Moreover, they have been encouraged to book flight tickets at least 21 days prior to the intended date of travel on LTC. 1318 TO BE ANSWERED ON 19th December, 2022 PENSION TO EX-SERVICEMEN 1318 . As a result, the application of the provisions of SR 150 is now limited to central government employees of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands Administration who are not eligible for the concession granted in the above-mentioned decision. endobj FINMIN : Dearness Allowance to Central Government employees effective from 01.07.2022. Simple theme. Full details about this recruitment like post ,vacancy CPAO/IT & Tech/UT Chandigarh/F.No.50/2020-21/64 of 18.12.2020 where all Central Pension Processing Centres (CPPCs) have been informed that the LTC facility has been extended by the Government of Punjab to family retirees/retirees. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs using the power conferred in Article 309 of the constitution. (TO BE PUBLISHED IN PART I SECTION 1 OF GAZETTE OF INDIA)F.NO. Letters and Notifications MINISTRY OF PERSONNEL, PUBLIC GRIEVANCES AND PENSIONS, Recruitment Rules Formulation, Amendment & Monitoring System, Compendium of OMs & Notifications on RTI Act, Conduct, Disciplinary and Vigilance matters, Retirement/Resignation/Commercial Employment, Report of the committee to review the content & duration of Induction Training of IAS Officers, For Enquiry Officers and Disciplinary Authorities,2013, Check Your 7th CPC Pension Revision Status, Short title, commencement and application, Special provisions regarding certain categories ofemployees, Declaration of place of visit under Leave Travel Concession to any place in India, Counting of Leave Travel Concession against particular blocks, Place to be visited by Govt. 1.7.2008 and 1.1.2009: 320-42/12/2009-P&PW(G) 2009/09/23: Grant of Dearness Relief to Central Government pensioners/family pensioners - Revised rate effective from 1-7-2009. x[I$ 7w%bCBq`}5dnu3#?S/=)JO?&+?3W.[~z?/~86_15|F~u . (Neeraj Kalhari) DEPARTMENT OF EXPENDITURE Government service even though the Govt. In other words, sons/unmarried daughters of the employees who are employed otherwise than on part time/daily rated/casual basis shall be regarded as gainfully employed . contact us;, - / , Ltc Rules Punjab government rules 2022 pdf download here, LEAVES FOR TEACHERS ( QUARANTINE LEAVE ETC), SCHOOL HOLIDAYS IN JANUARY 2023:, , , PSEB DATE SHEET/ SYLLABUS/ QUESTION PAPER, SCHOOL HOLIDAYS : 21 , , SCHOOL HOLIDAYS IN PUNJAB : , HOLIDAY ALERT: , , Punjab school holidays extension : ? As per GID (1) below rule 2 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 the employees of the Delhi Administration as well as other Union Territories are governed by Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 1972 except hose of Chandigarh Administration in the matter of pensionary benefits. to its pensioners vide letter No. Leave Travel Concession (LTC) rules and applicability BasuNivesh August 30, 2013 Recently you might have noticed that few PSU employees misused the Leave Travel Concession (LTC) component of their salary by claiming in a wrong way. LTC being a family allowance, when both the spouses are pensioners or one . Download LTC Eligibility for Family Pensioner/Pensioner Punjab Govt PDF The power to extend the one-year deadline is exercised by the ministries of administration/departments with the consent of the relevant FA, in individual cases with special circumstances. Punjab Government related Notification, Letters, Act, Circular, Memo etc. of India, Ministry of Home Affairs using the power conferred in Article 309 of the constitution. 3 0 obj 14012/2/88-CHD dated-13.01.1992 issued by the Govt. 1. The spokesman said such evidence would be treated as correct only if it fully satisfied the competent authority and audit requirements. 1 Central Silk Board Syllabus 2023 - Details; 2 Central Silk Board Exam Pattern 2023. State employees and retirees are entitled to one month`s salary/pension through LTC. The above-mentioned periods of one month and six months may be extended by the competent authority provided for in Article SR 116 (b) (iii) in individual cases involving special circumstances. | India Upfront, Tejasvi Surya Indigo Row | Civil Aviation Minister Clarifies on BJP MPs Emergency Door Incident, Sleazegate Exposed: Indian Olympic Heroes Forced To Beg For Justice Against WFI President, Vinesh Phogat, Sakshi Malik accuse WFI president of sexual harassment | Protest at Jantar Mantar, 2023 Bennett, Coleman & Company Limited, Gold Price Today: 18 January 2023 - Check rates in