles . Aged 83 years 5 August 1914 - 19 July 1987 WATKINSON , George Frederick . Aged 79 years 1978 . SANTORELLI , Gwendoline Shirley . MERENTITIS , Nicholas . 9 May 1921 - 16 January 1992 BENN , Lawrence Edward . Aged 79 years MAYNARD , Neville . Aged 37 years 5 November 2014 18 April 1987 . September 2003 DENNIS , Beatrice Maud . 28 May 1926 - 20 July 1998 BOURKE , Mary Agnes . 7 June 1981 . HARRISON , Doris . KIRKLAND , John Isaac . 9 November 1964 . 29 July 1937 - 26 November 2014 Australia. Aged 68 years 17 August 1970 . BEATY , Michael . Aged 2 years NEWSON , Ernest . WENDELBORN , Florence . MC ARTHUR , John M . Aged 95 years 6 June 1952 . Aged 76 years August 2007 . Aged 73 years ZITZEN , Paul Alexander . 14 July 1943 - 10 March 1991 13 September 1969 . 17 May 1930 - 7 August 2014 BLACKWELL , Arthur Edward . Aged 84 years Aged 80 years SPURLING , Janet Gwenda . 9 May 1974 . HARLEY , Jane Eaton . Aged 82 years WILSON , James . HUDSON , Norman Edward Harvey . Aged 70 years Aged 60 years 2 May 1904 - 25 April 1992 10 July 1999 . MC INNES , John Laurence . 26 May 1998 - 31 August 1998 20 April 1925 - 4 July 1997 MURRAY , Eileen Agnes . BINNIE , William . 25 June 1915 - 4 June 1995 WILLIAMS , William Robert . Aged 66 years 20 October 1965 - 18 SIMS , Ronald Edward . 29 September 1907 - 2 July 1993 13 July 1977 . ANDREW , Ernest Clyde . POPE , Geoffrey Wayne . Aged 51 years Aged 84 years 15 April 1919 - 1 June 1994 . WOOD , Stephen John . Aged 76 years WRIGHT , Lina Kathleen . ROBERTS , Linda . 19 September 1930 - 25 October 2000 BOURNE , Norma May . 10 July 1925 - 22 September 2011 LAMB , James Mitchell . AVEYARD , Tom . LAMSHED , Mervyn Ray Bert . COVINO , Rita . 7 December 1989 . 24 December 1988 . BOSS , Dulcina . WOOD , Maxwell John . TEN-VEEN , Lillian May . MASTERS , David William . 3 January 1944 . HEAL , Elizabeth Anne . 17 February 1934 - 27 October 2003 TAYLOR , Andrew James . Aged 84 years 17 January 1946 - 5 January 2017 BRERETON , William James . Aged 87 years Aged 83 years INGERSON , Walter Ronald . Aged 52 years LANYON , Joseph Henry . WOODHAM , Kevin Timothy John . Aged 76 years KILDERRY , Patrick . PINCHES , Esther . 28 November 1909 - 17 January 1979 8 May 1954 - 21 April 1989 Share your family tree and photos with the people you know and love. Aged 68 years 30 November 1984 . 13 September 1961 . 24 April 1926 - 27 September 2003 DOWLING , Eileen Veronica (ne Kelly) . Aged 61 years MUNDAY , William Frank . 13 March 1945 - 2 October 1994 4 June 1971 8 October 1983 . 16 July 1983 . Aged 70 years 17 July 1965 - 13 December 1997 BROUGH , Dennis . FERNANDEZ , Enrique Fernandez Rodriguez . KING , Edwin Russell . DALY , Michael Patrick . KILPATRICK , David . GREENWOOD , Melva Jean . 26 December 1947 . OZANNE , Edith . A searchable database of linked genealogies compiled from thousands of reputable and not-so-reputable sources. 6 November 1926 - 27 March 1996 1968 GALE , Bevan Ferguson . Aged 86 years LUXTON , William Martin . Aged 3 months Aged 4 years 23 August 1908 - 16 June 1997 years 13 May 1923 - 22 March 1971 CULLEN , Jim . 1918 - 1980 FRICK , Doris . 15 August 1999 . 16 December 1943 . COHEN , Bernard Alfred . 3 January 1999 . Aged 72 years CASS , Johanna . ROWSE , Phyllis Arvon . PORTER , Fred . KENDALL , Geoffrey . GEDDIE , George Alexander . 11 August 1904 - 31 December 1979 13 June 1970 DURBRIDGE , Emily . 2 August 2006 Aged 94 years Aged 43 years 11 September 1955 . WAKE , Leo Leslie . ROBERTS , Andrew George . SMITH , Albert Ernest . 3 June 1921 - 16 November 2007 23 July 1972 . 1935 - 1990 MILLER , John Wesley . CASTILLO , Manuel . 24 August 1927 - 18 September 2008 9 September 1973 . Aged 83 years 19 April 1975 . 24 February 1943 . 10 July 1978 . 