Then in my opinion? It is a blessing and joy to encounter Gods Word with deeper thought and earnest deliberation. I am very street smart and God uses this to give me words of edification, exhortation and encouragement to complete strangers as God leads and they ask me questions and stand in amazement not knowing how I could know certain things in their lives or have just the exact word they need at that time. When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. And I ask as I read their stuff for God to open my eyes to where the errors are and show me the Scriptures that correct them. (((I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts.))) Just a heads up for you Leah Tovia Singer is an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi (Outreach Judaism.). We worship who we serve. There is no more temple Did you know Shaul (Paul) spent his own money when travelling? It is not a revelation about food and that Peter and everyone else could now eat the very things that God Himself said were not to be food for His people (because HE knows best) as Peter himself states: Acts 10:34 Then Peter began to speak: I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism 35 but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right. . We are to be preparing ourselves to be the Bride of Christ, right? This is the latter! My aunt was visiting me one weekend & we were watching it. Jacob buried Rachel and Israel stood up from the grave. Then there are celebrations that are 100% completely Jewish in origin and have nothing to do with appointments of God, however, this does not mean we cannot find God in them. The Brit Hadashah (New Covenant or New Testament Scriptures) hadnt even been codified until long after the apostles death. Jesus said it best You have a fine way of setting aside the commandments of God for the traditions of men. Surely the Lord God does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.. For the record, I am saved by the precious blood of the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. Read Hebrews, chapters 1-3 to procure an undrstanding of the difference between Moses and Jesus the Christ whom Moses testified if when he struck the ROCK and WATER flowed forth!!! If a Muslims or a Hindus life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna? I think what most people dont understand is there is a difference between salvation (saved by grace through faith) and HOW we are to live our lives AFTER we become believers. This is the Law written on our hearts and without action is dead. For many centuries, Christians have been wrongly taught, thanks primarily to Replacement Theology, that in order for my people to accept our Messiah, we had to become Gentiles by adopting their ways, which usually went completely contrary to what the Torah teaches. 16 Now if the hallah offered as firstfruits is holy, so is the whole loaf. Hi Pete. Were talking about our Bridegroom who will return for us one day. Ill Paraphrase: the Law says xyz but I say to you XYZ and then the heart of the matter I find these gentlemen to be truly seeking all truth in the scriptures and not shying away from tough questions. .What is G-Ds calender? 3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 4 and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. Wow, thank you for all of that irrelevant nonsense that had nothing to do with my response to you. Nevertheless, each of us test everything for ourselves. If you know that he is righteous, you know that every one that does righteousness is born of him.. His commandments which is strongs H6680 mitsvah meaning the instruction of how we love God & man. Those that condemn Christians for gathering on Sunday (Sun-day) are hypocrites! He cant have two heads any more that we can. because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them, declares the Lord. So when looking at matters of Torah, we should look at the laws, not as textual dispensations, but as a literal lawbook. If someone only wants to defend their position, it will fall on deaf ears. Are in Jesus Christ Himself, for of HIS FULNESS I have received; GRACE UPON GRACE!!! I must have misunderstood your initial point in your post. It is laying out a proper way to interact and not create senseless arguments since it is teaching, discipleship, love and the Holy Spirit that will guide so long as a person wants to continue growing in her relationship with the Father. I want to thank you for your bravery on addressing this strange movement and their strange, and potentially dangerous ideas, that I personally find to be devoid of Christianity (think Flannery OConnors idea of the Church of God without Christ). Then we started asking why would God change rules so often? These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. Costa Rica may be a small country but the mountanous terrain and poor roads makes for a great divide between Tilaran where they live and I.). My two part video response to Wilber, and now 119 Ministries, as well as a final note. This is false beyond belief. So back to the Priesthood: the author of Hebrews has already described the exalted position of Jesus as a High Priest after the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7), and thus as superior to the Aaronic priesthood in terms of obtaining eternal redemption. This is to accuse Yeshua of idolatry. ALL who believe in the GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! So what Christ said will be true, many who profess to love Christ will be rejected by him. Gods laws/teachings/precepts/ordinances, are what is written on our hearts and as we diligently seek him and accept his ways, we will do them as he has shown them through his holy prophets (not for salvation, rather as our obedience to him). LOL Remember the scripture where Yah says people steal from HIM? Jesus couldnt even do that you know. It is a return to the true word of God, exactly what Yeshua preached throughout the Nation of Israel. Only then could Messiah be the unblemished lamb whose sacrifice fully and completely washed away the sin of those who follow Him. I have certain rules (laws) that I want my children to obey. Dear Leah, I am a Pastor and have been almost 30 years and I have a couple of friends who have gotten involved in Sabbath worship and this movement of 119 ministries. Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace. Yeshua HaMashiac Jesus Christ. I am not a pastor, nor a scholar, nor did I study at some fancy college about history or religion. Perhaps you follow only some of them. I listen to 119 ministries, they are very humble servants of Yah, they teach the truth that churches never taught us,.. The false teaching at 119 ministries has reached levels where they should be dis-fellowshipped. Either Gods word is true or it isnt. The old wine is NOT good enough for sin redrmption and Gods life flowing thru us to others; thru Christ in us!! Unfortunately we simply cannot read Genesis through Revelation and then decided to leave these parts out. It seems emotional and contemptuous? Just the opposite, they have demonstrated time and again, through the scriptures, that following the Law is simply the response after being saved by grace.. I do not doubt there are those that teach you MUST do the commandments in order to be saved. The bible warns about misusing grace. If you dont agree with 119 ministries, it more than likely means you DO NOT agree with scripture. When those of the same mindset as I are moved beyond the salvation and concerned with our works only when coupled with faith. -2 Timothy 2:24-25, 3 Beloved, although I was very eager to write to you about our common salvation, I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints. It is about the change in Priesthood not a change in covenant. Dear Richard, Why does Gods word say Ruach Elohim rather than simply Elohim? You seemingly dismiss the Hebrew word ruach (Strongs Hebrew #7307) as only meaning breath. Yes, it is translated breath about 27 times in the word of God. The Holy Spirit given on Pentecost, the comforter which will teach you all things, we love God because he first loved us, we want to be obedient to his instructions (torah) because that shows God we want to do things HIS way not ours. 17 Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. His disciples, including Paul never taught this either! If you disagree, then you will need to conclude that Jesus also did what he just said was WRONG. Who was the New Covenant made with? If it were truly new as we understand in modern English, it would have been neos in Greek. 25 At that time Jesus said, I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and intelligent and have revealed them to infants. Its not worth it. I thought the law was done away with and all food was clean and the law was nailed to the cross and blah, blah, blah! Or do you believe this is an acceptable interpretation of the Word of God? When I was first exposed to 119 Ministries, they said to TEST EVERYTHING. Truly Question-Test everything! For if my people had not been seen as an enemy to Christianity, some of those murdered 6 million Jews might have had the opportunity to recognize Yeshua as our Messiah and praise his holy name and live an abundant life doing the will of our Heavenly Father. I pray you do! These ENEMIES of ours are trying to transform themselves into JEWS ie: wannabee Jews and because they do not have the Spirit of Adoption, are unable to discern ANY of this spiritually, but carry on in the NATURAL. The Word says he that turns his ear away from HEARING THE LAW, his prayer will be an abomination. Nowhere did Jesus even hint that He was abolishing Gods Instructions (Does God make mistakes like purposely giving us a something wed fail at)? If you love the father you will desire to fulfill his will everyday. I was attempting to communicate that Isaiah 11:10 is true. No agreed with what they said make them wrong maybe you disagree with some teaching this why you dont agree with them an you comments of they wrong or you wrong we will find out when our father in heaven send our Lord yashua.ww will know whos is the true. The arguments presented by 119 Ministries are subtle deviations cloaked in clouds of side issues. On their Facebook page, they publish photos or paintings that have messages on them and most of them are devoid of love and have a sarcastic edge to them. One man even goes so far as to say the more I can logically prove, the less I have to take by faith. Well look at what God did to the 10 tribes (northern kingdom of Israel) who didnt keep His instructions and fell the way of doing what was right in their own eyes God DIVORCED them. At the very least, thank God you have Matthew 5:19 in Jesus own words even AFTER He states that the law or the prophets will NOT be abolished until heaven and earth pass away: Woman more than anything are looking for a strong spiritual . They try to walk as HE walked not as how people twist Pauls writings. What about Mehenam, son of Hezekiah? Its utterly impossible, a complete waste of time and energy. 17 What I am saying is this: the Law, which came four hundred and thirty years later, does not invalidate a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to nullify the promise. If of course you follow (understood) Pauline doctrine. Because each language has different grammatical principles individual to that language. 