Garret lives by a code and he finds a way to do what needs to be done without betraying his friends." He comments on her cockiness and she smirks. Janzo finally caves saying that Talon went to find the shrine of Vor-Anden, but Garret doesn't understand what that is. AU set during the s2 finale "This is our outpost", taking place from Garret finding Janzo unconscious in the tunnel up to Gwynn deciding to greet the Blackbloods. When Two asks what Garret has to say, he pledges himself with all his heart and blood to serve only them. Meanwhile, Wythers reaches Dun-Ebdin but doesn't find Garret's body. Janzo smiles cheekily and comments on Garret's perfect vision before walking off. When Garret comes-to he is in a strange room. She jolts awake and calls him a bastard asking how he escaped. It's been a two-week chase and they have managed to track Dred to Dun-Ebdin. He quickly apologizes and punches her but she laughs saying that the punch is weak. He converses with a maid who tells him about her time at The Capital. He emotionally asks what he's done as she watches him from the bed. When Garret returned to the Outpost, their relationship remained strained and they rarely spoke. As time passed, Gwynn and Garret grew closer and began seeing each other romantically. Garret claims that there was undeniable proof. Over time, they became allies, but they didn't fully trust one another until both their secrets were revealed. One month after the defeat of the Gods, Garret marries Talon and becomes the king of the realm. Wythers disapproved of Garret becoming a covenant soldier, as a covenant soldier killed Garret's mother. With all that excitement out of the way, one might think there is no time for the ferocious Talon to get in on the action, but that is far from the truth. This could be due to him no longer have responsibilities at Gallwood and being free to enact his revenge. They were separated when Garret followed Everit Dred, and Gwynn grieved him when she thought he had been murdered. Garret was recruited by Gwynn's adoptive father, Cornelius Calkussar, to watch over her. They bonded over their heritage, as Zed was the first Blackblood that communicated with since she was a child. He has a sense of honor and morality, traits that are hard to find in the Outpost. She was still cautious of his intentions despite his insistence that he was being honest with her. Two guards bring a barely breathing Garret into the chambers. That she is no Queen and that hse and Calkussar lied to Garret and everyone. Because Talon ultimately chooses to be with Garret, he tends to feel more superior to Zed. So here is a short ficlet of my take on Janzo's thoughts during this episode. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, AU set during the s2 finale "This is our outpost", taking place from Garret finding Janzo unconscious in the tunnel up to Gwynn deciding to greet the Blackbloods. Garret remarks that he doesn't know this guard despite knowing all of them. After becoming Queen of the Realm, Zed would become one of her advisor for the Blackbloods and the other being Wren. by ; in salvadoran facial features; on May 23, 2022 . Upon arriving at Dun-Ebdin, Wythers didn't find Garret's body, only blood, and his sword. She wants to know what they have done to turn him to which he claims they opened his eyes. Munt hears the commotion and enters the lab. He pulls away and tells her that it isn't safe here and she needs to come with him. She has grown protective over that secret and even styles her hair to where they are covered. This began to change as her friendship with both Janzo and The Smith grows. The Three put Garret's localities to the test by commanding him to kill Wythers. He frantically states that he can't stay in the Outpost and tries to get up but the guards shove him back down. They throw him to the ground. The Three tell Garret that they think he is ready for his first task. He is notably weaker than before, often seen with a bandage around his torso. He angrily lunges at the guard, latching onto his back, yelling if the guard takes him for a fool. He was heartbroken over Gwynn's death and was in a state of shock following her sacrifice, as only hours earlier he had assured her that they would find a way to survive. Janzo screams at him to shut up and calls him a backstabber, saying he should be turned into a Plagueling because of that. When Wythers is gone, Garret claims that his father is as blind as he once was and asks Sana to fix Wythers as she fixed him. Afterwards Wren would come to consult her Queen with regards to their people matters other than military. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Skipped scene in 1x03 of Gwynn and Talon having supper. verffentlicht am Juni 4, 2022 Author stage de 3me limoges Juni 4, 2022 Author stage de 3me limoges She tells him that it's her wedding day but he doesn't say much. The Prime Order slaughtered her family and she is the Queen. He accuses her of already knowing he was alive but not caring. A badly injured Tobin rides on a third horse. Meadhbh wanted to keep Talon but Myron assured her people would talk and that someone wanted her race dead for a reason. Talon is the sole survivor of a massacred village and was once believed to be the sole Blackblood survivor. Garret confirms all of it but says that he was sick and it made him better. He explained that they only kill to survive. In "A Crown For The Queen", Garret and Gwynn ride through the woods until they stop. He struggles against the memories and staggers back, unable to complete the task. When Talon is chosen to be in command of the Outpost she chooses him to be her second in command for the humans. Garret relies on the local alchemist to help him solve the issue of the Plaguelings. He tells her goodbye and she looks over her shoulder as she walks away, watching him mount his horse and ride off. Garret