Rural Carrier Transfers;; Whats the amount? The PTF hourly rates reflect the recalculation due to the additional Juneteenth holiday. It has a lot of info redacted. The agreement came after months of multiple bargaining sessions, with a three-member panel chaired by Arbitrator Dennis Nolan via online video call attempting resolution, but ultimately ending in temporary suspension until a ratification vote takes place. That could still be a paycheck or two away. Ive been will the postal service for over 25 years and get this. Most of these carriers have been there over 10 or 15 years and dont realize they are cutting their own throat working for free. If you want to see the original posting or join the conversation go to Read more, UPDATE: Retro Pay Adjustment to be in February 17 Check, RRECS Mini Mail Survey to Be Held February 25-March 10, Rural carrier provides critical aid to customer, Fraud Alert Update: Net to Bank and Allotment Disabled Online in PostalEASE, New EMA Rate Chart Effective December 31, 2022, New 2023 Printable Postal Holiday and Payday Calendar, USPS Issues Employee Communications Update Regarding PostalEASE Website Fraud, Urgent Message Concerning Fraudulent PostalEase Access, New EMA Rate Effective December 31, 2022 (Pay Period 02-2023), 2022 Christmas period for rural carriers starts Saturday, December 3rd, 2022. According to Article 9.1.A.2 of the National rural carrier contract, rural carriers will receive a basic wage increase on November 19th, 2022 of 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. Ridiculous. One of the benefits of a Union is to negotiate wages, salaries, and benefits. Federal Benefits Service does not have access to non-public information about publicly traded companies. The guy/girl who came up with table two needs a spanking. This action is in violation of, but not limited to, Article 5 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, and the Final Determination, Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System (RRECS), Submitted to USPS and NLRCA by: Dr. Louis Martin-Vega, Read more, On December 13, 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the November 2022 Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W) which established the Private Transportation Index at 266.492, a decrease from the August 2022 Index of 273.737. A rural carrier may choose the high option prior to the beginning of the new Guarantee year if certain provisions are met. Before using TSP Market Watch, please make sure that you note the following: Do your own research On January 12, 2023, the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that the CPI for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W, 1967=100) stood at 866.953 in December, 121.577 points above the base level of 745.376 in July 2019. How much more crazy can it get! The guy/girl who came up with table two needs a spanking. I do my best every single day to give my customers the quality service that they deserve regardless of what my personal feelings might be towards the organization that I work for, its called personal pride. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any fund changes based on your own personal circumstances. As an additional precaution, the Net to Bank and Allotment functionalities have been disabled online in the PostalEASE application accessed externally through LiteBlue via a personal computer as of Dec. 29, 2022, until further notice. UPS leads peak season on-time rate again in 2022 Between Black Friday and Christmas Eve, UPS led the way with 97.5% of parcels delivered on time, followed by FedEx (95.2%) and the U.S. Then come back to parcels not delivered and even mail. The Postal Service has advised NALC that the PTF hourly rates in the new City Carrier Wage Schedule effective February 26, 2022 are not expected to be fully implemented until March 26, 2022 (Pay Period 8). Others may not agree (see post below) I took this job to deliver mail over 24 years ago and thats what I do every single day, I dont think its right to make my customers pay the price because I happen to be upset about something. The new Guarantee year starts on October 8th, 2022. Wha' happened? JavaScript is disabled. In accordance with Article 9.1.A.2, effective November 19, 2022 (PP 25-2022), the basic annual salary schedule (Tables One and Two) shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. I am proud of the case and the evidence we amassed in the interest arbitration proceeding up to this point, but I am even more pleased that letter carriers will get to decide whether or not to accept this tentative agreement in a ratification vote, following the procedure outlined in the NALC Constitution. The reality is the USPS has known for years that its software is outdated and that it must make retro payments every contract cycle. I would like to see the USPS and the government tell the truth for a change. In accordance with Article 9.1.A.2, effective November 19, 2022 (PP 25-2022), the basic annual salary schedule (Tables One and Two) shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. Will I just get a random direct deposit for this or am I SOL? Experts and Officers also testified for the union, and a team of economists presented a strong case and rebuked managements attempts for union concessions. 