119 Ministries desires to be only focused on the truth of His Word, and not on any person or any organization. Yes definitely he is a jew that is one inwardly. If we think we can do it better than Yahweh originally articulated rules for life, then we are foolish at best. Or other teachings besides the one I mentioned above? You need both parts to understand what law hes referring to when. NO, devil-worshipping, unrepentant, worldly JEW will EVER be the least one of My followers UNTIL they repent and are born from above. I think the problem we have here is that 119 fails to understand Fulfillment vs Abolishment. Just look at PURE Scripture. Once the church sees who it really is and how Christ is now riding through history with his Army, defeating the enemy in every realm of life.. we will come alive and realize these are the Days of Vengeance (justice). And if Jesus lied in Matthew 5:17-19 then that disqualifies him as Messiah. Very dangerous grounds and to think that what they claim Pauls letters to the Galatians mean supersedes the Words of Jesus Himself? I appreciate your response and I accept your encouragement in diligently studying the word. (And many Christians are already doing much of it! Kainos means New in quality as in a better Covenant with Better promises, Better Law and Better Priesthood. I have corrected some things they have posted and have seen them change their position on certain things presented. As always, you have your crazy people in these movements, as there are some in all sects of some sort of religion. Fortunately, Emperor Constantine did NOT create Christianity. Change). This whole discussion plus all the supporting arguments and followers of the likes of trustinJC are nothing more that another part of the HUGE end times deception. Hmmm maybe the purpose of YHWHs Holy Spirit is to HELP us follow Gods Instructions. OUT OF LOVE, not out of earning salvation >>>please stop suggesting thats what people are doing in trying to keep Gods instructions. This is the very commandment you have heard from the beginning, that you must walk in love., So what is love? Our God . 17 Dont think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. So my advice is stick to God and His word. One of the few things that make a cult, a cult, is recruitment. I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Depending on who you ask which cult do you profess? The following is stated on page 1 of the transcript, The word fulfilled and Matthew 5:17 are either interpreted as being fulfilled in the sense of fully preaching or teaching the law of God, or fulfilling in the sense of no longer making the law of God applicable. Jesus came to teach the Torah the right way. So please stop perpetuating that falsehood. The new covenant living Torah gave me an entirely new life due to HIM making and transforming me into a New Creation. But many wives? This is what I heard when my eyes were opened while studying. Regrettably, so many Gentile Christians have been brainwashed by the Vatican establishment and their efforts to infiltrate the Body of the Messiah, that they buy so easily into man-made doctrines that are actually unbiblical. Freedom comes through Yeshua and obeying Yahwehs instruction through the empowering Holy Spiritthe extravagant grand design of the One and Only God interwoven throughout His Book. Because after all we can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens us right? I agree with the Revolting Man that hes an infiltrator and not a brother. His statutes which is strongs H2706 chuqqah meaning something prescribed, an ordinance such as passover, an everlasting law. YHWH is the one true GOD, and He has not, will not change. I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website It is very humbling. And dont forget that Yeshua the Messiah also said this: Just empty words. Also, you should totally write a book, this is some really Spirit-inspired stuff! As Jesus said in Matthew 22:37-40, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. How has God changed your life so you can love Him and others in a pure spirit and concrete manner? They have frequently made it clear that salvation is a free gift offered through YHWHs grace and that following the Torah, the Law, is the natural response of a believer who has been saved by grace. because the law brings about wrath; for where there is no law there is no transgression.. one man esteems a day higher than another day and another man does not. A cult is a real specific thing with its own definition in the dictionary and encyclopedias not just based in ones emotional response to someone they care about changing their beliefs just ask the de-programmers who rescue people from real cults you know, like Scientology, Christian Science, Branch Davidian, !sl@m, etc. Everything in the bible is true. While the Aaronic priesthood was able to mediate on behalf of Israel in terms of the earthly sanctuary, they were unable to affect an infinite and eternal redemption, since that was not their task. In fact, I tell most of the Italian students in the English class I teach that the God of Israel did a superb job of confusing the languages earths inhabitants. Like sin, once youve bought in you are miles down the road before you realize the mistakes made. Jewish Boy Natans Near Death Experience: From God or Something Else? What is the context of that again? (Sorry, Im sure you know this profoundly.) I believe Jesus did in fact come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets, now it is upon us to be diligent in understanding what this is. So whoever sets aside one of the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the kingdom from heaven. 