showed no remorse or grief for the death of his father. He notes that he's lost a lot of blood before but was able to walk after two weeks. They begin kissing again once he does. Now with the rising threat of The Seven, their wits and powers test their friendship to the limits. In response, Janzo's intellect and peculiar conduction of things annoy Garret. Upon learning of The Smith's role in the slaughter of her people, she felt betrayed and enraged by the part he played in the slaughter of her village. Sana forces the man to leave and the Tormentor asks why she's being so kind to Garret. Garret is astounded that Gwynn is using Plaugelings to fight her battles and she believes she's done a horrible thing. They exchange a longing look as he tells her that he missed her. When this proved to be untrue, they grew closer and Talon was Gwynn's only real friend at the Outpost. To avoid being sent away, she cut the black tips of her ears off, which left her with scars. Welche Kriterien es vor dem Kaufen die Nici qid zu untersuchen gibt! When she returned, she found her new family had been slaughtered by a man named Varlek. When the effects wore off, Garret explained coming off nyassa as a "fog pouring out" of his mind. It was his sword that inspired her to seemingly complete the prophecy when the Prime Order attacked the Outpost for the second time. Sana tries to fend off the Tormentor and his men when they come for Garret but is knocked aside. However, before leaving off to another mission Garret proposes to her. He saved her life and brought her into the Outpost. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In "Not In My Kingdom", an exhausted Everit Dred is brought before The Three in The Capital. She was angry at him for risking his life and made him promise not to do it again. Janzo often blindly follows Talon into battles and situations that he normally wouldn't be involved in and vice versa. The guard asks what their business is at the capital and Garret exclaims they're getting married and takes Talon's hand, much to her hesitance. King of the RealmGate Marshal of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Base Commander of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Captain of Gallwood Outpost (Formerly)Chief Advisor to Queen Rosmund (Formerly)Covenant Soldier (Formerly)Subject of The Three (Formerly)Member of The Hive (Formerly) I have never posted a fic before, but I have written before. He yells at the Guard that if Garret wasn't so stupid he would have escaped if it were up to the guard. Facebook . A moment passes and they share a kiss but she ends it, saying she can't do this. the outpost talon and garrett fanfiction. Garret unsheaths his sword and is about to impale her when he is suddenly flooded with memories of her. He held the position until her death, at which point, he became the Gate Marshal of the Outpost at King Tobin's behest. Her biological parents and brother, as well as, her adoptive parents, adoptive brother and adoptive sisters. Garret reads it then sighs upon realizing what it says. The Outpost (currently) Blackbloods village (formerly; destroyed) Occupation Bar maid Family Unknown mother Other The Wolf The Smith (enemy turned ally) Lady Gwynn Calkussar Princess Rosmund (friend) Janzo (friend) Captain Garret Spears (rescuer, turned ally, friend and possible love interest) Elinor (employer; frenemy) He asks Sana to leave and she obeys. The story follows Talon ( Jessica Green ), the lone survivor of a race called 'Blackbloods'. After being kidnapped by the Prime Order and spending weeks at The Capital, Garret's facial hair is notably thicker. She assures him that it's alright as whatever he's going through Janzo is going to set him right. She gives him a liquid that has been helping him heal and puts him to sleep. Garret clarifies that Sana told him that if he didn't take the medicine he will get sick and maybe even die. library memory: Band Wikipedia Dubai Terminal 2 Duty Free . He agreed to receive his purpose under the hopes that he and Sana could live away from the Capital if he succeeded. He then impales his father through the stomach. prendre rdv hpital jossigny; deanna che; le mdecin malgr lui acte 1 scne 5 analyse; no man's sky teyug spiyskovods madygeys; grotte portugal benagil; Gwynn asks Talon if she's trying to kill him, but Talon comments that Garret is just unconscious. He asks where Everit took Garret after the ambush at Dun-Ebdin, to which Garret replies to see the holy three and bask in their glory. She didn't have much regard for how her actions would affect the other members at the Outpost. At the gates, one of the men refuses to enter but Garret and the other men continue inside. After one mission in particular Luna discovered her Dragman powers, and Talon helped her hone them better, completing the cycle of mentorship of The Smith's and Talon. She passed the creature known as Asterkinj onto Talon as she was dying. The origin of the kinjesby engelmatze Before coming to the Green Realm, the Seven visited another world, were they encountered someone who could give them true immortality by giving them their kinjes. A month after the Seven were defeated, Luna became one of the bridesmaid to Talon, with the other being Warlita. She smiles only responding that she knows. She found her way to The Outpost and tried to kill Talon twice. Nothing Lasts Forever. Later, Garret was believed to have been murdered by Everit Dred, Talon, along with everyone else, believed Garret had been killed by Dred. Including working with her nemesis Two and killing Gwynn. Gwynn | Rosmund (The Outpost) Garret Spears The Mistress (The Outpost) Munt (The Outpost) Nightmares Hurt/Comfort Tanzo 1x02: Two Heads Are Better Than None Missing Scene This can be read platonically or romantically I like them either way Drugs Calypsum Janzo is a Good bro Abuse Implied/Referenced Child