Paige net worth is estimated to be $3.5 million Paige net worth, as of 2022, is estimated to be around $4 million. containerId, You can read her full story below: "When I was on warped tour, [] She uploaded a gorgeous photo showing off the view from her new back patio alone with a caption telling fans about this big move. The rocker celebrated Paiges birthday by posting a message of love on Instagram on August 18, 2021. But 2010 was also a very big year for Ronnie Radke: he was released from prison, and he remembered. He was replaced with former Blessthefall singer Craig Mabbitt. gads.type = "text/javascript"; Ronnie is a Frontman of Escape the Fate who, after his prison term ended, founded Falling in Reverse. Also Read |WWE To Bring Edge And The Undertaker To Royal Rumble? According to Paige, the stalker came to their home and said that "symbols led him" to them. Is Paige Married to Ronnie Radke? While Hutch is a fictional character, Dwayne Johnson mentions him as having fallen 30 feet off a steel cage in order to look good. "[10], In 2014, Escape the Fate and Falling in Reverse co-headlined the "Bury the Hatchet" tour, signifying an end to the hostilities. One publication made a serious blunder that caused for an amazing tweet from the first-ever NXT Women's. Both recorded instruments together and also composed the themes for "As You're Falling Down", "Make Up" and "Not Good Enough for Truth in Cliche", recorded in 2005, along with Escape the Fate. One publication made a serious flub that caused for an amazing tweet from the first-ever NXT Women's Champion. Bevis life is now the story behind a silver screen film, withFighting with My Family based on her early wrestling career. }; Para buena fortuna, no pas de un susto para Paige, quien con su pareja, Ronnie Radke, subieron a redes sociales un acosador que ingres a su casa.. more. ", "Ronnie Radke/Sumerian Diss Tracks Disappear: The Beef is Over, But We've Got Full Lyrics Right Here - Alternative Press", "UPDATE: "It's not how I feel anymore" Ronnie Radke on I See Stars diss track; ISS call "truce" - Alternative Press", "FALLING IN REVERSE'S RONNIE RADKE TALKS UPCOMING TOUR WITH ESCAPE THE FATE, MIX TAPE + MORE", "APTV Exclusive! The duo frequently displays their affection for one another in Instagram pictures. [33], On May 6, 2006, then 22-year-old Radke met with Marcel Colquitt near Shadow Ridge High School, at the north end of Decatur Boulevard, at approximately 2:30 PM to fight. Talk Is Jericho podcast. Ronnie Radke stating in a video about his charges. [ The song is described as "a song Ronnie made dedicated to all the people who didn't believe in him. slot.setTargeting(REFRESH_KEY, REFRESH_VALUE); Also Read:Stone Cold Steve Austin Documentary Could Be NEXT BIG Project For The Last Dance Producers. "I show her my music and I look at her face and immediately can tell if the song is done or needs work," Radke spoke of Paige, who he called his musical barometer. January 21, 2022., 68. Also Read |King Corbin Credits The Undertaker And Triple H For Heavily Influencing His Career, A post shared by Ronnie Radke (@ronnieradke) on Dec 30, 2019 at 11:37am PST, A post shared by Saraya Bevis (@realpaigewwe) on Jan 16, 2020 at 1:08am PST, Also Read |John Cena Gets Real About His WWE Career, Admits He'll Be Okay If He Stops Wrestling, Also Read |DX Set To Appear In A WWE Live Event At Madison Square Garden On March 22, 2020, 'Top industrialist behind protesting Wrestlers': WFI boss spins conspiracy theory, Wrestlers' protest: Sports Ministry seeks explanation from WFI within 72 hours, 'Female wrestlers are willing to testify in court if needed': Bajrang Punia tells Republic, Mumbai-bound Vistara flight returns to Singapore due to engine snag, WWE: Triple H slammed by Paige's boyfriend Ronnie Radke for making an inappropriate remark, WWE To Bring Edge And The Undertaker To Royal Rumble? Wtf is wrong with peoplethank god Ronnie is around to protect our house. Paige is now dating Ronnie Radke who is famous from many ventures including the bands Falling In Reverse and Escape The Fate. [1, 1], Manage Settings The ex-wrestler extended her hand to her lover as he posed in a diva manner. After bumping into Paige and brother Zak backstage at a WWE event, The Rock appears in the clip shouting at him in a hilarious exchange. Also Read:Alberto Del Rio Denies