Do this by getting a State Apostille on the Birth Certificate, and a POA for yourself over your legal fictional presence. Once inpossession of the legal presence, they cannot confuse the Agent-Attorney-In-Fact as the Principal (the legal fictional corporation). It is also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number or an ABA routing number and can be easily be found printed on the bottom left side of your check. Please see 3 Felonies a Day on YouTube and in book form. The Fed denies the payment, and the victim is left with outstanding bills and late fees, along with possible identity theft problems. Anywhere between a week and two weeks later, the payment turns out to be invalid (it's just like writing a fake check, folks), and they're liable for the full amount + penalties. The Fed has debunked the claim on. No. This is an internet hoax that has caused much financial pain to the public," the New York Fed wrote, adding,"Individuals doNOThave accounts atthe Federal Reserve. Does anyone have any updated information on how to access these accounts or does anyone else know what to do? -ayli- 5 yr. ago. Wood and the Instagram user did not return requests for comment. This is absolutely true." I didnt send any letters to the Federal Reserve yet. My friend forwarded this video to me, and told me he paid his cable and CC bills after following the instructions this month. The Federal Reserve provides banking services only for banks. The city says a citizen may receive. Google your name often to see what information's being shared. The original 1936 design for Social Security cards included the phrase account number, but it was removed as the design changed over the years, according to the Social Security Administrations (SSA) Version History webpage. These claims are false. we want full disclosure on these accounts and immediately want a user interface up and running so we can access said accounts. Also will I get locked up ? Nothing bad has happened to me though I wish bad things to happen upon these assholes preventing our accessing these accounts. My Letter to Access the Federal Reserve Board Federal Credit Union Secret BankAccount, My Letter to Access the Social Security Credit Union Secret BankAccount. shoot me an email please, Hello Harvey! The number on an individuals Social Security card does not correlate with a Federal Reserve bank account, however. "These claims are fraudulent and false. I am very interested. Federal Reserve routing numbers are used for sorting and processing payments between banks. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It is not possible for an individual to have a bank account with the Fed. The post was a screenshot of the definition of "card issuer" from Cornell Law School. You wont see a dime. Do they mean anything? Your state statutes have a statutory general durable state power of attorney. Copyright 2023 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. The FBI is aware of this false claim, and people who try to extract money from the Federal Reserve could face criminal charges. The guy in the youtube video my friend forwarded me posts all of the routing numbers. Also to the Federal Reserve. No numbers were on the back. How Is Money Printed by the RBI & Circulated? They're mostly just going after the people who promote this idiocy, though. If you're tempted to take action because of something you see online, take some of these steps, first: Debunking hoax sites is made a little easier by some handy websites. There is no bank account in your name, no bank owns you as collateral, and you can't get money out of the federal reserve's non-existent secret accounts. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Here you go. This comes in handy when someone wants to wire money from or to an account. Here a the process used for accessing Social Security Bank Accounts- followed by a sharable Web Graphic: On the back of the Social Security Card is a red Letter followed by numbers: The Red Letter on the Social Security Card is for flesh and blood human beings. The problems with this story are obvious individuals do not have bank accounts or banking relationships with the Federal Reserve, for one only banks do. The next two numbers, referred to as the group number, are used for the SSAs processing measures, while the last four, labelled the serial number, are randomized, the guide states. I also would like additional information if available please, as far as letters and properly filling out the power of attorney. Use the links below to access the forms and agreements you will need to set up or use Federal Reserve Financial Services. Law enforcement, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), is aware of this scheme, and individuals who participate in such schemes could also face criminal charges. So despite the Federal Reserve Bank System being the SCAM, the Federal Reserve Scammers are calling using our own account with the Federal Reserve a scam., Fact Check: Video Does Not Show Personal Information On 'Dark Web' About People Who Had Taken COVID-19 Vaccine, Fact Check: Democrats Were Not 'Caught' Not Wearing Masks -- CDC Guidelines Allowed It, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. If requested, I may share the letters I sent to them or updated public versions of them. There are no such accounts they do not exist now, nor have they ever existed. subscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Sorry about that. The numbers on the back of the card are also not linked to a secret private bank account with the Federal Reserve. For unknown reasons, these were not issued consecutively. The claim appeared in an Instagram post (archived here) where it was published on May 20, 2021. The first three digits, the area number, indicates the state in whichan individualapplied for a card. You cansubscribe to our print edition, ad-free app or electronic newspaper replica here. This information is synchronized with the Federal Reserve FedACH and Fedwire databases daily and is provided solely as a service to financial institutions and other authorized users to help process and settle their transactions efficiently. Update October 27th, 2021. Hey Nicole! But I found an article about a man who figured out how to wire $1.5 million out of it and he went to prison for fraud which I really dont understand. We must know the difference between DBA thestraw-man and acting as a human. The more you see, the more you will see. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Do you have other videos? It specifies which Federal Reserve Bank Routing Number to . well crypto created something more real and tangible than the current currency.. Read people. Scammers might purport that the intended victim has an account at the Federal Reserve that contains money. The picture of the back of the card has a hand pointing to a combination of stamped letters and numbers with "ROUTING #" above it. Individuals cannot, by law, have accounts at the Federal Reserve. ROUTING NUMBER - 655060042 - SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION What is a Routing Number? He has many documented successes with these governmental bank accounts. The second number is the checking account number, while the third identifies the check itself. "The purpose was to show an account of the sort existed though not freely accessible," he said. Social Security: The SSN Numbering Scheme. Search for Fedwire participants and for FedACH participant RDFIs with commercial receipt volume by name, location (state, or state and city) or routing number. Check how many sources are reporting this opportunity. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: What is the Purpose of the Federal Reserve System? Individuals cannot, by law, have accounts at the Federal Reserve. All numbers since then have been assigned completely at random. let me know. If the story is legitimate, it will still be there in a day or two. The Federal Reserve was saying that using Federal Reserve Routing Numbers are only for Banks. The statement goes on to confirm claims about Social Security numbers being tied to Federal Reserve-controlled bank accounts are false and reiterates the Federal Reserve does not maintain accounts for individuals. the federal reserve bank has been blocking the access of the american public to these accounts even though the accounts are in our social security numbers and our names. It doesn't link to anything except your social security records. Your money is protected with bank-level security. A post shared on Facebook over 480 times claims Social Security numbers are linked to accounts controlled by the Federal Reserve. ROFL!!! These claims arefalse.". Or does the name sound just sort of familiar? OP update us when your friend incurs a ton of charges for unpaid bills and starts yelling in front of the town hall about how the government is blocking him from using his money to pay bills. This involves the B-Cert, creating a statutory general durable power of attorney, and registering the documents with the birth county. All letters on the back of social security cards is linked to a certain Federal Reserve Bank for example The letter H. Is for a Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis? And the government does not have private bank accounts linked to each SSN. How to Find Out If Someone Has a Green Card, How to Determine Country of Origin From Barcodes, Social Security: History of the Social Security Card. Este abaixo-assinado conseguiu 3.221 apoiadores! The City of Independence is issuing a warning - multiple people have fallen victim to a scam involving Federal Reserve routing numbers and bill payments. Your email address will not be published. But everyone should understand what rights they have as an American citizen and WHY they were created. If its worth questioning, it may be worth gaining the truth. 0210-0120-8 123-45-6789. Per the Social Security Administration: "The back of the card contains information about the SSN and the card itself, including where to mail found cards, where and how to obtain information from SSA, a card stock sequence number, and the card's official form number. There are some reversals, somestay- some are negated. The picture of the front has a hand pointing to a fake Social Security number with "ACCT. Application for American National Passport Modified Forms, Right To Travel with Impunity in Private Automobiles, Harvey Dent: How to Use the SSN to Pay Any Bill Through the Federal Reserve/IMF, Harvey Dent documents taking possession of the legal presence Estate. UPDATE July 28th, 2017: Harvey Dents YouTube Channel has been taken down, click here for more information. Now the one at the bottom are the new ss cards You notice they took the words account number off because they dont want you to know that your ss card is an account connected to the federal reserve banks!!. The claim that numbers on a Social Security card can be used as a routing and account number to make purchasesis FALSE, based on our research. In a message to USA TODAY, the TikTok userclaimed only "some" Social Security cardsare tied to a Federal Reserve Bank andallow debit purchases. As a former member of the Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress, Bailey worked closely with lawmakers to help set public policy. New York City is a Sovereign City State like City of Washington DC. I have all this. The first three numbers corresponded to the location of the Social Security office that issued the number, with lower numbers in the Northeast and higher numbers to the South and West. in Biology. Finally, always install strong virus protection software on your devices, and keep it updated on a regular basis. Your Social Security Number is a secret bank account This myth could get you into hot water and even though the Federal Reserve put out a warning years ago, it reemerged with the covid-19 pandemic. Real news sources employ editors to make sure the prose is clean. Each participating institution has to authorize an agent to maintain the account on its behalf. How? Never accept social media friend requests from people you don't know, or who don't have any online friends in common. Send a letter of instruction directing the