And at NPR, you can do that audibly. FADEL: NPR justice correspondent Carrie Johnson has been following the story, and she joins us now. And, Russian mercenaries declare a rare victory in Ukraine. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. So like you said, it's a real blessing to be able to not only go to these places but bring stories home that really show the broad experience of being human around the world. LEILA FADEL, HOST: In Ukraine, Russia and mercenaries aligned with the Kremlin have made small advances in recent days. How could that help Ukraine? I mean, he is, as you said, a top official that was there in the Trump years. That was normal. However, information regarding her parents and siblings is not available and we will update you once we have detailed information. Faces Of NPR showcases the people behind NPR--from the voices you hear every day on the radio to the ones who work outside of the recording studio. The Spanish 'palabra' is from the Latin 'parabola'. Like, why does Russia want this area so badly? Our job is to keep those in power accountable and to listen to the most vulnerable. The Biden administration unveils a new student loan repayment plan. And we're doing that. Artist Appreciation Post - Islenia Milien. LEILA FADEL, HOST: The U.S., France and Germany all recently announced they will send new armored fighting vehicles to Ukraine. Most recently, she was NPR's international correspondent based in Cairo and covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and beyond. Is there still a place you want to go or a story you want to cover? I lived there because my father worked for ARAMCO. OLEH ZHDANOV: (Non-English language spoken). Register These minor tactical advances - like, we're talking block-by-block gains by Russia - they're significant mostly because Russia has struggled to make any operational gains. I'm glad you said that, because my next question was going to be, can you tell me the moment you decided to be a journalist, but instead I'll ask you, do you feel like you've fulfilled that? How are they reacting to this appointment? Accuracy and availability may vary. Because those were the moments when I was the most scared. I think that is the beautiful part of storytelling. For me, I've always done sort of specialized beats or covered specific regions of the world. Wow. NADWORNY: "For Russia," he says, "there's no real military significance to Bakhmut. But, you know, don't be afraid, because those are the moments where you might take the most important leap in your career. Politics had always been spoken about in my home. Job Title: Host, Morning Edition & Up First, Where you're from: "Does that answer have to be one place?". So they're standing out because they're so rare. Because people are pulling into physical and virtual echo chambers where they feel comfortable, where they're confirming their own beliefs, where they're seeing information that continues to support whatever it is that they've decided is their opinion on a matter. Good morning. Leila Fadel is a host of Morning Edition, as well as NPR's morning news podcast Up First. People are questioning experts and academics in all fields. And so none of that struck me as strange or different. I think it's an incredible medium, and I think that we need to be better in certain ways and we're working towards that. The U.S. could hit its debt ceiling within days. We too often say: FAH-dill (with "FAH". My dad really wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer, and that wasn't going to pan out. And I often find that when you're sort of wrapping up and you're finished with your official interview, you have the most genuine moments between you and the person you're interviewing. (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED NPR BROADCAST) LEILA FADEL, HOST: I have a friend who often talks about how, before the revolution, it's like they never had a mirror. I mean, for me, I just want people to respond to hearing things that reflect their interests and who they are. Raised in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon, Fadel speaks Arabic. Leila Fadel is a Lebanese American journalist whose married life is yet to be disclosed. ". Most recently, she was NPR's international correspondent based in Cairo and covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and beyond. Before joining NPR, Fadel covered the Middle East for The Washington Post as the Cairo Bureau Chief. So in terms of looking at the - our interpatient assignment and the numbers. And I think it's really beautiful that throughout the midst of all these difficult moments that you are able to find beauty and love and happiness in it. And so I went to an American school in Beirut. On the Senate side, the Intelligence Committee says they want a briefing, too, not just about these Biden papers, but also about what the FBI found in its search of former President Donald Trump's home in Florida, Mar-a-Lago. NADWORNY: Yeah. Leila earns an average salary of $97,540 annually. You know, these types of stereotypes divorced from the political context and the regular people stuck in the middle weren't talked to, weren't heard. She'll also be a host of Up First, NPR's daily news podcast. But I think we struggle with the same things that many organizations struggle with; making sure that we are reaching out to new listeners, to listeners that are different than the ones we've had for 50 years, along with keeping the listeners we've had all this time as well. She also covered the 2006 Lebanon War. "This work is about telling stories that reflect our nation and the world as it is, to have conversations that illuminate and that hold our public officials to . I ultimately went to high school in Beirut because there were no high schools for foreign kids in Saudi Arabia at the time. It was only a two hour flight. KAROLINA HIRD: The Ukrainians have very, very successfully pinned Russian forces up against Soledar and Bakhmut for six months and use this to basically just continue pulling Russian troops, Russian equipment to this area and basically burning through it. He says for Russia and the Wagner group, winning here sends a strong message home. And I am really impressed by this new generation of journalists that's coming up that is bolder and louder than we were coming up. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. JOHNSON: Yeah. I never thought that was a possibility for someone like me. And so I think we just have to continue to do the work, and do the work well, and make people feel heard, but also not get into this sort of "bothsiderism" when it comes to truth. And I think for me, it opened the world to me. Change and mispronounce words. His job is to find out how classified documents came to be located at President Joe Biden's home in Delaware and at an office tied to. Fadel began her media career as a criminal and higher education reporter at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram in 2004. I've had people just record their journey back and forth to work, for example, when I was doing a story on an activist in Cairo he recorded his bike ride for me. I think that is key. Leila Fadel Published January 17, 2023 at 4:09 AM CST Listen 10:34 An update from Dnipro, Ukraine, where a Russian missile strike killed dozens. For the second time in two months, Attorney General Merrick Garland has appointed a special counsel to investigate a politically sensitive subject. But depending on your race, your political ideology, people are deciding to live in specific places. So it feels pretty incredible to now be a co-host with Steve Inskeep, Rachel Martin, and A Martinez. She's reported on policing and race, on American Muslim communities and on the jarring inequities the coronavirus laid bare in the healthcare system. Like you were able to create a less two dimensional perspective? Ukraine's defense ministry says fighting is still happening. Before that, Leila served as an international correspondent and covered the Middle East for NPR. January 17, 2023 An update from Dnipro, Ukraine, where a Russian missile strike killed dozens. January 11, 2023 In Southern California, flooding shut down a major highway in Ventura County, and more rain is expected. I will always remember the "Day of Rage" in Egypt, on Jan. 28, 2011 when police around the country abandoned their posts in the face of mass protests. We also have the continued need to diversify the voices of the journalists and the guests on our air. And the staffing enforcement proposal provides a pathway to binding arbitration. And it's very fair, and it demonstrates how much we value our nurses and how we put our patients first. NPR followed the next day with an amplification of the same anti-Israel narrative, devoting an entire segment to reporter Leila Fadel's interview of BDS activist Jalal Abukhater to discuss demolitions in Silwan. And hold Bakhmut has kind of become this rallying cry here in Ukraine. Can you tell me a little bit about it? California prepares for more storms. A popular American journalist who won the List of George Polk Award winners in 2022. After a particularly hard day, we would blast music in the office and dance around. So - well, there is a highway system that runs through Bakhmut, which is helpful for Ukrainian communication, moving troops. You can't just raise your hand and then do nothing. At an old job, I took over a book of clients from someone else, and I had a meeting with one of them with the last name Cahallan. The U.S. seeks to cut off China from Dutch semiconductors. FADEL: Now, Attorney General Merrick Garland came into office pledging to restore public confidence in the Justice Department. And we were bonded by this experience that when we went home to wherever our families were from, nobody else understood. The authoritative record of NPRs programming is the audio record. And I remember, I took my first job in Fort Worth, Texas, as a night cops reporter covering crime in suburban Fort Worth. The Basics: Name: Leila Fadel Leila Fadel is a host of Morning Edition, as well as NPR's morning news podcast Up First. I lived with my uncle, his family and my sisters. So, are we reflecting the diversity of this nation and the world, be it identity, race, socio-economics, age and so on? I mean, nurses were describing what they said were dangerous conditions, with as many as 15 patients assigned to one nurse. JOHNSON: Merrick Garland said these regulations at the Justice Department called for him to appoint an outsider here because these are extraordinary circumstances. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. There she covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. Two local Post employees remained in custody, interpreter Sufian Taha and driver Mansour el-Sayed Mohammed Abo Gouda; according to Fadel, Abo Gouda was beaten. I've noticed this for years, and every time I hear her reporting I eagerly wait to hear how she pronounces her own name. Because in places like Iraq, there were things that were happening that maybe we could never have imagined and didn't ring true to us at the time. And none of that is true, and nothing can be divorced from the political context of these countries. And so it was a very hopeful time, to watch people really stand up and make their voices heard. To see people feel that they could have a say in the future of their nation. hide caption. We recommend you to try Safari. Leila Fadel is a host of Morning Edition, as well as NPR's morning news podcast Up First. (August 2019) Leila Fadel (born 1981) is a Lebanese American journalist and the cohost of National Public Radio 's Morning Edition, a role she assumed in 2022. So that was something that I thought about a lot. She flew to Minneapolis in the midst of the pandemic as the city erupted in grief and anger over the killing of George Floyd. the West sends more weapons to Ukraine. I grew up in a country that I'm not from, around a bunch of other people from around the world who were all there for work or because of their parents' work. She got a degree in journalism from Northeastern University and cut her teeth reporting in Texas. or post as a guest. And many also love to become travelers. I wanted to be able to get into this industry to fill that out, to stop making people so two dimensional, especially when it came to conflict in the region. So nationwide and especially in - with academic medical centers, we're now grappling with, how do we retain nurses as we replace the experienced nurses who've left for all of these reasons? Her stories brought us to the heart of a state-ordered massacre of pro-Muslim Brotherhood protesters in Cairo in 2013 when police shot into crowds of people to clear them and killed between 1,000 . She is at NPR working as a national correspondent based in Los Angeles, California since 2017. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. But in my class of about 16-17 people, there were 12 nationalities from around the world. But it doesn't mean it's a Russian turning point. And we're walking through these alleyways trying to get to the train and find our way home and there was a wedding going on in the alley, because somebody was getting married that day. No matter what's happening around you, people get married. Leila has won numerous awards through her stories including the Lowell Thomas Award from the Overseas Press Club. As a national correspondent, Fadel consistently reported on the fault lines of this divided nation. So the idea of delving into a bunch of different topics every day, from art and music to Russia and Ukraine, the Tigray region of Ethiopia, Afghanistan and beyond. She is a national correspondent for National Public Radio in Los Angeles, California since July 2017. There she covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia. I've contributed to this show for a long time and listened to it for much longer. And it's expected to last several months, according to the Pentagon. And I felt when I watched coverage of the Gulf War or the civil war in Lebanon, I felt like I didn't see people that looked or sounded like me or people I knew. I mean, it puts you into the shoes of the person telling their story, their home, their daily routine. She covered the fall of Mosul to ISIS in 2014 and documented the harrowing tales of the Yazidi women who were kidnapped and enslaved by the group. Covering the Middle East at the time that I covered it, after I moved from Iraq to Egypt, was a time of uprisings in the region that people refer to as the Arab Spring. Congrats! But man, I have so many more stories I want to tell. I love NPR. Most recently, she was NPR's international correspondent based in Cairo and covered the wave of revolts in the Middle East and their aftermaths in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and beyond. She'd been a war correspondent in Iraq and now was covering an uprising in Egypt. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. She flew to Minneapolis in the midst of the pandemic as the city erupted in grief and anger over the killing of George Floyd. Her "Muslims in America: A New Generation" series, in collaboration with National Geographic, won the prestigious Goldziher Prize in 2019. NPR is constantly evolving and changing. And so we're in a time where people are questioning science. Linda Wertheimer senior national correspondent, Kelsey Snell congressional correspondent, Yowei Shaw host and editorial editorial lead. And so remembering not to just walk away, but sit in the silence for a moment, listen and let the other person have the time to open up. Special Counsel Jack Smith is leading that probe. Fadel is a Lebanese-American journalist who speaks conversational Arabic and was raised in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. His job is to find out how classified documents came to be located at President Joe Biden's home in Delaware and at an office tied to him in Washington. And, you know, we're just very grateful to Governor Hochul and her staff and the elected officials for their support and also the negotiation team, where we really collaboratively worked together to make so many investments that's going to support our Mount Sinai nurses but also support our patients, where their safety is our first priority. A three-day nurses strike at two major New York City hospitals is over. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy says there's still a role for Congress to play in investigating these Biden documents. Officials say intense fighting is continuing in and around the eastern. You get to go to these places that maybe people think of as "so different" but like you said, people are people, and they're driven by very similar ideas, right? Learn how and when to remove these template messages, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Northeastern University School of Journalism, "Egypt news day 10: Army steps in; journalists arrested and more live updates", "Post's Cairo bureau chief among two dozen journalists arrested", "Egypt crisis: At least two humanitarian workers detained, Amnesty reports", "During 2nd day of bloody clashes in Egypt, foreign journalists arrested", "George Polk Awards - Previous Award Winners", "McClatchy Baghdad chief wins Polk award for Iraq reporting", "Update on Egypt with Leila Fadhel and Anthony Shadid", "Interview with News Correspondents in Iraq, Leila Fadel and Ben Lando, at IE University ", "Journalist Leila Fadel reflects upon returning from Iraq",, Articles with dead external links from August 2019, Articles with permanently dead external links, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from August 2018, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Wikipedia introduction cleanup from August 2019, Articles covered by WikiProject Wikify from August 2019, All articles covered by WikiProject Wikify, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Articles with unsourced statements from August 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, 2006 - Katie Award from the Dallas Press Club, 2005 - Print Journalist of the Year honors from the Houston Press Club, This page was last edited on 13 December 2022, at 14:45. 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