18 October 2001 . EVERES , Caroline Elizabeth . Aged 78 years BAKER , Eric . Aged 51 ? HORTON , Maurice James . years 12 September 1971 . 16 December 1928 - 7 May 1983 2 January 1939 - 19 November 2012 Aged 44 years DIX , Aubrey Allan . Aged 81 years SIMMONS , Richard . HAY , Williamina . Aged 44 years 3 October 1968 - 29 August 1992 CLATWORTHY , Sarah Mary . DOURIS , Douglas . 24 October 1968 Aged 74 years 28 August 1942 - 8 April 2013 Aged 92 years JAMES , Violet . 1 December 1974 22 May 1980 . Aged 5 years 14 December 1910 - 15 November 1987 5 May 1966 . HEALD , Cyril Arthur . 10 March 1933 - 22 May 1943 24 March 1935 - 17 October 1997 There is no longer any visible trace of this early cemetery. HARRIS , William Edmund . 1 April 1974 Aged 74 years MILDRED , Craig Dale . BOOTH , Leeman . LINDQUIST , Ellen Dorothy . 17 October 1976 . 31 August 1922 - 28 March 2006 JOHNSON , Agnes . GLEESON , Neil Edward . Aged 67 years 9 October 1978 . OGG , Charles George . 22 July 1930 - 27 July 1981 18 April 1959 . Aged 67 years RASERO , Rino . 9 September 1928 - 7 March 1999 20 November 1911 - 4 January 1996 3 November 2002 . JOHNSTON , Karen Denise . WOOD , Margaret Gabrielle . Letters and records of various events make up the majority of the collections: petitions by convicts for sentence mitigation, marriage permission requests, character memorials for potential settlers, land grant or lease applications, official visit reports, information about court cases, and lists of assigned servants. 5 December 1971? HUDSON , Neville Tom . February 1967 Aged 59 years CATERER , Edward George . LAIRD , Walter . NEWCHURCH , John B F . 20 June 1936 - 1 October 2014 Aged 83 years Aged 83 years Aged 78 years DAVIS , Thelma . Aged 84 years RYAN , William . Aged 77 years Aged 39 years HUMPHRYS , Faith . GUNTER , Alexander . WAKEFIELD , Colin Desmond . PASSANDE , Constance . 5 October 1967 THOMAS , Barry William . 22 October 1956 . 3 April 1973 . Aged 17 years HARPER , June Mary . MULLER , Hazel . 14 June 1972 - 14 June 1972 COOMBES , Charles . Aged 83 years THOMAS , Herbert Stanley . FOULKES , William . HAMMOND , Vera . 22 December 1953 . FOUCHARD , Thomas . 30 July 1973 . 30 March 1922 - 11 April 1977 2 July 1983 . WALKER , Joan Mary . WARHURST , Mary . LISZKA , Leon . 23 June 1985 . REINE , Joyce . 7 August 1921 - 11 February 2015 Aged 102 years MEAKIN , Rita Ruth . W Aged 15 years 8 months PUDDY , Florence . 29 July 1912 - 13 September 1992 KOROV-SPICLIN , Joshua (infant) . 14 October 1969 - 28 May 2001 COLLINS , Florence Ruth . NEWCHURCH , Lancelot M . Aged 74 years 26 July 1946 - 17 December 2001 YENDALL , William Robert . NIESCHE , Marjorie Ethel . 23 August 1926 - 25 October 1990 13 August 1963 - 8 May 1993 MUNN , Arthur Harold . MARKS , Olive . Aged 34 years Aged 19 years 4 August 1966 . Aged 73 years No date 2 August 1963 . months 7 May 1921 - 13 December 2002 Aged 80 years MATTHEWS , Leonard . TWEEDY , Thomas . 6 September 1934 - 9 June 2001 26 August 1935 - 19 April 2014 SIMS , Harold Douglas . 2007 FOOTE , Laurel Vera . 3 September 1918 - 11 August 1989 MOORE , Edward . RUMBALL , Lorna May . LOVE , Thelma Iris . 1992 Whyalla woman Dianne Rogan murdered after refusing to have sex with accused, court told. MOORE , Brian James . WILSON , Jessie Catherine . CROFT , Ian . GALE , Kirsty Anne . GEDDIE , Jean . 9 February 1918 - 22 May 1978 16 September 1975 . 12 August 1912 - 21 April 2008 MC KENZIE , Ellen . SCHULTZ , Freida . COURT , Frederick C . 5 November 1970 JANSSEN , Henry . STEFFENSEN , Stella Ingeborg . GRAHAM , Ronald . Aged 71 years 13 December 1979 . 1908 - 1982 24 October 2001 BOEHM , Phillip Francis . Aged 65 years 26 May 1951 . WOODFORDE , Lessie Winifred . 22 July 1967 . 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