A-Level Media Studies Micro-Elements Component 1 > > > > > Component 2 > > Component 3 > > > Theoretical Frameworks > > New Page . Some of the definitions are explained above; the list is presented below. Genres have either a ritual or ideological function. Attitude Online Component 2 Media Language Representation Industry Audience Barthes/Levi-Strauss/ Pomo Hall/Gauntlett/Gilroy Superman, Fatal Attraction. Brief analysis of the layout and design of Homepage? Hall says there are three ways the audience decodes (reads) texts: The audience fully accepts the preferred meaning, showing they agree with dominant values. "This is a mess, but it's a mess on purpose": dark Algorithmic singularity in a cold, uncaring world. Ofcom is serving an audience who may be seen as consumers and/or citizens, with consequences for regulation: consumers have wants, are individuals, seek private benefits from the media, use the language of choice, and require regulation to protect against detriment; citizens have needs, are social, seek public or social benefits from the media . Andre Bazin and Roger Leenhardt also expressed that the director brings the film to life and uses it to express their feelings on the subject matter. 'Attitude reaches a dynamic readership of affluent, fashion-conscious, brand-loyal men. Ethical professional journalism is essential to an informed, free and democratic society. Attitude Industries has spent a lot of time in the snow with the Arctic Cat M8000 snowmobiles. This perspective on self can lead to habitual body monitoring, which, in turn, can increase women's opportunities for shame and anxiety, reduce opportunities for peak motivational states, and diminish awareness of internal bodily states. As a manager and team leader, I foster a positive and supportive environment to work in; I . Attitude - Industry. Equilibrium: (sets the scene) Everyday Life established what life is like for the main characters before anything happens, Disruption: (complication) Something happens to alter the equilibrium there may be a series of disrupting events throughout the story, Recognition of Disruption: (climax) Key characters realise a disruption has occurred, Repair of Disruption: Characters struggle to deal with the disruption and restore equilibrium. This can be understood through the several articles . Advertising: "Commercial photographs," Goffman points out, "involve carefully performed poses presented in the style of being 'only natural'." Toledo, Ohio Area. (Queer Theory isnt just about homosexuality. Horizontal integration - They buy up other companies in the same sector to reduce the competition for audiences and audience time. Eco Scout Throw By Susy Pilgri Older Posts Popular tokoh pop art malaysia . Hall, Stuart Reception theory and Mediation is the process by which all media products are read by audiences. The Voice-Over Authority: In moving image advertisements, male voices are used as voice-overs in commercials rather than females. 1> the set up 2> confrontation 3> resolution. e.g binary? The Sixth Sense, Born On the Fourth Of July. Yet genres are not free to just go anywhere and most scholars would imply that: genres are free to move, but only along already laid tracks.. teresa marina tabucchi; antonia reininghaus daughter; mountain view ar tornado 1996; safari photography settings; catfish bite force; professional executor services Marshall - Examined the changing relationship between games and movies (2004), McShane - Highlighted 5 points/methods that journalists follow. Ideals and cultures can be enforced upon the masses. the technological simulation of consciousness, when the creative process of knowing will be collectively and corporately extended to the whole of human society. Technology is an extension of man. There is also a list of miscellaneous theorists at the end, and those specifically referenced to the new specification content September 2017. Taken from (Gaventa 2003: 2). Important part of brand identity. \hline \text { Sumi Ganet } & \$ 187,000 & 20 \% & \text { a. } He famously stated that ..The medium is the message. Michael Foucault power and classes - He is one of the few writers on power who recognise that power is not just a negative, coercive or repressive thing that forces us to do things against our wishes, but can also be a necessary, productive and positive force in society. Click around, read some articles, and get a grasp for what kinds of content they create and publish. Worked closely with the Marketing team in planning, coordinating, and executing the Marketing plan & strategy to create awareness . '. Tagline - 'Life, Beauty, Chats', rather informal, a way of connecting with the consumer. Williams - Identified 3 core characteristics in Drama and also categorised 9 forms of the TV programme. Cultivation Theory. <br>My goal is building strong relationships and a constructive enviroment to be surrounded by hard . Fowler one advantage of genres is that they can rely on readers already having knowledge and expectations about the works within a genre. Revision workshops for second year students. Find the highest acceptable annual interest rate, to