21 years of working for the Village of Lisle helping residents with all types of issues, 10 years of experience as a Certified Floodplain Manager, 2 years serving on the County Board and attending all committee meetings to be informed and ready to make changes if needed. Glowiak Hilton narrowly defeated Republican incumbent Chris Nybo in the 2018 general election. Deb has served her district from January 2013 to the present. Local governments can make a positive impact in the opioid crisis though a process called Harm Reduction. An election watchdog since 2005, Jean Kaczmarek won election in 2018, and began to work towards free and fair elections. As the second-largest County in the State, our County leadership could and should have shone a light when it had a chance on the real harm this crime bill will have on law enforcement's ability to protect us. But help is on the way! Just last week at our September 13 board meeting we approved the use of $5million of our Federal COVID relief funds to address immediate food insecurity needs throughout the County, and to also look for longer-term solutions to collection and distribution problems. For the past 2 years I have chaired the $47million County Public Works Commitee and the Public Transit Committee. As an attorney and teacher, Ive been solving problems for working families my entire adult life. The debate over reducing the size of the DuPage County Board divides candidates for six seats in an election that will determine the political balance of power. In response to the increasing need, the board recently allocated an additional $5 million so that pantries can purchase more food, through wholesale or direct purchasing, including fresh produce as well as diapers and personal hygiene items. The Illinois State Board of Elections compiles pamphlets, guides and other materials that may be useful for all prospective candidates running for office including: These pamphlets, guides and other materials can be found on the Illinois State Board of Elections website. For details of her qualifications and endorsements, visit. She has worked all over the district in Lisle, Warrenville, Wheaton, and Naperville. Information on the Calvin College - contacts, students, faculty, finances. WebImmigration Legislation. Paula Deacon attends all committee meetings and is proud of her votes to support funding for the secure voting in DuPage and the PADS permanent shelter. The two departments are pursuing further options to aid drug users in the time immediately following their release, statistically the most likely time for addicts to go back to bad habits. First day to start circulating petitions is: Annual Illinois Comptroller's Fiscal Report Card, Birth, Death, Marriage and Civil Union Copies, HMIS (Homeless Management Information System), Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM), Illinois State Board of Elections website, Electronic Electoral Board Service Notice. She took office January 9, 2019. Her leadership was recognized on the Board in 2020 when she took the helm as County Board Finance Committee Chair and County Board Chair Pro Tem. Republican Party of Illinois. Then I continued communicating with them and building a direct relationship. As an immigrant who overcame the obstacles of poverty, Sonni offers a unique perspective that will move the 3rd District Appellate Court forward. She has tried hundreds of cases before judges and juries. Along with access to firearms, mental health is strongly connected to mass shootings, gun suicide, and school-related incidents. Hi, Im Greg Schwarze, your DuPage County Board Member in District 6, where I have lived, worked and raised my family over the last 22 years. During that time I have always worked to deliver essential governmental services at the lowest possible tax rate. In a second term I will also plan to advocate for housing for special needs adults though group homes and other innovative ways to serve these constituents and their families. We need a check on politicians who spend first and ask questions later and, as County Chairman, I intend to hold out-of-touch and self-interested politicians accountable, Hart said in a statement. The Act does not protect law abiding citizens. Crime/Public Safety 2.Economy/Inflation 1) Repeal the purposely misnamed SAFE-T Act, or at a minimum restore cash bail or give our DuPage County judges the option of denying bail for second degree murder, aggravated battery, burglary, robbery instead of prohibiting persons arrested for such crimes from being detained and requiring those arrested for such crimes to just be released back onto the streets of DuPage County. Meanwhile, the current board scrapped a plan for an advisory ballot question that would have had voters give input on the idea. Through Dawns legislative initiatives, Illinois passed a ban on puppy mill sourced animals sold in pet stores; through her public works initiatives, she was instrumental in the county using only union labor for projects; and through her finance initiatives, the county has passed a balanced budget each year of her tenure, and has achieved a AAA bond rating. The general election is Tuesday, Nov. 8. Her yard is a restored city lot that she has worked to [provide a small haven of shelter with food and water for out beleaguered native pollinators-both insects and bird, Her yard us recognized by the National Wildlife Federation, The Conservation Foundation, Monarch Watch, and other organizations that realize the value of a native