2 months ago 7 DB Cooper Will rural carriers get it on time or will it be delayed like everything else due rural carriers? The National Rural Letter Carrier Agreement conforms to Section 7 (b) (2) of the FLSA. The sad part is we have P.O.S s that call in all the time and their rts get clean I have only called in twice in my time and have workedRead more . The union has been paid off. The Read more. The NRLCA and USPS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing that for leave year 2022, regular work force career employees covered by the USPS-NRLCA Agreement may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2022 to leave year 2023. Letter Carrier Pay Schedule City Carrier Wage Schedule: Effective Nov. 20, 2021 The following salary and rate schedule is for all NALC-represented employees. What a damn joke. How much does a Rural Carrier make? Crazy Pat -- "I wasn't around when Table 2 came into did you all let that happen? My salary is still the old table as of paycheck for april 15. Did a proper 2 week notice and left on good terms. How is this going to affect w-2s and taxes? In accordance with Article 9.1.A.2, effective November 19, 2022 (PP 25-2022), the basic annual salary schedule (Tables One and Two) shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. The page also contains a graph showing changes to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, the index used to calculate Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) that apply to active and retired carriers. The estimated total pay for a Regular Rural Carrier is $40,611 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $38,376 per year. Some of C$$s comments are also included.. Carriers are paid overtime for all hours actually worked in excess of 2,080, up to 2,240, within the 52-consecutive-week guarantee period. The six COLAs that have been calculated under the 2019-2023 National Agreement, totaling 312 cents per hour, are as follows: the 1st COLA, 8 cents per hour ($166 annually), the 2nd COLA, 9 cents per hour ($188 annually), the 3rd COLA, 20 cents per hour ($416 annually), the 4th COLA, 93 cents per hour ($1,934 annually), the 5th COLA, 64 cents per hour ($1,331 annually), and the 6th COLA, 118 cents per hour ($2,455 annually). Information on the CPI can be found on the Department of Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics'web page. Employees are always encouraged to contact USPS HR for complete information. Therefore, based on the November 2022 CPI-W release, the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for rural carriers will decrease 2.5 to 93.5 per mile. CSRS annuities receive full COLAs; COLAs for FERS annuities are payable for retirees 62 and older and may be reduced by up to one percentage point from the increase in the CPI. Actually, with the new pay schedule released as effective February 2022, February is the cut off for the August 2021 & November 2021 Backpay calculation. But we have achieved a number of our major goals including retroactive annual pay raises, maintaining of full (and retroactive) COLA, narrowing the gap between the lower and higher career pay scales, the career conversions of thousands of PSEs and maintaining tremendous job security. Overview Jobs Salary Resume Skills What They Do Demographics Job Description Best States Trends Part Time Jobs Entry Level Jobs Full Time Jobs Location Education Updated December 12, 2022 Average Rural Carrier Associate Salary $41,259 yearly $19.84 hourly Entry level Salary $21,000 yearly $21,000 10% $41,259 Median $80,000 90% . Ive stopped holding mail. If you want us to despise our customers and our coworkers than make us feel underpaid and make us feel under appreciated by giving the clerks something that you just told the rural craft would take til May 2023, retropay. Nothing is quick with these idiots, itll take to July before we see anything and they always put our backpay on our regular check so the federal taxes eat half of it. *** As you know, the Postal Service (USPS) and National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) ratified and signed a new collective bargaining agreement Read more, The first RRECS Mini Mail Survey will take place beginning February 25 and will run through March 10, 2023. Step 4 Grievance on Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System 498.48 KB. One of the benefits of a Union is to negotiate wages, salaries, and benefits. The contract covers more than 132,000 rural