Abusing Ex-fianc Paige: It Was The Other Way Around. [50][51] Radke publicly apologized for his actions, saying that his actions were not in anger and that he hadn't intended to hurt anyone. Paige has been dating Ronnie Radke from 2019 onwards after breaking up with her former boyfriend, who was also a musician like her current beau. Death. Road Warrior Animal Was Reportedly Dealing With Heart & Kidney Issues Prior To His Passing, WWE Files New Trademark For The Ultimate Warrior, Roman Reigns Breaks GUNTHERs Massive Record As Champion, Mick Foley & Terry Funk Spotted Together In New Photo, Indie Company Confirms End Of Deal With WWE, Police Issue Statement On Fatal Car Wreck That Took Jay Briscoes Life, WWE CEO Nick Khan Does Not See AEW Or Tony Khan As A Threat, Jay Briscoes Daughters Dealing With Serious Injuries After Car Wreck, Eric Bischoff Roasted Over Tone-Deaf Tweet After Jay Briscoes Passing. Retired WWE star Paige and her boyfriend, Ronnie Radke, said in social media posts Sunday that a stalker walked up to the door of their home.. Radke said the person "g ot his ass handed to him . Former WWE diva Paige has beeninthe news. These Are The 10 Best-Paid Television Stars In The World. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. ) 3.4K 21 7. Danny [Worsnop] from Asking Alexandria, Andy [Biersack] from Black Veil Brides is singing on it. } Though it was determined that Radke had contact with the woman, police found no evidence that Radke or his entourage had assaulted the woman as she'd claimed they did, and an eyewitness reported that she was visibly intoxicated upon exiting Radke's vehicle. Radke learned to play piano and guitar in his first bands. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Paige has always ensured that she makes her beau feel special. Later the two moved into a new house in the same state that has a great view and decoration at the . Ronnie is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, musician, and record producer. 67. "//"; Continue with Recommended Cookies. He lived with Mitch and his mother for a time. Yesterday, she and her boyfriend Ronnie Radke escaped such a scary stalker situation. Paige and rocker Ronnie Radke are not married, but she also isn't a 65-year-old WWE Hall of Famer. He is famous for being a part of the rock band Falling in Reverse and the vocalist for the band Escape the Fate. # 1. The musician his starsign is Sagittarius and he is now 39 years of age. Paige is an ardent supporter of her boyfriend's career and uses her social media handles to promote his songs. Ronnie Radke and WWE Superstar Paige attend the WWE Superstars For Hope Reception on April 05, 2019 in New York City Ronnie Radke and Paige pose for a photo at a Sundance special screening of "Fighting with My Family" on January 28, 2019 in Park City, Utah ".adsInnovads_container" Escape The Fate: the scene's biggest feud and what we learned from it", "Escape the Fate's Craig Mabbitt Talks 'Bury the Hatchet' Tour + Reconnecting With Ronnie Radke", "Rocker Ronnie Radke is out of prison and ready to make his musical mark again - Las Vegas Sun Newspaper", "Ex-Escape The Fate vocalist Ronnie Radke breaks his silence after prison release", "Alternative Press Interview with Ronnie Radke", "Ronnie Radke returns with Falling in Reverse", "Onesheet announces The Drug in Me Is You premiere", "Falling in Reverse Hit Radio Milestone With 'Popular Monster', "Ronnie Radke launches YouTube channel, releases solo song "The Fairweather Fans", "Ronnie Radke post's new solo song 'Fairweather Fans', "Ronnie Radke posts second solo song, "What Up Earth? She affirmed the rocker made every day great and reinstated that she was the luckiest girl in the world. The WWE star wrote that she was lucky to have Ronnie around the house to protect it., "A whole month of stuff being sent to our house," Paige wrote on Instagram. She has changed her Twitter bio to state: Often confused with Diamond Dallas Page as well. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hollywoodmask_com-banner-1','ezslot_4',615,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'hollywoodmask_com-banner-1','ezslot_5',615,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-hollywoodmask_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-615{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. Heres a Look inside His Personal Life. Cars Currently no cars listed. All Rights Reserved. Radke rented a home for her in Los Angeles during the initial coronavirus phase, earlier this year. Zak did, however, come up with a method for teaching a blind child how to wrestle. [11], While serving his sentence at High Desert State Prison, Radke wrote the first material for his upcoming band, which he described as "Norma Jean or Underoath with Katy Perry choruses. 15-time WWE World Champion Triple H sparked a storm among the entire WWE community by joking about Paige having kids she might not know about. Lo and behold, this is our Top 60 of celebrities that have been caught smoking or, Celebrities dont always wear makeup anymore. Something went wrong. They reported that Ronnie Radke is not married, but hes been in a relationship with DDP since 2018. [24] The first single off that mixtape, "Blacklist", which features b.LaY, was released on July 5, 2013, on YouTube. A dedicated pro wrestling follower for more than a decade who feels fortunate to express the love for the art through writing. He also went solo and released a mixtape titled Watch Me. Her story was even adapted into a film. Radke has one daughter from his relationship with model Crissy Henderson., SARAYA (@RealPaigeWWE) November 8, 2020. In high school, Radke and Max Green were close friends. "I love how there's an entire mob of people that virtue signal on how an ex felon leader . } Cole Cook Biography||. "Falling Into Ronnie Radke". WWE wrestler Paige had her boyfriend Ronnie Radke to thank after he got hold of a stalker who arrived at their house. Radke rose to popularity as the lead singer for post-hardcore band Escape the Fate, but was kicked out in 2008 after being sentenced to prison for violating probation to owning brass knuckles in the state of Nevada in 2006. It's all rap, but they're singing all the choruses on it. ] [26][27], "Well, I'm doing a mix tape right now with everybody on the scene that's doing well. A few weeks later, Omar Espinosa, who at the time was the guitarist for Lovehatehero, joined as rhythm guitarist. Zodiac Sign. googletag.cmd.push(function () { "[12] With the help of Nason Schoeffler, Radke formed Falling in Reverse, originally named From Behind these Walls. But Ronnie got him in a hold until police got there. Jesus. Paige was aware that she didnt look like a typical WWE Diva, so she dyed her hair and removed her piercings. until this f--ker turned up. Sticky_Ad: googletag Former WWE superstar Paige had her boyfriend Ronnie Radke to thank after he defended a stalker attack before the police came to the rescue. SGUENOS EN FACEBOOK; PAIGE HABLA DE SU RELACIN Y AGRESIONES CON ALBERTO DEL RO; Los ltimos das, la luchadora retirada de WWE, ha estado en el ojo del huracn por unas declaraciones que dijo sobre el mexicano Alberto del Ro. Radke is an American artist, lyricist, rapper, artist, record maker, and indicted criminal. containerDivs[_num_inserted_banners].append(containerDiv); Music Awards, This page was last edited on 31 December 2022, at 04:03. Ronald Joseph Radke ( / rdki /; born December 15, 1983) is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, musician, and record producer best known for being the current lead singer of Falling in Reverse and the former lead singer of Escape the Fate. Prior to his relationship with the former WWE star, he was engaged to model Crissy Henderson, the mother of his daughter. Alberto Del Rio Wants To File Lawsuit Against Paige, Ronnie Radke commented on the incident saying: A stalker had the audacity to come to my door, got his ass handed to him until police arrived and saved the day. Press Esc to cancel. AEW Female Star Drops Transgender Bombshell. refresh, (useSSL ? These 10 Whopping Homes & Cars Of Celebrities Look Amazing! As a solo musician, Radke released a rap mixtape, Watch Me, in 2014, which included collaborations with Deuce, b.LaY, Tyler Carter, Sy Ari Da Kid, Jacoby Shaddix, Danny Worsnop, Andy Biersack, and Craig Mabbitt. .addSize([320, 0], [[320, 50]]) if (refresh === true) { Sowohl ihre Eltern als auch ihre beiden lteren Brder sind Profi-Wrestler und hauptschlich in England aktiv.Durch diese Einflsse war sie schon frh fasziniert vom Wrestling und begann, sich von ihrer Familie trainieren zu lassen. # 2. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, according to WWE star Paige, changed her life the first time she met him. googletag.cmd.push(function () { A WWE writer passionate about the sports. The book started shipping out to pre-orders mid-December 2022. 15-time WWE World Champion Triple H sparked a storm among the entire WWE community by joking about Paige having kids she might not know about. The Norwich-born wrestler, real name Saraya-Jade Bevis, told the New York Post that she had hit rock bottom and was battling depression after hackers laid her private life in . "[20][21] On June 1, he released a second song, called "What Up Earth?". ] Ronald Joseph 'Ronnie' Radke is a singer, rapper and record producer, perhaps known best for being the frontman of the metal band Falling in Reverse. Responsive_Ad: googletag A passionate learner in the world of professional writing, and an ardent Manchester United fan. However, Triple H later apologised for passing such statementsabout the former diva. Retired WWE star Paige and her boyfriend, Ronnie Radke, said in social media posts Sunday that a stalker walked up to the door of their home. "https:" : "http:") + There's Jacoby [Shaddix] from Papa Roach. "Ronnie Radke: Prison. He found success in his early 20's with the band . [320, 50], Thank god Ronnie is there to protect our house and family. Was Paiges brother Zak able to teach a blind adolescent how to wrestle? Describing it as the "scariest thing ever," Paige said the man came to the couple's house and told the pair . Also, during an interview with GAW TV, Paige has spoken up about her former boyfriend Alberto Del Rio beating her up on a regular basis. The couple can often be seen showing off their love for one another via Instagram posts. [36] Rader was arrested for and charged with murder but the district attorney declined to prosecute him, despite his confession, as it was determined Rader acted in self-defense.[36][37]. slot.defineSizeMapping(adSizeMapping); While the couple has been in a picture-perfect relationship for almost three years now, there has been no word about when they plan to change their boyfriend-girlfriend title intohusband-wife. In May 2006, recording for the EP There's No Sympathy for the Dead began, as well as some songs from the debut album, Dying Is Your Latest Fashion. Wrestlingkarriere Anfnge. [28] On Christmas Day, he revealed a website through which subscribers received a new song, "Destiny", from the mixtape, now titled Watch Me. [3][4] Radke's mother abused drugs and was absent from his childhood, which he said caused him to have a general lack of respect towards women as an adult although he later forgave her when he posted a picture of her on Instagram after a Falling in Reverse show in 2014. Because of his prison sentence, Escape the Fate fired Radke. The accuser alleged that Radke (with his bus driver present) had sexually assaulted her after Falling in Reverse's performance at Murray Theater on June 3, 2015. At this point, Paige is going through a rocky phase in her career who is dealing with a couple of problems. Escape the Fate insulted Radke during live performances and Radke responded with vulgar posts on social media. Paige, a WWE star, tells a mind-boggling story about the first time she met The Rock. According to Paige, it all came downhill at Wrestlemania 2014 when she got a text on her phone from DJ wanting to meet her. Felix Upton is a seasoned writer with over 30 years of experience. Lemon is a fruit. [55] Radke subsequently filed a lawsuit for defamation and won the case.[56][57]. Congratulations to Ronnie and Paige for the big move. While in prison, Radke started a new band, Falling in Reverse, that didn't make a formal announcement until his release in December 2010. Several has been together since the finish of 2018. They signed in early 2006 with Epitaph Records after winning a radio contest judged by My Chemical Romance, which launched their career.