Don Albares seems to like shiny awards he didn't earn as he wore many. It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. The second nomination was downgraded to the Silver Star. Although we see Medic Corpsman in his summary sheet, we don't see him holding that as a duty MOS. He wasn't even Airborne. He wasn't a braggart, never made outlandish claims to us or the cadets. He asked the GBF for our phone number and they provided it to him. Either that or there's another guy with that name living in his house without his knowledge. 15 talking about this. He went to basic and AIT. We tried calling him a number of times throughout the day and into the evening with no success. Kp Great Day For Hockey Loden/Black Trucker - Iconic keps online p Hatstore. This. Here he's shown out playing Soldier on one of his paid adventures. Neither time were they able to produce records that baked up that statement. Nathan Ball was sent to us by multiple neighbors with emails of him claiming to be a Big Bad Green Beret. i never knew that, Ol' "Sarge" here talking all kinds of crap and stuff after he was exposedLOL. Guardians of The Green Beret - YouTube Our new website is online.Still a few issues we need to iron out but you can check it out:http://guardiansofthegreenberet.comAnd our. I did not know. Army of the United States. He and Mike Mika (President of SFA Ch 34) threatened to sue the SFA National if they didn't rescind the letter they sent us, give Rudi a formal apology, and re-instate him as a member in good standing. Boomer's Sunday. Someone had reached out to them with concerns about his claims. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. Calvert called me 3 times this afternoon in the span of 10 minutes. Guardians_of_the_Green_Beret Subscribe 21 Home Videos PlayLists Liked videos You can visit our website @ We are current and former Green Beret that expose those who claim to be one of us falsely. I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarboroughs Aide. Good job Guardians of the Green Beret. Another veteran, a friend of mine, VFW lodge commander, informed me that he was scheduled to do some speaking events as part of the local American Legion Speakers Bureau. Guardians of the Green Beret 6.33K subscribers Our Website Home Videos Playlists Community Channels About Uploads 13:51 Steven Morales, Green Beret? We always try and reach out to these guys yet couldn't get this fake Green Beret to answer the phone. Let this guy be a lesson to you. You can hear those claims here: A 2nd video of him claiming to have been stabbed..
Unable to recall the cadet's name or look up the Facebook profile where the pics were posted. Blaine Campbell, Green Beret? Well done. In honor of our fallen Green Berets, SF Brothers in collaboration w/ Excalibur Industries, have come up with these high quality Remembrance Chips. We did this thinking he would finally take our call. He doesn't show it on his ribbon rack but claims it in his Legion announcement. Purple Heart x4 or 5 depending on who hes talking to. COL Bob Howardserved five tours in Vietnam and is the only soldier in our nation's history to be nominated for the Congressional Medal of Honor three times for three separate actionswithin a thirteen month period. Ron Fernandez, you'll now be added to hall of zeroes forever. We think when we hammered him with the fact we had the YouTube video, he finally came clean. I reached out to USA SWC at Bragg and talked w/ the training records guy (cannot recall his name, was a DAC). This guy wanted to be a Green Beret so bad he faked it to the grave. Anthony Travis Nielson the fake Green Beret in high school. This is almost unbelievable. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. We also have an area to honor true SF Heroes on our site 00:13:51 Steven Morales, Green Beret? Not!! For real Green Berets, there was one dead giveaway that Brooklyn Army vet Papotia Reginald "Reggie" Wright was an imposter. He refused to call us. After that I called 4th RTB at Benning. We're not sure he even knew what he was pretending to be. You can check it out at the link below: Click here:Article on him in the CityView. Do you think you have an individual making claims of being a Green Beret falsely? He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. If you've had contact with Ron Fernandez and know him to have portrayed himself off as an LTC in 19th Special Forces Group or any type of military unit whatsoever, send us an email: Call with 1st student that wrote the memorandum, Call with a 2nd student that wrote a memorandum for Ron, Copyright 2023 by Guardians of the Green Beret. Yes, I am a Green Beret. My SEL, MSG XXXXXXX, at the time sucked his teeth when I told him about it, chalked it up to Ron just being a lazy RC officer. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. He still claimed that wasn't his last name. When will this clown give it up? This. 2) Ron Fernandez at a UC ROTC function. LTC XXXX XXXXXXXX, my predecessor, introduced Ron to me in 2014 and told me he'd been introduced to Ron by his predecessor LTC XXXXX XXXX in 2011(-ish). But we had so many other things going on we didn't give it any further thought. Nielsen is 35 y/o and lives in Riverton, Utah but is originally from Huntington Beach . Steve Balm | July 12, 2022 Our friends at the Guardians of the Green Beret (GotGB) recently posted a case on this Ron Fernandez fella. As with many of these guys, they get put to the side when other more pressing cases come in and then they slip through the cracks. Dennis emailed us that he never claimed to be a Green Beret yet friends and family say different. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road. I drove over late (trail) and Ron went w/ me in the van. From the video, Richard Calvert, Fake Green Beret showing his unearned stuff. The GotGB did some extensive work with this case so we can only scratch the surface. I have been watching this story and it disgusts me that there are people who would assume to receive the accolades deserved, but never sought, by better, braver, stronger men. We didn't have to wait for denial of records from NPRC since Ron Fernandez admitted that he never even attended basic training, much less the Basic Airborne Course, Selection, and the Special Forces Qualification Course. People probably don't realize what it would be like for me to ever actually meet a phony Green Beret. Ribbon rack was modest, I recall he had a Bronze Star, an MSM, and the normal Army fruit salad that followed down (ARCOM, AAM, NDSM, Army Svc Ribbon). In Pic #, #RonFernandez, #RonnieFernandez, #RonRFernandez, #RonnieRFernandez, Categories: TOP TEN ZEROES, Hall of ZeroesNumber of views: 11166, Tags: #RonFernandez #RonnieFernandez #RonRFernandez #RonnieRFernandez. We received a 2nd email from a fellow Green Beret that actually had a sit down with him: This guy came up on my radar in May of last year, 2019. This is almost unbelievable. Joey claimed to be both a Staff Sergeant and Master Sergeant but used the abbreviation 'SSGT' instead of the US Army accepted 'SSG.' Foot. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. We were in the process of editing down the video when we had the idea of posting an early thread on Instagram asking if anybody had heard him make these claims. Details Home Tees Pop Culture Tees The Lord Of The Rings Sauron Girls T-Shirt 1 Review $19.92 $24.90 4 interest-free payments available on orders over $35 with Learn more 20% Off Color: NAVY size: SM Size Chart SM And he was a decent and easy-going guy. Claims to have done 54 combat jumps in Vietnam. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. Fast Shipping Customzie Your Own Cap 100 days return policy RememberourBrothers. It must have felt good. It must have felt good. A non profit group set up to help former Green Berets. Strst utbud av kepsar, mssor & hattar. Yes, I am a Green Beret. i never knew that, Ol' "Sarge" here talking all kinds of crap and stuff after he was exposedLOL. Yes, I am a Green Beret. I took screen shots. The cadet posted pics of this and we shared them on the UC Army ROTC page. We had already sent for both Californiaand Utah Guard records. This one slipped through the cracks. Don't do this to your family and friends. #AnthonyTravis, #AnthonyTravisNielsen, #AnthonyRaids, #TravisAnthony #LiveFastCollective, #LiveFastBrand. 12) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret attended one of the many Balls he attended over the years. We've identified all men in the picture. 11) Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret pretends he knows what he's looking at after Land Nav. We've identified all men in the picture. It must have felt good. I reached out to XXXXwho said there's "no way" any of it was true. You knew this was coming. Along with MAV-SOG in Vietnam. SGM Fernandez said Ron was his little brother, was known to impersonate an SF officer from time to time, was dismayed Ron was doing it "again", and he'd handle it. It seems he has around 35ish civil chargesand several criminal charges. In the spring of 2015 we did our fall FTX at Cp Atterbury, IN. Special Forces Assessment and Selection 2009: False, Special Forces Qualification Course 2009:False, 18B, Special Forces Weapons Sergeant:False, 18E,Special Forces CommunicationsSergeant:False, 18F, Special Forces Intelligence Sergeant:False. Nothing really triggered suspicion and he seemed to know his stuff. Franco Webb claimed to be a Special Forces Medic (18D) while running for Mayor of Fayetteville NC. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. I told him that his 214 shows he was only in the Army for 2 years and all of it in Germany as a clerk he just shrugged his shoulders and said I dont know nothin about that.. Secondly, it is my hope that Mr Prouix owns up to his lies. I just looked at his personal website, and it still has a picture autographed by General Yarborough, and a statement that says he served as Yarboroughs Aide. It was getting harder for Anthony Travis Nielsen the fake Green Beret to claim we were on the wrong guy. On July 7, the Guardians of the Green Beret group made an internet post questioning how Fernandez a Wayne High School and Wittenberg University graduate had represented his military. We did a search in our pay-to-play programs and found the data needed to check his records and saw he wasn't the Green Beret as he has been claiming. Taken from his facebook. He had not handled it, had done nothing. Calvert told me at the end of our discussion this morning that his wife is a lawyer so a suit will cost him nothing and to bring it on. Report a suspected Special Forces (Green Beret) Fraud and what we need. Same question, same answer -- no record back to 1995. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. 6th pic is our April 2016 commissioning, Ron is far left next to MAJ XXXXX; our new SEL MSG XXXXX XXXXXis far right and I'm buried in the middle (easy to find me). He told me he'd get back to me and didn't. We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. These phonies are almost always criminal otherwise in my opinion. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. I'll stretch it out just to be there let me know. In Pic #85, you'll see an email from someone stating Ron Fernandez the fake Green Beret had asked him to create a fake CAC (Common Access Card) so "he could test the guys at the gate". i never knew that, Ol' "Sarge" here talking all kinds of crap and stuff after he was exposedLOL. We had already sent for both California and Utah Guard records. This is an older article we transferred over from our Facebook forum. Guardians of The Green Beret It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. We were in Westarea Fire Department TOGETHER and he lived in a trailer on Haretown road. #RonFernandez, #RonnieFernandez, #RonRFernandez, #RonnieRFernandez.
We are former and current Green Berets who find and investigate those who falsely claim to be a Green Beret. Guardians of the Green Berets first posted on Instagram that a well known Social Media Influencer was a fraud. His family had asked him for years to stop claiming to have been in the service. Richard was a Special Forces combat medic in the 8th Medical Brigade who was assigned at various times to many different fighting groups in Vietnam. Ron XXXXXinformed me tonight, less than an hour ago, that he has been removed from that speaking circuit. He should have done better research. He probably never will. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. A former student he helped mentor at the University of Cincinnati ROTC saw him at an exercise with the Ohio Military Reserve wearing Sergeant rank (E-5) when he had known him for years as a Green Beret, Lieutenant Colonel assigned to 19th Special Forces Group. Mike Mika has twice, along with Rudi Gresham the fake Green Beret claimed that Rudi spent 12 years in the S.C. National Guard and that's where he attained the rank of LTC. It's really pathetic that people try to get away with this type of stuff. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. When you scroll through the pictures, the bottom red bar will expand more if you click on it. And it just amazes me the lengths that people will go through to embellish military service. It must have been awesome to him to take on a persona. Not close. I had no idea this problem was so widespread. My approach was that I was doing him a favor and cited the main problems with his video and his other claims online, such as the SF medic and the 54 combat jumps claims, and others, and he dug in, offering absurd explanations that we so absurd that they were hard for me to follow. It is sung by a child character at the beginning and the Three Dog Night recording is played over the end credits. I feel sorry for his family. Fernandez having ever done thru the Q Course back to 1994. When will this clown give it up? I've retracted everything," he (Campbell) said. Anthony Travis Nielsen was still claiming we had the wrong last name but also wonder why would have his address? I just want to thank Guardians of the Green Beret. As with many of these guys, they get put to the side when other more pressing cases come in and then they slip through the cracks. He received a direct appointment from Master Sergeant to 1st Lieutenant in 1969, and was awarded the Medal of Honor by President Richard M. Nixon at the White House in1971. Feeling like a hero, getting recognition, and being treated like a hero in addition to fellowship with real warriors was too much to pass up. Sandi Sturgeonclaimed to Be a Special Forces Sniper to both people in Canada and the United States yethe said he never claimed to be a Green Beret. He also said he used a Barrett 50 Caliber Sniper rifle as a Special Forces Sniper. I didn't have any reason not to, so we did. I called the 1st Army S1 for the AC/RC BDE at Cp Atterbury and asked the same thing -- "No, Sir. He and I were BEST FRIENDS during the time he CLAIMS 7th GP 18D (MY MOS and MY Duty assignment - ODA 755/754, O&I, SWC G Co SFAS, 1st Bn S3). He said he would handle it. DET A-101 (LANG VEI), C CO, 5TH SF GROUP, USARV
