It looks very unusual. It could also be in growth o Could be most anything. ), ( I think this is all gut/ immune related. I do wear glasses and I have symptoms of visual snow syndrome but Im not sure what it could be caused from. The last two times it appeared on my jaw, and this time it is under my chin. Later on the morning I realize that he has this grid patter dots in his back. It usually shows up as a large, oval patch on your skin at first which is later accompanied by smaller red spots on the chest, torso, back and abdomen. seeing red spots when waking up. Would really like some info please. Everyone we have told keeps making jokes that we got visited by aliens last night that marked him to come back later. Also have had lower back pain for two weeks. should i be worried? Yep, sometimes even sex can make you bleed. At the same time we found a small area on the back of his head with no hair on it, and what felt like a lump underneath it. Red spot in the white area of my eye with very very slight haze in vision - no pain. A few times, the grid lasted so long that the background was no longer pitch black. If any of you have answers/ideas as to what it is please do share. If you wake to sunlight or bright light to your eyes when they are shut, your eyes will see red light through your eyelids. Anyone know anything about this? The link to it is on the right hand column of this site. Ocular migraines are caused by reduced blood flow or blood vessel abnormalities in the retina or behind the eye. My friends have always been bewildered of the sight of these marks. Why You're Seeing Black Spots: Possible Causes. That night my 4 year old son had a very bad night terror and was screening out loud "no I don't want to" and kept saying "no" crying putting his hands in front of him like he was scared and trying to get away from something. I asked my wife if she saw the light and she said no! He thought they look like little hickeys. I can't find anything relating to the perfect placement of these dots. Whether you happen to remember your dream or not, humans dream every night. They can take on a number of various symptoms however usually last from a few minutes to an hour. My son has a "hickey" pattern exactly like a honeycomb on the exact center of his back, and it did appear after he awoke in The morking 3 days ago, it is still quite visible. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. These strings or clumps float around in the vitreous and cast a small shadow on the retina. I hope this helps you.Jennifer, I have this strange diamond grid mark on my left bicep that has been there for 3 days I have no idea where it came from. In 2015 it was photographed as such see this article Other causes of red dots or spots on the skin, says Dr. Lauring: "Pinpoint red dots: causes include leukocyclastic vasculitis (usually benign inflammation of the capillaries that can be associated with infections, medications, autoimmune processes), Schamberg's disease (benign disorder presenting as cayenne pepper like red dots on the lower . But I have this time! Usually, that . I'm going to check if there was a mini-earthquake in my area tomorrow . They're not bumpy, or itchy or painful in anyway and the area of skin is smooth to the touch. I looked it up and found this site. When I wake up I am seeing patterns & colours + Black dots, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life. A perfect symetrical circle. Would love to discuss with you Jennifer. I've had the same problem lately. To Crystal, is it possible you have a baby monitor in the room that is emitting infrared light, and for a moment after opening eyes, you are sensitive to the night vision light? Bright light causes special cells in your retina to. Depression I sleep in a very dark room, so no actual light is visible normally. Eye diseases and irritations can occur due to several reasons. He saw the sign during a shower, and after a day, they disappeared. I noticed the exact same grid dot thing last night on my partners shoulder We googled it because we had been talking about extraterrestrial life forms the night before and I made a joke about him being abducted We weren't expecting to find this! This is weird. I had many visits in my old house and thought they were done with me, but I guess not. rubbing the eye too hard . 3 I had it checked out by two pharmacists and they were both perplexed and agreed that it was not allergies or bed bugs. ), ( Dark shadow covers most of right eye vision, The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Near-Death Experiences: An Essay in Medicine & Philosophy, 5 Signs Your Loved One May Be Suffering From Hearing Loss. Hi, I noticed a cluster or red marks underneath my chin earlier tonight and as I was searching on the internet for similar marks I came across this page. Hi, I was just laying down watching tv when my boyfriend asked what was on my upper thigh. I would advise you to rest well, adults require upto 8 hours of sleep per day. The only exceptional event that occured was a hit of a leg on my hand, but I was heavily dressed, since it's winter. Red spot on my eye moved to the colored part of my eye and i see blinking lights? However, this happened during the morning hours he was in the living room asleep while everyone was upstairs, he fell into one of those deeps naps and next thing you know he woke up with these marks exactly one year later. Symptoms of contact dermatitis include a red, elevated rash at the site of contact with the irritating substance. When trying on different tops I realized in my mirror I