Were working on building the largest haunted database in the world. They are screams can be heard constantly. Historians, meanwhile, have said a murder occurred at the site of the restaurant near the turn of the century. there are several other 'ghosts' known to reside in the A building as well. The city says before it was closed, the tiny road was seeing about 400 daily car trips during the weekday afternoon commute. However, the Real gardener states that he never has to do any gardening behind the gates of the crematory because it is always weed free. Some say they have seen ghosts walking around and playing in the room. There said to be a ghost that haunts the park at night. Richmond's Point Isabel Regional Shoreline Park The ghost has been caught on camera and is known to pull instruments from musicians playing at weddings in the banquet hall. "I think it has to be one or the other.". It's a loop trail, so you'll end up where you started off - if you make it through the whole thing. OAKLANDHolmes Book Company It is said that she was killed in a automobile accident in the 70's. Security would see a man on the cameras but when they got there no one was there, but here's the catch. Please explain. The air smelled of creosote, the rolling hills of Santiago Canyon veiled in ash from the recent Canyon 2 fire. According to the first journalist to report on the supposed haunting, about ten years after the date in the 1920's when the woman was popularly held to have died, there was no mention of anyone dying in an accident in the canyon, and county records of the time listed no account of the body of anyone who had supposedly died in Niles Canyon. You may request other times and days and we will consider them. 3 people who work in the hotel's bar area say that things like glasses have moved by themselves mysteriously. She guards the mines and when people see her, she is all white. However, people still talk about this mysterious ghost who hangs out at the basketball courts named, "Michael T.". Sign up to receive home sales alerts in Fremont Street in Fremont, CA . It derailed and Princess Margaret and Princess Marie Elena died instantly as well as 100 of the passengers that accompanied them from the Ride from NY to Vallejo to the Napa Valley. Jim Morrison, who for a time lived in a home on Rothdell Trail, behind the Laurel Canyon Country Store, may or may not have died in Paris on July 3, 1971. Employees report finding toys in aisles when opening up the store in the morning, and balls rolling down aisles when nobody else is around, and bicycles being ridden around at night. There is only one gardener employed at the O.S.P.C.A. 38.68 m Up The building no longer remains. Then he went out threw the head into the fields and left the body. East Quimby Road Many ghosts reported being seen by those who are caretakers of the old aircraft carrier. People have reported feeling "cold spots" in certain areas and the feeling that they are not alone, even when they are. He is said to be the ghost of a jogger that only runs at midnight. Two cottonwood trees along Riverdale Road in Thornton, Colorado. Select an address below to learn more about the property, such as, who lives and owns property on this street, home owners' contact details . One of the Construction Workers came across the Painting. For more info go to http://www.artsfusion.com/millsghosts/main.html for a longer explanation. What looks like a walking path is actually a two-way city street. Just flat skin. (Located on the present-day Angelina Way Street). During the 1800's, a young woman hanged herself in one of the rooms of this hotel. Poltergeist/Presence very strong in this 14 screen multiplex. Legend has it he fell off one of the catwalks while working. Police in Fremont said Morrison Canyon Road east of Canyon Heights is closed Saturday due to mudslide. One of the workers spent the night there after working late one night and heard a little girl screaming in his ear. 13.7 km On Old Santa Cruz highway, going toward Los Gatos, a young woman of about 17 or 18 roams around. Photographs taken in the house have shown white figures in the background. Their spirits have inhabited this church since the late 60's when it happened. It has been rumoured that the Morison Canyon Road in Fremont, California is a haunted location. - "B" Building 1st Floor On the first floor of B building three rooms are known as the "Bermuda Triangle" This hall is no longer occupied but when it was there were many reports of noises and voices heard, objects flying across the rooms and a feeling that there was something extremely malicious there. The water in the men's room, adjacent to the mainframe area, is found to be running on occasion. Students passing by the cemetery next to the mission claim to here eerie moans and locked doors to the O'Connor building swinging open and shut. Toys R Us is haunted supposedly by a young boy or man, believed to be Jonny Jonson (pronounced Yonny Yonson), a farm worker. Supposedly, a class of children were taking a field trip. It is said that many witnesses have heard the sound of children playing while students are in class. Road to regional park entrance. She ran and called another teacher when this ghost turned around and appeared to have no face. She can be seen sitting on the side of the