During the second week of the semester - 50 percent refund on any or all classes dropped; however, lab fees are not refundable. These courses may utilize a Web-based component as a supplement to the instructors face-to-face classroom instruction. The giving programs enable the donor to receive maximum tax benefits under existing tax laws. Note: Semester calendars are subject to change as the College deems necessary. MCCCs College/Community Symphony Band is planning a special outdoor concert at a local quarry. A monthly calendar of exhibits, demonstrations, lectures, slide shows, concerts, plays, athletic and seasonal events is available, spotlighting well-known regional and national artists. View how your courses will be offered for distance learning and on-campus course format descriptions. 2022-23 Monroe Community College Women's Soccer Schedule. Various payment methods are accepted on the eCampus website, such as credit and debit cards, PayPal, financial aid, book buyback credits and credits earned through the Rewards Program. 2022-23 Men's Basketball Schedule - Monroe Community College Athletics Skip to navigationSkip to contentSkip to footer The Official Site of Monroe Community College Athletics Composite Search Menu Site Navigation Sports Men's Sports Baseball Home Schedule Roster News Basketball Home Schedule Roster News Esports Home 734.847.0559, Illegal Discrimination And Sexual Harassment Policy. The Community College District of Monroe County, Michigan affirms its desire to create a work and study environment for all individuals that is fair and responsible. These classes are held 100 percent in-person at the days, times and locations indicated. Essentially, it allows students to view the contents of most of their records currently on file at the college. Myth 5: Students are taught how to use a computer in an online class. However, this is not a guarantee that accommodations will be provided exactly as requested. After the tuition payment deadline, payment is due within 5 days from the date of registration. 1-0. As part of the regular academic calendar, the college schedules an eight- to ten-week Summer Semester from mid-May through the first week of August. Box Score; Recap; Staten Island, NY. detailed information. MCCC does not sell or otherwise provide mailing lists to companies or individuals outside the college other than required by state or federal regulations. If you have questions, just call us at (734) 384-4104. Courses and programs are designed in response to education and training needs expressed by individuals, community groups, and business and industry, as well as demands for enrichment and recreational activities. The goal of the SSC is to help students improve their classroom performance and achieve academic success and independence. If the student does not respond within seven calendar days, the withdrawal form is processed and a W will be recorded. Exceptional circumstances such as military service, death in immediate family, serious illness or hospitalization will be taken into consideration. If a drop is made by the end of the first week of a full semester (15 weeks) class, no W will be recorded. Fall 2023 Important Dates:to be determined. Monroe, MI 48161734.242.7300, Toll-free:877.937.6222 (Michigan and Ohio only), 7777 Lewis Avenue COVID-19 FEDERAL EMERGENCY GRANTS (HEERF I, II, III), MCCC General Education Course Satisfiers*, Acalog Academic Catalog Management System (ACMS). Our friendly Admissions staff will take you through the quick and easy steps to begin attending classes at MCCC, where our hallmark is affordable, quality, student-focused higher education. Remember, you can use myWebPAL to plan your courses in advance, monitor your progress toward graduation, view your grades, drop classes, add yourself to a waitlist for a full class, review available classes in the Course Schedule, change contact or other information for the college, request transcripts and more. 264 Precision Blvd