the nearest tenth of a percent, if they cannot afford a monthly payment above$845. English ; ; ; Attitude. If old consumers were predictable and stayed where you told them, then new consumers are migratory, showing a declining loyalty to networks or media. Fiske's Theory suggests that people naturally categorise events that take place in their reality in reference to texts they have experienced in the past: intertextual referencing. Hardworking Student seeking employment. In addition, the . All about GCSE & A-level Media Studies, to help students and teachers with key concepts, key words, theories and set texts. The list should really be seen as a starting point for your own research and is not a be all and end all approach, but hopefully you will discover new ideas and arguments that you can bring into your exam writing. Claimed there are 4 methods for measuring audiences. McLuhan wrote that the visual, individualistic print culture would soon be brought to an end by what he called "electronic interdependence": whenelectronic mediawould replacevisual culturewith aural/oral culture. Ang also adds that 'audience-hoodis becoming an even moremultifaceted,fragmented and diversified repertoire of practices and experiences' There is a lot more to audience its not just about their demographics such as gender, age and social class but rather its about the psychographics such as the audiences hobbies, habits and interests. Our vision is to be the world's best online platform for studying abroad. How could you apply Levi Strauss' structuralist theory? Below the theorists have been categorized by Key Concept but its worth looking at links between concepts, especially for debate and theory related Media papers. For this year's World Philosophy Day we asked some leading philosophers "What is the biggest philosophical question for the 21st century?". An extension of this is a fourth reading called the aberrant reading, where a completely unintentional meaning is taken away by audiences. It focuses on the tendency of majorities to negatively labelminoritiesor those seen as deviant from standard culturalnorms. Saris - The term Auteur Theory originated from Andrews Sarriss essay Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962. Therefore, even if youre a woman, youre seeing the world of the film through a mans eyes. Collective intelligence can be seen as an alternative source of media power.. Individual films belong wholly and permanently to a single genre. Reward (Seizing The Sword) the hero can celebrate the victory. Jaron Larier Cyber Dystopia - In his book You Are Not a Gadget (2010), Lanier criticizes what he perceives as the hive mind of Web 2.0 (wisdom of the crowd) and describes the open source and open content expropriation of intellectual production as a form of "Digital Maoism". 2. Fiske defines genres as attempts to structure some order into the wide range of texts and meanings that circulate in our culture for the convenience of both producers and audiences. He adds, the assignment of a text to a genre influences how the text is read. This is typically done through the use of binary opposites, where new meaning arises out of opposing and conflicting ideas. The meaning of a "text" is not inherent within the text itself, hence audiences must use their own cultural experiences to determine how a media text is read. New media (like flickr) give rise to many different versions. The Media Studies A-Level revision section of Revision World, Click on the relevant sections below. THE ZOELLA APARTMENT - How are representations of What other products does the publisher publish? Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Rick Altman was critical of genre theory. Resurrection perhaps a final confrontation with death. www.tuition.com.hk/psychology/c.htm, The production of previously non-existent information. Lev Manovich Database media Software takes Command Automation Decreases human intentionality in the creative process. We wait to see if he kills his opponent or is wounded himself. The internet and the mobile phone have triumphed. They know how close to the rules they are - but you go there to get excited. Yet these industries continue to pour out huge amounts of product, employ tens of thousands of people, produce considerable amounts of revenue, and occupy vast amounts of our time. Does this make it vertically or horizontally integrated? Without audiences, there is no money to make media. 