March 24, 2004: Largo, FL A 15-year-old boy stepped off a city bus after a dispute with another 15-year-old boy, pulled a gun and fired inside the crowded bus. See all 12 photos taken at Franklin K. Lane High School by 1,188 visitors. The incident, which occurred after school about a half-block north of the Irvin High School campus, was believed to be a continuation of a weekend altercation, possibly over a girl. [emailprotected], Help | To address the problems of students with difficulty attending school, the SOAR program was initiated and recognized by the Federal Government for excellence. A former Glen Burnie High student was arrested after allegedly stabbing a 13-year-old student on high school grounds, according to police. A teacher heard a gunshot and upon investigation found a 7-year-old boy cowering in the corner. Shots were then reportedly fired from the car. 33 Students Missing. A 16-year-old boy allegedly fatally shot a classmate, then dumped his body in a nearby construction site. Jan. 17 (UPI) -- A California woman captured video of a large bear that braved rainy weather to take a swim in her family's backyard pool. Police said the guard acted heroically to scurry children across the street as bullets were flying and children were on the playground. February 25, 2004: East St. Louis, IL Copyright 2023 United Press International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. A 15-year-old high school student was suspended pending an expulsion hearing for possessing a hit list with the names of 60 individuals, including the principal. A 15-year-old male high school student was charged with attempted homicide after stabbing two teenage boys around 3:00pm after school near Allen High School. January 26, 2004: Philadelphia, PA Police found two air rifles, a paint gun and two single-shot cap guns wrapped in black electrical paint. September 16, 2003: Hopkinsville, KY Three suspects were later arrested. March 16, 2004: Double Oak, TX At the time Franklin K. Lane High School was built, it was one of the largest high school buildings in the world. She also said she had seen him heading toward the haunted house. The cafeteria fight broke out at about 12:45 p.m. and eleven students, all males between the ages of 14 and 17, were arrested; 10 were charged with disorderly conduct and one with harassment, police said. A 48-year-old female physical education teacher at a school for emotionally disturbed students was attacked from behind as she left the gym to walk to her office. What companies run services between Manhattan, NY, USA and Franklin K Lane High School, NY, USA? Family members subsequently said they suspected a gang initiation may have been involved. Occasionally the digitization process introduces transcription errors or other problems; we are continuing to work to improve these archived versions. NEW YORK DAILY . A 15-year-old male high school student was arrested for allegedly assaulting a 32-year-veteran female physics and biology teacher. A fight involving at least 150 teenagers, some armed with golf clubs, metal rods, and tree limbs, broke out in front of Newburgh Free Academy. A 16-year-old male was taken into custody and subsequently charged for plotting a massacre at a high school, narrowly avoiding a tragedy according to officials. February 5, 2004: Farmington, NM Can you chip in today? [1][2] In 2012, it was shut down by the City of New York "for poor performance".[3][4]. The victim was reportedly at the school to deal with a conflict between her daughter and the 16-year-old suspect over a boy. Also killed in the blaze were Nicola Caiazza, 18, and Joseph Beyroutey, 17, both of Paterson, N.J., Tina Genovese, 15, of Williamstown, N.J., and Christopher Harrison, 18, of Queens. In addition, Eisen said he would file a suit in state court in New York against New York City and its Board of Education, as well as a suit in state court in New Jersey against Jackson Township and municipal agencies responsible for construction, licensing and inspection of the amusement park. A 16-year-old alternative school student was chased several blocks from his school around 2:45pm and stabbed multiple times in what police suspected was a gang-related incident. Police reportedly believe that the student may have been a victim of gang-related violence. March 1, 2004: Naples, FL NYC GEOG DIST #19 - BROOKLYN. A 15-year-old allegedly shot two students at Rocori High School. ''Hey, Sammy,'' he called to his friend, Samuel Valentine, ''have a good time. An 18-year-old male student reportedly hanged himself in a high school auditorium. October 29, 2003: Newark, NJ The bomb squad was called, the students were moved to a safe section of the school. An assistant principal stopped the suspect and held him for police. February 10, 2004: Kearns, UT The father reportedly ignored repeated requests to drop the tool and became involved in an altercation with the deputy, allegedly grabbing a razor blade knife from his rear pocket. A male student allegedly fired two shots inside Burns Middle School as students arrived for class. The list of names is also useful for getting . Your email address will not be published. Several others were caught bringing knives to school, police said. A 16-year-old male high school student was arrested for allegedly stabbing a 14-year-old male student in the schools gym locker room. A 19-year-old male non-student was arrested in connection with an altercation in a high school parking lot around 2pm in which two male students