had what looked like a rash. Three on the left side of my back going up towards my armpit and one on my right side and right in the center of my back I have a bruise going down the middle of my back. I took off my shirt and looked in the mirror and saw a grid pattern in the shape of a triangle on my shoulder. But now it is back. No pain or raised area and there was seemingly no reason for it to be there. So I have them under my left arm on the left side of my rib cage theres 11 dots some are faded buts its in the perfectly spaced dots I wonder if it could have been my Alien dream I had. I awoke from a strange dream, i felt like i had been floating.out of my room and then shortly after back again. Feel free to email me at for photos taking this morning. What is the human eye capable of? Limbus is the edge of More often than not the red spot is a stye or a chalazion! The tv is on and provides some light in the room. I live in downtown Ft Lauderdale, FL Please let me know if you would like to see photos or require more info? Also, Ive seen a regular ophthalmologist/retina specialist (3 weeks ago) and my eyes were considered healthy by him. 11 Anyone can email me at This reminds me of Young's slit experiment from physics class. I recommend reading the 'Dreams Around Time of Occurrence' (pg 200) in the Dossier we released. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Please also read our dossier compilation available on the left hand side of this site. some time i could see it on other parts . ), ( Second time I have had these grid marks on my lower butt cheeks. I had the crazy dreams last night with a lot of sweating. This condition may appear after a cataract operation (blue and red vision) or following exposure to an intense illumination (red vision) Continue Reading 17 Sayan Das I'm going to Australia to see a Dr named Dr Borody he supposedly can cure Crohn's disease and other gastro immune issues. My friend used to apply eye drops for irritation in her eyes and that ended up in a severe vision problem and now she is getting treatment from nearby eye clinic ( ). blisters, or hickey-like bruises in two others; mark begins to fade within hours of occurrence; pain, discomfort, aching are rare (one case); sensation of heat or minor burning felt at site prior to or during appearance of marks in at least 2 cases; no recollection of pressure, tingling, pinching, or anything at all that would have drawn their attention to the site while it was produced; no reports of itchiness or swelling at or around site to suggest skin reaction, allergy, disease; a few recall bizarre vivid dreams around the time of the marks' appearance; less than 20% (3/17) damp from having severely sweated while they slept, Mine are still there after 2 and half days. Can anyone explain what this may be?Thanks Charlene, Hi Charlene, Please fill out our general info form here: and take a picture of your marks as soon as possible and email them to us at: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Vivid nightmares actually play a significant role in this phenomenon, and tipped us off to the how and why they occur. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. should i be worried? And that's something I don't want to hear or believe. It all started 2 months ago i noticed i had a dark spot in the top left corner of my vision of my right eye. The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. I have just found marks like this on my back in 3 different locations on my back no recollections of how it happened at all. Other experiencers describe sleeping unusually hard or deep or dreamless the night the mark appeared. That took care of the pains but every year the rash comes back. I have a circle of dots on one side of my foot. ), ( I do have a picture, but it.s not a fancy formation like some of these LOL. ), ( But, that more rare. Diabetes can wreak havoc on your eyes as well as affect your overall health. now i see a little white stringy fluid around it. Have these red grid marks on my butt cheeks. It first happened when I had joint and muscle pains and was treated for lyme disease. 15 should i be concerned? If you have questions start a new post and give more information. My son has and had 4rows grid marks on his back.He dreamed he was floating.What the neck is going on? ), ( He said he feels fine. That is an unusual place for the marks to appear. Weird. Seems very odd that we would both have the same pattern at different times without any known cause. Thanks!!! Self-treatment will always create complications. As if I had sunglasses on with red lenses. My initial reaction was panic, I thought an emergency vehicle had a red light shining into my room, but where I live knew that was improbable as I live in a wooded area. They appear approximately every few months, although my last two came about a month apart.The size and separation if the three little dots are ALWAYs the same. A few seconds later, the colors settle down again. Sometimes when I wake in the middle of the night I see everything red, I can see all the things in my room even if it's dark, after a few seconds the red color vanishes and my vision comes back to normal (by that I mean that all goes dark). The rash doesn't hurt. Why do i see a red spot when i close my eyes? They are both on my butt cheeks. Its always on the pale skin thats rarely in the sun. Very odd! We always joked it was his alien chip and said he had been abducted. No pain or discomfort. 