area in an urban landscape. I tried hundreds of cases in Kane County criminal courtrooms (Traffic/Misdemeanor, DUI, Mental Health, Felony, and Felony Drug) and civil courtrooms throughout Illinois (DuPage, Kane, Cook, Ottawa, Kankakee, Winnebago, the Illinois Court of Claims, and the Illinois Workers Compensation Commission). As a career legal aid attorney, who specialized in family law and domestic violence litigation, Yeena has been successful in connecting low-income clients, working families, and domestic violence survivors to resources; advocating for their interests; and negotiating agreements in contentious circumstances. Pollwatcher InformationInformation for pollwatchers including thePollwatcher Guidebook. There are many evidence-based strategies to combat the opioid overdose problem which the board can rely upon to combat this problem. Democratic challenger Lynn LaPlante said an 18-member board allows for diversity of candidates. We also need wrap-around services. Have the candidates in your district completed the We voted as a Board to approve: I will come into the office with my experience as a 1) career legal aid attorney, advocating for people disadvantaged by poverty and connecting people to resources; 2) as a domestic violence and family law litigator, where it was my job to communicate effectively and civilly with judges, opposing counsel, and even abusive partners; and 3) as a gun safety advocate, working with people and community agencies, pushing forward common-sense, life-saving policies. I helped create two highly visible and successful PSAs targeting hard-to-reach communities, encouraging vaccination amongst hesitant residents. "Due to the very heavy tax burden that is placed on our residents, which will only be worsened by the great financial damage caused by COVID and ever-mounting pension obligations, we need to take advantage of attainable cost savings," he said. Tim Elliott and Lynn LaPlante are candidates for a District 4 seat of the DuPage County Board in the Nov. 3 election. Climate change impacts the entire community and as we look forward together, I am proud to be the representative for District 2. The stewardship of our natural resources and the preservation of the environment has been and will always be my life-long passion. She has been working hard for you. Don't take the pension. There's a little bit too much power I think in that. Those experiences have taught me the importance of listening to all available information and perspectives on an issue, doing your own research and working together to coming to the best solution for the people you are serving. I have worked in Human Resources for the past five years, and believe my experience and passion for this field will benefit everyone in the 47th district. Mental health has not only been linked to rising opioid deaths, but also as a precursor to gun violence. My name is Michael Murray and I am a 36 year resident in DuPage County. Another race had also been too close to call as of earlier Tuesday. Would you like to find your races now? WebSonni Choi Williams is the Democratic candidate for Judge of the Appellate Court , 3rd District that covers DuPage, Will, Kankakee, Iroquois, Grundy, LaSalle, and Bureau. We can't address one without the other, so a more holistic viewpoint is needed here. Local Dems. He also said the position should remain part-time because he wants members with business backgrounds who can "still be tied into the community and not just be full-time politicians.". Health care professionals need to focus on treatment so that individuals over time can return to their life with the ability to deal with the addiction. The board's finance committee last spring rejected Elliott's proposal to end the perk. One of the main reasons Im running for County Board is to actively serve our community, and if a family is experiencing a lack of food, I will be one of the first to help and set them on a path of resources. The Illinois Legislatures Safe-T Act is an abomination. WebDems Delivered! Prospective She was displeased the nonbinding question didn't end up on the ballot. Dupage County Board District 1 What offices, if any, have you previously Sheila Rutledge was elected in our 1st "blue wave" in 2018. Electoral Board Hearings: Hearing Notice (PDF) - Hearing Agenda (PDF), Office Hours:8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.Monday - Friday, Address:Jack T. Knuepfer Admin Bldg421 N. County Farm RoadWheaton, IL 60187, Mailing Address:DuPage County ClerkElection Division421 N. County Farm RoadWheaton, IL 60187. I am currently researching the possibility of having the first ever Insulin and Medical Supply Bank in DuPage County. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 1. I have worked at the Illinois Attorney Generals Office for 22 years, currently serving as the Chief of the Workers Compensation Bureau in Chicago. DuPage has a strong financial foundation which provides an opportunity to invest in its people. I want to do my part to help make DuPage County a destination for all families, so people move here and stay here. As a small business owner with an accounting degree who passed CPA exam, I will carefully scrutinize all budget expenditures. I graduated from Wellesley College with a Psychology major, and received my joint law degree and Masters in Social Work from Washington University in St. Louis in 2007. WebSee your ballot, research candidates and referendums, and vote informed Prospective candidates seeking information can download the