were slashed, one in the buttocks and the other in the abdomen, during a six-person brawl. Franklin K Lane High School basketball player pictures, videos, news, stats, and other recruiting information for varsity, junior varsity, and freshman basketball players at Franklin K Lane High School in Brooklyn, New York. This photo can be changed by your Class Administrator. A 15-year-old male high school student was arrested for an alleged plot to detonate explosive at his school and on school buses. One student was stabbed in the leg by another students during an altercation around 12:30pm in a science lab classroom. The teacher said she is in the final stages of divorce after seven years and had a restraining order against her husband. Counselors were made available at the school, which is located near downtown Salt Lake City. November 10, 2003: Washington, DC For purposes of this listing, the2003-2004 school yearisconsidered to be fromAugust 1, 2003, through July 31, 2004. The school was phased out between 2007 and 2012. Police were sent to 262 public and private DC schools after an Internet bomb threat was discovered that said explosive devices had been planted at five schools. The wound was considered superficial. About Us | Five teenagers from New York and three from New Jersey were killed in the May 11 blaze. HOME | CLASS NEWS | MESSAGES | CLASS DIRECTORY | FAMILY NEWS | BIRTHDAYS | FUNDING | STORE | FAQ. 75th St-Elderts Ln 45a - FK Lane HS.jpg 1,500 2,000; 801 KB Shop Franklin K. Lane High School Knights apparel, clothing, spirit wear, gear, and merchandise at the Franklin K. Lane High School Spirit Shop on December 2, 2003: Detroit, MI Learn how and when to remove this template message, "City Schools Ready to Welcome Army of Pupils Sept. 13", "City Plans To Close Franklin K. Lane HS", "Two New Schools To Open At Franklin K. Lane In Fall", "THE CIty's MOST HATED SCHOOL 20% bolt B'klyn HS to escape crowding, crime and low scores", "Representative Ackerman Salutes Franklin K. Lane High School on the Occasion of its 50th Anniversary", "John Gotti Dies in Prison at 61; Mafia Boss Relished the Spotlight", "Franklin S. Lane (Brooklyn, NY) Baseball", "Red Holzman, Hall of Fame Coach, Dies at 78", "Broadway; A street gang is heading for the Ambassador", "Anne Jackson, Stage Star With Her Husband, Eli Wallach, Dies at 90", "Born in a Brooklyn Slum, Frank Thomas Discovers You Can Go Home Againand Fix It Up", Brooklyn Acad of Science and the Environment, Bushwick Leaders HS for Academic Excellence, HS for Public Service: Heroes of Tomorrow, Paul Robeson HS for Business and Technology, Urban Assembly School for Law and Justice, Williamsburg HS for Architecture and Design, Arnold and Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy, New York University Tandon School of Engineering,, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from May 2018, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Short description is different from Wikidata, Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from December 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles lacking reliable references from July 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from July 2021, Articles with unsourced statements from February 2017, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 January 2023, at 11:25. The suspect reportedly had walked up to the victim after she got out of her vehicle in the faculty parking lot and a struggle ensued after the male pulled out the gun. Using dental records, a pay stub, three class rings, a neckchain, school identification cards and park passes, the authorities have identified the seven young men and one woman, who all died of smoke inhalation. NEW YORK -- Less than a week after four students from Franklin K. Lane High School died in an amusement park fire, the sound of mourning echoes through the halls of the Brooklyn school. The male was found sitting in a truck parked outside the school by the school principal who went outside to investigate and got the male to move away from the school, talking to the male for 10 to 15 minutes before deputies arrived, according to reports. March 5, 2004: San Diego, CA The school thrived for a period and became known in some circles as "the miracle on Jamaica Avenue". A 14-year-old female middle school student was reportedly beaten unconscious by several other girls at a chaperoned dance for middle school honors students, according to police. He decided to take the money he had saved and go shopping for new clothes instead. Flame Like Roman Candle. Police seized the boys notebook, which contained his plans for the killings, including a photocopy of the schools fire evacuation plan. This is not presented as an exhaustive list or as a scientific study. February 4, 2004: Richland Township, MI 999 Jamaica Ave, Brooklyn, New York 11208, United States. Rome2rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. According to state test scores, 47% of students are at least proficient in math and 76% in reading. A 14-year-old male vocational school student was arrested after police found his backpack filled with homemade explosives left unattended in a school hallway. Police indicated that the students were returning from a University Interscholastic League competition that both of them had been participating in when they arrived at the school by bus and unloaded in the parking lot to wait for parents and family to pick them up. The bodies were charred beyond recognition. State troopers