Policy. 10 Sec. (c) The Attorney General shall, in coordination with the Secretary of HHS and in consultation with multidisciplinary experts and stakeholders, including the National Consortium on Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide and other law enforcement organizations, conduct an assessment of current efforts and available evidence on suicide prevention and present to the President within 180 days of the date of this order evidence-informed recommendations regarding the prevention of death by suicide of law enforcement officers. Sec. . 22 The President of the United States issues other types of documents, including but not limited to; memoranda, notices, determinations, letters, messages, and orders. the Federal Register. better and aid in comparing the online edition to the print edition. Start Printed Page 32956 developer tools pages. Executive Order 14074 On May 25, 2022, Presidential Executive Order (EO) 14074 Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Supporting Safe and Effective Policing Through Grantmaking. Start Printed Page 32954 (b) The assessment made under subsection (a) of this section shall draw on existing evidence and include consideration of co-responder models that pair law enforcement with health or social work professionals; alternative responder models, such as mobile crisis response teams for appropriate situations; community-based crisis centers and the facilitation of post-crisis support services, including supported housing, assertive community treatment, and peer support services; the risks associated with administering sedatives and pharmacological agents such as ketamine outside of a hospital setting to subdue individuals in behavioral or mental health crisis (including an assessment of whether the decision to administer such agents should be made only by individuals licensed to prescribe them); and the Federal resources, including Medicaid, that can be used to implement the identified best practices. EXECUTIVE ORDER 14074 - - - - - - - ADVANCING EFFECTIVE, ACCOUNTABLE POLICING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE PRACTICES TO ENHANCE PUBLIC TRUST AND PUBLIC SAFETY By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I hereby order as follows: Section 1. Start Printed Page 32955 The heads of all Federal LEAs shall assess whether any of their respective agency's policies or procedures cause unwarranted delay in investigations of Federal law enforcement officers for incidents involving the use of deadly force or deaths in custody, including delays in interagency jurisdictional determinations and subject and witness interviews, and shall, without abrogating any collective bargaining obligations, make changes as appropriate to ensure the integrity and effectiveness of such investigations. (a) The heads of Federal LEAs shall, as soon as practicable but no later than 90 days from the date of this order, ensure that their respective agencies issue policies with requirements that reflect principles of valuing and preserving human life and that are equivalent to, or exceed, the requirements of the policy issued by the DOJ on May 20, 2022, which establishes standards and obligations for the use of force. Definitions. (b) The head of every Federal LEA shall incorporate training consistent with this section. Ensuring Timely Investigations. Law enforcement officers are often a person's first point of contact with our criminal justice system, and we depend on them to uphold these principles while doing the demanding and often life-threatening work of keeping us safe. (a) The Secretary of HHS shall, within 180 days of the date of this order, conduct a nationwide study of the community effects of use of force by law enforcement officers (whether lawful or unlawful) on physical, mental, and public health, including any disparate impacts on communities of color, and shall publish a public report including these findings. It was viewed 26 times while on Public Inspection. executive order 14074, section 10, subsection (c), further directed the heads of all federal law enforcement agencies to issue annual reports to the president-and post the reports publicly-setting forth the number of no-knock entries that occurred pursuant to judicial authorization; the number of no-knock entries that occurred pursuant to exigent (g) The Attorney General shall ensure that all access to the Accountability Database established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section is consistent with applicable law, and shall also take the following steps related to public access to the Accountability Database: (i) publish on at least an annual basis public reports that contain anonymized data from the Accountability Database aggregated by law enforcement agency and by any other factor determined appropriate by the Attorney General, in a manner that does not jeopardize law enforcement officer anonymity due to the size of the agency or other factors; and. . 05/27/2022 at 11:15 am. and of the nondiscrimination provisions of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968, 34 U.S.C. (ii) Within 365 days of the date of this order, the Working Group shall assess practices and policies governing the acquisition, use, and oversight of advanced surveillance and forensic technologies, including commercial cyber intrusion tools, by Federal, State, Tribal, local, and territorial law enforcement, and shall include in the report referenced in subsection (c)(i) of this section recommendations based on this assessment that promote equitable, transparent, accountable, constitutional, and effective law enforcement practices. (c) The Attorney General, in formulating standards for accrediting bodies, shall consult with professional accreditation organizations, law enforcement organizations, civil rights and community-based organizations, civilian oversight and accountability groups, and other appropriate stakeholders. 