Sadia Covert is an Incumbent dupage County Board Member, an attorney, a married mother of three, and the co-author is the amendment to the hate crime law. Illinois General 2022 Voting Guide Research and Data Collection by Mawa Iqbal, Mary Norkol, Ismael Perez and Lynn Sweet Design and Development by Jesse Howe Welcome to the Sun-Times/WBEZ Voter Guide. The county should whenever possible, ensure that each opportunity is taken to develop affordable housing wherever it is feasible. I humbly ask for your vote this fall to continue working to make our community a better place for all. Making sure that DuPage residents have affordable housing can have a generational impact on a familys and the countys financial success. Sonni has been a champion for improving equal access to justice and a tireless supporter of diversity, equity and inclusion. I am Rosemary Spann and I'm not a career politician but someone who genuinely cares about people. (Vote for not more than 3)The DuPage County Board holds all the powers of the County not assigned to elected officials or other boards. DuPage County has a well thought out plan for this issue and should take no additional role. She is a former Elmhurst District 205 School Board Member. In addition, when people are experiencing mental illness (anxiety/depression, or other disorders), they have higher health costs and are at an increased risk of experiencing poverty. A September presentation by the director of DuPages Community Services department provided data to show that between April through July 2022, the number of clients who sought out food pantries had nearly doubled. We used the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in order to help our residents experiencing food insecurity-- a wonderful example of the type of impactful work we are doing on the Board. The relevant case is Diaz v. Mattson, Annual Illinois Comptroller's Fiscal Report Card, Birth, Death, Marriage and Civil Union Copies, HMIS (Homeless Management Information System), Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM). So many addiction issues stem from mental health issues. I have been engaged with DuPage United, an organization dedicated to affordable housing solutions, and I believe a public private partnership is key to supplying residents with affordable housing. Additionally, and more importantly I worked as a social service referral specialist as well as an Adult Basic Education liaison. There are no jobs posted for this department at this time. School Boardpetition packets(PDF) or they can be picked up in the Election Division office. She has been involved in community activity for many years, and is a Principal violinist with the Chicago Jazz Philharmonic. As voters prepare for the November 8, 2022 General Election, they have a field of candidates to consider for Federal, State and County offices, including a number of This couldn't be further from the truth, and I will fight to provide accurate information to the county residents regarding the ongoing efforts of local law enforcement to maintain a safe and vibrant environment for our families and businesses. A large portion of any housing is the cost of land. Electronic Electoral Board Service Notice (PDF). Democrats in DuPage bring high caliber expertise to the ballot, Sonni Choi Williams is the Democratic candidate for Judge of the Appellate Court , 3rd District that covers DuPage, Will, Kankakee, Iroquois, Grundy, LaSalle, and Bureau. I grew up in the northwest suburbs and now live in Wheaton with my husband and miniature Dachshund. We just approved a $5 million allocation for food pantries to help the Countys neediest residents experiencing food insecurity. I have done this by working to lower the cost of government and finding alternative financial resources. how to calculate real interest rate with gdp deflator. Special meetings may be called by the DuPage County Board Chairman or one-third of the members. I have experience in serving on numerous boards, including the College of DuPage Board of Trustees. Overall, it is responsible for the management of County funds and business and also fiscal and regulatory powers. She is a mother, a lawyer, an advocate for people with disabilities, and comes from a union home. I graduated from Butler University (go Bulldogs!) Evelyn Sanguinetti: 2022 candidate for DuPage County Clerk Shaw Local January 02, 2023 Election 2022 Election Election Evelyn Sanguinetti: 2022 candidate for DuPage County Clerk October 20, 2022 at 12:26 am CDT Expand Bio Party: Republican Office sought: DuPage County Clerk City: Wheaton Age: 51 Occupation: Attorney She is running a grassroots campaign and bringing together like-minded people who share her vision that the average person can make a difference. Going forward treatment will be a large issue because it takes a great deal of time and resources to treat the addiction. Jenn has taught real estate law for paralegals as an adjunct and has provided hundreds of hours of pro bono legal assistance over the last twenty years. More efficient delivery and distribution of the food should increase the quality of the food so that more is available to help individuals and families obtain the food they need. "It's not fair that elected, part-time elected politicians take taxpayer-funded benefits to the tune of $170,000 a year to the taxpayers, when we all know that part-time workers in the private sector don't get those benefits," Elliott said. Diane knows that we need more