road, or walking at twilight. And apparently a young girl hung herself in the photography dark room. There are only one or two employees on duty and all have confirmed the sounds. Learn More Auction Foreclosures if you don't feel like getting out of your car, it is scary just to drive through in the dark. She never was able to see her husband and after 2 years of practicing to Perform for him a Irish Song called "Smiling Through" She suffocated in the attic. It's moderately difficult and stretches for 2.3 miles. (His ghost was the Inspiration to the Story Peter Pan) written in 1900. Lights, music, everything. In 1897 Vallejo welcomed the Royals of England with a train ride through the Napa Valley. When the woman turned around, no one was there. The 100 passengers that traveled with them were the 100 servants of the Princesses of England. Also the gym which is no longer in use has been reported to have ghosts. The tale of the haunting goes that people traveling along Niles Canyon road (now Highway 84) on. This is all after closing time and the place is clear of people other then the person cleaning up. the guy watching the cameras kept telling the guys over the radio that the guy was behind them and then next to them. The town of Mt. 21.0 km Guest and employees have seen lights flicker on and off in the dining area and known to see a young girl standing out on the look out balcony. There are many orbs that you can see with the naked eye and some strange noises heard from the East end of the Cemetery. Intensive Care Nursery haunted by women that have died in childbirth. You can see faces and things moving inside of the cemetery. A group of boys have also said that they say lights in the classrooms turn on and off, while they were at the school late at night. 1,317' Down Generally considered an easy route, it takes an average of 1 h 21 min to complete. Also on the 3rd floor, knocking on the lockers and from inside locked classrooms can be heard. At night in a garden there is figure of a young girl sitting on a bench. Defense Distribution Depot San Joaquin (Bldg 100). Long-time cyclist Lance King said the problem really started when GPS apps began directing cars to the road as a shortcut to Interstate 680. The vintage light fixtures will go dim and then swing back and forth for a short period of time, then stop as abruptly as it started. He then walks to a cubbyhole where there is only a desk and chair, and disappears. Supposedly built on a cemetery in the early 1900 after an earthquake, it is haunted by a few restless spirits. This building was constructed in the 1800's. One guy earlier in the spring claimed that he swerved to avoid hitting a large raccoon, and crashed his new Ferrari off the roadway into a ditch. However, the people were able to come in and out through a secret passageway. This used to be a movie theater and was burned down mysteriously and then it was built as an opera house and it burned down with people in it but, it was yet again a mystery on how it burned down, for more info on it go to the phoenix theater history. Some people say that at night they can hear her scream for help because she didn't really want to die. He was believed to be the victim of the 1989 earthquake. A man student was shot 18 times in the head you can here him running and screaming for his life and gun shot firing. Check out this 2.7-mile loop trail near Calabasas, California. After this horrendous act he took the body out into the fields and decapitated her. She doesn't bother people, but she REALLY scares them and always misplaces workers badges and keys. It is an abandoned hotel that was once used by famous Hollywood actors who wanted to "get away" from the Hollywood life for awhile. View photos, public assessor data, maps and county tax information. "My friend and I would walk up here a lot and at one point she actually got side-swiped by a mirror of the cars!" The bus then rolled backwards and crushed all the students. Miss Lowerey became the first person to ever be killed by an automobile in this area. 7777 West Bluemound Road P.O.Box 13819 Milwaukee, WI 53213, USA. He wanted to use the nearby restroom before he saw the figure. For more info go to http://www.artsfusion.com/millsghosts/main.html for a longer explanation. Apr. We all laughed- another damn speeder. 38.41 m Down, 4.0 mi It is said that at night, a boy with a name tag that says "Michael T." appears. - Roast Beef Shop There was a man wearing a blue shirt that got locked up in the freezer and froze to death. Workers report being chased out by something. Guests will often complain of noises coming from the unoccupied, haunted room. There is a ghost in the stockroom; it used to harass one of the female employees. Haunted by Sarah Norton, also known as the "White Witch". We found 28 addresses and 35 properties on Morrison Canyon Road in Fremont, CA. Cold spots felt, an impression of someone lying in Sarah's bed, apparitions, rocking chairs rocking, being pushed by unseen hands, disembodied talking & laughing. A woman who worked at the establishment was married to a seaman, but had an affair with a piano player. She reportedly haunts room 33. Even during the day, if you take pictures occasionally there will be orbs or even a glowing, ghostly figure in the picture. First published on October 1, 2012 / 12:00 AM. He is wearing a blue army/military suit with a white collar, he looks like a teenager, he is a bit thin. There are trails to take through the park to see ancient rock carvings made by the once native Ohlone tribe. Now, if you go to the marker(157) put your car in neutral the students try to push you. When you look in your rearview mirror you'll see a woman sitting in your back seat. Know Before You Go With its sharp turns and unguarded drop-offs, this unpaved. The ghost of a ten-year-old boy who was killed on an amusement park ride haunts the area where the ride once stood. EMPIRE MINE ROAD:Gates of Hell Fair warning: no trespassing you will get fined or arrested. 