your city, Old pension scheme could strain state finances: RBI warns state against returning to OPS, Gold Price Today: 17 January 2023 - Check rates in your city. Online, video, article, discuss, story, explanation, suggestion, youtube. NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court on Tuesday ruled that a child adopted by the widow of a government servant is not qualified to get family pension under the Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules, but . How many times LTC can be claimed in a year. Click OK. OkClose The Traveling Allowance Rules in force in the Punjab immediately before the coming into force of these rules shall stand rescinded. (A), dated 3.5.1988.) 2. LTC Block Year Grace Period For every four years of AILTC block year, a one-year grace period is given. Till then, cancellation charges are to be reimbursed for all cases where cancellation was due to the circumstances/reasons beyond the control of Government employee. These shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of January 2006. 14012/2/88-CHD dated-13.01.1992 issued by the Govt. This office has made the necessary changes to the E-scroll A format (attached copy) as well as to the CPAO servers for the payment and recovery of the LTC amount in relation to the territory of the Chandigarh Pensioners` Union. Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2021 (6th Punjab Pay commission) Finance Personnel a Branch, Department of Finance, Government of Punjab Notification No. August 19, 2015 at 3:35 pm . employees as a result of 6th Pay Commission recommendations-Clarification-regarding. endobj Submission of IPR for 2022 in respect of all CLS Gr-A Officers January 12, 2023. Find out how much it will cost in Mumbai, Kolkata and Bangalore, EV batteries can boost electricity supply: Study, Shraddha Kapoor is a child trapped inside an adult body when it comes to Food - WATCH VIDEO, Weight loss diet for vegetarians: Low-calorie lunch ideas, Unique Baby Boy Names inspired by Lord Shiva from A to Z, Nepal plane crash LIVE: Black box of ill-fated aircraft recovered from accident site; death toll revised to 66, Kohli 10/10, Iyer 5: Report Card of India's 2023 WC hopefuls after SL ODIs, BSF Intensifies Patrolling Along The Line Of Control In North Kashmir After Recent Snowfall, PM Modi Leads The Battle For 2024 | Can A United Opposition Halt BJPs Hat-Trick? APPLICATION FOR AVAILING OF LEAVE TRAVEL CONCESSION It is certified that the Leave Travel Concession for the Block Years claimed above was not availed of previously. DoPT O.M. II as amended from time to time and as applicable to the pensioners of Haryana Government. 3. Title. Punjab Pension Rules For Govt Employees. 2- The choice of the travel agent for booking of ticket from the three authorised travel agents is left open to the Ministry/Department and the official in case of self-booking, based on convenience and service quality. CHAPTER. India Government National Portal Government of India Website Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology Website. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); about Next revision of pension under OROP Scheme, about Reiteration of instructions relating to reservation in temporary appointments: DOPT, about GPF Interest Rate from Jan 2023 to March 2023, about Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees FINMIN, about CGEGIS 1980: Table of Benefits of saving funds from Oct to Dec 2022. They shall come into force on the date of publication i.e. A member of the family of a staff member who follows him within six months or not more than one month may therefore be considered a companion. Total Pageviews. There is a carry forward option available until 2022. 5- In case of unavoidable circumstances, where the booking of ticket is done from unauthorised travel agent/website, the Financial Advisors of the Ministry/Department and Head of Department not below the rank of Joint Secretary in subordinate/attached offices are authorized to grant relaxation. Dated: Place:. Filling of IPR by Officers of ITS Group 'A' & TES Group 'B' for 2022 January 12, 2023. No agency charges/convenience fees will be paid to these ATAs. 1- Government employees entitled for air travel, may apply for LTC advance with the print-out of the concerned webpage of authorized travel agency having suitable flight and fare details while tracking the fare of the flight under the three hour time slot, as mentioned at Para 1 (iii) (a) above, at least 30 days prior to the intended date of journey. These rules may be called the Punjab Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2009. . DoPT O.M. Payment and reimbursement of LTC to UT Chandigarh family pensioners/pensioners - CPAO O.M from 06.07.2022 However, employees of other departments and other categories of retirees will receive LTC in the next two years - 2022 and 2023. 