and local police received a 911 call to a local middle school reporting that three youths were walking on school grounds wearing black clothing, black gloves and dark sunglasses. Ces formations s'appuient sur le dveloppement de mthodes d'apprentissage innovantes telles que la simulation et le numrique. December 2, 2003: Chicago, IL September 10, 2003: Vicksburg, MS The line separating the boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, which runs along Eldert Lane from Atlantic Avenue, passes through the school and the cemetery adjacent to it. An ecumenical service was scheduled today at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Queens. Police took a 16-year-old male into custody. A 15-year-old male student was stabbed in the leg with a pocket knife on a school bus during an argument with another teen. Family members indicated that a school custodian allegedly witnessed the attack. A teenage male was shot and killed in the back parking lot of Martin Luther King Jr. The suspect was charged with murder, kidnapping, and trespassing on school property with a firearm. Sheriffs officials were investigating the theft of approximately $10,000 in cash from a West John High School safe. School administrators reported that the victim may have broken windows in a nearby car which contained the suspect. A .25-caliber semiautomatic pistol belonging to the father of one of the suspects was found hidden in the bushes outside the school and a ski mask was found in the backpack of one of the suspects. February 12, 2004: Stafford, TX A 15-year-old female was also shot in the wrist by a stray bullet. Media in category "Franklin K. Lane High School" The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total. Two male high school students, ages 17 and 16, were fighting over a girl when the 17-year-old allegedly stabbed the 16-year-old in the left bicep with a pair of scissors. 62 DIED FROM WOUNDS. Two high school students, ages 15 and 17, were stabbed in a fight in by a 16-year-old student. Police also found a hand-drawn map of the school cafeteria and hate drawings including swastikas. May 12, 2004: Chicago, IL January 13, 2004: Dutchtown, LA The FBI is investigating a Saudi college student and his American wife who recently videotaped a Jewish school in Baltimore and said they sent the footage to Saudi Arabia, according to law enforcement officials. A sample of school-related shootingsoccurring nationwide in the 2003-2004 school year not resulting in death is listed below. The two walked out, but returned and started banging on the front door glass. The victim was shot in the chest after leaving the school, which had been dismissed early for a staff development day. September 30, 2003: Cincinnati, OH Police said the boy was an innocent bystander in an apparently gang-related shooting. A 17-year-old high school student was allegedly stabbed a male attempting to enroll in his high school. Sample of Reported The male reportedly admitted to the plot and was allegedly infatuated with the Columbine killers. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. The suspect fled but police recovered a knife on scene. 420. Police alleged that the administrator inflicted stab wounds on himself. A 13-year-old male charter school student was allegedly stabbed six times in the chest, back, shoulder, and side during a street fight while walking home from school. State Police Maj. Louis Taranto said arson had not been ruled out. ''Some kids started running toward the haunted house,'' he said, ''but most didn't. The referee was treated at a hospital for a concussion and released. of 1. Two men carrying assault rifles robbed a credit union, stopped their getaway briefly to exchange gunfire with police, and then surrendered after crashing into Frederick Douglass Senior High School, according to police. ''There's nothing I can tell them to make it easier. She immediately told her teacher. October 17, 2003: Richmond, VA When she reportedly said no, he saidif she wouldnt change her mind, he was going to drive on the freeway and kill himself. Police said the device had no fuse and likely could not have been detonated. I will have to look up who the architect was, he should be commended, it looks wonderful and has withstood the test of time. A 15-year-old male high school student was stabbed in the back during his lunch hour close to a parking garage nearby his school. In an unrelated incident, an 11-year-old middle school student was arrested after a teacher found with a .25-caliber handgun. A 16-year-old male student was stabbed twice in his leg allegedly by someone wearing a black ski mask as the student entered his high school restroom around 7:40am. A confrontation between a students mother and a group of girls who had been bothering her daughter turned into a shouting match, moved to pushing and hitting, and the crowd of 750 students erupted into chaos, according to the principal. February 20, 2004: St. Martinville, LA Police were still looking for the parent at the time of the report. February 11, 2004: Elk Grove, CA November 10, 2003: Vidor, TX Authorities said the arrest was based upon information from notebooks, numerous weapons, and other evidence seized from the youth. A 16-year-old male high school was stabbed after school in a Manhattan subway station and fled his attackers, running across four tracks to the opposite platform. May 12, 2004: Detroit, MI October 16, 2003: New Carrolton, MD A 17-year-old high school student followed a school bus to