1,339' Up Four are musicians, three on the cusp of unimaginable success. After a couple of minutes passed by, he pulled over and savagely attacked and raped her. Since thenGeorge has managed to become more violent here and therehe never harms anyonehowever he still continues to play his usual tricks.". There also have been pictures taken of this ghost (pictured). UNLOCK ADDRESS. It was said that in the middle of the school a young lady hung herself there, and sometimes at night when people get out of their night classes, people see her. Us thinking it was an earthquake ran and got the heck out of there. The girl dies on impact and to this day is said to haunt Niles Canyon road every February 26. but they can never find the spot again when they go back to look for the loot that is believed to be buried there. They would sometimes hear what would sound like a person whispering in that area. So here is a list of the most ("reportedly") haunted places in the Bay Area. There is a woman in a trench coat, standing under an old-fashioned street lamp, that can be seen at night waiting for a ride. The young man was almost shot, though he was not arrested, but he had to be taken to a coffee shop where it took him until 2am to calm down sufficiently to go home. at one apartment a young woman hung herself because her family left her. The license plates the line the ceiling move random ones not all of them just one or two. Many of the business in the area report seeing unexplainable dark shadows on the walls, seeming to appear from out of nowhere. - IMAX theatre there are reports of lights turning on and off, and whispers. Things have been thrown at people, they have been pushed and screams have been heard from the people being tortured by themselves or another. Her ghost is often seen the in Vallejo Museum(formerly Vallejo Canteen)practicing singing with a friend (location upstairs)and later vanishes after the window opens then shuts. will not enter. There has been ghostly visions on horse back in mist seen floating in Hills for decades. 3:15am it is said that you can hear a boy screaming help in the football field where he was murdered. In the mornings, we would come in to hear the sensors beeping in the jean wall; we would dig through the piles, find the pair of jeans, and then turn the sensor off. The 27-mile road passes through Timberdoodle Flats; a birding trail, and Morrison Trail; a 5.3-mile hiking trail. He was kidnapped at 18 years old. Also, In the parking lot, People can see a naked guy doing the spits and disappearing into thin air. At the end of Empire mine road, there is an old railroad track tunnel that is pretty spooky inside. A former student reported that when he and his friends would sit in the 3rd floor hallway nearest the back stairway that lead to a dead end wall. 2mi, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, Create Recommended Route or She looked at us and said, "No, what are you talking about?" At night you can hear a chair rolling across a wooden floor upstairs and the upstairs is carpeted. Copyright 2022 Bay City News, Inc. All rights reserved. It has been said that many people have been sacrificed at the end of this tunnel, and if you go at night fall and light a candle at the end of the tunnel someone will come and pick it up and throw it into the water that rushes up just beyond the rocks. Located at the corner of Sutter And Octavia (pictured), the Queen Anne Hotel is an elegant Victorian style hotel, which dates back to the 1890's. The Lady in Black is supposedly the proprietor of the establishment and haunts the nursery where her grandchildren died of cholera. She has written "Boo!Boo!" There have been numerous sightings of a woman searching for her child, hearing the sound of a stage coach and the snorting and breathing of horses, and a rumor that a woman was killed by a truck driver and she appears in the passenger seat of the truck, screams" and then vanishes. Save the date for Menifee Restaurant Week, Jan. 23-27, 2023. Voices in the former eating area as well as the cell blocks are heard when no one else is around. USCF Medical Center Reports a gray figure coming out of the men's bathroom and disappear through the wall on the other side of the hall. The people on the street brought the little girl in to the restaurant where she died. Also, many windows are busted out and it is musty, graffiti-filled, and very spooky. to this day you can still find bones if you are to dig around in the basement of the old house. A long time ago a girl was running up the stairs and she tripped and she died. Morrison Canyon road is a primarily one-lane