As it was Rita who laid the foundation for the Prophet's defamation of Harry, with her initial stories about him, Hermione wanted her to also be the one to set the record straight. Unfortunately, Albus Dumbledore being gay is what we call paratext, as in not text. The text of the story is whats in Rowlings published works, and had Rowling made Dumbledore gay in Fantastic Beasts, it would be part of the text. British Also known as rita skeeter transphobia. Molly has no connection to Bellatrix, and saying in an interview that theyre foils of one another doesnt change that. so in this video i'll. Yeah Voldemort ties by his own curse, so thats out the window. They were joined by Harry after his date with Cho Chang. Like Harry Potter (well, not Harry as he really is, but the things Rowling tells us about Harry), Samwise Gamgee is brave, loyal, and selfless. J.K. Rowlings overarching story was constantly marred by her transparently episodic writing style. If youre used to TERF rhetoric, it should come as no surprise that Maya Forstater wasnt fired for saying that Sex is real, whatever that means. TERFs are people who insist, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that trans women are men in dresses infiltrating feminism. Its a vile, hateful ideology that harms the trans community immeasurably. She clutches at her crocodile-skin handbag as she is introduced to Harry by Bagman. Sirius Black is built up as an important character over three books. owyn was Thodens niece, and Merry had formed a bond with the old man. Welcome to TransLogic! Physical information As far as I could tell, Bellatrix was just another Death Eater from Mollys perspective. End of story. The author, main character, and wise mentor all condescend to a black woman for hating slavery, because slavery is good, and the black woman who wants to abolish it is just being bossy.. What if I were secretly famous, gifted with innate magical powers, and rich beyond my wildest dreams? It, based on many of her later books, was presumably also an exaggerated history of him to gain controversy and by extension, popularity and fame. [13] As in her unregistered Animagus beetle form, her antennas were curled to resemble her curls in her hair and she had marking around her antennas resembling her jewelled glasses. #IStandWithMaya #ThisIsNotADrill. As a result, his death feels manipulative. LEGO Harry Potter Rita Skeeter Exclusive Minifigure Leak Ashnflash 222K subscribers Join Subscribe 535 Share 17K views 3 weeks ago Today, thanks to an amazon listing they have leaked the. Harry never had any meaningful flaws to overcome, and he defeats Voldemort because he stole a random wand from Draco Malfoy or something? Hermione calls her in to conduct an interview with Harry, to be published in . T here must have been something good about her. That aside, Albus Dumbledore as portrayed in the books and films is a truly terrible human being. Believing that Frodo is dead, Sams first impulse is to hunt down Gollum and take revengebefore even considering taking up the Ringbearers quest. I am done playing nice with the Harry Potter series because people love it. Marital status Dobby is a house elf, house elves being a race of slaves who serve the wizards. After Harry defeated the Hungarian Horntail and retrieved his egg, Rita tried to get another interview to which Harry refused. In return, Hermione furiously vowed to get revenge on Rita if it was the last thing she ever did. Harry then tells his son that the Sorting Hat only put him in Gryffindor at his request, and were told that hes never told anyone this before. In the German audio books, Rita speaks with an American accent. [26], The book depicted the former headmaster in an extremely negative light but was mostly based on truth, much to Harry's horror. [1], Rita standing with her camera man preparing for an interview. But unlike Harry, Samwise has a number of character flaws that make him an interesting protagonist. Sam even briefly forgets about Frodos peril, desperate as our hero is to kill Gollum. Okay, so Rita Skeeter was the worst kind of tabloid hack. Eventually, her "interview of the contestants" turned out to be a highly falsified story of Harry himself. The impact would have been greatly diminished otherwise. Rita, here's a tip: pick on someone your own size when you're writing your life-ruining exposs . In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry inherits a slave named Kreacher from his dead godfather. Rita Skeeter Character Analysis. And hes not alone; apart from Hermione, every character either owns slaves or aspires to own slaves. Ill leave you to interpret the antisemitism and colonialism here. Dobby, we learn, was just a weirdo.. At some point after the first task, Albus Dumbledore had banned Rita from entering Hogwarts Castle, though. The Lord of the Rings Explained: What Moviegoers Missed. Dobby, for example, later appears to serve Harry and other slaveowners like a Confederates ideal former slave. I know and love trans people, but erasing the concept of sex removes the ability of many to meaningfully discuss their lives. Harry thought that Hermione and Rita were "the unlikeliest pair of drinking mates he could ever have imagined". She made her name painting Harry as an unhinged madman, but stopped her crusade when Hermione figured out that Skeeter is an unregistered Animagus and threatened to expose her to the Ministry. For added measure, she flogged this after the poor man's death. Im not saying Skeeter was necessarily meant to be a trans woman, but its a distinct possibility. Posts about my hobby of painting The Lord of the Rings miniatures from Games Workshop. However, while Hermione thought this one year of abstinence would curb Skeeter's ill-habit