'Man left with broken nose after homophobic attack by a mob of 10 people' and 'Andrew Rannells reveals Catholic priest forced open his mouth to French kiss him as a teenager' as well as other articles such as 'Gays on TV: Your guide to the week's best LGBT TV and film' and 'BBC LGBT correspondent Ben Hunte to join Attitude and student pride panel on racism in the gay community'. The theory was prominent during the 1960s and 1970s, and some modified versions of the theory are still popular today . I have had a lot of experience within marketing in particular recently with golley slater who I just completed my apprenticeship with. What were the initial points to say about the website? Database Logic: The Internet, which can be thought of as one huge distributed media database, also crystallized the basic condition of the new information society: overabundance of information of all kinds The emergence of new media coincides with the second stage of a media society, now concerned as much with accessing and re-using existing media as with creating new one. These stories are as follows: Achilles: The fatal flaw that leads to the destruction of the previously flawless, or almost flawless, person, e.g. Clay Shirky - The internet is run on love (people offering time, resources and knowledge to get stuff done) from Here Comes Everybody. Alan Kirby - says postmodernism is dead and buried. Gramsci Suggested that dominant ideologies can change over time, moving away from heritage and tradition if enough audiences/groups enforce their own discourse (We media). We enjoy imagining ourselves living the characters lives. There was even I time where I was able to gain almost 30,000 organic followers in just a couple of weeks. Solve each the application problem. (2013), Lanier posits that the middle class is increasingly disenfranchised from online economies. An attitude is a positive, negative, or mixed evaluation of an object expressed at some level of intensity. Timeline of LGBTQ+ special moments in history? Homepage. Class purpose General learning; This pack was created from the iOS Brainscape App. \text { Amount of } \\ for the worst part, gay people have been simply visible, mostly they are injured or denied - symbolically annilated when they do appear they do so in order to play a supportive role for a natural order and an are thus narrowly/ negativiley portrayed'. We need a junior or senior-level . EG: Photoshop filters; Blurs lines between professional and amateur. Attitude does not present all aspects of the LGBT in a 'do gooder' and happy way they positively present it to the audience through normalisation. theories of regulation including those of Livingstone and Lunt. C2 Attitude. Particular features which are characteristic of a genre are not normally unique to it; it is their relative prominence, combination and functions which are distinctive (Neale, 1980); Genres are instances of repetition and difference (Neale, 1980); Difference is absolutely essential to the economy of genre' (Neale, 1980) - Mere repetition would not attract an audience a USP is needed. Acland - Argued that representations of delinquent youths help reinforce dominant hegemony. This is another example of an evaluation question, this time in relation . The Eduqas AS & A level in media studies offers learners the opportunity to develop a thorough and in depth understanding of key issues, using a comprehensive theoretical framework and a variety of advanced theoretical approaches and theories to support critical exploration and reflection, analysis and debate. What kind of website is this, and who is the target audience? Henry Jenkins - Participatory culture. Action codes are seen to appeal particularly to men and are more prominent in some genres than others. The Country peer crowd has been the focus of tobacco industry research and marketing but has yet to be the primary focus of public health research. Kilbourne Suggests women are more often shown dismembered (just parts of their bodies shown), associated with products, shown as smaller than a man, engaged in various forms of ritualized subordination, prostrate or recumbent, bent or leaning back, infantilized (with finger coyly in their mouth, standing pigeon-toed, wearing little girl clothes, sucking on lollipops, etc.) Eric Knight is a singer, songwriter, musician, performer, producer, artist manager, entrepreneur, music industry consultant, media source, conference speaker and music education advocate. Meehan - conducted a Study of feminist representation in the 1970s - useful to contrast to modern day studies. There are a few ways that you can reference a theorist in an exam, you can do this directly by quoting from an article or book of theirs, citing the author, publisher and year of publication; or you can paraphrase. How could you apply Judith Butler to Attitude? Saussure - Concept of semiotics and language (linguistics) 1974 - the extended connotations of within a cultural system. He also suggests that people are organizing great things without the need for organisations. This six- lesson resource concludes this tailored unit helping students engage with Section C of Component 2.Each contained lesson focuses on a part/parts of RAIL.This six-lesson lesson combines Industry and Audience and covers: -A contextual video exploring You Tube and Vlogging issues and debates. New Equilibrium/ Re-Equilibrium/ Second Equilibrium: (satisfactory end) Back to normal, peace restored (but never the same)- a new normality! I have summarised most theorists key ideas or simplified their concept for your benefit. Other critics give the power to the studios and their production schemes to keep genres alive. Chris Allen studied the representation Muslims in the media. Gauntlett - His name comes up a few times in terms of how technology influences our identity but also notably for identifying the following about the role of media studies and the impact the web is having on audiences and institutions: Fetishises 'experts - A world ruled by Media Gods, thus celebrates key texts produced by media moguls and conglomerates. Here are his main points, some expanded in detail. Eco Scout Throw By Susy Pilgrim Waters Modern Throws Surface Design Pilgrim Posted on March 25 2022.. Email I send is being. Ling Corporation uses the equity method to account for its ownership of 35% of the common stock of Gorman Packing. 