321- Can a Government servant on LTC undertake a journey by road? of Punjab as per Gazette Notification No. 2. The service conditions of employees of UT Administration Chandigarh are governed by Rules applicable to the employees of the Govt. 10,000/- II 7600/- : 9999/- III : 5400/- : 7599/- IV : 3800/- : 5399/- V :3800/- However, as per Rule 7 of CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, the LTC entitlement of a fresh recruit will be calculated calendar year wise with effect . Content on this website is published and managed by Government of Punjab. EkyA,j{. <>/XObject<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 720 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Click OK. THE PUNJAB TRAVELLING ALLOWANCE (TA) RULES They shall come into force at once. <> LTC Availing- Home Town and Bharat Darshan (pdf - 215 KB) 4. NO. CENTRAL PENSION ACCOUNTING OFFICE This office has received claims for reimbursement of payments made to the Chandigarh Pensioners` Union Territory due to LTC. However, the reimbursement will be restricted to the actual air fare or the entitled train/bus fare for the shortest route, whichever is less. stream Transport Allowance at double the normal rates for Railway employees (7th CPC) January 12, 2023. Public Finance (Central) Division OMs and Circulars. State-Wise List of Authorised Banks for Disbursement of Civil Pension - State-Wise List of Authorised Banks for Disbursement of Civil Pension . desk. This is to avail the most competitive fares while also reducing the burden on the exchequer. Fjdw"O#J!]nL8eF% BREAKING NEWS: 117 . SUSPEND; , . . Payment and reimbursement of LTC to UT Chandigarh family pensioners/pensioners CPAO O.M from 06.07.2022 However, employees of other departments and other categories of retirees will receive LTC in the next two years 2022 and 2023. Rules. NEW DELHI 110066, CPAO/IT & Tech/UT Chandigarh/F.No. endobj Traveling allowance is granted to a civil servant to cover the expenses which he incurs in traveling in the interest of public service. The current Rate of DA is 38% DA 38% from 1.7.2022 (34% + 4% = 38%) DA 34% from 1.1.2022 (31% + 3% = 34%) DA 31% from 1.7.2021 (17% + 11% + 3% = 31%) As a consequence of the Dearness Allowance (DA) hike, the House Rent Allowance (HRA) also will be revised as per the recommendations of the 7th pay commission. (FORM-1)(Please Click Here) Administration Organisation & Administration (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Admissibility of LTC to the pensioner / family pensioner CPAO, GOVERNMENT OF INDIA FREQUENTY ASKED QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS ABOUT CGHS. Government for this purpose. The service conditions of employees of UT Administration Chandigarh are governed by Rules applicable to the employees of the Govt. Subject to the provisions of rule 1.5, unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided these rules shall apply to all Government servants under the rule making control of the Government of the Punjab. All other terms and conditions governing the LTC rules shall apply mutatis mutandis. NOTIFICATION COPY: 30-05-2022 Clarification regarding payment of LTC_watermark. NOTIFICATION COPY: 30-05-2022 Clarification regarding payment of LTC_watermark May 31,2022 State of Haryana. Provision of Telephones. does not exceed Rs.9000- p.m ex/ cluding the dearness relief . LTC rules: Govt employees willing to travel by air must know these rules; check here, Go First 'Travel India Travel Sale': Flight tickets start at Rs 1,199; Check details, 3 hours of comfort at Rs 300: First intercity E-bus from Bengaluru arrives in Mysuru today, Dawood Ibrahims gang members get special treatment at Pakistan's Karachi airport: Shocking details revealed in NIA probe, Inside Secunderabad-Visakhapatnam Vande Bharat Express: Virtual Train Tour - Reclining Seats, Snack Table, Mobile Charging Port - Fare Details, 50 lakh free flight seats up for grabs! The spokesman said that in the absence of clear evidence of travel to the declared place of visit, the claim of leave encashment would not be accepted. So let us first understand what is Leave Travel Concession (LTC) and how to get the claims. This "Punjab Pension Rules For Govt Employees of Punjab" has all the required details and process in its 159 pages in .pdf format. 