the home of a 14-year-old male who had allegedly struck the 17-year-olds car with a pen cap. May 24, 2004: Kamas, UT Doctors reportedly believed that the wounds were caused by a small blade, possibly a utility knife type weapon. The initial fight involved two groups of around five students each. September 30, 2003: Mount Vernon, NY The shooting appeared to be accidental. The hit list reportedly threatened 10 students and a teacher and included racial slurs. A grand jury indicted 34 people, aged 14 to 21, for riot participation/aggravated assault/serious bodily injury, for a March 3rd gang fight which was arranged on the Internet and videotaped. Multiple fights involving exchanges of racial epithets and physical altercations occurred over a two day period at a high school, resulting in 16 students being suspended. No ammunition was found with the guns. ''That's when my mind began wondering if something was wrong,'' Mr. Damesek said. The male allegedly had detailed plans to block the fire exits and then pull the alarm and shoot people as they tried to leave. January 23, 2004: New York, NY A teacher was able to pull the gun away. Police questioned three people in connection with a shooting that reportedly took place right across the street from a local elementary school moments before students were let out for the day. A 15-year-old boy was shot to death after an argument near C.K. Police reportedly found five bags of crack cocaine, one bag of suspected marijuana, and $260 in the suspects pocket. The victim reportedly was one of four individuals involved in a fight with 10 to 16 other youths in the parking lot of the high school football stadium. July 7, 2004: Norcross, GA An 18-year-old brother of a second grader and his 41-year-old mother were arrested after visiting an elementary school around 7:40am. January 28, 2004: Houston, TX The 17-year-old reportedly demanded an apology, the 14-year-old refused, and the two became involved in a fight. [emailprotected] December 17, 2003: New Orleans, LA A 16-year-old male high school student brought a loaded 9mm handgun to school and pointed it to his own head while crying near the schools library around 11:25am. Brooklyn, NY USA. 1) inside a school, on school property, on or immediately around (and associated with) a school bus, or in the immediate area (and associated with) a K-12 elementary or secondary public, private, or parochial school; 2) on the way to or from a school for a school session; 3) while attending, or on the way to or from, a school-sponsored event; 4) as a clear result of school-related incidents/conflicts, functions, activities, regardless of whether on or off actual school property; Identified School-Related Violent Deaths: 2003-2004 School Year. April 1, 2004: Woodlawn, MD Funeral plans for Christopher Harrison, 17, of New York City were not immediately known. Franklin K. Lane High School, Elderts Lane station Eldert Lane, looking south from 88th Avenue (formerly Syosset Street) Eldert Lane is one of 17 streets that border both Brooklyn and Queens. A 39-year-old female high school cafeteria worker was shot in the chest and head as she walked out of the faculty parking lot at the school around 6:00am. The 17-year-old junior watched his classmates at Franklin K. Lane High School in Brooklyn board the buses to the New Jersey park on Friday morning. April 27, 2004: Philadelphia, PA A 35-year-old male assistant high school principal was charged with falsely reporting a November 3rd incident where he alleged he was stabbed in a school restroom. Just 15 minutes after this incident, at another school, Bowne in Flushing, a 17 year old allegedly stabbed another student in the neck and on the left ear during a fight over a girl. November 4, 2003: Bexar County, TX 3536. ''That's when my worst fears became reality,'' he said. Two female suspects, ages 12 and 14, were reported to be in police custody. October 3, 2003: Idaho Fallls, ID 'The students feel that if Great Adventures passed the fire inspection recently -- which they did -- then perhaps the laws weren't strict enough,' Damasek said. Home > March 22, 2004: Hartford, CT Browse The Seattle Times obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. The incident allegedly involved 27 high school students. The last class to possess a Franklin K. Lane High School diploma will graduate in 2011. May 27, 2004: Victorville, CA [1] [2] In 2012, it was shut down by the City of New York "for poor performance". Knights. A high school assistant principal coincidentally driving near the bus observed unusual conduct, cut in front of the bus, and got onboard the bus after it stopped, talking to the hijacker until police arrived. The 18-year-old male reportedly broke the glass as the school police officer called for back-up. February 10, 2004:Schenectady, NY School administrators met with the student and his father, and obtained the notebook. May 26, 2004: Mercer Island, WA Police and school officials were investigating the incidents. However, they did find papers talking about violence in the students backpack, according to reports. A 16-year-old student shot and wounded a special-education teacher in the leg after firing three shotgun blasts in a high school hallway around 10:30 a.m. A 20-year-old male believed to have been trying to brake up the fight was also stabbed. School Crime, Violence, and Crisis Incidents in 2003-2004. Glenn Vallach, a spokesman for the park, said no new evidence had been found. A 12-year-old male middle school student who left a threatening note at home indicating he was tired of being bullied and that he was taking some weapons was apprehended by police with weapons. Franklin K. Lane High School. He was cut with a sharp object and bled to death, according to reports. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Two individuals were reportedly stabbed at a high school graduation ceremony. September 5, 2003: San Diego, CA ''We were so naive,'' said the principal. May 14, 2004: Winder, GA Two 14-year-old males got into a fight, reportedly over a girl, behind a middle school around 1:30pm. A 17-year-old male student was reportedly shot in the leg while riding on a school bus to his regional vocational training center school. The victim had been walking with a friend when a group approached them and someone in the group asked if they wanted to buy marijuana, then stabbed the 13-year-old. It should be noted that this isonly asampleand and is not intended to include all of the many incidents involving firearms confiscated but not used, and other weapons possession or use that occur in U.S. schools. Congressman Bob Etheridge, while speaking at an elementary school, helped subdue an adult female who interrupted his presentation, threatened him, and came toward him with her hand in her purse while saying she had a gun. A 16-year-old, 11th-grade male student was shot and killed outside of the high school. A grand jury indicted 34 people, aged 14 to 21, for riot participation/aggravated assault/serious bodily injury, for a March 3rd gang fight which was arranged on the Internet and videotaped. All lived in the nearby neighborhoods of Cypress Hills and Ridgewood in Brooklyn. B. Norma Quintana, Sam's mother, took dental records to the amusement park Saturday and afterward said her son was among the dead. University of California A 15-year-old male suspect was arrested. June 10, 2004: Victorville, CA A 17-year-old former high school student was fatally stabbed and five others were injured after seven teens fought in a vacant lot near Bowie High School, police say. The high school has since been divided into several theme-based small learning communities: The Academy of Innovative Technology, The Brooklyn Lab School, Cypress Hill Prep Academy, The Urban Assembly School for Collaborative Healthcare, and Multicultural High School. A 13-year-old male was slashed in the face by a 15-year-old male at an elementary school just before students were about to be dismissed at 3:30pm. The incident occurred as calls are being made for school resource officers (SROs) to be placed in the schools due to violence and safety concerns. (718) 647-3600. Enrollment. Law enforcement officials were contacted and later interviewed the couple, who said the video was intended for the mans parents in Saudi Arabia. Box 14: New York State; Folder 1: Schools. Note: This page and the work represented herein is copy-protected and reflects the proprietary in-house research conducted by National School Safety and Security Services. Franklin K. Lane High School, Queens Franklin K. Lane High School (FKLHS) was a public high school in New York City, New York, United States. In 2012, it was shut down by the City of New York "for poor performance". As the School Resource Officer approached him in the parking lot, the male drove what turned out to be a stolen vehicle toward the officer. May 4, 2004: Rockaway Beach, NY Three students were also arrested at a high school for fighting with two school security officers. The incident forced the school to postpone its junior prom the evening of April 30th. Two teenage female middle school students, ages 14 and 15, allegedly used the sign-in book at their school to steal the identities of a dozen teachers and buy $5,000 worth of phones, clothes, and food with the help of two adults, who were also arrested. It was just terrible for her. Police said that around 3:45pm, a group of 8 to 12 males rode their bikes after school to the home of the suspect and then ganged up on him near his home. A 20-year-old male was arrested for allegedly biting off a piece of a police officers earlobe after being evicted from a high school play for drinking and yelling. A 12-year-old 6th grader was arrested and charged for stabbing a 12-year-old 7th grade male in the chest during a fight while on a bus full of students arriving at their middle school around 7:20am. when a male stranger approached her and struck her on the head and face with a gun. Five teenagers from New York and three from New . One media report indicated the plot involved bombing the school. . Two fourth-grade male elementary students, ages 11 and 12, were arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a 10-year-old girl in an elementary school bathroom. The device was reportedly thrown into a backyard of a home because the relative of the person living there allegedly owned the suspect money. Usa and Franklin K Lane high school final stages of divorce after seven years and had a restraining against! For getting fled but police recovered a knife on a school bus to his vocational. Township, MI 999 Jamaica Ave, Brooklyn, New York and three from New York NY. Names is also useful for getting ; s work-life balance september 5, 2003 Bexar! Could not have been detonated his backpack filled with homemade explosives left unattended in nearby. Cincinnati, OH police said the video was intended for the mans parents in Saudi Arabia detailed plans to the. 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Articles F