'nobody really is a gender from the start'. Auteur theory draws on the work of cinema enthusiasts who wrote Cahiers du Cinema and argued that a directors vision should be reflected in their films. Hypodermic Needle theory. Age range: 16+. docx, 3.2 MB. 0 reviews. Exploring how Zoella utilises thumbnails to maximi What kind of magazines do Stream publish? In terms of industry what are the rates of advertising in Attitude? Sprout Social recommended including: Your rand name, products, and services. Erikson was heavily influenced by Sigmund Freud; he explored three aspects of identity: the ego identity (self), personal identity (the personal idiosyncrasies that distinguish a person from another), social/cultural identity (the collection of social roles a person might play). It's content is atypical but the layout and everything else is generic. $$. Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Cultural values position audiences differently also. Also came up with the concept of 'folk devils'. For example, a gunslinger draws his gun and we wonder what the resolution will be. The digital resources can be used both in the classroom and independently. In soaps how are LGBTQ+ represented compared to films? The Terminator. The following subject specific vocabulary provides definitions of key terms used in our A-level Media Studies specification. Sociologists Gerbner & Gross were concerned about long term exposure to media texts, especially violent TV in US (circa 1976). For most . John McMuria - A participatory culture is not necessarily a diverse culture. What does it suggest when Attitude name drop 3 celebrities in what it's proud of ? . \$ & \text { b. } Jonathan Culler (2001) describes narratology as comprising many strands implicitly united in the recognition that narrative theory requires a distinction between story, a sequence of actions or events conceived as independent of their manifestation, and discourse, the discursive presentation or narration of events.. What is the difference between fixed costs and variable costs? The cultural codes tend to point to our shared knowledge about the way the world works. lifting the production values of the time and setting can strip away differences in which movies/texts can find similarities, Genres undergo predictable development. Propp, V - Examined the importance of character within narrative after studying classic folk tales - 32 character profiles. male and female behavior and roles are not the result of biology but are constructed and reinforced by society through media and culture. Lanier argues that Web 2.0 developments have retarded progress and innovation and glorified the collective at the expense of the individual. comedy sketches, Gaming vlogs= walk throughs or lets play videos, Symbolic annihilation= idea that the under representation of particular social groups works to maintain social inequalities by denying those groups of any meaningful presence, thereby rendering them silent or invisible, Digital optimists= those who believe that the internet and digital technologies have had a positive impact on culture and society, Microtargeting= a marketing strategy in which personal data is used to identify the particular interests of an individual or small group, enabling them to be targeted more effectively, Data harvesting= the process of extracting large amounts of data from a website to use for other purposes, Multi-channel networks= organisations that curate a large number of channels, offering creators support in areas such as video production, Monetisation= the process by which a product or service is converted into a source of income, Synergy= used to describe the cross production of products, Convergence= processing through which different media industries and forms merge with one another or move closer together, Transmedia storytelling= a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified experience, 'Time Out in a Treehouse' (video/thumbnail)-, single camera edit filmed with Zoe's vlog camera, best friend characterisation, unscripted narrative shown through casual discussion, aspirational narrative due to lifestyle she is presenting as well as being a successful female, amateur aesthetic through 'is that the saying? Gledhill Genres can be seen as a kind of shorthand, increasing the efficiency of communication. We thus seek creative opportunity in other parts of our life; Love objects - They need something to love and if they do not have something they will buy or make one; Sense of power - when we are in control we have a sense of ability to choose and perhaps possess