people in Springfield who will put community above politics. Laura Ellman has deep ties to the 21st District and wants to put her problem-solving skills in the private sector to work to move Illinois forward. As a member of the states newly created Property Tax Relief Tax Force, we will work to provide critical property tax relief for suburban homeowners and push for reforms to provide both long-term and immediate relief. I am aware that multiple municipalities and charitable organizations in DuPage have food pantries. A lawsuit over the issue is pending. "As a voter, if we're reducing the representation, I don't want to do that.". And as Chair of Community Development, we passed a $5 million dollar initiative to help fund the County's first-ever permanent homeless shelter, providing a stable environment for families experiencing homelessness. I kept my campaign promise of making things less partisan at the local level by working across the aisle, and comporting myself in a professional manner at all times. 117-402 - departments of transportation, and housing and urban development, and related agencies appropriations bill, 2023 117th congress (2021-2022) Laura grew up nearby, in Hanover Park, and graduated from Elgin High School. Election laws prescribe the forms to be submitted in seeking nomination to office. She has served on 9 committees and has chaired three. Its the job of the County Board to assist residents experiencing hunger. The General Assembly needs to help our state gain and maintain financial security and to celebrate and support our residents, our resources, our businesses large and small, and all the things that make Illinois a place we are proud to call home! I also believe in the power of active listening and practicing empathy to get to the heart of any challenge, and finding effective solutions. You have already selected the maximum number of candidates for this race. Webxiaomi 11t bluetooth volume too low. Special meetings may be called by the DuPage County Board Chairman or one-third of the members. In this area, prospective candidates for office will find information and forms necessary to move forward with running for office. Please click the person s name to view the video.Mary FitzGerald Ozog, Lynn LaPlante, Shawn Ryan, Grant Eckhoff, Annette Corrigan, Reid Foltynewicz. Minutes of all Board proceedings are available for public inspection at the office of the County Clerk, DuPage Center Administration Building, Wheaton. Top Resources. Diane is running to protect a womans right to control her body, stand up for women in the workplace, improve our public schools, strengthen our gun safety laws, and bring good paying jobs back to our area. 112 W Higgins Rd Park Ridge, IL 60068. He will assure that the new wildlife rehabilitation clinic at Willowbrook will be "net zero" energy use. Paula is a fierce advocate for mental health services, environmental protection, healthcare privacy and rights, and voting access for all. Other services should include recovery coaches, temporary housing until the person can enter treatment, and social services. "We need to build a bigger table instead of trying to make it smaller," said LaPlante, a violist from Glen Ellyn. Democrat Amy Chavez said the county should continue providing benefits to bring more professional diversity to a board now made up of "all lawyers and business professionals. A strong focus on recovery over punishment has helped the County see significant drops in opioid-related recidivism. We need to take a hand in redistributing the surplus. Robert Larsen, left, and Greg Schwarze are candidates for a District 6 seat of the DuPage County Board in the Nov. 3 election. Firstday to start circulating petitions is:Tuesday, September 20, 2022. Terms of Service apply. Active in her local community, she was appointed to the Elmhurst Senior Citizens Commission, and serves her second term as an elected Precinct Committeeperson for York Township. Noonan, a Bloomingdale police officer, sat on a bipartisan committee of six board members studying the idea. Encourage more family friendly events and facilities to allow citizens to better enjoy our forest preserves. We need to problem-solve creatively, in outreach with community organizations such as DuPage United, in order to address this growing need. First day to start circulating petitions is: To be announced for the upcoming election. He said he hopes to position himself as a reform-minded and next generation leader. We need to continue major outreach in all areas of public health to forge re-connections that were lost or diminished during the pandemic. Illinois' own Barack Obama is the only Democrat to ever win at least 40 percent of the county's vote. Also the county zoned land is not equally spread out in DuPage County making decisions about housing even more of a local issue. I am proud of the money we just put aside to help food pantries to get perishables there more quickly so that people get good quality and choice. Diane Blair-Sherlock is a Democrat running for the Illinois House of Representatives in District 46. I've heard a lot of demand for change and I'm here to bring it to you in the exact way that you want it. Prospective candidates seeking information can download the