[7]. The incident caused a stir on social media, with Radke later defending his actions in a string of tweets. < WWE wrestler Paige's boyfriend FIGHTS OFF a stalker until cops showed up, WWE Legend Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Gets Injured During Training, Reveals MASSIVE Cut, John Cena 'a Romantic', Fell In Love 'at First Sight' With Wife Shay Shariatzadeh: Reports, Alberto Del Rio Denies Abusing Ex-fianc Paige: It Was The Other Way Around, Stone Cold Steve Austin Documentary Could Be NEXT BIG Project For The Last Dance Producers. Paige is in a good spot as she has maintained a steady relationship and also continues to stream on Twitch. She was born on November 1, 2000. Of course, the message would not have been complete without an accompanying I love you.. World Series champion Chris Taylor and Mary Keller, Wife & Wedding Bliss | Baby Completes Family in the Cooper Barnes Wiki. This is at least the second time this year a person allegedly trespassed upon the premises of a home belonging to a WWE performer. Fighting With My Family makes no concessions about pro-wrestlings scripted nature, but the finale match adds tension by making it appear as if Paige had no idea she was going to win; in reality, the real wrestlers were aware that the title was changing owners by the time RAW began. Ronald Joseph Radke (/rdki/; born December 15, 1983) is an American singer, songwriter, rapper, musician, and record producer best known for being the current lead singer of Falling in Reverse and the former lead singer of Escape the Fate.[1]. Go suck his fucking cock. }, SECONDS_TO_WAIT_AFTER_VIEWABILITY * 1000); Sometimes its good and sometimes things turn out to be really bad for her. })(); Is Paige Ronnie Radkes Wife? Paige (h/t Fightful) said, Im not done.. [320, 50], Paige WWE and Ronnie Radke. ", "Two weekend homicide victims identified", "[Tragedy] Murder, suicide, music and drugs", "I-Team: No Charges Filed in 2006 Killing", "Ronnie Radke Reveals Six Things Not To Do in Jail", "Falling in Reverse Frontman Goes from Jail to Warped Main Stage", "Ronnie Radke Announces New Falling in Reverse Bassist, Trashes Former Band Escape the Fate", "Ronnie Radke vs. The WWE star and rocker Ronnie Radke are not married. WWE star Paige recently tweeted out a excerpt from an unknown magazine article. He was . Ronnie Radke has accumulated a total net worth of $4 million as an singer- songwriter and record producer. On October 28, 2013, it was announced that Ronnie Radke and Craig Mabbit of Escape the Fate had made up and are now on good terms. Please refresh the page and/or try again. Ronnie Radke has been in a committed relationship for the better part of the last three years with the former WWE superstar Saraya Bevis, better known as Paige, and the two have been anything but shy about flaunting their relationship on social media. The Norwich-born wrestler, real name Saraya-Jade Bevis, told the New York Post that she had hit rock bottom and was battling depression after hackers laid her private life in tatters. During Season 5 of Summer House, Paige DeSorbos relationship with boyfriend Perry Rahbar, whom she started dating in 2019, became increasingly dissatisfied. WWE Star Paige Posts Hot Photos For Twitch Session And Dance Classes. She reiterated that she was the happiest girl in the world and that the rocker made every day fantastic. She had also admitted that the humiliation and stress saw her lose all her hair, beforea chance meeting with a young fan changed her perspective. }); Paige has always been living an interesting and colorful lifestyle. However, those two have not been seen together in quite some time. In 2004, Bryan Money, looking for a vocalist, contacted Max who referred him to Radke. By Anthony, Radke has one niece, Sabrina, and four nephews, Troy, Nathan, Joshua, and Dylan. [31], Since late 2018, Radke has been in a relationship with Saraya Bevis, better known as former WWE wrestler Paige. Radke was later kicked out of Escape the Fate in 2008 after he was sentenced to two and a half years in prison for violating a probation given to him for owning brass knuckles. In fact, many of them lately like to show off, 40/ 40Cardi Bs dream mansion in Atlanta After two years of house hunting Cardi B, 55/ 55Sean Penn $70,000,000 via Sean is a dinosaur in Hollywood, but he manages. Girl Accuses Ronnie Radke Of Being Rude To Her, Paige Responds With Legal Threats A Twitter user @ashhpotato took to Twitter on Friday night to accuse WWE star Paige's boyfriend, Ronnie Radke, of rude behaviour when she met him in 2017. [44][45] He was officially charged with a misdemeanor count of corporal injury and misdemeanor false imprisonment by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Yes. Paige Muniz explained in a video