Student must be claimed on current health insurance or prior tax return of parent/legal guardian. A student wishing to enroll in a class as an auditor may do so by completing and submitting the necessary form to the Registrars Office by the mid-point of the course. The Admissions Office and Student Government are alsolocated in this facility. **Use Brightspace System Check to ensure your browser is compatible. A form of personal identification is necessary for pick up. In honor of International Design Day, Monroe County Community College is hosting an open house to provide an opportunity for prospective students to explore the Colleges Graphic Design programs and careers opportunities in graphic design including digital design and illustration. The Silent Killer: How High Blood Pressure Affects Your Body and How You Can Protect Yourself Present by Lily Vrzal, BSN, RN. MCC Paramedic Information & Application Email Nicole Amendolare or contact her at (585) 753-3712. Citizen King Movie Viewing and Discussion (GI Bill is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 7:30 p.m. Pay over time using MCCC's Tuition Payment Plan. Select the appropriate student status category below. Online classes are not easier than a traditional class; they are just presented in a different format. Named for MCCCs second president, the Gerald Welch Health Education Building houses the Practical Nursing, Registered Nursing, PN to RN and Respiratory Therapy programs and laboratories. Fall 2023 Online and Blended Course Requirements:It is recommended students refer to the Fall 2023 Online and Blended Course Requirements page of the website for technical and other requirements prior to registering. The maximum number of credits allowed without official approval in Summer Semester is nine hours. Orders placed on the website can be picked up in the Bookstore or shipped directly to a students residence. Registration, special fees, technology and lab fees will be charged. Additional Software (Highly Recommended): Other System Requirements (Highly Recommended): Additional course-specific technology may be required; see online course information sheets above, for course specific requirements. Monroe County, NY - Public Safety Training Facility (PSTF) Public Safety Training Facility (PSTF) Public Safety Training Facility 1190 Scottsville Road Rochester, New York 14624 Phone: (585) 753-3800 Fax: (585) 753-3851 MCC PSTF Training & Course Information Homeland Security Management Institute Myth 4: Malfunctioning computer, email, etc. Relevant academic and non-academic activities will be used to determine if the mission mandates continue to be met. Pct. View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program at: http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programSearch.htm, Committee on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC)
The unearned amount of financial aid must be returned in the following order: Students receiving financial aid through the State of Michigan aid programs may also be required to repay all or part of the state financial aid disbursed to them in the term they withdraw. NFTC Course Descriptions, Pricing, and Schedule, *Hybrid class -- majority of didactic material online, Registration Form (PDF) Agency Verification Form (PDF)Spring 2023 Schedule (PDF)Summer 2023 Schedule (PDF). Assignments, tests and other projects and assessments have due dates. Auditors are not required to take exams, but are expected to attend class on a reasonable basis. Course content, such as readings, assignments, and tests, is available through the internet with no scheduled class meetings. Upon registration with the Workforce Development Office, students and job seekers can obtain job information, post resumes and contact potential employers. Online classes may not be entered after the thirdday of the semester/term. Registration Form (PDF)Agency Verification Form (PDF)Spring 2023 Schedule (PDF)Summer 2023 Schedule (PDF), Basic Interview & Interrogation for Law Enforcement, Tactical Warrant Services and Approaches Course, 01/24/23 - 05/04/23 Variable Tues/Thurs & Online, EMS 109-011 Certified First Responder Refresher, 03/09/2023 - Mandatory Class & Optional Challenge @1630 hours, Variable Thursday evenings from 1800-2200. ACC-130 Introductory Accounting and Financial Analysis, AGS-110 Introduction to Greenhouse Management, ACD-140 Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the Human Services Worker, ACD-142 Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency and the Family System, ACD-143 Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency Counseling Skills, ACD-144 Alcoholism/Chemical Dependency/Substance Abuse Group Counseling Skills, ACD-246 Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Internship Seminar, AAD-104 Introduction to Graphic Design, 2D, AAD-160 Graphic Illustration: Vector Drawing, AAD-260 Applied Imaging, Raster Graphics, ART-102 Fine Arts: Theory and Practice, ART-108 Sketchbook: Processes and Materials, ART-109 Two-Dimensional Design: Foundation, ART-118 Perspectives of Art History I: Ancient, ART-119 Perspectives of Art History II: Modern, ART-125 Three Dimensional Design: Foundation, ART-231 Art Seminar/Portfolio Development, BIO-116 Introduction to Environmental Science-GR, BIO-132 Laboratory to Accompany Human