carriers represented by the union. As of Jan 3, 2023, the average weekly pay for a Rural Carrier in the United States is $864 a week. I understand what my elders say now!! RCA here. We would like to draw your attention to the following important investment warnings. The salary increases are effective August 27, 2022 and should appear in paychecks dated September 16, 2022. Just checked my pay for this weekstill no updated salary to reflect this new chart. The paycheck will go to the office you worked at. so however many hours you worked between may of 2021 and march of 2022, multiply that by .44 and that's the number before taxes Appropriate_Bath7212 18 hr. The salary schedules linked below reflect a retroactive $1,935 cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) effective August 28, 2021, a retroactive 1.3% General Wage Increase (GWI) effective November 20, 2021, and a $1,311 COLA effective February 26 . Upon learning this new information, I called Postmaster General Louis DeJoy and he was able to move up the retro pay date to January 31, 2023. Wtf is going on? Non Union Members can't see it. It will be on the paycheck covering April 1st through 14th. . No Reliance Maximum Carryover Amounts The NRLCA and USPS have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreeing that for leave year 2022, regular work force career employees covered by the USPS-NRLCA Agreement may carry over 520 hours of accumulated annual leave from leave year 2022 to leave year 2023. The effective date for the pay schedule leads me to believe that we will be paid at this rate on the next paycheck & Backdated pay to PP 6. $19.50 RCA pay as of 11-19-22. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In certain situations a Rural Carrier mayhave the additional opportunity of choosing what is called a "high option". This subreddit is not affiliated with or endorsed by the United States Postal Service. Awarded New apartment prices rise, but resale prices down. If the X day is not received with- in the same pay period, the Employer will compensate the regular rural carrier 100% of the carriers daily rate of pay in lieu of the X day. We should all be proud to be union!, We also succeeded in stopping managements deeply concessionary demands to end no-lay protections, increase percentages of non-career employees and create a new lower third tier of career employees, shared Industrial Relations Director Vance Zimmerman. so however many hours you worked between may of 2021 and march of 2022, multiply that by .44 and that's the number before taxes. Contract COLA: Accumulated COLA is $0 through December 2022 The projected accumulation toward the seventh regular COLA under the 2019-2023 National Agreement was $0 in January following the release of the December 2022 Consumer Price Index. Additionally, effective Nov. 19, 2022, a new top step (Step P) (which is $444 annually greater than Step O)will be added to the career letter carrier pay scales. While we are glad to have a date to look forward to, we are continuing to demand an appropriate remedy for all affected rural carriers. In accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Section 2.J.3 of Handbook EL-902, Agreement Between the United States Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, effective January 1, 2022 (pay period 02-22), the equipment maintenance allowance (EMA) will increase to 87.5 cents per mile. Our union rolls over like a circus dog. You also will find information about Postal Service performance and information about developments in the postal sector generally. 1.3% November 24, 2018-retroactively applied, 0.8% AdditionalincreaseNovember 21, 2020, 4.2% Total Compensation Increase term of the Agreement, Tables 3 and 4 receiveadditional1% wage increase each year in lieu of COLA, Goes into effect with GWI increases-retroactive, Proportional COLA applied to lower steps in Table Two going forward, Will be available to all RCAs from date of hire, USPS continues to pay $125 per pay period toward Self Only premium, USPS to pay 65%ofFamily or Self Plus One premiums duringfirstyear of employment, USPS to pay 75%ofFamily or Self Plus One premiums after one year of employment, Special Open Season will be offered as soon as administratively possible, Parties agree to discussinterimmethod for evaluating routes in lieu of national mail counts, USPS retains right to call for a National Count in September, All special count provisions remain in effect, Traditional mail counts not necessary if RRECS is implemented, RCAs from another office within local commuting distance may be used before regular carriersnoton the RDWL, Mileage over normal commute will be compensated. Dam I thought it was are only city union sucks looks like every station. Historical Rural Carrier Pay Increases.pdf 282.10 KB. not a dumb question. The seventh COLA will be based on the increase in the CPI-W between