road that leads up to the 680 freeway. Right after the Royal Court painted his picture. A little girl went to a party she got mad at her parents. Rumors are that the building was once a motel in the mid 1900s until it was burnt down because the owner had money problems with local gang members; however, the presence of the young boy is still a mystery. The argument turned into a shoot out and one of the bullets went thru the window and stuck a little girl on the street. The Restaurant has been around since the time the town was founded in 1857. This is one of the places where the infamous "Zodiac" murdered a young lady and her boyfriend back in the fifties or sixties, the hangout of the Zodiac was supposedly on this road as well The road is nothing but abandoned ranches and utility buildings now but a strange mist hugs to the top of the hills to the left on most nights rather than sticking to the lake to the right . But Attorney Michael Colantuono, who represents some of the residents up the hill, said the street is a public asset that should be shared. The time was around 12:00 am closing time. Everything they do to remove it does not work and the stain returns to this day it is still there under the carpet. See if the property is available for sale or lease. They ran so fast, they left the woman behind to fend for herself. At nighttime one time a customer saw the shadow of someone. Very cold in spots. People will get pulled over and get speeding tickets by this guy, but when they go to file it through the courts they'll find out that the officer listed doesn't exist. But his face is sad to be missing. Living Area 1,874 Sqft. At night if you're at Stowe Lake you may see her walking around Strawberry Hill looking for her baby. It is fenced off, but you can find ways either under the fence or over it. "As a way of staking their claim that this should not be used by cars at all. This was a VERY scary moment for all of them & when she finally made it out, security was there to assist her. Cal State University Griffith Park is a large municipal park at the eastern end of the Santa Monica Mountains, in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles, California.The park includes popular attractions such as the Los Angeles Zoo, the Autry Museum of the American West, the Griffith Observatory, and the Hollywood Sign.Due to its appearance in many films, the park is among the most famous municipal parks in . Spotted a girl in the hallway. He is said to wear regular clothes and seems like a child. Workers have witnessed apparitions, strange laughter, screaming, cold spots and freezer doors flying open violently along with the ejection of the contents. 1,317' Down (A popular spot in the early 1900s for Society Members to gather) In 1922 Rose Borgia was to perform for Manuel the King of Portugual, she was his wife and somehow was left behind when she visited her nephew here in the United States. And once you do, the ghost cop will disappear. You will come to another gate then behind their lies this old decrepit Structure of a hospital. UNLOCK ADDRESS. One night in 1789 a groundskeeper for the tuberculosis hospital went crazy and shot all the children. Clanking inside of the circle figured tubes towards the back of the property. In the bell tower reports of past Jesuits are seen praying. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Also reported, an unidentified man called the kiask at the park to report this strange sighting to park employees. We went to our teachers office, which is located in the same building, and asked her if she felt an earthquake or anything. Copyright 2022 by Bay City News, Inc. Republication, Rebroadcast or any other Reuse without the express written consent of Bay City News, Inc. is prohibited. Sarah Norton was a midwife who died on the way to deliver a baby when her carriage over turned and killed her. Search by owner name and find all properties currently or previously owned. Before the hotel even was a hotel, it was a school for girls since few girls had access to schools back then. People say when he they pass by it at night they can see him with the knife in his back. Story goes, when the building was a hotel a man went in and raped and killed 2 people. October 2007 - At the intersection of Marina Village Pkwy and Mariner Square Dr, turn left and go straight. - "B" Building 3rd Floor North of the B building Over the years, a number of people residing on the hall have experienced waking up from a dead sleep and feeling as though they were being strangled and held to their bed as they tried to sit up. Lights switch on and off during presentations done for students, seats pull down and come up when no one is sitting next to you, and if alone in the theater practicing for a show, "George" loves to play lighting tricks on you. They say that people were murdered in the room and those spirits are the ones haunting the living. She is seen in the graveyard floating around the tombstones. Downstairs, a man with glasses is seen in the empty fireplace, and in the basement an angry dog, probably from when local police used the place for search dog training, haunts the stairway and front door. The average home sale price on Morrison Canyon Rd has been $719k. Also heard, a faint/deep voice when he is around. Watch the latest videos about #morrisoncanyonroad on TikTok. The theater is no longer Open. In the restroom the water has been known to turn on by itself witnesses claim to even see the handle turning. October 2003 update: Reports of it being a golf course now. *Some people say every night since 1879 the ghost of Prince Louis kisses any women who end up moving to this street, going house to house watching over them. Her spirit remained. She is mistaken as La Llarona. December 9, 2020 / 9:02 PM It is said that the ghost of the Indians still haunt the old house and tend to move things around. The Blue Lady is a friendly and mischievous spirit. And in the Strawberry Hill/Stowe Lake area, it has been said that in the 1920's or 30's a woman became pregnant & hide the pregnancy from her family. 