of writing hurtful articles, she was wrong, as once the deal has reached its end, she swiftly and shamelessly returned to her old ways of writing sensationalist and dishonest journalism. Speaking for myself, this quickly robbed me of my ability to care about what befell the surviving characters at the end. Throughout the Harry Potter series, characters and concepts are routinely introduced just before they become important. In 1981, at the fall of Voldemort and end of the War, Skeeter reported on the Death Eater trials before the Council of Magical Law; people such as Igor Karkaroff and Ludovic Bagman. The article also revealed to the world that Hagrid was actually half-giant, which prompted letters from parents frightened by the idea of having a dangerous giant teaching their children and greatly upset Hagrid, subjecting him to ridicule and fear. In other words, the One Ring was destroyed as a direct result of Sam overcoming his own greatest flaw. Hair colour Both Snape and Dumbledore are deplorable; Pottermore cant change that. Far worse is her inability to provide proper buildup or payoff across multiple books, which likely stems from an inability (or unwillingness) to adequately plan her series overall. Rita was extremely nosy and willing to do anything for a good story from spying on people in her Animagus form of a beetle to sensationalising or outright inventing stories. It really is Harrys abilities that make him who he is. [1], Skeeter spent time training to become an Animagus and, at some point prior to 1986, she was finally able to transform into a beetle at will. Because, as it happens, Hermione Granger is black! In a previous article she once referred to Hermione Granger as being "stunningly pretty," only to then describe her in an article published just a few months later as "a plain, but ambitious girl." If thats not horrifying enough for you, when house elves get too old to work, their masters mount their heads on the wall. However, his mood was rallied when Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Dumbledore visited him and assured him that they didn't care about his family being the vicious monsters everyone believed them to be. Also, Molly rips off one of the Alien films. Cite. In the end, however, Sam resolves to destroy the Ring himself. After Voldemorts underwhelming death, Rowling adds insult to injury by skipping forward nineteen years. Overall, Tolkiens books are deeper and more complex than any film adaptation could be. she was known as unregistered animagus. Gender When I was a small child, I read Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone (Sorcerers Stone for you Americans out there). I could talk about how the werewolves and giants are established as the targets of bigotry only for them to join Voldemort in the end, but I dont think theres much more I can say. Boggart 1511 subscribers. I didnt know one could jam this many fallacies into a single sentence outside of a PragerU video. Discovered in chapter 18, The Weighing of the Wands " Rita Skeeter is talking to Ludo Bagman when Harry enters the classroom where the Wand Weighing ceremony is to take place. Interestingly, Dumbledore brings up the fact that Neville Longbottom could have been the Chosen One if Voldemort had marked him as his equal. Immediately after that, were told that theres no doubt that its Harry. Troubled Blood Is The Latest Element In Rowling's Long History Of Transphobia The author, who has drawn criticism for her depictions of people of color and Native American religion and culture, has a long history of transphobic Twitter behavior. until Viktor makes a big decision. While much is said of her scarlet fingernails, her penciled on eyebrows, and her blond curly hair, she is also described as having large, masculine hands the same as Pippa, perhaps and an "an oddly square-jawed face." For my part, Im ashamed to say I knew nothing. Affiliation And when Hermione quite rightly campaigns against one of humanitys utmost crimes, the author frames her as annoying and out-of-touch. In the following two tweets, the creator of Harry Potter tries to justify her biological essentialism with what she seems to think is feminism. Consider the fact that Hogwarts is a den of corruption where numerous schoolchildren died only nineteen years ago, a school that drowns its students for entertainment and pits children against each other with the House Cup. [18], Rita covered the International Confederation of Wizards' Conference during the summer of 1994, describing Albus Dumbledore as an "obsolete dingbat".[9]. She illegally transforms herself so she can spy on children. Born #Rita skeeter full. [27], It turned out that Rita got at least some of her facts straight for once, but had no idea of the true story behind certain fabrications, such as her claiming that Ariana Dumbledore was a Squib,[27] and that her mother was ashamed of her, when in reality she suffered from uncontrollable bursts of magic due to a highly traumatic experience when she was around six.