The term refers to the aquatic animal and how it can swim fast in a straight line but similar to inexperienced motorcyclists, have trouble quickly changing directions. VP: Fixed Wing Patrol Aircraft Squadrons. No-Load 1) A servicemember who does not pull his or her own weight. See "Budweiser". To ELTs, it's "Superior Mechanic, Almost God.". Said to be preserved by irradiation. Drop a Chit: The act of filling out a request chit. Stepping in the shit: Refers to a sailor that has made a mistake so large, that it comes to the attention of the Commanding Officer, who instantly begins chewing him out on the spot, Usually remarked on before the Commanding Officer appears, e.g. Chit Chipper: Paper Shredder. Named for the Oscar, Oscar Sierra: Radio brevity code for a nuclear weapons mishap. AD: Aviation Machinist Mate, one who throws wrenches at aircraft and prays to mech gods for a favorable outcome. Skittles: Sailors who work on the flight deck of a carrier. No Fuckin' Option is term used for NFOs who would rather be pilots, but don't qualify. Also applies in the Submarine Service to a crewman who is not yet qualified in submarines. Sea Stories: Often exaggerated or embellished tales from previous deployments or commands told by seniors to juniors. Joe (Cup of Joe): (A cup of) coffee. McGraw-Hill's Dictionary of YARFO: "You Ain't Reactor? "Take that and give it the float test". However, since training for this tends to be spotty at best, identification of aircraft is often incorrect, leading to the second definition: "Wrong Every Fucking Time.". Limp Dick: A sailor who can't do the simplest job. Killer Tomato: A large reddish-orange inflated ball used in gunnery practice at sea. Air Boss: Air Officer. The Pond: The Deep Blue Sea. NQP: "Non-Qual-Puke": A non-qualified crewman who is not yet able to stand watch. Should always begin with "No shit, this really happened," or "This is a no shitter." Or, the ship's navigator. C-GU11 (pronounced "See-Gee-You-Eleven"): Seagull. Air Department: Consists of 5 divisions, usually manned by Aviation Boatswains Mates. The F-8 Crusader was universally accepted as a tits machine. Veal Wheels. Sea Daddy: Senior, more experienced sailor who unofficially takes a new member of the crew under his wing and mentors him. (Term endures within CG.). "That donkey dick is about as useful as tits on a boar hog.". Rope and Choke: Highly advanced and ultra accurate way the Navy determines the body mass index of people who are deemed too heavy for their height. "cunt ring". CSO: Combat Systems Officer: Officer responsible for maintenance of a ship's combat system (gun, missile, radar, command control and communications systems). As opposed to other. Frocked: Advanced in rank or rate with no pay increase. Specialized training for Aviation Administration (AZ) and Aviation Anti Submarine Warfare Operators (AW) ratings. Also known as a "Splash guard.". (2) An underperforming Cryptologic Technician or "CT" Shitbag. ", Black Pants: An enlisted sailor below the rank of E-7 (Chief Petty Officer). "Go grease the donkey dick. Also a Variance on the rules. Issued in boot camp, used to store loose items, shoe polish stuff, etc. Dining-ins are for the service-members only. Garden Party: A semi-formal social gathering requiring dress whites from the waist down and dress blues from the waist up. See also Monkey Butt. Sabredog- This Ensign is charge of various wardroom duties, often including mentoring the juniormost Ensign (see "George") and setting up the wardroom's movie night while at sea. See "USS Neversail.". Left side of an aircraft when facing the nose from inside. Assigned personnel go to their assigned stations to do their assigned task in support of fighting the ship in a battle or when there is a credible threat of attack for which the ship must be prepared to fight against. Bilge Water: Something spoken that is nonsense or ridiculous. The untrained sailors have a quad zip NEC of 0000. Its old as the hills, and to my knowledge, no one ever got diagnosed with PTSD from being called a grunt throughout their time in the military. A young motorcyclist who overestimates his abilities, boasts of his riding skills when in reality he has none. SMAG: Engineering Laboratory Technician (ELT). ". OOC: Pronounced "oh oh see." The Sub equivalent to the Four by Eight watch mentioned above. Pit: (1) A sailor's rack or bunk. She is usually worried about unsafe flight conditions or an enemy threat (e.g. see also The Load. Two-Digit Midget: Sailor with 99 or less days until his/her "End of Active Obligated Service", or EAOS. Pass in Review ceremonies are always held on a Friday, meaning that there is a Pass in Review held every week, except during federal holidays i.e. "M-Crud" MCRD: Marine Corps Recruit Depot. Not normally pluralised, still expressed as squid, not squids, e.g., Fifty squid. WESTPAC: While this usually refers to the western Pacific area of operations, it can also refer to a type of deployment in which a unit heads to multiple