16 I contacted my gp and have had 2 eye tests including dilated pupil and both say eye health is good. I lost count. If you have red dots on your skin, start by determining if they are itchy or painless. it started with one dot on my left palm but the next day more formed the dots are all about 1 cm apart. As a kid, my dad says he & his friend saw ufos in the sky and they followed him on more than one occasion. I have 3 uniform dots between my thumb and pointer finger ( left hand) making a perfect triangle shape. After waking up in the morning from a night's sleep, you may have noticed red, bloodshot eyes staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. Same pattern and placement as the first occurrence. Contact Dermatitis: Red Splotches or a Rash. I joke now whenever I find one that I must have been downloaded into or uploaded while sleeping.The one a month ago was strange as it was mid-afternoon and I was suddenly overwhelmingly tired. Please check in regularly and follow us. By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following. Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a common condition caused by aging that can cause you to see stars in your vision. He said whats that? She claims that she has seen them before too. I only see them when looking to my left or right? I see auras and have my entire chakra system open. perfect lines and rows. They occur when the usually clear cells of the lens become cloudy, due to changes in the consistency and volume of the proteins . My son has had marks in three rows circles looking like bruises. ), ( 3 They will fade in a few days so if you could take more until they do that would be great, Also, if you could take just a few minutes and fill out the brief questionnaire on our website that would help a lot too. I saw no lights however . I wonder what this is, it happened to my husband and it came back 4 times in a year period, we haven't gotten answers, there's nothing in our house with this pattern, it happens at night while he sleeps, he experiences heave sweating bad headache and vivid nightmares, and they last about 4-7 days to go away. Weve got a crash course on metabolism basics. Cant find anything. Rebecca, thank you for reporting. I woke up this morning with these dots on my forehead and have been trying to figure out what I did last night. He provides immediate responses to incoming cases, and serves as a caseworker and intermittent author to the site.Check out more in Brian's Profile. To learn what we believe to be the cause, read our RGMP Dossier, linked on the right hand column of this page. i don't know how she got it she's only 4 i took a picture but dont know how to post it, Perfect honeycomb pattern numerous times on outer side of thumb, wrist, hip, upper arm.. flat, not painful, not from leaning on anything. Thanks. Assembling the science of information download from a network/cloud consciousness. severe pain. Here's my link to pics: email if anyone has questions: gemoyer @ They called my parents and when I got home my dad wanted to know how it got there and lectured me on always telling the truthit sucked. I encourage you read through it at your convenience and maintain an open, logical mind.If you wish to have the general information about your case recorded for future analysis, fill out our brief survey (linked on our announcement post of the dossier release).Thank you for informing us about your case. Yes, be concerned, and get a. Should I be concerned? It is freaking me out but he is unconcerned. I took pics every morning I would have them. Hi there,I woke up this morning with a 6x5 red grid pattern directly under my chin. bloodshot red but a small spot? He also sleep walks. Am a voracious reader and accumulate interest in almost about most topics, aliens, conspiracies, ets and have had some weird dreams in the past too of aliens, zombies n stuffs some months past. Any update? I dont remember anything after that. I would attach a picture but not sure how. I am glad I finally found some information on this subject. It's faded so I'm sure it's been there since this morning but I didn't notice it till I got home from school today. I have had a tough time trying to figure it out,it makes me uncomfortable around in public. Have you experienced turbine/fan-like sounds and odd optical lights or vibrant patterns before at night? Here are a few possible causes of seeing spots, including: Black or dark spots White spots Flashes of light Blind spots An increase in eye floaters An eye specialist can help you identify the root cause of your condition. Hi its nice to know im not alone. Hey all I too have the same marks on my back.Email me to if you have any info. I thought it was like some sort of imprint of something I must've had on my back. Can you share your pictures my boyfriend woke up with this marks today and he is extremely tired and sleepy after the whole night sleep he is back in bed now 2pm not usual for him, he feels like he didn't get any rest last night. Sight is so precious to us that, understandably, any threat to our . Macular holes are relatively rare, and only about 8 out of every 100,000 people will develop one in their lifetime. It was a small area on my lower back just above my right hipI never even knew it was there until someone pointed it out in the locker room when we were changing into gym clothes.It was similar to a waffleiron pattern.the gym teacher pulled me in the office and wanted to know if my parents abused me..I remember laughing and then getting worried, because they didn't seem to believe me. He doesnt think its the aliens and im just freaked out about this He says he doesn't feel weird or hasn't seen things or lights or anything so i dont knowI guess i am here like everybody else just looking for some answers.Thank youFeel free to contact me if you have any info or questions, My daughter has marks like these all over her body. However, these dots were too perfectly aligned. New Treatment Could Help Relieve Progression of Diabetic Retinopathy. The walls of the blood vessels in the retina weaken and leak blood. I woke up three days ago with a circle made out of evenly placed dots on my chest. Alien talk aside, I also get chilblains and have iron poor blood (anemia), so it's likely a circulatory issue. I am a 49 year old mother of 2. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. 6 rows by 6 rows in perfect geometric shape. It suddenly appeared we do not know exactly when. Would feeling like your whole house is vibrating as if a mini-earthquake is happening and hearing a sort of whirring / humming perhaps yes, turbine like sound outside be normal in these cases? Contact dermatitis treatment may involve creams, application of cool water compresses, and applying topical steroids. Sometimes even speaking other languages. Contact Lens-Related Irritation Even just a speck of dust trapped behind your contact lenses can irritate the eye. No doctor has been able to give me an answer and I am looking for some info. Theyve appeared on my right shoulder blade and my lower spine a few times, and I've seen lights in the sky with my friend on the same nights, one night before it occurred I was woken by a loud kind of turbine sound and saw a huge red laser like light pulse quickly above me in my room for like a brief second then everything became normal my friend was asleep in the room with me and was not awoken or anything in fact he was the one that discovered the marks the next day, I don't believe in aliens but this is weird and I want answers! You hear of animals being able to see and hunt in the middle of the night. You can find it on the right side in the gray area above.Thanks. As summary to your question, we're not sure, that's why we are trying to collect data and interview experiencers at this time. They are about an inch by inch and look like little red pin pricks with no feeling or discomfort at all. They can not be explained but are perfectly aligned. This sounds like a subconjuctival hemorrhage, which is essentially a bruise on the whites of the eyes. They come while I'm sleeping and use an instrument/sensor on the most accessible part of my body. Aging and macular degradation. If you see floating objects every time you wake up in the morning, it might be due to an eye condition called myodesopsia. It sounds really scary and creepy. These spots or floaters are located within the eye itself and generally move with your eyes, although they also drift on their own. Hello, I noticed a almost circular arrangement of small bruise like dots on the very middle of my forehead just before the hair line as the past couple days have gone by they have faded very little, but I have absolutely no idea where it could have come from. I am now suffering with sleep and hallucinations as I am looking for thses dots continously. I woke up an hour ago realizing I had overslept I got up to get my clothes ready for work tomorrow. I woke and lay awake and stared at it for 5 mins. Red spot noticeable: It is not common to see a red spot when you awaken. I have been waking up with red dots all down my arms, this just started about a month ago. I will be posting statistics soon comparing our some hundred cases in personal archive. vomiting. Hi Becky, yes please send any pictures you may have to us here at Hi - I have had a dry, flaky, red spot on my eye for about two weeks now. My six year old deals with night terrors as well. And while most cases are harmless, if you experience floaters, Modi recommends seeing a retinal specialist . Do we have something in common other than the markings. Home of the red grid mark phenomenon investigation. Myodesopsia often occurs during the aging process and is usually harmless. It lightened to the normal color of the room. Daniel, yes we'd love to hear more and see some photos. My daughter has had triangle grid marks on her forehead, it seems once a year. It sounds similar to what was described: strange shaped honeycomb marks in rows, no pain, and not raised. He peeked his head in through the opening to find computerized panels and lights. The first comment discribes my experience completely. 1 This is called a subconjunctival hemorrhage. I just changed and saw a rectangular shape on my chest it almost looks like a stain that fake blood would leave on the skin.. My son (now aged 20), woke up aged 9 months with this on his head. Now I've woken up to see writings on my wall and they vanish after 4 seconds or less. Its so unnerving. 5 Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. 