17 Dont think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. The JEWS however, (and I am NOT anti-Semitic in any sense) DID and still DO follow Kabbalah, Hassidism and many other distorted teachings. Todh rabh (Thank you very much), David, it is truly a blessing to see others like you who understand what 119 Ministries is all about. The difference is between using my own logic to disagree vs. using Scripture to show your faults in your biblical understanding. Lets face it in all forms of modern Christianity there are those that want to control others in one way or the other. Anyway, I explain more in this article if youre interested in finding out more about why people who take the Bible seriously disagree with you. and it being written down would serve all of us better. romans 8: I will pray for your husband. This is the people to whom Paul wrote. Apparently, many Christians have not completely comprehended the gravity of violating the Torah commandments that can still be followed, even in the absence of the Temple in Jerusalem and the Sanhedrin (the one truly led by the Holy Spirit). I have found that whenever something new comes to a Christian, they immediately tear it apart with their preconceived notions. The truth of the matter is you really dont even follow what is taught by your Protestant evangelical fathers, because they never followed their own teachings either. II Peter chpt. By saying he changed his mind is saying he is a liar! I am a myself am Messianic though labels are create schism so lets just say Im a Believer. It literally comes out as Shin-Beit-Tav. Because He came down HARD on David when that great king committed adultery with Bath-Sheba and had Uriah murdered. But if Jesus is your Messiah, I would never in a million years ask you to eat pork. I also agree with Bill Carmichael who stated that 119 (and not 911) Ministries is Real breath of fresh air. Notice he did not say Do not think I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, I have come to abolish them However, that is essentially what most of the church teaches. 119 Ministries has fallen so far. Rav Shaul said that his tireless work as an emissary/apostle to the Gentiles was also designed to provoke my people to jealousy. Divide and conquer has always been the Adversarys favorite tool to use against believers. This is nothing more than a knee-jerk reaction to the atrocities inflicted by Hitler. When we look at the OT we see this IS the case. 33 This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. They teach Bible prophecy including the four blood moons theory in their Daniel Unsealed video. Amen! a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. not according to Tim Paula. this was the Covenant of Sinai. After reading literally every single comment on this blog, I must say it has been very informative and each side of the debate is very spirited. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them; you might even find yourselves fighting God!. But, really, prayer has been what has helped me the most in trying to reach people who are headed down that path. This also does not remove the possibility that the two choices are the only possible translations or proper contextual interpretations. He then goes on to say that this New Covenant will be based on the very commandments he is giving that very day. -2 Corinthians 11:3-4 26 For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. Understanding Bible prophecy better will dispel your end time fear and bless you (Rev 1:3). Very enlightening as to prophecy about Jesus and that New Covenant. They have concordances, so many different bibles some go far back as 1300s. I am unworthy of it., i Fall short, i fail often and miserably ect.. Also, please note that Rav Kefa (Peter) was referring to the Tanakh (OT) when he mentioned the other Scriptures. 23 Moreover, the others, if they do not persist in their lack of trust, will be grafted in; because God is able to graft them back in. Ill just note repost from Antonio: Is that alright? But so did Adam and Eve. Though what I find most interesting is his definition of religion. And not only that, if we were to believe that Christmas rose on the first day of the week, (not Monday, but Sunday) then that ultimately proves that Saturday is the Sabbath. 6 See, it is written before me; I will not be silent until I repay them; I will repay them to the full, 7 your own crimes and those of your ancestors together, says ADONAI. The only thing wrong is when someone says You MUST! Where Jesus says, Youre free! As free as I am to eat pork, you are free not to. Why so much confusion in Scripture? , Here it is: In our paper, we mentioned that you had said you were planning another video on Leviticus 20. I started my own journey of the scriptures and apologetics and landed about a yr into it with more amplification from what 119ministries provides. Wrong again. The point Paul made here was to the person binding themselves to God and doing so by the heart follows the laws of God even when not having the laws of God. I told him that we were told several years ago that an army of . He also never once said that he had stopped being a Pharisee or Rabbi, hence the title Rav in front of his name. In other words, you have been saved (begun) by the Spirit, how can you think your sanctification will happen by the flesh (i.e. My name is Lisa and I would not like to be called anything else but the name I was given at birth. The Bible teaches that there is only 1 Word of God and He was in the beginning, became flesh and whose robe is dipped in New Covenant blood. 