Biology, BIO-134 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology I, BIO-135 Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO-145 Human Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO-148 Fundamentals of Biology and Inheritance, BUS-135 Supervision for the 21st Century, BUS-204 Management: Theory and Practice, BUS-250 International Management and Marketing, CHE-124 General, Organic, and Biochemistry, CHE-145 Preparation for General College Chemistry, CIN-222 Topics in Cinema and Screen Studies, CIT-123 Introduction to Heavy, Highway and Site Construction, CIT-232 Construction Contracts and Specifications, CLT-110 Specimen Procurement and Processing, CLT-251 Clinical Rotation I - Microbiology and Urinalysis, CLT-253 Clinical Rotation II - Hematology and Immunohematology, CLT-255 Clinical Rotation III - Chemistry, Immunology and Phlebotomy, CLT-260 Medical Laboratory Technology Seminar, COS-133 College Orientation and Success Strategies, COS-181 Strategies for Academic Progress, COM-109 An Introduction to Public Relations, COM-203 Compositing and Special Effects, CIS-100 Information Processing Fundamentals, CIS-200 Programming for Information Systems, CIS-201 Introduction to Web Site Programming and Design, CRC-110 Introduction to Web Site Design, CRC-113 Introduction to Microsoft Excel, CRC-117 Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint, CRC-133 Cloud Computing Design and Implementation, CSC-101 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming, CSC-103 Introduction to Data Structures, CSC-202 Programming Embedded Microcontrollers in C and Assembly, CPT-210 Operating Systems and Peripherals, CPT-211 Android App Design for Mobile Devices, CPT-220 Applied Computer Security Concepts, CRJ-101 Introduction to Criminal Justice, CRJ-103 Constitutional Law and Rights of People, CRJ-121 Criminal Justice Education Internship I, CRJ-211 Community Values and the Administration of Justice, DAS-115 Orientation to Dental Assisting Clinical Practice, DAS-117 Biomedical Foundations for Dental Assisting Practice, DAS-120 Clinical Dental Assisting Practice, DAS-121 Dental Assisting Clinical Experience, DAS-122 Advanced Biomedical Sciences for Dental Assisting Practice, DEN-228 Dental Office Management and Business Practice, ECE-130 Field Work Child Care Practitioner I, ECE-150 Exploring Early Care and Education, ECE-151 Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Young Children, ECE-152 Early Childhood Quality Practices for Professionals, EDU-100 Introduction to the Teaching Profession, EDU-150 Performance and Presentation Skills for Educators, EDU-230 Introduction to Special Education, ELT-204 Industrial Electronics and Control, ELT-206 Digital Systems and Microprocessors, ELT-234 Advanced Programmable Logic Controllers, EMS-119 Emergency Medical Technician Recertification, ENR-153 Mechanical Design & Prototyping, ENG-113 Introduction to Creative Writing-WR, ENG-118 Perpetrators, Victims and Bystanders: Literature of Genocide - WR, ENG-210 Literature of the Black Experience-WR, ENG-243 Creative Writing Workshop - Playwriting - WR, ENG-273 Creative Writing Capstone: Publishing and the Profession-WR, ESL-139 English for Speakers of Other Languages: Pronunciation, FPT-103 Building Materials and Construction, FPT-204 Fire Service Strategy and Tactics, FSA-109 Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation I, FSA-119 Culinary Arts: Fundamentals of Food Preparation II, FSA-203 Culinary Arts II: Advanced Food Preparation, FSA-230 International Cuisine: Advanced Food Prep, GEG-238 Introduction to Geospatial Programming, GEG-239 Capstone in Geospatial Technology, GEO-115 Introductory Astronomy Laboratory, HED-101 Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Care, HED-110 Disease Prevention and Healthy Lifestyles, HED-116 Issues in Child Development and Health, HED-118 Introduction to Safety and Emergency Care, HED-130 Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness, HED-208 Chronic and Communicable Disease, HED-210 Integrative Health and Behavior Change Methods, HEG-200 Multicultural and Diversity Influences in Health and Wellness, HEG-211 Black Women's Mental Health and Wellness, HIM-140 Survey of Health Information Technology Concepts, HVA-104 Commercial Air Conditioning and Heat Pumps, HVA-271 Cooperative Education - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning, HIS-103 African-American History I: to 1865-WR, HIS-109 Global History I: to the 1500s-WR, HIS-110 Global History II: since the 1500s - WR, HIS-111 United States History I - to 1865 - WR, HIS-112 United States History II - Since 1865 - WR, HIS-113 Western Civilization I: Beginning to 1700s-WR, HIS-114 Western Civilization II: 1700s to the Present-WR, HIS-275 The Holocaust: History and Legacies - WR, HSM-102 Introduction to Homeland Security, HSM-103 Historical and Contemporary Perspectives on Terrorism and Homeland Security, HSM-108 Introduction to Intelligence Processes, HSM-202 Organizational and Facility Security, HON-102 Honors Studies: Exploration and Discovery-WR, HON-195 Honors Seminar in Critical Analysis-WR, HON-202 Honors Studies: Scholarly Presentation-WR, HSP-101 Introduction to the Hospitality Industry, HSP-201 Hospitality Human Resources Management, HSP-222 Integrated Studies for Hospitality Management, HSP-225 Italy-Hospitality, Culture, and Society on Location, HSP-275 Current Issues and Trends in Hospitality, HUM-112 Field Work in Human Services II, HUM-135 Roles and Responsibilities in Disability Support Services, HUM-210 Disability Across the Lifespan for the Human Services Worker, HUM-211 Field Work in Human Services III, HUM-218 Working with Trauma Informed Care Skills, HUM-220 Working with Clients Post-Incarceration, HUM-230 Individualized Planning and Documentation for Disability Support Services, MTH-096 Algebra for Statistics (Non-Credit)*, MTH-098 Elementary Algebra (Non-Credit)*, MTH-152 Survey of Mathematics for Technicians, MTH-155 Mathematics For Elementary Teachers I - WR, MTH-156 Mathematics For Elementary Teachers II - WR, MTH-162 Statistics for the Social Sciences, MET-121 Computer Aided Drafting/Design - Solid Modeling, MET-122 Advanced Solid Modeling using SolidWorks, MMP-100 Survey of Automotive Transportation and Service, MMP-101 Survey of Automotive Service Lab, MMP-151 Introduction to Automotive Service, MUS-114 Contemporary A Cappella Ensemble, MUS-151 Performance and Applied Music I, NUR-050 Application of the Nursing Process, NUR-112 Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-I-WR, NUR-211 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing-WR, NUR-214 Nursing Care of the Adult and Child-II-WR, OFT-141 Professional Grammar and Communications, OFT-173 Microsoft Multimedia Communications, OFT-270 Office Technology Seminar and Work Practicum, OPT-110 Introduction to Optical Technology, OPT-131 Optical Elements and Ray Optics, OPT-213 Optical Fabrication and Metrology, OPT-235 Advanced Optical Fabrication and Metrology, PLS-269 Domestic Relations and Family Law, PHL-109 World Religions: Eastern Traditions-WR, PHL-210 Human Rights and Democracy in Domestic and International Contexts-GR - WR, PEJ-101 Physical Fitness I - Criminal Justice, PPE-175 Philosophy and Principles of Physical Education and Athletics, PPE-208 Wellness, Exercise, and Sport Psychology, PPE-209 Theories and Techniques of Coaching, PPE-211 Selected Certifications in Youth Sport, PPE-240 Practicum in Professional Skills, PPE-245 Dance Methods and Techniques for Physical Studies Majors, PPE-271 Issues and Perspectives in Wellness, Sport and Exercise, POS-102 American National Government-WR, POS-205 Comparative Political Systems-WR, PSY-100 Psychology of Interpersonal Relationships, PSY-101 Introduction to Psychological Science, PSY-202 Developmental Psychology - Adolescence, PSY-212 Developmental Psychology - Lifespan, PSY-220 Research Methods in Social Sciences, PSY-261 Child and Adolescent Psychopathology, REA-100 Reading and Thinking in the Disciplines, SCI-131 Integrated Science for Future Teachers I-The Physical World, SCI-132 Integrated Science for Future Teachers II-The Living World, SOC-201 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity-WR, SOC-210 Introduction to Global Studies-GR-WR, STT-101 Introduction to Solar Thermal Technology, SPC-141 Interpersonal Speech Communication, SPC-172 HON-Competititve Public Speaking-WR, SMT-201 Cooperative Education-Sport Management, SGT-101 Surgical Pharmacology and Anesthesia, SGT-102 Principles and Practices in Surgical Technology, SGT-210 Professional Issues and Certification for Surgical Technology, SUS-101 Introduction to Sustainability-GR, TEK-101 Computer Applications for Technicians, TAM-139 CNC Vertical Machine Tool Programming I, TAM-205 CNC Machining Project Laboratory, TAM-241 Advanced Machine Shop Laboratory, TOY-203 Automotive Electrical/Electronic Systems 2, TOY-206 Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 2, TOY-209 Automotive Technology T-TEN Co-op 5, TRS-050 Support Lab for Survey of Mathematics, TRS-100 Integrated Reading and Writing I (non-credit), TRS-200 Integrated Reading and Writing II (non-credit), TVL-101 Introduction to Travel and Tourism, TVL-210 Introduction to Airline Reservations Systems: SABRE. 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