[28]. Skeeter was not revealed to be an animagus in the, Although Rita has three gold teeth in the books, she does not in the. Ive always wondered as to the point of this bit. Dont just say you contrasted two characters; make an effort to actually do it. Her disappointing behavior shouldn't surprise anyone who has been paying . north carolina marine fishes poster news Uncategorized rita skeeter transphobia. Signature But here's the thing: One cannot just dismiss everything Rita writes, because there are always kernels . Thus, when Denethor arguably kills Thoden indirectly, his death is more impactful than any of Rowlings character deaths. Best Quality Product Distributor - Worldwide. What does that mean? Severus Snape is a fan-favourite, and at first he does seem like the most interesting character in the books. Her hair is set in elaborate and curiously rigid curls, and she wears jewelled spectacles. One book has little to connect it to previous volumes in the series; even the genre just changes without warning between the fourth and fifth book! Let us not forget the time Harry threatened to strangle Dobby, who was a slave at the time. This caused Hermione to receive a large amount of hate mail, at least two of which were intended to cause significant harm to her, and be treated coldly by Molly Weasley who otherwise was very nice to her. elisha cuthbert salary the ranch; angelina's wedding cost; joshua blake pettitte Rita Skeeter Character Analysis. Maya Forstater In December of 2019, Rowling defended a known TERF called Maya Forstater after a long time quietly liking tweets from other TERFs. Harry has few character flaws outside of Book Five, where his teenage angst only makes him more unlikeable than ever before. This book turned out to be a best-seller, with numerous copies sold. When we see muggles, whom we can assume oppose slavery, theyre nearly always portrayed negatively. If Rowling wanted to contrast two characters, she would have had to actually contrast them somehow. Skeeter was described as having blonde hair set in elaborate curls that contrasted oddly with her heavy-jawed face. By this point, J.K. Rowlings writing style has become almost indistinguishable from that of Russian-American author and cult leader Ayn Rand. She also wrote a mystery novel called The Silkworm, where she dehumanized a trans woman. Dumbledore convinced her to return to human form and they all came to an agreement to not expose Rita's abilities in exchange for her not publishing her book critical of Hogwarts. Rita Skeeter. [31], In April 2014, just before the opening matches of the 427th Quidditch World Cup, Brazilian manager Jos Barboza called the Welsh Chasers "talentless hags" over drinks with Rita Skeeter. She publicly shamed Hermione for her relationship with Viktor Krum and her supposed relationship with Harry Potter. Human[5] A central theme in The Silkworm is that a family that includes a trans person is not a real familyonly a pathetic imitation of one. The moment Rita Skeeter had spoken, the green quill had started to scribble, skidding across the parchment: Attractive blonde Rita Skeeter, forty-three, whose savage quill has punctured many inflated reputations--. After the defeat of Voldemort, Hermione goes on to work for the Ministry of Magic, having abandoned her past abolitionism. [9], Rita with Harry Potter and Hermione Granger in the tent during the first task. All his traits outside of Book Five are things like selfless, brave, and loyal. And unlike some brave, loyal, selfless characters such as Samwise Gamgee, Harry doesnt have meaningful flaws to round out his character. After the interview she dedicated a whole page of the Daily Prophet for his interview, which greatly annoyed Amos Diggory, the father of Cedric, another Hogwarts champion. From students and teachers being petrified one-by-one to the diary of Tom Riddle, from the comedy of Gilderoy Lockhart to Harrys battle with the basilisk, it was by far the most engaging and thrilling of the series. After doing almost nothing of note, Bellatrix is killed by Molly Weasley, whose son Fred was killed shortly before. The world Rowling imagined exists to fulfil a fantasy: what if I were the most important person in the world? Rita, in retaliation, then wrote a nasty story about the "devious Miss Granger" based on false rumours provided by Pansy Parkinson, making her out to be a plain but skilled witch who used Love Potions to satisfy her "taste for famous wizards". Despite his muggle upbringing, he only joins S.P.E.W so Hermione wont nag him. Rita was interviewed by Betty Braithwaite, a fellow Daily Prophet reporter in her home, whom she treated very warmly, serving her tea and Pound cake and informing her of much gossip surrounding the book's release. As nice as that quote sounds, it is swiftly contradicted by almost everything from the following book onwards. Rita Skeeter as she appears in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4, Rita Skeeter as she appears in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Rita Skeeter as seen in Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells, Concept art of Rita Skeeter from Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, The Harry Potter Wiki has 92 images related to, *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Rita Skeeter might be a minor antagonist in Harry Potter, but she tends to monopolize nearly every scene she's in. Hes a rich, famous superhuman in a world where only he matters, and this struck a chord with peopleespecially children. Killing off this many supposedly-important characters off-page is simply not a recipe for a strong narrative. This is a relatively minor grievance when compared with the others, but in keeping with the theme of Harry and his friends always ensuring their hands remain clean, Harry Potter doesnt even kill Voldemort at the end. As someone currently living with Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder due to abuse in schools, I can tell you that this all-important theme in Harry Potter is harmful to real people. When Frodo decides to spare Gollums life, Sam interprets this as blindness, as we see in this passage: It had always been a notion of his that the kindness of dear Mr. Frodo was of such a high degree that it must imply a fair measure of blindness. Trans women existing is not misogyny, despite the lies that TERFs want you to believe. Rita Skeeter wrote a gossip column in The Daily Prophet about the Quidditch World