the base index month and January 2023, less any previously calculated COLAs, and will be payable the second full pay period following the release of the January 2023 index. Still waiting on that covid hazard pay from this discouraging company! Updated Salary chart effective November 19th including general wage increase for rural carriers 11/16/2022 In accordance with Article 9.1.A.2, effective November 19, 2022 (PP 25-2022), the basic annual salary schedule (Tables One and Two) shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. We filed a national-level grievance in August and if a suitable remedy is not agreed to by the parties, we will immediately move the issue to National Arbitration. While I appreciate the efforts of the PMG, a 10-month delay demonstrates a total lack of respect for rural carriers and is outrageous and completely unacceptable! So I was an rca from Oct 21 to Feb 22. . Any arrangements between you and any third party contacted via the website are at your sole risk. 0.8% Additional increase November 21, 2020; 4.2% Total Compensation Increase term of the Agreement . These payments are effective November 20, 2021. Too optimistic? During the period that starts with the beginning of the guarantee period through the end of the designated Christmas period, a regular rural carrier who works the relief day and is entitled to an X day, must be given the X day as scheduled by the Employer within the same pay period in which the relief day was worked. Can someone screen capture it? UPDATE: Please be advised that the retro pay due to rural carriers will be reflected in the February 17th paycheck. Sorry if this is a dumb question but what exactly does this mean. If you havent already, Just get a login ID and password They allow nonmembers access to certain things. Remember, hold mail isnt a contractual guarantee. UPDATE: Retro Pay Adjustment to be in February 17 Check, RRECS Mini Mail Survey to Be Held February 25-March 10. The five previous COLAs paid under the 2019-2023 National Agreement have resulted in total pay increases for each step in the career pay schedules of at least 6.2 percent. Postal Service's Response to Sexual Harassment Complaints Does this affect me? The Postal Service employee immediately called 911 and stayed with the customer until emergency responders arrived. Therefore, based on the November 2022 CPI-W release, the Equipment Maintenance Allowance (EMA) for Read more, Just wanted to put out a few important points for the Christmas OT period which will begin on Saturday, December 3rd, 2022 and ends on Friday, December 23rd, 2022. Management asks us if we know anyone that can work here why in the hell would i recommend anyone be an RCA? Nov. 19, 2022 General wage increase 1.3% TBA* January COLA TBD City carrier assistant increases Date Type of Increase Amount Nov. 23, 2019 General wage increase 2.1% . Wouldnt subject my worst Enemy to this job and I plan on getting all the rural carriers in my office out of the union not worth the money. Already severely underpaid if you are on table 2. Are you a member contributing to this? local union input, negotiations, mediation, a strong contract campaign and a well-prepared and presented arbitration case. 1. and these tiny gains are just for show, inching my way back to where I should be. So I would stop by to get it. I want to thank the many officers, witnesses, staff, attorneys, specialists and the members for their many efforts in this long battle that helped bring it to a strong conclusion.. $19.94, RCA pay increase to $19.50 for 11-20-21 was actually on the paycheck beginning 07/16/22 (8-5-22 paycheck). While I appreciate the efforts of the PMG, a 10-month delay demonstrates a total lack of respect for rural carriers and is outrageous and completely unacceptable! During the period from the beginning of the Guarantee Year (October 9, 2021), through the last day of the Christmas period (December 24, 2021) which includes pay periods 22-2021, 23-2021, 24-2021, 25-2021, 26-2021, and 01-2022 (Week 1) record relief days worked by regular rural carriers on PS Form 1314, as described below. A Rural Carriers pay grows with the size of their route. Page 1 / 3 Zoom 100% Page 1 / 3 Zoom 100% We were advised by USPS officials that due to antiquated USPS software issues, the retro payments due and owing to rural carriers would not be made until May of 2023. There were significant changes to the pay and leave provisions for this national agreement. Ive been in the union for 39 years and I tell all the new hires to not waste their money. Past performance is not a guide to future performance. Rural Carriers. Ive seen enough, so, Im retiring with 43 years Total Federal Time-In-Service. Investment Warnings ", Im not union and I can see. Do you know what was the time period this covers? Instead, its at 57 on the NEW chart. inventer of table two.It's as if I am losing $13,000 and doing more work. .44 per hour. The accumulated COLA through December stood at 0 cents per hour or $0 annually. I'm honestly surprised they didn't say February 30. No wonder very ones leaving that has the time and age to do so. NEW: Updated Rural Carrier Salary Charts Released. Awful that we work so hard to wait on pennies! NALC President Fredric Rolando issued this statement after the NALC Executive Council unanimously recommended approval of the tentative settlement: Id like to thank all the officers and staffas well as our counterparts in postal managementwho worked so hard to reach this tentative National Agreement. Downloads: 102. According to Article 9.1.A.2 of the National rural carrier contract, rural carriers will receive a basic wage increase on November 19th, 2022 of 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. If I used to be a rca during this time but I am now a cca do I get the back pay as well? ago How much are we talking here? FECA COLAs are applicable only in cases where death or disability occurred more than one year prior to the adjustments effective date. The sixth COLA alone is at least a 3.8 percent pay increase for each step in the career pay schedules. Employees are using Google and attempting to access PostalEase; however, Google in-turn has been Read more, December 20, 2022- The USPS has confirmed that some Postal Service employees are unknowingly providing their usernames and passwords to criminal websites, while attempting to access PostalEase. That alone set my routes pay back 10 yrs and over $100,000. The Executive Council unanimously recommends ratification of this contract.. Lets see if we get it before the next cola needs to be added to it. Thetentative agreementprovides four annual general wage increases and seven cost-of-living adjustments (COLAs). I agree with DB Cooper, if you want an employee with pride than pay us correctly. The 2024 retiree COLA calculation will be finalized in October 2023 with the release of the CPI-W for September 2023. I went through rca-ptf-rural in the time of the back pay so it's going to be fun figuring this out. You should take independent financial advice from a professional in connection with, or independently research and verify, any information that you find on our Website and wish to rely upon, whether for the purpose of making an investment decision or otherwise. This basically meansthey are requesting to work more hours per week, in order to receive more pay. Required fields are marked *. gotstamps Well-known member Apr 11, 2022 #9 We will see!! If not, click here, UPDATE: Retro Pay Adjustment to be in February 17 Check. All employees on this sub are here of their own volition to talk to and interact with other employees and customers. The U.S. Also, I dont think anyone outside the deep south bothers to learn anything about their customers, because its more about the money unfortunately than the relationships when rent is $3500 for a 3/2 home. Here are my yearly versions of the Postal holiday and payday calendar in PDG and PNG formats. Downloads: 224. I retired in December of 2021 and I havent seen any back pay for the time I worked before the new contract. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Accordingly, we will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising out of such information or any reliance you may place upon such information. Our mighty union will see that we get it within the next six months or so. Perfect to hang on your case for quick reference. Rural regular since May, if you've only been a regular since may, this back pay only applies to your time as an RCA. The National Rural Letter Carriers' Association and the United States Postal Service have negotiated a Tentative Agreement to cover the 3-year period from May 21, 2018 to May 20, 2021. . Updated Salary chart effective November 19th including general wage increase for rural carriers 11/16/2022 In accordance with Article 9.1.A.2, effective November 19, 2022 (PP 25-2022), the basic annual salary schedule (Tables One and Two) shall be increased by an amount equal to 1.3% of the appropriate February 27, 2021, salary schedule. Union is just creating a hostile working environment. Your email address will not be published. More on the X days during Christmas Overtime period, UPDATE: Retro Pay Adjustment to be in February 17 Check, RRECS Mini Mail Survey to Be Held February 25-March 10. We are owed back wages for 11-20-21 thru 7-15-22. The December 2022 CPI-W of 291.051 was 6.3% above the December 2021 base index (273.925). Benefits 101-presentations from the USPS-Wellness campaign, Benefits 101-Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) program, Benefits 101-Retirement, Investing in your career, note: These are provided by the WIRLCA, however, no representation of accuracy and completeness is assumed. Makes everything else (Rrecs, colas, etc..) frivolous. The value of the COLA for career employees in each step and grade will increase by $1,935.00 annually, and the hourly rates for part-time employees will be adjusted accordingly. Based on the release of the December 2022 CPI-W (1982-84=100), the 2023 FECA COLA projection is 6.3%. 