locations throughout said area. Joe Navy: Another term for a lifer with no life outside the Navy. Web1 meaning of SQUID abbreviation related to Military: Military Sort Suggest to this list Related acronyms and abbreviations Share SQUID Military Abbreviation page Filtered by Military Chemistry Medical Technology About Contact Us Link to Us iOS app Android Popular Abbreviations Popular Categories Medical Abbreviations Military Abbreviations Schmuckatelli is a Good Man. 4 acres of sovereign U.S. soil: An aircraft carrier. Ricky Girlfriend: A male sailor's hand, used to masturbate. Seachest: Ballast intake/discharge portals below the waterline of a ship. A rate in the Navy similar in duties to a police officer. Sea Lawyer: (1) A sailor or his buddy, making eloquent but completely spurious arguments at Captain's Mast, or in response to some disciplinary action. It is a combination of a rank (Hospital Recruit, the most junior. "Nice shit locker!". Can also be said to an officer, but beware of over-usage. For more, see. A "Royal Cunt Hair" is the finest unit of measure. See also A-Gang. Its Army and Air Force equivalent is warrant officer (WO).. ", Di-LDO: (Direct input Limited Duty Officer) Term students use for a loathed LDO instructor. (See "Brown Water Navy."). Cinderella Liberty: Liberty that expires at midnight. NFG: Non-Functioning Gear: Used typically on Tags placed on electronics indicating malfunction description. PIERPAC: Pretending to be on deployment while moored to a pier. ", CAG: Title used when addressing the carrier air wing commander. So named because one can't do anything without a chit, especially one that is "lost in routing". A.J. Drill Rodeo: A game in which a screwdriver is inserted head first into drill where bit should go and battery is removed. Sometimes used to connect CIC to Engineering. Therefore, his left sleeve is "slick", or has no rate or rating insignia at all. Yes, you know the kind, 100 sailors go out, 50 couples come back, or it aint gay if its under way, and many, Best used with higher voltage drills. Fun Boss: Morale, Welfare and Recreation Officer. USS Loungechair: The fictional ship sailors serve on when they retire. While not permitted to do the job, it gets the job done just the same. Cover: Term for any sort of headgear worn with a uniform in USN, USMC and USCG. It's like the 1MC but restricted to Engineering Spaces. FFG: Frigate, Guided Missile, class of ship. CA: Cruiser, Attack, Class of ship, a heavy cruiser. A sailor is required to perform a certain number of situps, pushups, and a 1.5-mile run in a given time (which varies based on age and gender). Down: Not working, out of commission, broken, "broke-dick." OS's constitute "OI Division.". Dilbert Dunker: Device used in water survival training ("swims") to teach aviators how to get out of the cockpit of a fixed-wing aircraft that has crashed or ditched at sea. Titivate: To spruce up or clean up the ship and its company. Scuttle: A smaller, sealable, opening in a larger, heavier door or hatch. Or jump out of your rack and make it. a "field expedient Frappuccino" might be made by putting all the MRE coffees, sugars, and creamers into a 2-liter bottle and mixing. So called because it used to grade based on keystrokes rather than words per minute. ), A term indicating supreme indifference; "Gaffer." Example: if told to "Deep Six" a piece of paper you would burn or shred it instead of just throwing it away (round filing or file thirteen). So the shark says: "fine, I won't eat you. Drifter: Sailor who at all times lacks the ability to stay focused. Used to be called "Company Commander.". By joining the military, you inadvertently sign on for any number of service related slurs. "Being a Monkey Mate is a lot easier than being a BT.". L.T.D.B: "Living the Dream, Baby." If it goes through a bulkhead, it's a door. The term is also used of sailors who enlist in Advanced Electronics or Nuclear training tracks, as these also require a 6 year commitment. ASWOC: Anti-Submarine Warfare Operations Center - shore-based briefing/debriefing/analysis/operational control center for VP aviation. Swims: Aviation water survival training. Diddy Bopping: Walking around with no particular purpose. Double Nuts: Aircraft flown by the squadron or air wing commander, typically has "00" (zero zero) painted on the nose and also printed on routing slips for correspondence. Also called. The Kool-Aid-like beverage dispensed on the. Mostly issued in boot camp to set a recruit back in training due to poor performance. Old Salt: A naval veteran. Meat Identifier: A side dish during chow that helps in identifying usually nondescriptive looking main dishes. Royal Baby: Originally the fattest man on the ship, chosen as part of Neptune's court during Shellback initiation, which includes kissing his belly. A flux capacitor ran the time machines, particularly in the car, in the Back To The Future movies Forecastle: (Pronounced "foc-sull") Forward most part of a ship. Stacking: The act of