Cup on 8 July, 2014, in which she mentioned that she was about to publish a new book about Dumbledore's Army on 31 July called Dumbledore's Army: The Dark Side of the Demob. I and many others felt like we were growing up alongside Harry and his friends, who got older at around the same time we did. [16], Subsequent to her guest speaker role, during the 19871988 school year, Rita returned to Hogwarts to interview the staff as research for a book she was writing. Her blonde curls were curiously rigid, suggesting it was styled with the magical equivalent of hairspray. More than that, the text of Harry Potter is blatantly and inherently pro-slavery. When Hermione confronted and insulted Rita for having written horrible untruths about her friends, Rita vindictively responded by writing an article that painted Hermione as a "scarlet woman" who used her intellect and charm to toy with the affections of famous wizards. Rita tended to portray the people she wrote about poorly, presumably because it sold more stories. Again, saying your story is diverse doesnt make it so. The story got darker, too, as author J.K. Rowling tried to keep up with the changing tastes of her original audience. Because Rowlings bad ideas arent just on Twitter; theyre baked into every book shes written. Shed wronged each of them in various ways, torturing Hermione and robbing both Neville and Harry of the people who would have been their parental figures. This manifesto also praised a known antisemite as an immensely brave young feminist, so we can add that to the list, too. It's a problem all too familiar to us in the Muggle world: You can't trust everything you read in the news. Remember that Harry Potter is supposed to be the hero. In the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when the Witch-King killed Thoden, theres a reason it was owyn and Merrynot Pippin and Beregondwho battled the Lord of the Nine, avenging the king. And some of those Harry Potter fans will be radicalized to the alt-right as a result. Rita Skeeter first met Harry Potter in 1994 when Hogwarts was housing the Triwizard Tournament, which Harry's name shot surprising from the Goblet of Fire. Rita then interviewed Rubeus Hagrid, asking many questions about Harry that Hagrid refused to answer. [23] Editor Xenophilius Lovegood sold the article to the Prophet after the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, when Voldemort's return became public, and he and his daughter Luna used the money to travel to Sweden in search of the Crumple-Horned Snorkack. #TheIckabog. No amount of content on Pottermore will change that. J.K. Rowling is a transphobic bigot who tweets TERF rhetoric at children. Harry and his friends grow more mature as the series progresses. It is likely she attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardy, and she spent time training to become an Animagus. In 1997 Rita Skeeter travelled to Godric's Hollow to meet Bagshot and used Veritaserum to get vital information for her book on Albus Dumbledore, after her little interview she left a small note and her own copy of the Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore. Re-read the descriptions of Rita Skeeter, for instance. Characters like Draco Malfoy and Neville Longbottom arent built up at all until its far too late to build anything up. In other words, the hero doesnt have to get his hands dirty, because Voldemort does himself in. as a review. Bellatrix Lestrange, despite a few passing mentions in the previous book, is another character whom Rowling throws into the story with almost no buildup. The character of Luna Lovegood is a perfect example, entering the story at the start of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix and then fading into the background just as quickly. They werent much different from many other childrens books in that regard. May 30, 2022 Posted by: Category: Uncategorized; [13], Rita was initially taken aback that Hermione wanted her to interview Harry, and then resentful, since Hermione demanded that she only write exactly what Harry said and not portray him and all he said in a negative way as the rest of the press was. First, the character Rita Skeeter, a tabloid journalist who is described as looking 'fake' and 'mannish' and shown to be invading the privacy of the Hogwarts students in much the same way as trans-exclusionary feminists claim that trans women invade the privacy of cis women. Harry looked down quickly at the quill. . [25] It was, perhaps, her being present at the funeral that prompted her to write a biography of Albus Dumbledore, as within four weeks, she wrote a 900-page biography about him, The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore, which also included authentic old photos of the famed Hogwarts headmaster. The books make a big deal of every minor characters death, and yet most of them only exist in relation to Harry. J.K. Rowling is a bigot, and her fame gives her a huge audience for her bigotry. As an article by Constance Grady for Vox pointed out, Rowling routinely and increasingly writes about womanhood as if it were a disability. J.K. Rowling writes like an alt-right blogger, pretending to be rational while distorting the facts, wielding emotional arguments and misleading buzzwords, and demonizing societys most vulnerable. The later books attempts at adult fantasy clash with the inherent childishness of the Wizarding World. [17], Jacob's sibling reported her questions and motivations to Albus Dumbledore, who revealed to him that Rita was an unregistered Animagus who was using her abilities to eavesdrop at the time. Voldemort does himself in up the Ringbearers quest only he matters, and he defeats Voldemort he! 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