bank/union give you full access to all private and/or back end accounts. These numbers topped out at 586. So he's trying to "pay his bills" by committing wire fraud against the Federal Reserve. Still, there have been numbers on Social Security cards since they were first issued in 1936. The reports are that this process works in most instances. In the alert, the Fed explains what happens if you fall for the . Is the General Durable Statutory Power of Attorney sent to the bank or the state government of residence or both? Routing numbers for banks are public. Of course the item will be reversed . The numbers and letters on a Social Security card are used to track workers' earnings. Service and Access Setup provides more details and guidance on the steps required to begin using a new service or to modify current services or access. If there's just the routing number and not an account number, then your friend is likely fine. Check the grammar in the story. It tells just the kind of tale an overspent consumer would love to believe, of a secret government bank account in her name that she can access electronically using her Social Security number (SSN) plus a Federal Reserve Bank routing number found on the back of the card. Here's an internet scam that's been debunked for a few years but is still promoted through emails, blogs and online videos. These claims are false. Is it only posted by some anonymous people on social media? A routing number or routing transit number is a 9 digit number that identifies financial institution in a transaction and the location where your bank account was opened. Thank you for supporting our journalism. Your email address will not be published. These hoax videos offer to supply account numbers in exchange for personal information, such as Social Security numbers. Attorneys confuse humans as lost in spirit by declaring anyone who hires an attorney as in incompetent infants. If you've ever heard anything about this please let me know if it's real or what the hell it please. It's based on the location of the bank where your account was opened. Basically, he's taking the routing number for the federal bank, and using the number on the back of his SSN card as an account number to pay for these things. They don't exist, except in the imagination of criminal scammers. From 1936 through 2011, the Social Security Administration followed a plan in assigning SSNs. The Fed's site states: "A recent hoax circulating on the internet asserts that the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are tied to the individual's Social Security number, and that individuals can access these accounts to pay bills and obtain money. ACCOUNT NUMBER! For information about our privacy practices, please visit our website. Fact check:Businesses can legally ask if patrons have been vaccinated. Oops. Almost everyone has fallen for at least one internet hoax. General Reserve Bank Data Privacy Notice | The Federal Reserve previously released a statement on its website debunking the claim, stating that it only provides financial services to banks and governmental entities and that individuals cannot, by law, have accounts at the Federal Reserve. (RELATED: Does The Federal Government Borrow $1 Million Every Minute?). Dont use Google. . As the Federal Reserve Bank exists only to provide financial services to government entities and financial institutions, it has no individual accounts. Harvey Dents YouTube Channel has been taken down, Do this by getting a State Apostille on the Birth Certificate, and a POA for yourself over your legal fictional presence., Attorneys confuse humans as lost in spirit by declaring anyone who hires an attorney as in incompetent infants, It is Important to know the phrase I am Competent to Handle My Affairs, Federal Reserve Board Federal Credit Union, The Making of a Statutory General Durable Power of Attorney to Gain Lawful Control Over Your Legal Presence Governmental Services Corporation Watch,, My Letter to Access the Social Security Credit Union Secret Bank Account Governmental Services Corporation Watch, My Letter to Access the Federal Reserve Board Federal Credit Union Secret Bank Account Governmental Services Corporation Watch, can you use your social security card to pay bills Login, Make Payment, Customer Service Number Online -, can you use ssn to pay bills Login, Make Payment, Customer Service Number Online -, harvey dent pay bills with ssn Login, Make Payment, Customer Service Number Online -,, how can i use my ssn to pay bills Login, Make Payment, Customer Service Number Online -, is it illegal to pay bills with social security number Login, Make Payment, Customer Service Number Online -, Federal Reserve Bank Pay Scale | GS Pay Scale 2022, can i pay bills with my ssn - answerrecord, 55 Truly Stunning Facts about the United Nations, Accessing Birth Certificate-Social Security Accounts Multi-Country, Creating American National Private Bonds Downloads & Instructions, Importance of the Legal Phrase "I am Competent to Handle My Affairs", Important Legal Precedence for Defending Ourselves from the US Government and States Criminality, NiftyHash: An Apple Mac Mining GUI client for Mr. NiceHash, The Many Sovereign City-States: Vatican City, City of London & Westminster, DC, UN (New York City), CERN, Monaco, Geneva, Singapore and the World, UN Declaration of Human Rights- The Definitive Global Constitution of Human Slavery, World Citizen + Human Forms- Download PDFs Docx Sales Tax Exemption Form, The Importance of the Legal Phrase "I am Competent to Handle My Affairs", e17 - Solutions: Signature Colors, Copyright , and Reserving Rights (w/ UCC 3-402(b)(1) vs. 1-308) , EINs for the United States, Inc and Child Corporations, Whistleblower: Justin Carter Exposes "Targeted Individual" Industry, Frequency Technology (voice to skull, neural capture), and Private DNA Databases (without consent), Harvey Dent's Youtube Channel Taken Down: Legal Presence and Debt as Money Franchise Licensed from UN/IMF/BIS, Location of Mars Secret Space Program ARC Jump Room: 999 N. 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