I have been a public servant and litigator my entire 28 year legal career, both as a criminal prosecutor and a civil defense attorney. Biden Accomplishments. Donald Puchalski and Zahra Suratwala are candidates for a District 1 seat of the DuPage County Board in the Nov. 3 election. When Karina was elected to the Illinois House of Representatives in 2018 she used her social work background, leadership, and life experience to ensure effective representation in the 49th District. On Friday, the Illinois legislature further modified the mail-in balloting law. I am also working with DuPage County staff to get more sustainable and try to get hybrid/electric fleet and EV chargers and any sustainability upgrades that are much overdue. As the Mom of a child with Type 1 Diabetes, I know the struggles some families face and I want to ensure the residents of DuPage County have access to this life-saving medication. I have devoted my life to public service as a long-time union firefighter/paramedic, Village Trustee and safety educator for seniors and school children. I have worked as a public-school teacher and coach until I recently retired. The task force shouldnt rule out public/private partnerships for affordable housing projects and funding. For details of her qualifications and endorsements, visit vote4sonni.com and vote for Sonni Choi Williams on November 8th! Resources. Sadia Covert passed 3 resolutions her first year in office. Some say eliminating one-third of the board's 18 seats would save the county more than $312,000 in annual salaries. Jeff Gahris has the environmental science and engineering experience that makes him qualified for the job. We can also advocate for more treatment availability and also encourage, though our Court system, rehabilitation for those charged with drug-related offenses, especially first time offenders. The biggest challenge facing the County right now is the ongoing recovery from the COVID pandemic. Copyright 2023 NumbersUSA Action, 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 240, Arlington, VA 22202, All Rights Reserved. Justice OBrien has served on the 3rd District Appellate Court for nearly 18 years. As Chairman of the Lisle Township Food Pantry Vegetable Garden - I see first hand that the lines at food pantries are getting longer and the quality of what is being offered is less. Prospective candidate filing materials (except for School Districts) for Consolidated Elections may be obtained and are filed with the district office of the unit of government for which the office is sought. DuPage County Clerk's Office. I look forward to pursuing these practices and programs, if elected to the County Board. One approach might be to establish a task force to build on the information and data (including the existing Affordable Housing Strategy Plan from 2016 and CMAPs ONTO 2050 plan) to gain direction. In fact, in 2021 the County Health Departments Behavioral Crisis System handled roughly 45,000 calls an increase of more than 25% from the prior two years. I am a good leader because I listen. Active in her local community, she was appointed to the Elmhurst Senior Citizens Commission, and serves her second term as an elected Precinct Committeeperson for York Township. I have the experience and knowledge of serving both on the Wheaton City Council and the DuPage County Board. We need to prevent crime, and when crime does occur, criminals must be charged and locked up. In conjunction with the Health Department, the Sheriff's Department does an outstanding job at aiding opioid addicts who are incarcerated. (Vote for not more than 3) The DuPage County Board holds all the powers of the County not assigned to elected officials or other boards. The only judge The DuPage Democrats are endorsing for retention is Bonnie Wheaton. She has worked with many of DuPage County's service programs that benefit many of our families. Township OrganizationInformation for DuPage Township Organizations. She uses her decades of experience living with type 1 diabetes and as a cancer survivor to advocate for more affordable and accessible medications and healthcare for the people of Illinois. Amy Chavez and Kevin Coyne are candidates for a District 5 seat of the DuPage County Board in the Nov. 3 election. I have successfully managed budgets, analytic problem solving, and negotiations. She is now vying for a seat long held by Republicans after years of being the lone Democrat representing the county board. As a County Board member, my top priority will be the safety and security of every county resident. We can coordinate efforts to educate the community and fund mental health services in schools, in homeless centers, and in the criminal and judicial system. Suggestion is to repeal that provision of the so called SAFE-T Act which decriminalizes. I have been a member of both the Illinois Federation of Teachers and American Federation of Teachers. Paula Deacon Garcia has a proven record of over 35 years working for the people of DuPage County - volunteering, working for the Village of Lisle and the County Board. DuPage County Board District 1 candidate Maria Reyes answered Shaw Locals election questionnaire for the DuPage County Board primary election. Again, the pandemic really highlighted these areas of need and struggles within our community; it is our job on the County Board to devote time, energy and resources to our most vulnerable populations, such as those suffering from opioid addictions. Box 893Wheaton, IL 60187, Paid for by DuPage County Republican Central Committee. Contact Congress. Paula Deacon Garcia and Sean Noonan are candidates for a District 2 seat of the DuPage County Board District in the Nov. 3 election. 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