posted to her Instagram Stories on March 20 that we tried to induce labor three times after 20 hours at the hospital, and it didnt work.. In 2001, Radke, with his friend, producer Michael "Elvis" Baskette, recorded the songs "Listen Up! On 7th July 2021, she uploaded pictures on Instagram and the monochrome snaps of the couple made fans feel that this relationship is about to be something. Thanks to the cops that came so quickly. He joins Nikki Bella and Renee Young in people that have publicly derided Triple H over his . [1, 1], So the two-time champion texted the ominous DJ back and got an answer that read, Its Dwayne Johnson, you idiot., In April of 2018, the two-time Divas Champion announced her retirement from in-ring competition. Mauz Mosley Muniz is the babys name. The first-ever NXT Womens Champion announced that she just completed a big move and is now in a new home. Radke pleaded guilty to battery with substantial bodily harm to owning and bringing brass knuckles to the brawl and subsequently was placed on probation for five years, and he was ordered to pay $92,372 in restitution to Ceda Freeman, the mother of Cook. Saraya, formerly Paige, made her AEW debut last night by coming out to save AEW Interim Women's World Champion Toni Storm and Athena from Britt Baker, Serena Deeb, and Jamie Hayter after the. gads.async = true; var containerDiv = document.createElement("div"); ", "Rock singer arrested in Glendale on domestic assault warrant", "Ronnie Radke Domestic Violence Charge Dropped, Releases New Song With Deuce=May 16, 2014", "Ronnie Radke in court today; domestic violence charge dismissed - Alternative Press", "Falling in Reverse Singer Ronnie Radke Arrested for Injuring Two Fans, But He Did Pay The Girl's Hospital Bill", "Singer Ronnie Radke of Falling in Reverse accused of throwing microphone stands at Great Adventure", "APTV Exclusive a Conversation with Ronnie Radke=June 6, 2013", "An Honest Conversation with Ronnie Radke", "Six Flags Great Adventure Bans Metal Concerts Following Microphone Stand Throwing Incident", "Ronnie Radke Sues Accuser for Defamation - Alternative Press", "Ronnie Radke's Accuser Speaks (Exclusive) - Alternative Press", "Falling in Reverse Ronnie Radke sues sexual assault accuser=June 9, 2015", "Video Premiere: Survive This!, "Where I Belong" (ft. Ronnie Radke) - Alternative Press", "b.Lay "Days Go By" (feat Ronnie Radke)", "Metro Station Feat. Rishabh Pant Set To Be Discharged In 2 Weeks From Hospital After Successful Surgery, West Indies Recalled Experienced Pacer Shannon Gabriel For Zimbabwe Tour, Aakash Chopra Believes Visitors New Zealand Are A Weak Unit Without Kane Williamson, Tim Southee And Trent Boult, Venkatesh Prasad Feels Its An Abuse To Domestic Cricket After Fit Sarfaraz Khan Isnt Picked For First 2 Tests Against Australia, Smackdown The Undertaker Loves Sami Zayn And The Bloodline Storyline. The timeframe is suitable for Cosmopolitans claim from late 2018 stating that Radke and Paige have been dating. She earned $250,000 annually as her basic salary from WWE. But Ronnie got him in a hold until police got there. Niece, Sabrina, and record producer starsign is Sagittarius and he is now in a about... Made dedicated to all the choruses on it. the art through writing recently... 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From many ventures including the bands Falling in Reverse and Escape the Fate around. Is dealing with a method for teaching a blind adolescent how to wrestle former Blessthefall singer Craig Mabbitt escaped! Indicted criminal, lyricist, rapper, musician, and four nephews, Troy,,... A relationship with model Crissy Henderson, the stalker came to their home and that... Express the love for the band only be used for data processing originating from this website. interesting colorful. Great view and decoration at the time was the Other Way around nephews, Troy, Nathan, Joshua and... Blessthefall ronnie radke and paige Craig Mabbitt Ronnie around the house to protect our house Radke is not married but! Earlier this year a person allegedly trespassed upon the premises of a home belonging a... He was replaced with former Blessthefall singer Craig Mabbitt people that have been dating time this year a allegedly... And four nephews, Troy, Nathan, Joshua, and four nephews,,! 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