crapping on top of some one elses crap when the toilets are secured. "We better slow down or the fat boys won't be able to keep up. Sweat the load: Personal stress about being able to perform some task; to feel stress about a situation. Sigs: A Signalman (SM); a former rating, now merged with Quartermaster. Pogey Bait: Candy, sweets, ice cream, etc., so called because such items are used as "bribes" for a pogue. OPS: Operations Officer: Head of the Operations Department on board a ship or shore command. Trap: A fixed-wing arrested landing on an aircraft carrier. A great place to catch up on scuttlebutt and unwind after a long day. LSD: Dock landing ship, or Large Sitting Duck, so called due to their slow speed and absence of any significant offensive weaponry. Similar to "bulkhead remover," an inexpensive way to derive enjoyment from inexperienced personnel. Skipper: Term used in reference to the Commanding officer of any Ship, Unit, Platoon, or Detachment regardless of rank. Wizzard: Topsider insult for a nuc. These films may be found on YouTube. This is the expected norm in the United States Navy. Also "ditty chaser.". Goes from lower ranking (Seaman, Fireman, Airman) to higher ranking (LPO, LCPO) up the chain of command. Mess Decks: Chow Hall or Eating Establishment on board ship. Also Modifications and Additions to Reactor Facility, an unusual and impractical research reactor in NY, later turned into a training platform (also phrased as My Ass is Royally Fucked.) "Oh, he's just flying the Bravo". MAD Boom surfing: Struggling to complete or barely passing required evolutions in training on the P-3 Orion Patrol Aircraft. CASREP: Casualty Report: Report to higher authority something which is inoperative, OOC (out of commission), and the impact on readiness. : Fuck It, I Got My Orders: A refusal of a long or tough assignment near the end of a duty rotation. Place where food is prepared for consumption. Sea Pussy: A yeoman or personnelman akin to a secretary who does clerical work. Mustang: An Officer who came from the Enlisted ranks. Do not stand near one of the speakers without hearing protection. Three steel balls: Meant to be humorous but oddly accurate reference to a sailor or situation acting like a sailor: "Put a sailor in a room with three steel balls. Related to the Whidbey Whale. Brown bagger: Married sailor who brings his lunch from home in a paper bag. Flavor Extractor: Standard equipment in all Navy galleys. AFRTB: (Airframes runs this bitch) Term commonly used among AM's. P.A.P.E.R.C.L.I.P. Titless Wave: Male clerical personnel such as yeomen, storekeepers, personnelmen, and other desk jockeys, pencil pushers, etc. (Pronounced much like Chang and used as the officer's name.). Have a Navy Day: Has two separate meanings. One-eyed Jack: See "Barney Clark" A. tasty treat served at midrats consisting of a slider topped with a fried egg. The name derives from the sailor stating that ". Battle Racks: (term for) when mission-exhausted Aviators are allowed to sleep through General Quarters. Used to describe a piece of equipment that no longer functions and is "out of commission.". "Liberty is down." After the 3rd Mod, advances in computer technology and circuit miniaturization brought about the ADCAP which is a truly remarkable torpedo. HR Puff and Stuff: A nickname given to Hospital Corpsmen who regularly appear for duty in a disheveled manner with their uniform in disarray. EB Green: Green duct tape acquired from Electric Boat in Groton, CT; can be used to fix almost anything, temporarily. Example: "The fuckin' aux drain pump is fuckin' broke-dick.". "Schmuckatelli is a Limp Dick." Similar to a real check valve which only allows fluid to go one way. Dining-in/Dining-out: Social functions, usually for officers and chiefs, where dinner dress is worn and certain "rules of the mess" are followed. Worn by nukes and submarine crewmembers to measure radiation received over time. When the Engineers cause the ship to move through the water, everyone else goes along for the ride.". Hole: Main engineering space aboard ship to include the Fire Room (boiler room), Machinery Room (Engine Room) or a combined room (Main Machinery Room) contains both boilers and main engines. Punishment for screwing up or being a Rock. It is permissible to take one when a ship is pierside connected to pier water and sewer, if no one else is waiting for the shower. Used to motivate someone who is not pulling their weight. Taken from the Supply Corps' porkchop-shaped insignia. Constant Bearing Decreasing Range (CBDR): A term used to indicate that an object or ship viewed on radar, or visually from the deck or bridge of one's own ship is getting closer but maintaining the same relative bearing. When the Kiss the Camel: To fall between ship and pier onto the, Knee-deep navy: Epithet (usually friendly) for the Coast Guard or coastal patrol vessels . Crack House: A designated smoking area aboard ship that is not a. Crapper: A toilet, see also shitter and pisser. Situps, pushups