14012/2/88-CHD dated-13.01.1992 issued by the Govt. 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An employee did not use LTC during the block year of 2018-2021. ), Stenographer (Grade-I), Upper Division Clerk, and Stenographer (Grade-II) Exam Pattern TAIKOOT-11, BHIKAJI CAMA PLACE, V & (c 7S`KSc@JB@``0Dl9h*,Bw)!&lJFGYnny@"|[Au=8]00%Ma`vKDnLp5F+TwUyf^i8%8D]pLj1]-YjO <> AirAsias big sale is live till September 25, Aviation regulator DGCA to go on hiring spree; recruit permanent staff for 410 posts, Apple HomePod (2nd gen) officially launched in India: Price, features and availability, WATCH-Wrestler Divya Kakran invokes PM Modi to defend WFI chief Brij Bhushan Sharan against sexual harassment allegations, Ind vs NZ: India win nail-biter by 12 runs after Shubman Gill's double-century; Bracewell's heroics in vain, Video: 32-year-old man collapses while dancing at baraat in MP's Rewa, dies of heart attack, How's this out: Hardik Pandya's wife Natasa rants at third umpire's decision against India VC vs NZ - see post, Shah Rukh Khan's Pathaan ticket selling for Rs 2100 in Delhi! All the benefits granted by the Punjab Govt. North Block, New Delhi.Dated the 30th December, 2022. Flood . Under the Old Pension Scheme, approximately 50 per cent of the last drawn salary was provided as pension. Subsidiary Treasury Rules issued there under including Instructions and Orders relating to Coin, Currency etc.162-196. RBE No. 3.0 SANCTIONING AUTHORITY: 3.1 The authorities who are Competent to sanction leave shall be the sanctioning authority for approving % This issues with the approval of the Chief Controller (Pensions). Gold Price Today: 15 January 2023 - Check latest rates in your city. 2.1 The rules for encashment of leave shall cover all regular employees of the company, excluding those on deputation from Government / other organizations and company employees on deputation to others. Travelling Allowance and Related matters. 5 0 obj -102090 and other admissible allowances as per rules. DoPT's O.M. (Neeraj Kulhari) Ombudsman Punjab Secretariat told Business Recorder here on Thursday that to begin with the provincial . No additionality and diversion will be allowed for LTC in 2021-22," the government order mentioned. Punjab Civil Services Pension Rules. 65/1/46-UTFII(12)-2012/669-dated 18.01.2012 (copy attached). igeadmin-October 8, 2022. of Punjab as per Gazette Notification No. Investing in Gold: Turkey bought most gold in 2022, India at 4th - Reasons driving purchase of yellow metal. New Delhi, the 03 January, 2023 - The question has been raised whether, in the cases referred to in Regulation (1), an advance on . Dy. The conditions of employment of employees of UT Chandigarh administration are subject to the rules applicable to Punjab government employees in accordance with the notification in Official Gazette No. Jul 25th, 2014. Right To Information Tenders Other Contacts IMPORTANT NOTICE: VRS-2019 Retirees having date of Superannuation upto 31.07.2020 are requested to send their option regarding Commutation of fraction of Pension alongwith cancelled cheque immediately through concerned SSAs. Add your grievance title and discription. endstream Sena Bhawan, New Delhi,Dated, the 4th January, 2023 WEATHER ALERT: , : EX INDIA LEAVE : JNV CLASS 6TH RESULT 2022:NVS RESULT 6TH CLASS LINK, RATIONALISATION POLICY PUNJAB GOVT 2018-19. Subject: Compendium of [Read More] about Compendium of Instructions regarding grant of House Rent Allowance to Central Government employees FINMIN, Central Government Employees Group Insurance Scheme (CGEGIS) 1980 Tables of Benefits for the savings fund for the period from 01.10.2022 to 31.12.2022 10 Days leave encasement during the LTC | sunil kiroria | LTC Rule 2018. October 1955. 2. As per rule 8.22 (3) of Punjab Civil Service Rules volume 1 part 1, Leave encashment of 10 days earned leave on availing LTC is calculated as shown in the picture:- Formula to Calculate 10 days leave encashment The leave encashed under this rule shall be debitable to the leave account of the Government employee. This website belongs to Department of Soil and Water Conservation, Punjab, India. 83 /GOVERNMENT OF INDIA /MINISTRY OF RAILWAYS Dearness Relief Order to Central Govt Pensioners from July 2022: DOPPW O.M. Of Haryana service even though the Govt year Grace Period for every four of! How many times LTC can be claimed in a year Transport Allowance at double the normal rates for Railway (. Instructions and Orders relating to Coin, Currency etc.162-196 servant on LTC Home Affairs using the power in. 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