2022 Joseph R. Biden Jr. Executive Orders view all Presidential Documents. Yet, there are places in America today, particularly in Black and Brown communities and other communities of color, where the bonds of trust are frayed or broken. and services, go to the material on FederalRegister.gov is accurately displayed, consistent with documents in the last year, 16 But my Administration will use its full authority to take action, including through the implementation of this order, to build and sustain fairness and accountability throughout the criminal justice system. These can be useful The Attorney General shall develop guidance The interagency working group shall, to the extent possible, coordinate on the development of a set of core policies and best practices to be used across all Federal LEAs regarding recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention, while also identifying any agency-specific unique recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention challenges. (a) Executive Order 13809 of August 28, 2017 (Restoring State, Tribal, and Local Law Enforcement's Access to Life-Saving Equipment and Resources), is revoked. The Attorney General shall assess the steps necessary to enhance the Department of Justice's (DOJ's) capacity to investigate law enforcement deprivation of rights under color of law, including through improving and increasing training of Federal law enforcement officers, their supervisors, and Federal prosecutors on how to investigate and prosecute cases involving the deprivation of rights under color of law pursuant to 18 U.S.C. New Documents Executive Order 14074 in the United States calls for altering criminal justice and policing practices. Start Printed Page 32961 It is not an official legal edition of the Federal (e) After the issuance of the guidance described in subsection (d) of this section, the heads of Federal LEAs shall assess and revise their policies and procedures as necessary to accord with that guidance. Sec. Within 30 days following such review and clearance from the DOJ pursuant to this subsection, the head of each such agency shall make the conclusions of its review publicly available, as appropriate. The OFR/GPO partnership is committed to presenting accurate and reliable No Federal funds for Executive Order 14074 No Federal funds may be used to carry out Executive Order 14074 entitled Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety, dated May 25, 2022. (iii) within 18 months of the date of this order, publish a report that: (A) identifies best practices, specifically addressing the concerns identified in subsection (e)(i) of this section; (B) describes any changes made to relevant policies of Federal LEAs; and. (C) recommends guidelines for Federal, State, Tribal, local, and territorial LEAs, as well as technology vendors whose goods or services are procured by the Federal Government, on the use of such technologies, including electronic discovery obligations regarding the accuracy and disparate impact of technologies employed in specific cases. 8 (d) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Attorney General shall request the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), through its National Research Council, to enter into a contract to: (i) conduct a study of facial recognition technology, other technologies using biometric information, and predictive algorithms, with a particular focus on the use of such technologies and algorithms by law enforcement, that includes an assessment of how such technologies and algorithms are used, and any privacy, civil rights, civil liberties, accuracy, or disparate impact concerns raised by those technologies and algorithms or their manner of use; and. Supporting Safe Conditions in Prisons and Jails. (b) The Attorney General, in consultation with the heads of other agencies as appropriate, shall take the following actions with respect to the Accountability Database established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section: (i) include in the Accountability Database all available information that the Attorney General deems necessary, appropriate, and consistent with Limiting the Transfer or Purchase of Certain Military Equipment by Law Enforcement. (xi) long-range acoustic devices that do not have a commercial application. My Administration will fully implement the First Step Act, including by supporting sentencing reductions in appropriate cases and by allowing eligible incarcerated people to participate in recidivism reduction programming and earn time credits. All agencies are directed, consistent with applicable law, to take prompt action to rescind any rules, regulations, guidelines, or policies implementing Executive Order 13809 that are inconsistent with the provisions of this order. Executive Order 14074Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety . 17 This is imperativenot only to live up to our principles as a Nation, but also to build secure, safe, and healthy communities. Sec. 23 Through this order, my Administration is taking a critical step in what must be part of a larger effort to strengthen our democracy and advance the principles of equality and dignity. (b) Federal agencies shall review and take all necessary action, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, to comply with and implement the recommendations established by the former Law Enforcement Equipment Working Group (LEEWG) pursuant to Executive Order 13688 of January 16, 2015 (Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition), as contained in the LEEWG's May 2015 Report (Recommendations Pursuant to Executive Order 13688, Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition), and October 2016 Implementation Update (Recommendations Pursuant to Executive Order 13688, Federal Support for Local Law Enforcement Equipment Acquisition). Register documents. (h) Within 90 days of the date of this order and annually thereafter, and after appropriate consultation with the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, the United States Sentencing Commission, and the Federal Defender Service, the Attorney General shall coordinate with the DOJ Reentry Coordination Council and the DOJ Civil Rights Division to publish a report on the following data, disaggregated by judicial district: (i) the resources currently available to individuals on probation or supervised release, and the additional resources necessary to ensure that the employment, housing, educational, and reentry needs of offenders are fulfilled; and. 505(a) of the First Step Act. (b) Federal LEAs shall include within the policies developed pursuant to subsection (a)(i) of this section protocols for expedited public release of BWC video footage following incidents involving serious bodily injury or deaths in custody, which shall be consistent with applicable law, including the Privacy Act of 1974, and shall take into account the need to promote transparency and accountability, the duty to protect the privacy rights of persons depicted in the footage, and any need to protect ongoing law enforcement operations. (e) The Attorney General, in collaboration with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the heads of other agencies as appropriate, shall assess the (ii) assess the feasibility of what records from the Accountability Database may be accessible to the public and the manner in which any such records may be accessible by the public, taking into account the critical need for public trust, transparency, and accountability, as well as the duty to protect the safety, privacy, and due process rights of law enforcement officers who may be identified in the Accountability Database, including obligations under the Privacy Act of 1974 and any other relevant legal obligations; protection of sensitive law enforcement operations; and victim, witness, and source confidentiality. offers a preview of documents scheduled to appear in the next day's 3582(c), 18 U.S.C. Promoting Comprehensive and Collaborative Responses to Persons in Behavioral or Mental Health Crisis. The Attorney General shall also, as appropriate, provide guidance, technical assistance, and training to State, Tribal, local, and territorial investigators and prosecutors on best practices for investigating and prosecuting civil rights violations under applicable law. We expect them to help prevent and solve crimes and frequently call upon them to respond to social problems outside their expertise and beyond their intended role, diverting attention from their critical public safety mission and increasing the risks of an already dangerous jobwhich has led to the deaths of law enforcement officers and civilians alike. Executive Order 14064, officially titled Protecting Certain Property of Da Afghanistan Bank for the Benefit of the People of Afghanistan, was signed on February 11, 2022 and is the 80th executive order signed by U.S. President Joe Biden. 19 (e) for better understanding how a document is structured but Start Printed Page 32947 3624, for release as part of the DOJ's efforts to mitigate the impact and spread of COVID-19; and. Establishing a National Law Enforcement Accountability Database. (f) The heads of Federal LEAs shall review the conclusions of the interagency process described in subsection (e) of this section and, where appropriate, update each of their respective agency's policies regarding the use of facial recognition technology, other technologies using biometric information, and predictive algorithms, as well as data storage and access regarding such technologies. Improving Training for Investigations into Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law. Start Printed Page 32949 Collecting Comprehensive Criminal Justice Statistics. by the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Executive Order 14074, Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety, requires that federal law enforcement (ii) to improve the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics Survey, with a focus on ensuring that such data collections are undertaken and published regularly and measure law enforcement workforce data, use of force, public trust in law enforcement, and actual or perceived bias. (e) The Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the Director of OSTP shall jointly lead an interagency process regarding the As part of this process, the interagency working group shall: (i) assess existing policies and identify and share best practices for recruitment and hiring, including by considering the merits and feasibility of recruiting law enforcement officers who are representative of the communities they are sworn to serve (including recruits who live in or are from these communities) and by considering the recommendations made in the Federal LEAs' strategic plans required under Executive Order 14035 of June 25, 2021 (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility in the Federal Workforce); (ii) assess existing policies and identify and share best practices for promotion and retention, including by identifying ways to expand mentorship and leadership development opportunities for law enforcement officers; (iii) develop best practices for ensuring that performance evaluations and promotion decisions for Federal law enforcement officers include an assessment of the officer's adherence to agency policies, and that performance evaluations and promotion decisions for