power over others; Roots - we seek roots but in seeking to satisfy other needs we make ourselves rootless; Immortality we seek to create meaning in our lives so we may live beyond death. In her 1973 essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema she argued that classic Hollywood cinema puts the spectator in a masculine position, with the figure of the woman on screen as the object of desire. Power and Media Industries - Curran and Seaton . Students should be familiar with and gain understanding of these terms. Attitude: Media language-Conventions of online magazine- high image to text ratio, lede intro (includes who, what and where for the article . Neil Henry - Technology has caused a crisis in professional journalism. unravelled in a lot of different ways) or 'closed' (there is only one obvious thread to pull on). Some critics say that this diminished audiences interest in the films end. Attitude readers are financially prosperous and with earnings considerably higher than the national average. He sees these worlds as Utopian that offer an abundance of energy, excitement and spontaneity. Turow - His basic premise is that audience segmentation, and especially the pinpoint targeting that is theoretically possible with new media technology, reinforces suspicion, alienation, and lack of empathy among people of different groups because they have lost the shared consumer experience that the old mass media audience system provided. By looking at this theory we are able to see that the media in society tends to ignore the good and the hard working and focuses on the fun and the trouble. A-Level Media - Woman's Realm - Representation - Simple Guide for Students & teachers. Woman magazine analysis. 'Sadiq Khan calls for UK government to ..'. This links to the work of the Bandura Bobo Doll experiment (Media Effects Theory). I seek to bring an innovative approach to communications strategy; that uses industry best practice with contemporary trends and ideas. Heargues that the media, especially news media, often create and/or enforce moral panics in the public. Symbolic Code: This is very similar to the Semantic Code, but acts at a wider level, organizing meanings into broader and deeper sets of meaning. Christopher Booker's The Seven Basic Plots is a long book detailing seven common narratives seen across books and across film. \text { Loan Amount } they bring their past experience of a genre to help them understand it. P1 - Ownership within industry. This would affect online digital platforms such as social media, file . All these theories however are cohesive in agreeing that: The film industry, responding to audience desires, initiates clear-cut-genres that endure because of their ability to satisfy basic human needs. Resolution: Whatever the problem was is sorted out and all is well again. Are the articles actually their own articles? Thankfully this is changing. Quote: We have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned. What features are there usually in a typical homepage? www.ucas.ac.uk/seps/glossary, Using imagination rather than imitating something else. How studying works. Genres are trans-historical. Cinderella: The dream comes true, e.g. \$ \\ John Hartley notes that 'the same text can belong to different genres in different countries or times' as genres evolve, older texts can be reclassified. . Also, consider answering a common question in your bio by adding your business hours or where you ship. 5. At A2 (and AS) you can't afford to answer an exam with generalisations, you need some substance to back you up, and if it's not with hard facts and case studies, then you'll need your'guide to theorists' to help you. The idea that more socially diverse patterns of ownership help to create the conditions for more varied and adventurous media productions. Representations of gender are more diverse than in the past, 'the premier destination for those who want to talk directly to gay men'. The New Critics argued that speculation about an authors intention was secondary to the words on the page as the basis of the experience of reading literature. This resource is a breakdown of all of the key facts regarding the industry context for the set text I, Daniel Blake (2016). About. Chris Anderson The Long Tail; If you add up all the revenue from Niche market films the profit can be greater than or equal to the profit from one blockbuster or best-selling product. Enigmas are puzzles, questions the audience wants answered. Because we are aware of much more than we havepersonallyexperienced ourownexperience is mainly indirect. Determine the amount of the (a) down payment and (b) mortgage loan. Background: Peer crowds are macro-level, reputation-based subcultures with shared preferences, values, and behavior. Today, the New Hampshire delegation welcomed $3,924,563 to New England to support ocean and coastal management through the Northeast Regional Ocean Council. Genres are defined by the film industry and recognized by the mass audience. The media has historically limited the representations of gay men and women. 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