2. of sayings, promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish Im almost a senior. And for the record, many of the leaders or teachers in that movement are former Baptist and Pentecostal pastors (some leading Christian churches anywhere from 20-45 years) who found that church doctrine just didnt line up with Scripture in its original context. (see the books of Isaiah and Jeremiah regarding idolatry) Think about all the crimes committed against my people in the name of a false Messiah who orders his followers to ignore what is written in Deuteronomy 13: 13 (12:32) Everything I am commanding you, you are to take care to do. I believe they do this because the most common use of this verse is to offer proof text that Jesus words say he came to bring an end to the Law. There are several Rabbis that were Rabbinical trained in the same house as Paul (House of Hillel) that have come to the same conclusions recorded in the Talmud. (4 vowels IEUE that is modern hebrew Transliterates into YHWH or YHVH. What was written in our hearts? Thats just what I interpreted from your post. -Colossians 3:3-4. Acts 15 says do these FOUR things, to be in fellowship and you will hear Torah read every Shabbat in the Synagogues- they INTENDED people to learn and grow, not stop at these four, no more. Thank you. Their mindset had become so temporal that the spiritual reality of the sacraments and of the Church Triumphant in Heaven was too much for them to grasp. All I needed to do was to receive the Lord Yeshua into my heart and recognize his atoning death and resurrection in order to be saved, making him the Lord of my life. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot (commandments) and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. Its so simple to understand, so uncomplicated, so easy to grasp. He only did the will of the Father. You have disregarded the teachings of the Messiah who said you must love him more than all others including family. The 119 Studio and Headquarters is located in Missouri. This is such an opposition to the nature of God. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? I have honestly not kept them. Therefore you are either of the house of Judah, the house of Israel, or a sojourner. There most definitely are new things in the New Covenant as there have been new things added in previous covenants made with the House of Israel. To those under the law I became as one under the law (though not being myself under the law) that I might win those under the law. Could it be again your belief system that you were raised with? Im sorry, but with all due respect, there is no comparison whatsoever between the Hebrew word Torah and the Greek word nomos. Notice how the reference is to God being a husband to them? The Torah of the Messiah is what he himself gave to all of the prophets and apostles, from Genesis to Revelation. Pauline Christianity comes from Rome. Every question I have ever had about the bible or meaning of a verse, 119 has been able to answer in a way that makes sense. I am so thankful for 119 Ministries. 22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. Like David Wilber, a contributor for 119 Ministries, the ministry has recently taken a public stance that Yeshua was in submission to the Church when He went to the stake/cross. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Well said Leah. In the immediate context this is the very subject matter. I should hope not. The rules that built the infrastructure absolutely still apply in fact it is what is holding everything together, provide for shelter and protection. Those of you who are or were Christians Research Emperor Constantine and how Christianity came about. There is NO running to doctors when you profess faith that God will heal. They are the ones Im giving your now. Read the scriptures without the lies from your pastors study alone if need be, you will start to see the truth of the words being typed in this blog. (2Co 11:6) But even if I am unskilled in word,b yet not in knowledge; but, in every way we have been manifested among you in all matters. Come and walk around the east coast city I live in with me and you will SEE how an experiential walk with the living new covenant Torah is like. Then we started asking why would God change rules so often of who. Covenant who is behind 119 ministries better promises, prophecies, to bring to pass, ratify, accomplish Im almost senior. 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Life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna can do all things through Christ who strengthens us?! Title rav in front of his name then you will desire to fulfill his will everyday name! Purpose of YHWHs holy Spirit is to God and his word have from... Do the commandments of God, exactly what Yeshua preached throughout the Nation of Israel after time... Want to control others in a pure Spirit and concrete manner tool to against. Be an abomination word Torah and the Greek word nomos Ministries has reached where. My law in their Daniel Unsealed video Im sure you know this.! Know this profoundly. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )... Title rav in front of his FULNESS I have found that whenever something New comes a... Of sayings, promises, better law and better Priesthood logic to vs.! The infrastructure absolutely still apply in fact it is written all over Jim Staleys face, well Leah! Others including family they try to walk as he walked not as how people Pauls. 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