444.12 Base Rate of Pay If I were on table 1, my route would be at over 70,000/yr. Postal Service and the National Association of Letter Carriers came to a provisional understanding on a 44-month national labor agreement. In accordance with the provisions of Article 9, section 2.J.3 of Handbook EL-902, Agreement Between the United States Postal Service and the National Rural Letter Carriers' Association, effective March 27, 2021 (pay period 08-21), the equipment maintenance allowance (EMA) will increase to 73.0 cents per mile, or a minimum of $29.20 per day . As you know, the Postal Service (USPS) and National Rural Letter Carriers Association (NRLCA) ratified and signed a new collective bargaining agreement on March 23, 2022, approximately 6 months ago. Thats ok; the longer it takes the more it goes up. Should be effective current (PP09-2022) pay period that started on 9 April. While ZipRecruiter is seeing weekly wages as high as $1,846 and as low as $365, the majority of Rural Carrier wages currently range between $682 (25th percentile) to $769 (75th percentile) across the United States. when the previous contract expired, there was a gap of several months before the new one was made effective. How to read an RCA pay stub.pdf 2.91 MB. Under the terms of the 2019-2023 National Agreement between the National Association of Letter Carriers and the United States Postal Service, this salary and rate schedule is the current paychart for all NALC represented employees: Click the table above to open it as a PDF, City Carrier Wage Schedule Effective February 26, 2022. You will receive OT if you work in excess of the WEEKLY evaluation, Read more, Rural Carrier Thomas De La Garza was recently delivering mail in Union, KY, when he heard a customer screaming. Page 1 / 3 Will rural carriers get it on time or will it be delayed like everything else due rural carriers? Not accurateits Aprilthis says effective last february. Enough is enough. click on image to see a larger version (opens a new window). We will see!! I had a death in the family and had to beg to get a day off. APWU - Implementation Dates for Pay Increases in New Contract Confirmed March 17, 2022 On Wednesday, March 16, 2022, the Postal Service confirmed to the APWU important dates for implementation of the pay provisions of the 2021-2024 National Agreement. These numbers represent the median, which is the midpoint of the ranges from our proprietary Total Pay Estimate model and based on salaries collected from our users. The Mini Mail Survey is only documenting four (4) items and comprises approximately six (6) percent of your routes evaluation. 2024 Retiree COLAs Projection: 0% as of December 2022 The 2024 COLAs for CSRS and FERS benefits are based on the increase in the average CPI-W between the 3rd quarter of 2022 (291.901) and the 3rd quarter of 2023 (TBA). Table of evaluated hours for rural routes.pdf, 2018 Engineers Final Report on RRECS obtained through FOIA, 2022 New Guarantee Year provisions important to rural carriers, 2022 Christmas Pay Procedures for Rural Carriers, Step 4 Grievance on Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System, MOU for Annual Leave Carryover for Leave Year 2023, MOU to hire exclusively annuitants for the HARC position during peak season, Step 4 Postal Services Delay in Paying Retroactive Salary Adjustments, MOU Allowing Regular Rural Carriers to Volunteer to Work on other Rural Routes Extended, Special Contract Edition (Tentative) 2021-2024 Passed, Tentative (Passed) Agreement Highlights 2021-2024, RRECS ACTIVITY GUIDE SCANS 04/27/2022, COVID-19 MOUs Extended Through May 6, 2022, Liberal Changes of Schedule and Leave MOU Extended, Annual Leave Carryover MOU for Leave Year 2023, Mutual transfer Must transfer to work, not retire.pdf, Being required to use LLV on EMA route.pdf, National General Tort Claims information.pdf, Policy endorsement for tort claims to pay.pdf, Seatbelt use between curbside mailboxes.pdf, Smoking in personal vehicle policy 1989.pdf, RCA higher level assignments allowed.pdf, Rural Carrier Associate (RCA) Travel Questions.pdf, Sending RCAs up to 50 mile radius Grievance denied 2017.pdf, Sunday-Holiday parcel delivery work list.pdf, Unsuccessful hiring after 120 day letter PTF created if two K route assignments.pdf, Full day of relief Regular carriers -2nd reference.pdf, Full day of relief Regular carriers.pdf, Implementation PTF, RDWL, Formula office and more.pdf, Non Saturday relief days Formula office.pdf, RDWL does not entitle regular to work.pdf, RDWL Relief day work list decision tree.pdf, Relief day work list (RDWL) and high low option.pdf, Relief day work list (RDWL) implementation.pdf, Relief day work list return to duty.pdf, Rural Carrier Relief Day Formula Calculation.xls, Steps required before formula implementation.pdf, Wilson letter RCA transfers, PTF, RDWL.pdf, Arrival at unit scan not a rural carrier duty.pdf, IMD Intelligent mail device manual Scanners.pdf, MOU Introduction of scanners 2003.pdf, Contract provisions of mutual transfers.pdf, Office of Workers Compensation (OWCP) Assistance.pdf, Rural carriers covered by FECA to and from work.pdf, Earning Statements for rural carriers.pdf, Historical Rural Carrier Pay Increases.pdf, ARC MOU Memorandum of Understanding.pdf, Addressing a shortage of leave replacements.jpg, Assigning leave replacement on another route.pdf, Bidding rights for RCAs on active duty.pdf, Buying back sub time for retirement Pre-1989.pdf, Consult with regular before RCA assignment.pdf, Dispatch missed RCAs to be used to transport mail to plant.pdf, Full day of relief leave replacement.pdf, Leave charge information for Designation 79 RCAS.pdf, Leave replacement Matrix training module.pdf, Leave replacement matrix assignment list.jpg, Leave replacement matrix quick reference.pdf, Leave replacement not unavailable while performing non craft specific duties.pdf, Leave replacements working evaluated hours.pdf, PTF must have two K route assignments.pdf, RCA must choose between aux or assigned route.pdf, RCA not eligible to be in higher level for Sunday delivery.pdf, RCA How to use postalease for USPS health benefit plan.pdf, Delivery unit volume recording system (DUVRS).pdf, EL-801 Supervisors Safety Handbook.pdf, Fitness for duty exams Supervisor instructions.pdf, Handbook EL- 312 Employment and placement.pdf, M-38 Management of rural delivery services.pdf, PO 610 Signature capture procedures.pdf, Rural Delivery Standard Operating Procedures (RDSOP).pdf, PAC Political Action Committee Q and A.pdf, The Hatch Act Frequently Asked Questions.pdf, Vital Papers from APWU but can be used for rural carriers.pdf, Injured on duty Rural carrier bidding.pdf, Leave replacement job related illness or injury.pdf, FMLA Only hours of absence deducted.pdf, Free Saturday provisions for H and J routes.pdf, Holiday leave pay must be in pay status before or after.jpeg, LWOP chart Reduction in retirement credit.jpeg, Leave approval from 1994 national magazine.jpg, Rogersville-MO-Class-Action-Award_Redacted.pdf, PS-Form-8127-Rural Carrier Supplemental payment.pdf, PS1216 Employees current mailing address.pdf, PS2240R-Rural carrier pay or leave adjustment.pdf, Rural Carrier Personnel action request.pdf, SF1187 Payroll deduction for union dues.pdf, SF1188 Cancel payroll deduction for union dues.pdf, SF2800- CSRS Application for death benefits.pdf, SF3104 FERS Application for death benefits.pdf, Sample PS Form 8191 Grievance form with instructions.pdf, Termination of guarantee New rural carrier paid hourly until end of guarantee period.pdf, PS-Form-2240r-Rural pay or leave adjustment request for PS Form 1314.pdf, PS-Form-2574-Resignation from the postal service.pdf, PS-Form-3970D-Request to donate leave.pdf, PS-Form-3970R-Request to receive donated leave.pdf, PS-Form-4015B Substitute Rural carrier agreement to terminate guarantee.pdf, PS-Form-4015a- Rural Carrier agreement to use annual leave for high option.pdf, PS-Form-4015c- Rural carrier agreement to terminate guarantee(retreat or bidding).pdf, PS-Form-4015d-Rural carrier agreement to terminate guarantee.pdf, PS-Form-4015e Agreement to use annual leave to reduce work hours.pdf, PS-Form-4015f- Agreement to use annual leave earned to obtain protected salary.pdf, PS-Form-4056-Your mailbox needs attention.pdf, PS-Form-4240-Rural Carrier trip report.pdf, PS-Form-6387-Rural money order transaction.pdf, PS-Form-8038-Employee statement to recover backpay.pdf, PS-Form-8043-Request to amend electronic personnel folder.pdf, Certain situations allow forced DPS to the street.pdf, DPS Rebuild After Review and Reclassification.pdf, DPS letter and flat compensation when using POV on LLV route.png, DPS to street during Christmas period.pdf, If DPS discontinued it must be reclassified.pdf, Letter mail that cannot be processed as DPS.pdf, When a route does not meet minimum DPS standard.pdf, PS Form 1067 Waiver of rights US Inspection service.pdf, PS Form 1314F-Rural Carrier FMLA certificate.pdf, PS Form 1564b Special delivery orders.pdf, PS Form 2573 Request for OWCP claim status.pdf, PS Form 4012-Brief of rural route changes.pdf, PS Form 8191 with instructions Grievance form.pdf, PS-Form-1314-Regular carrier time certificate.pdf, PS-Form-1314A-Aux route time certificate.pdf, PS-Form-1314F-Rural Carrier FMLA certificate.pdf, PS-Form-1700-Accident investigation worksheet.pdf, PS-Form-1711-Accident incident- Supervisor worksheet.pdf, PS-Form-2146-Employee claim for personal property.pdf, The most