and a run/bike/swim/elliptical trainer. Snot Locker: The storage area for snot a person's nose. Paddles: Code word for the LSO (see above). NAVCOMM: Navigator/Communicator. Often leads to mistakes that can produce lethal results. "Grab the donkey and fuel the bird." Usually used as part of a goose-chase. Such a lax procedure could spell doom for a sinking ship if hatches were not absolutely watertight.) Generally refers to the ship's engineering plant being online, e.g. Eternal Patrol: The last and still on-going patrol of a submarine lost at sea. Common overnight activity for ships underway. Mid-Rats: Short for midnight rations. At aviation commands, FOD can also describe a worthless individual, i.e. Each squadron has one on the O-3 level, and each pilot has his own seat. JEEP- Junior Enlisted Expendable Personnel- Submarines- Slang for Casualty Assistance Team members "Send in the JEEPs.". Fart Suit: Dry suit worn by aviators when flying over cold water. The washer or nut spins wildly due to the high pressure of the steam. (2) (. John Wayne: (1) A can opener supplied with "C" rations. Some "Nuke Waste" treat it as a sort of dubious badge of honor, others remain bitter about it for the rest of their Navy career. The 43P-2, 43P-3 & 43P-4 books were replaced in the mid 1980's with one book. Split-pea on Rye. Scupper Trout: Sewage solids which have washed overboard, or have been pumped overboard. GCE: Gross Conceptual Error, an instructor's comment on student work wherein the student has clearly misunderstood a concept. It's inevitable that when a person enlists in the military, they join a whole new culture.It might even come as a shock compared to her hometown. Woop: A cadet at the US Military Academy (West Point). Veal Wheels: Veal Parmesan. Green Side: The figurative side one is stationed at if one is stationed at a Marine Corps Command; contrasted with the "Blue Side" (Naval Command). Usually this form of Extra Military Instruction is reserved for the most severe dirtbags who are either consistently failing uniform inspection or look like crap on a daily basis. Department: Highest organizational level in most naval commands. It's green, of course. Marine Mattress: A female who likes to "socialize" with the Marines. i.e. "There are two kinds of people on a ship: Engineers and Riders. Cracker Jacks: The dress blue uniforms worn by sailors below the rank of E-7. 5MC: A circuit similar to the 1MC, except that it is only heard on the flight deck of an air-capable ship and in engineering spaces. PD-8: Fictitious valve requested to be found by junior sailor in order for an engineering qualification to be signed off. Term used mostly by disgruntled personnel to refer to an "A.J. Also refers to a friend who has become non-responsive. Chicken-catch-me-fuck-me: Chicken Cacciatore. So called in reference to her collision with the USS Kennedy in 1975. "I work in The Hole." Often condoned when essential to get underway. Dock jumpers: The unfortunates who would have to leap ashore to tie up when no "line handlers" are available. Phantom Shitter: A freaking weirdo that thinks it's funny to shit in the shower, or to take a shit in the shitter and not flush. Grotopotamus: The rather large ladies that graze around the Groton, CT area. DIW: Dead in the Water. Seabee: A member of the Construction Battalions. A lot of it is just shorthand for things, like gig meaning task. Other terms are more inside jokes, like Also termed as Smokin' and Jokin'. NJP - Non-Judicial Punishment. Airwing only workups include trips to NAS Fallon and NAS Key West. Also. (2) (. May also refer to the anti-exposure suits used by aircrews in the case of a water landing in cold environments. Honey-ko: A reference to a male sailor or his girlfriend for the evening. Someone who has been given a "Bag of Dicks" has been "bagged," which is quite similar to getting 'sand bagged'. NMOP: (common on Boomer Subs) No More Patrols Ever. General term for anyone whose likelihood of involvement in a firefight increases the odds of getting shot, and/or shot at. The rating badge icon looked like a bar stool. Sealable, opening in a larger, heavier door or hatch, of., advances in computer technology and circuit miniaturization brought about the ADCAP which is a combination of ship! Another term for anyone whose likelihood of involvement in a larger, heavier door or hatch a stool! Advances in computer technology and circuit miniaturization brought about the ADCAP which is a no.! Not yet able to keep up the Four by Eight watch mentioned above expected norm in United! To tie up when no `` line handlers '' are available merged Quartermaster... Fart Suit: Dry Suit worn by sailors below the waterline of a long.! People on a boar hog. `` anything without a chit, especially one that is not pulling their.. Increases the odds of getting shot, and/or shot at Boomer Subs ) no more Patrols.. 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Demande Lettre De Recommandation Universitaire,
Articles S