2239 Morrison Canyon Road, Fremont, CA 94539. A few years after Jim's death, his common-law wife, Pamela Courson, dropped dead as well, officially of a heroin overdose. In 1942 a boy was murdered by his best friend many people say At approx. 12.6 km You'll want to stop at Jakes Rocks and Rimrock Overlook for a striking view of the Allegheny Reservoir. There is no cemetery that they know of in Sunol, which is at the top of Niles Canyon Rd. Sometimes when you walk inside, you'll hear a loud scream the second you enter the door. There is also a cold spot in a room where things were stored and also the office downstairs was so cold you had to wear a coat and there was nothing wrong with the heating or cooling system. Singing can be heard in the 3rd floor bathroom when no one is around. 72.46 m Down, 13.0 mi The Sutro Baths have quite a history behind them, as well as the tunnel that lies directly to the right of the old sunken building. one of the Legends is of Joaquin Murrieta California Bandit El Dorado, it is believed that Joaquin has buried his loot some where in the Morgan Territory area under a oak tree. PITTSBURGOld Riverside Elementary (unused site). 401.46 m Up This was once the main village for the area. One day she was playing in the fields and fell asleep while her father was working. Footsteps and the sounds of cell doors opening and closing also echo throughout the corridors. Similarly; there is no Morrison Canyon ghost. When police investigated and found the room empty, the manager thought the call might have come from the ghost that haunts the room. One parent attending an orientation, felt a strong negative presence, as if it were saying, "Go home please." It is said that at night you can hear and see the ghost of a nurse pushing her cart down the hallways and patients who died there moaning and groaning. Getting There. A haunted location: Morison Canyon Road in Fremont, California. Warning: Many of the locations listed may require permission to visit or investigate. At night, or at later hours after school (when not as many people are around), people have reported seeing a figure standing by one of the stalls then vanish. While the vote wasn't narrow, the road certainly is. November update: A paranormal researcher found there's quite an extensive collection of newspaper clippings that was donated to the library by a journalist. Many employees have asked who the lady is weeding in the crematory, when their supervisors are approached with this question they simply state. This restaurant over look the entire Silicon Valley and has been known to light up on its own when nobody is there. Ghosts are seen near Robinson Hall around 10pm. Faces have been seen in the bushes. 155 Morrison Canyon Road 155 Morrison Canyon Road, Fremont, CA 94536. Outside of the gated regions of the Cemetery in a woods-like area can be found dilapidated and broken graves. Ghosts of sailors who perished on board are well documented. It is now haunted by some of those Hollywood stars. Also, you get the chills and have the feeling that someone's behind you. Everyone in the rooms died. Home of Sister Ray Records - the world's most visited record store with over 30 years experience in the trade and based in the heart of London's Soho. there have been sightings of her after her death. San Francisco Arts Institute Niles Canyon Road | Haunted Places | Fremont, CA 94536 Niles Canyon Road Home > Miscellaneous > Niles Canyon Road A woman in a white dress was ran over sometime in the 1920's. Some people have seen a woman in a bloddy white gown walking along this road and hikers using the secret sidewalk have supposedly gone missing trying to aid this woman. Unit in Kimber-Gomes; Nearby Listings The property has no active listings. Goes that people were murdered in the basement of the cemetery are documented! Can still find bones if you are to dig around in the bell tower of... Saying, `` Michael T. '' that she was killed in a automobile accident in the a building well... Hotel a man on the street the way to deliver a baby when her carriage over and... On october 1, 2012 / 12:00 AM not work and the feeling that they know of in Sunol which! Brought the little girl in to the Story Peter Pan ) written in 1900, there a... 157 ) put your car in neutral the students try to push you for herself but had affair! Company it is said that she was playing in the 70 's cemetery in a garden there is a one-lane. San Joaquin ( Bldg 100 ) like a walking path is actually a city! 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