Abuse 1x03: The Mistress and The Worm He is emotional and tells her about the painting they showed him of the royal family - but it had a different little girl in it. For casual attire, he wore loose deep brown and beige vests over a darker brown shirt. Wolf lied and told his companion, Toru Magmoor, that Talon was dead. He proclaims that he is going to kill Dred for Talon's family and Gwynn's reign. Talon mounts her horse and takes off after the fleeing pair. Sana tells him that he's never lost that much blood before, and if it weren't for her, he would be dead. She prefers to be a warrior over being a leader, despite often questioning the orders that come above. After Talon helped Luna hone her Dragman skills, the cycle of mentorship had been completed. He negated Gwynn's existence and spoke poorly of her to others. She confronted a member of The Bones, Toru Magmoor, and successfully killed him, though she was gravely wounded in the process. After The Hive outbreak, Garret reveals himself to be alive. Upon returning to a state where he isn't conditioned, Garret's clothing shifted drastically from what it was before his conditioning. Back at camp, Meadhbh noticed Talons pointed ears were gone. In "Nothing Short of Heroic", Talon is captured by a Prime Order captain when Garret rides up claiming hail to the three. Talon wanted to know why everyone hated them, but her mother told her she hoped not everyone did. He is very confident in himself and his abilities. A smart move and something a Queen would do. Garret is an attractive young man with short brown hair, green eyes, and an extremely athletic physique. Garret thinks Wythers is being manipulated as he once was and calls for the guards. Gwynn stands and rushes to him, throwing her arms around his neck. 05/21/2022. She still heavily incorporates leather into her wardrobe. He's been so confused. To save her beloved Garret (Jake Stormoen), Talon is forced to summon a Blackblood Priestess named Yavalla (Jaye Griffiths) into the world. With the help of an intelligent brewer and scholar, Janzo, the long-lost queen Rosmund, and a noble captain, Garret Spears, Talon was brought the mercenaries to justice. His gallant traits and blind bravery often cause him the most trouble get him into trouble with those of higher positions. Janzo makes her laugh which is a quality that Talon herself told him is an important quality in a partner. They also work together to secure a better future between their people and the humans, as there are only a handful of their people left. He presses that he's been gone from the Capital for too long and it's only a matter of time before the Three realizes he has failed and sends an army. Talon's tendency to leave Gallwood for a mission led to a sense of loneliness in Garret. She promises them that Garret will be loyal to them by the end of the week. The woman had a husband, Myron, and another older daughter along with a younger son. However, after the retrieval of the remaining Blackbloods from the Plane of Ashes the two have become somewhat distant. Garret asks him for a favor to find Talon. His go-to colors are earth tones such as browns and burgundies. The duo kills all of Garret's men until Garret seemingly pins Dred. He is bilingual, able to speak English and an unknown language that is spoken by Capital residents. Hybrids in the Outpost Chapter 1, a Dynasty Warriors + Outpost Crossover fanfic | FanFiction Summary: Talon meets a traveler on her way to the outpost and saves him from dehydration. No Copyright.Nothing Belongs To Me.Rights Go To CW And Anybody Else Who Has Rights To The Clips She is attacked by creatures called Plagueling's, and barely manages to fight one off before another appears. She was saved by The Smith who understood her species as a Blackblood, and promised to keep her secret safe. She left the place and never returned, instead staying to herself and becoming a traveler as she searched for vengeance. The mother, Meadhbh, asked where Talons family was but then asked her along with them, promising food and shelter. Garret claims they don't have much time and mounts his horse. With the awakening of The Seven, the two would often discuss and share their ideas and plans on how to handle operations in and out of the Outpost. Instead, he finds a bloodstain and Garret's sword. Biographical Information However, her fighting skill is initially shown to be very brutish and she usually struck first and tried to overpower larger individuals. Just as Talon is like towards Janzo, Talon is the same with Wren during The Hive outbreak. Those around her tend to look towards Talon for guidance due to her selfless, brave, and courageous nature. She is also the only Blackblood to have ever mastered more than one Lu-Qiri. When she was just a child of 9 years old, she witnessed a gang of ruthless brutal mercenaries known as "The Bones" slaughtered her entire village, The Vale of Galanth. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Talon (The Outpost 2018)/Original Male Character(s) (1), Cornelius Calkussar & Gwynn Calkussar (1), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (3), Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, The Mistress|Eleanor (The Outpost) (Mentioned), A Study In Summoning Demons and Overthrowing Governments, Talon (The Outpost)/Gwynn | Rosmund (The Outpost), Talon (The Outpost/Gwynn | Rosmund/Garret Spears/Janzo, This can be read platonically or romantically, i had thought this was gonna be smut but I Guess Not. The guard loyal to The Three takes over for the soldier watching Garret. Struggles against the memories and staggers back, unable to complete the task retrieval of realm. Nyassa as a Blackblood, and an extremely athletic physique, Meadhbh noticed pointed... Shove him back down hated them, promising food and shelter him that Garret! 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