supervisors include an assessment of the supervisor's effectiveness in addressing misconduct by officers they supervise; and. (a) The heads of Federal LEAs shall, as soon as practicable, but no later than 90 days from the date of this order, ensure that their respective agencies issue policies with requirements that are equivalent to, or exceed, the requirements of the policy issued by the DOJ on September 13, 2021, which generally prohibits the use of chokeholds and carotid restraints except where the use of deadly force is authorized by law. (c) To the extent that there are other executive orders that may conflict with or overlap with the provisions in this order, the provisions of this order supersede any prior Executive Order on these subjects. This PDF is Each document posted on the site includes a link to the calls for service, searches, stops, frisks, seizures, arrests, complaints, law enforcement demographics, and civil asset forfeiture. While we can make policing safer and more effective by strengthening trust between law enforcement officers and the communities they serve, we must also reform our broader criminal justice system so that it protects and serves all people equally. (d) The Committee shall develop and coordinate implementation of an evidence-informed strategic plan across the Federal Government within 200 days of the date of this order to advance the following goals, with particular attention to reducing racial, ethnic, and other disparities in the Nation's criminal justice system: (i) safely reducing unnecessary criminal justice interactions, including by advancing alternatives to arrest and incarceration; supporting effective alternative responses to substance use disorders, mental health needs, the needs of veterans and people with disabilities, vulnerable youth, people who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, or trafficking, and people experiencing homelessness or living in poverty; expanding the Ensuring Timely and Consistent Discipline. . With respect to the goal described in subsection (d)(iii) of this section, the Committee's strategic plan shall make recommendations for Federal, State, Tribal, local, and territorial criminal justice systems, and shall be informed by the Attorney General's review conducted pursuant to subsection (f) of this section. Start Printed Page 32948 Federal Register. In developing this guidance, the Attorney General shall consult with State, Tribal, local, and territorial law enforcement, as appropriate, and shall incorporate the best practices identified by the interagency working group established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. and provide technical assistance to encourage State, Tribal, local, and territorial LEAs to integrate use of the Accountability Database established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section into their hiring decisions, consistent with applicable law. The Attorney General shall issue guidance to State, Tribal, local, and territorial law enforcement agencies (LEAs) regarding best practices for conducting independent criminal investigations of deaths in custody that may involve conduct by law enforcement or prison personnel. 1503 & 1507. (a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management and the Attorney General shall develop an evidence-informed training module for law enforcement officers on implicit bias and avoiding improper profiling based on the actual or perceived race, ethnicity, national origin, limited English proficiency, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), or disability of individuals. It stresses the necessity of trust and fair policing, particularly in black and brown communities (since there is frequently conflict with the police in these communities). documents in the last year, by the Food Safety and Inspection Service About the Federal Register Start Printed Page 32952. Executive Order 14076, officially titled Protecting Access to Reproductive Healthcare Services, was signed on July 8, 2022, and is the 92nd executive order signed by President of the United States Joe Biden. (iv) expanding the sharing and publication of BOP and USMS data, in consultation with the Secretary of HHS, regarding vaccination, testing, infections, and fatalities due to COVID-19 among staff, prisoners, and detainees, in a manner that ensures the thoroughness and accuracy of the data; protects privacy; and disaggregates the data by race, ethnicity, age, sex, disability, and facility, after consulting with the White House COVID-19 Response Team, HHS, and the Equitable Data Working Group established in Executive Order 13985 of January 20, 2021 (Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government), as appropriate. May 25, 2022. (b) Upon publication of these best practices, the Attorney General and the heads of all other Federal LEAs shall assess their own practices and policies for Federal officer wellness and develop and implement changes as appropriate. (a) Within 180 days of the date of this order, the Director of the Office of Personnel Management shall convene and chair an interagency working group to strengthen Federal law enforcement recruitment, hiring, promotion, and retention practices, with particular attention to promoting an inclusive, diverse, and expert law enforcement workforce, culminating in an action plan to be published within 365 days of the date of this order. headings within the legal text of Federal Register documents. to housing, public benefits, health care, trauma-informed services and support, education, nutrition, employment and occupational licensing, credit, the ballot, and other critical opportunities. Banning Chokeholds and Carotid Restraints. Start Printed Page 32959. 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