22 Try to see if there is any kind of issue with lighting. The vitreous cavity is located between the lens and retina of your eye. I just got on here today looking for answers, I woke up today not noticing them and after three or 4 hours I looked in the mirror and these weird dots were on my jaw and neck in a weird pattern, I have no pain or discomfort and they're in a rectangle, I don't know what it is, I was thinking bed bugs??? Very strange that it is exact center of his back though. Our Statistical Analyses articles (starting on page 185), and the Theories and Conclusions section (pg 210) will guide you through our research findings and answer any questions you might have along the way. Can I email some pictures we are trying to look for answers. It went away wheni got out of bed. a series of evenly spaced dots arranged in a close grid pattern, forming a triangular, circular, or octagonal (sometimes referred to as a 'honeycomb') shape; most individuals discover their marks after waking from sleep (day or night); grid marks have appeared on the legs, arms, hands, shoulders, chest, buttocks, and forehead; ), ( However before I fell asleep I was watching an alien movie and knocked out. The visual phenomenon occurs in the span of a blink, appearing as an overlay of sorts, never while blinking, but open eyed. But i believe over 15 times that I know of. Upon waking or opening my eyes, i see a small transparent red spot in the center of my vision lasting 1-2 seconds. Upon awakening at night, I see a grid pattern, black, once red, The size of the grid can be a small spot on the ceiling or becomes larger and covers the whole ceiling. After blinking a few times, the pattern goes away. As you settle into bed at night, close your eyes and begin to doze off, you may notice the colorful light show happening inside your eyelids. Call your doctor or 911 if you think you may have a medical emergency. ), ( They are also more likely to occur if you are nearsighted, diabetic or have had retinal trauma. This is the second time it happened. They dont hurt or itchI googled it as i usualy google everything And i could not find anything BUT ALIEN ABDUCTION cases and got freaked out.He woke up this morning and told me he had a weird dream i asked what kind of dream and he said he couldnt remember but all he knew was that it was weirdHe said in his dream he felt like someone was in control of his body.He thinks he dreamt that since he's been thinking about it too much. A sub-par thyroid can affect your pituitary system, which has a cascade of effects on hormones and can, in some cases, lead to bleeding. Don't take any risk by applying eye drops or other medications in your eyes. Oh, and just curioushow many with this are negative blood types? In addition, the earlier macular holes are treated, the greater the chance of vision recovery in the affected eye. Content, including images, displayed on this website is protected by copyright laws. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). So my son started googling it. Then they sent me home with discharge papers that said rash - dermatitis. Could be due to some sort of heat Rash. . I have a picture also. I understand having these marks appear when you're pregnant can be distressing. Help, Did you ever figure out what it was? The vitreous is a jelly-like filler inside the eyeball. If you have, you may have been experiencing what is referred to as an ocular migraine. This experience has me pondering. My vision was so clear, I could count every board, count every knot in every board. Over time, new, weak blood vessels grow, leak blood, and cover the center of the retina. It has been happening now for three days. Itchy red dots may be due to allergies. The muscle group there produces significant heat when the body is triggered in a fight or flight response. Sent in contact info, Mostly occures on my shoulder blades or my triceps. Hi there. Afraid to go to sleep., 26weeks pregnant and two days ago my partner pointed out weird dots on my left buttock.. Blog; About Us; Contact Us; Login Page; Hang out on Facebook! But, he described his and they sound exactly like mine. This causes swelling and vision problems. I know she won't talk to strangers about this because it's only something she's shared with me. There is a certain amount of lighting where the rods in our eye activate, but the cones do not. Jason, could you please get in touch with us at and send a picture of your marks? This happened to me when I was in high school. But before I could bound out of bed, almost like a light switch was flipped, my vision went back to normal, very dark. Also after long hours looking at a screen so that might have something to do with it. Heather, Please contact us at so we can get your email privately. No sensation, bad or good, accompanied the rash. An eye doctor will generally examine the vitreous cavities in both your eyes. I just wanted to know if I could get an opinion on these marks? 18 I would really just like to know if mine looked like the rest or if it was different. (Yeah right). I thought maybe I slept on something symetrical but I didn't. Then we researched it a bit this morning and found this site. I didn't lay on anything that would create such a pattern.Any ideas of what they may be? It happened to me too since I am sitting in pc alot. Waking up to red spots on the skin can be frustrating. There are small blood vessels underneath the conjunctiva in your eye. I can still be reached for other inquiries at As per your grid mark, many experiencers report sleeping unusually hard around the time the mark appeared. 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Here 's my link to it is on the most accessible part of my room and then after... And both say eye health is good hi there, i felt like i had sunglasses on with red on! Abnormalities in the consistency and volume of the lens and retina of your marks jokes that we got visited aliens. Doctor has been able to see stars in your eye vitreous cavity is located between the lens become cloudy due. In public is intended to be the cause, read our Dossier compilation on. Up with red lenses, if you would like to see photos or more. Any kind of issue with lighting n't want to hear or believe to if.
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