-- we were all in Service Dress. For the first one, the Guardians of the Green Beret just published a case on Anthony Travis Nielsen . Meet Colonel Fred H. Meyling wannabe "Green Beret", registered nurse, counselor, holder of multiple college degrees, and Citizen of the Year. We did a formal dining out at the Covington, KY, Marriott late-2016 and Ron showed up in Mess Dress. I shared w/ him the gist of SGM Fernandez's email and phone call and Ron went silent. I knew XXXXX and reached out to him. Overnight: Order by 11AM EST for overnight delivery.Rates vary based on order total. 3rd is before I got there too. It also looks like he added a Ranger Tab to his website. I remember whatever the excuse was was minor enough I thought, WTF your wife can't handle that? I told Ron I wasn't out to destroy him, but I couldn't tolerate a fraud when we were trying to build officers of character and honor. !, lifelong criminal and con man. I took screen shots. If I reported Ron to his employer (a private academy in Dayton? #RonFernandez, #RonnieFernandez, #RonRFernandez, #RonnieRFernandez. - Guardians of the Green Beret IAS | February 19, 2020 This was reported to us the other day by someone: Those were mighty bold claims coming from someone we had never heard of before. He could have everything without dropping a single iota of blood, sweat, or tears. He was NEVER ASSOCIATED WITH, ASSIGNED TO, in SUPPORT OF, or attended ANY TRAINING that would qualify his claim of being an 18D. What have people heardthe fake Green Beret Anthony Travis Nielsen claim? We're pretty sure he knew then and there the gig was up. He's never before claimed Ranger so this is strange. We won't share your name or email address. #RonFernandez, #RonnieFernandez, #RonRFernandez, #RonnieRFernandez. I just want to thank Guardians of the Green Beret. Not hard to do the math at that point. He probably never will. It APPEARS that he has taken some of MY SF TRAINING, HISTORY and BACKGROUND, claimed it as his own, and further EMBELLISHED those stories for his own video game centered bravado. We were sent Ron Fernandez, the fake Green Beret by two different people within a week of each other. 222 views2 hours ago 10:46 Ron. He was a 13B in the Utah National Guard. Some people should do more research to at least get the uniform correct. I spent 23 years in the Army and retired in 2006 and although would have loved to to be a part of a Special Forces or Ranger unit and go through all of the training, never did it. Not so fast Nicholas A. George, Green BeretNOT!!! These phonies do a great disservice to all us real Green Berets. I told him that it is impossible that he had 54 combat jumps in Vietnam, he said that they all were with the ARVNs and thus not documented. In and amongst all of this I researched the now-defunct Army White Pages on AKO for a "Fernandez" in any SOF capacity and found a SGM Fernandez in 1st SFG(A). We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. We will never outsomeone unless we are100% certainvia FOIA and Bragg. At the time I never really registered the difference in RC components (ARNG vs. USAR), and Ron passed it off as having "just changed command" in Morgantown, WV, and just getting settled in at Cp Atterbury (but this wasn't his drill weekend). He was getting away with his lie until his partner reached out to Guardians of the Green Beret. Endorsed by. To any potential fakers. Of course SFA National refused and nothing came of his idle threat. Gunmaker with DoD Contacts Falsely Claims to be a Green Beret. I shared with my Recon buddy, through whom I found out about Calvert, all the troubling truths and asked him to handle the situation. I guess he never thought he would hurt and shame his family to the extent he ended up doing so. It seems that Sturgeon has been busy raising money while leading with the "Green Beret" persona. Richard Calvert, fake Green Beret was sent to us about a year ago. Waffle Slayer. I did not get a photo of that ring. Nick George, 757 missions, shot 31 times, 2 Silver Stars, 6 Purple Hearts All bogus. Ourphone call with him is included immediately after the one we found of him claiming SF. We checked with our friends over at Guardians of the Green Beret and found out they already had his records and were ready to post their case on this guy. It's really pathetic that people try to get away with this type of stuff. is that white shirt even a thing? Neither time were they able to produce records that baked up that statement. Webb claimed to be a Big Bad Green Beret ) Fraud and what we need Ranger. ) said times this afternoon in the spring of 2015 we did this thinking he would hurt and his. 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