important form for rural carriers The 4003.pdf, Verification of parcels after distribution.pdf, Waiting for mail because of late truck.pdf, Notice_of_revision_of_Reasonable_Accomodation_process_07_06_20_Mills.pdf, Payment-for-Second-Trip-and-8127-Time-Rural-Rou.pdf, Private-carrier-packages-in-mailboxes.jpg, Retroactive relief days when routes adjusted retroactively..pdf, NRLCA clarifications on Christmas overtime procedures.pdf, Sick and annual leave during Christmas period.jpeg, X days during Christmas overtime period.pdf, Defenses to discipline NALC reference only.pdf, Packages deliverd in mailbox by other carriers.png, Projected cost of conversion from contract delivery service to rural delivery vehicle.pdf, RMPO Remotely managed post office MOU.pdf, RRECS Why your scanner is so important.jpeg, Required to deviate to deliver all express mail by noon.pdf, Restroom break not included in lunch break.pdf, Retaliation against academy instructor.pdf, Route inspections Who performs inspection.jpeg, Rural Route Evaluated Compensation System NRLCA Magazine August, 2018.pdf, Rural and City process relating to jurisdictional disputes.pdf, Rural carrier payment when being required to use satchels.pdf, Rural carriers providing their own equipment.pdf, Service Performance Measurement SPM FAQ.pdf, Service performance measurement (SPM) alerts compensation expired.pdf, City carriers assigned to rural pick ups.pdf, Compensation for employees who are witnesses at arbitration.pdf, Days assigned carrier absent DACA pay codes.pdf, Determining and use the Box & Volume factor.pdf, Formulas to determine additional DPS Compensation.pdf, Guide to rural carrier time and attendance.pdf, History of the rural carrier FLSA agreement.pdf, Limited duty carrier being sent to another duty station mileage reimbursement.pdf, NRLCA statement on working off the clock.pdf, SECOND TRIP SCENARIOS AND COMPENSATION.pdf, 2020-03-18-Temporary-NCE-Leave-COVID-19-NRLCA.pdf, December-Extension-all-MOUs-COVID-19_NRLCA-9-2020-STUTTS.pdf, Extension-of-COVID-19-MOUs_NRLCA_STUTTS-12-14-2020.pdf, Liberal-Changes-of-Schedules-and-Leave-12-22-2020.pdf, MOU Temporary Expanded Sick Leave for Dependant Care COVID-19.pdf, MOU Temporary Paid Leave Rural Carrier Associates (RCA) COVID-19.pdf, MOU-Temporary-Expanded-Scheduling-of-ARCs.pdf, NRLCA_2021-Annual-Leave-Carryover-MOU.pdf, Step-4-COVID-19-Parcel-Increase-FINAL-06-18-2020.pdf, Accommodation for rural carriers with disabilities.pdf, Act of God provisions for rural carriers.png, Being required to deliver on foot during inclement weather.pdf, Career Bargaining Employee Benefits Fact Sheet.pdf, Carrier in off duty status entitled to compensation to attend Pre-D.pdf, Carrier pickup normally assigned carrier.pdf, Carriers do not have to wait in lobby for stamps.pdf, 242629334_4488528731183241_5898673360344438521_n.jpg. 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Weekly pay for this National Agreement the benefits of a union is to negotiate wages, salaries, benefits... 2020 ; 4.2 % Total rural carrier pay increase 2022 increase term of the December 2021 base index 273.925... Alone set my routes pay back 10 yrs and over $ 100,000 this.. To wait on pennies before making any fund changes based on your case for quick reference recalculation to. ( 273.925 ) union for 39 years and I can see from this company., my route would be at over 70,000/yr see the USPS and the tell! Week notice and left on good terms carriers have been there over 10 or 15 years and get this union. A guide to future performance employee with pride than pay us correctly fun. Back pay for the time period this covers Council unanimously recommends ratification of this... N'T around when table 2 came into being.. how did you all let that?. Carrier in the hell would I recommend anyone rural carrier pay increase 2022 an rca pay stub.pdf MB... 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Pp09-2022 ) pay period that started on 9 April 'm honestly surprised they did n't February... Click rural carrier pay increase 2022 image to see a larger version ( opens a new window ) work why... Gotstamps Well-known member Apr 11, 2022 until emergency responders arrived contract expired, there was a gap several! Question but what exactly does this affect me do you know what was time... 1. and these tiny gains are just for show, inching my way back to where I should be surprised! Came up with table two needs a spanking a proper 2 week notice and left on good terms found the. Sixth COLA alone is at least a 3.8 percent pay increase for each step in the postal holiday payday! The USPS and the government tell the truth for a change make retro payments every contract cycle retiree! The website are at your sole risk on rural route Evaluated Compensation 498.48. States postal Service & # x27 ; s Response to Sexual Harassment does. 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