Did Sean and Ashley hook up with Degrassi? Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Ashley then declares that she is leaving Degrassi because she feels it is cursed. Amy deduces that Val is the problem, she suggests if she wants Ashley to win she shouldn't watch her at shows. Heartland Heartland Season 8 Episode 11. He left her because he can't be in two series at the same time. do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland. She screams when she sees a hooded figure running past and they leave. How do I get a copy of my Nebraska birth certificate? Does Caleb and Ashley ever get back together on Heartland? At the rodeo Ashley does well at running barrels, she then watches Kit and cheers when she knocks a barrel. Why did Caleb leave Hanna? Kerry-Anne tells Ashley that Ty tried to get them back together but when she said no he got scary. But when Caleb learned about her new boyfriends proposal, he distanced himself. And, unfortunately, there isn't a happy answer to this question, because, yes, Lou and Peter do get a divorce. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Does Ashley ever come back to Heartland? Her character, Ashley Stanton, was definitely one to remember. The next day, Caleb goes tot eh trailer and fixes the water heater, he offers to fix some other things and she accepts, telling him to put Nikki inside and lock up when he leaves as she goes to school. That changed how the fans changed their judgment from the first sight description that Cindy fell in love with most. They eventually divorce, and Caleb returns to Hudson and resumes working at Heartland as a ranch hand, though he returns to his seasonal occupation at the rodeo. Family These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. They finally get together and Ben decides to move out of Heartland and back to Fairfield to practice jumping closer to Ashley. The writers included more of the couples storylines. Cindy Busby, 17 (Season 2)18 (Season 3)19 (Season 4)20 (Season 5)21 (Season 6)22 (Season 7), Caleb Odell (Ex-Husband)Ben Stillman (Ex-Boyfriend)Ty Borden (Flirtation), Amy Fleming (formerly)Soraya Duval (formerly), We first see Ashley attending Marion's funeral. Romantic. Ash (By most people) They get married at the end of season 10. But don't worry, he'll be. Do Caleb and Ashley get back together after the divorce? Earlier this year I had the chance to visit the set of CBC's Heartland and chat with Graham Wardle, who has been playing Ty Borden for the past 10 years. As an only child, I was blessed to receive my Quarter horse Baby Doll, for my tenth birthday! (After the Storm) Ashley starts flirting with Ty when he arrives at Briar Ridge, she sees him checking out her brother's motorcycle so she asks him for a ride. She is the biggest rival of Amy Fleming in show jumping. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Who does Caleb marry in Heartland? (Catch and Release) Ashley gets annoyed when Caleb starts talking about the rodeo and invites Ty to go with him. She will likely also bring exciting news about her career or relationship. As a result, she lives at Heartland for a short period of time and later stays with Caleb, in his rented trailer. In addition, she has created a great ordeal in the familys history and grew to be the most hated character in the show. what are albino monkey's worth in adopt me . Perhaps teach the young equestrians in the Heartland family, like her predecessors. Again, we miss her on the screens from season 4 when she needed to attend college, and Caleb agreed to go with her. Another ATV ride turns deadly for a Heartland child. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. When he asks for a coffee, he instead gets a jug of cold water poured in his lap. And although it didn't result in the two getting back together, they continue to co-parent their two daughters, Georgie and Katie, as a cohesive parenting unit. Ashley convinces her to go and pick up the halter and meet him at the airport. Even when Caleb begins dating Amy, he makes it clear that he cares for Ashley and takes the time to check on her well-being. Ashley comes from a wealthy family and is a spoiled brat. And although it didn't result in the two getting back together, they continue to co-parent their two daughters, Georgie and Katie, as a cohesive parenting unit. Under California Penal Code section 632, it is a crime to record a telephone call , In California, any business created during the marriage will be considered community property. Sadly, Caleb and Ashleys marriage deteriorates in season 4 and they decide to separate. She heads over to Heartland and sees Amy working with Apollo, she asks her what happened between her and her Mum. (Coming Home), Ashley spots that Swallow is back at Briar Ridge she asks if she can ride him, when Val says no, she rides him anyway and gets bucked off when he spooks at a passing car. Caleb starts to have crush for Lou after Lou uses Caleb shoulder to cry upon re her doubts and confusion about her marriage to Peter due to him always being away and never being there when required. Ashley and Caleb move away later in the series so she may attend college. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. They come up with a plan and Val arrives to see Ashley jumping Apollo beautifully, She then confesses that there was nothing wrong with him she just doesn't want to jump. John is a devoted husband and father of two. (Corporate Cowgirls), Ashley talks to Soraya at Maggie's worried about her entry for rodeo queen. Most notably, Caleb Odell and Ashley Stanton split not long after they got married. Ashley eventually returns and decides to pursue postsecondary education in Vancouver. She is striving to grow and change. However, we can float in a few facts that led to Ashleys storyline end. And after advising Jade to seize the day, which led her to ride the bronc better than any cowboy could, Tim realized that he couldnt let Caleb quit. Val tells her that he paid her back, leaving Ashley shocked, she adds that it's not right her living in the trailer and not paying rent. Heartland never records an official marriage ceremony between Lou Fleming and Scott Cardinal, nor ever does the show air an official wedding between them. It officially confirmed that they are in fact divorced now. Lou doesnt want to let anyone to turn Maggies into a hotshot fast food joint so she ends up buying it. (Coming Together), Ashley catches the bus back from school with Amy and Soraya telling them that her cars in for a service. Season 7 sees Ashley having a new boyfriend, who plans to marry her. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Case Type. After he returns from the circuit both him and Ashley try not to show their true feelings despite being jealous when theyre with other people. 3.2 Ashley flirted with Ty Borden and lied, which cost him his job. When Val fires Ty she finds it hilarious. She gives him a gift, a box to put his buckles in, and tells him that she'll miss him. 333 views Aug 8, 2020 1 Dislike Share Save Ask About CELEBS 19.4K subscribers Jack Die Heartland Do Caleb and Ashley. Blue Ashley couldnt help herself and disqualified herself from the show, leaving her mother no choice but sell Apollo. Ashley and Amy are washing Apollo when Ashley thanks her for helping get Val off her back. do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland. Aliases The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Cindy would make a good ranch hand at the Heartland ranch. Do Caleb and Ashley reunite in Heartland? What is Mallory from Heartland doing now? Sadly, Caleb and Ashley's marriage deteriorates in season 4 and they decide to separate. 3.3 Her volatile relationship with her mother, Val. Why is Ashley Tisdale barely in season 3? Before she leaves, she gives Fonzie a goodbye kiss at the end of the night. Ashley arrives back at Briar Ridge and smashes up Val's car for selling Apollo. Havan_IronOak Plot summary Do Caleb and Ashley get back together after the divorce? The couple is reunited when Ashley returns from law school in season 7, but Caleb loses interest when he learns about her marriage proposal from another man. (Rising from Ashes) Ashley competes in the Hudson Show coming 3rd. Ashley explains to Amy that Val's pushing her to do more shows again, which ruined their relationship last time so blamed the horse as a way to get out of it. Gender Caleb eventually marries Amy's friend Ashley Stanton, only to get divorced a short time later.Ashley Stanton is Amy and Soraya's friend from school. Disclaimer: I am not a trained veterinarian or consultant. Julia Baker had to leave for personal reasons, while Ziya Matheson made up her own mind about leaving. The source added that there's no bad blood between them and it's only time that will tell how things will play out between them. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Caleb proposes and Cassandra says yes. (Showdown!) However, this step actually kind of brought the two closer together. "Hi cowboy." Caleb turned toward her and a smile slowly spread across his face. Despite facing many problems during the course of their marriage, Ty and Amy do not get a divorce. Primary Menu. Val drops her back at the Trailer and Ashley admits that she's lonely without Caleb and he hasn't called or texted. However, California allows an illegally recorded conversation to be admitted as evidence in criminal cases, provided it falls within a , Case Status. I felt like I got the hang of Mallory. Cindy Busby played Ashley Stanton, a wealthy equestrian and horse trainer. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Morgan plays Lou Fleming on Heartland, Amy's determined and intelligent older sister. After all, Ashley had a new boyfriend and planning to get married. By . Does Amy leave Heartland? She tells Amy that Val sold Apollo and is devastated. FIR Number. Ashley aspires to be a lawyer, a far-off career in the show. Though she has played various roles in many films, Ashley in Heartland is still the character you can recognize with. She suggests they do other activities together instead, like a spa day. (Born to Run) Ashley and Ben pay a visit to Heartland. ), Ashley runs into Caleb in town, she thanks him for the other night and tells him she misses the barrel racing lessons. Caleb returned to Heartland alone. Cindy Busby has not yet confirmed the actual reason why she quit. What is this? After a long time, we first miss Ashleys appearance when she extended her stay in Italy, where they had their honeymoon. She then starts to goad Amy because she hasn't entered her "washed up" horse into the Fall Finale. Ashley tells her that she wants to be there for her but some things are unforgivable. Here is an interview with Cindy Busby (Ashley Stanton) on the set of Heartland in 2008: The couple is reunited when Ashley returns from law school in season 7, but Caleb loses interest when he learns about her marriage proposal from another man. In the show, Lous second daughter, Georgie Fleming-Morris, was adopted by the couple in season 6, episode 10, The Road Ahead. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. From the pilot Ashley is a student at Hudson High School. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. She tells him how sorry she is and blames Val for selling him. After spending some time apart, the pair spontaneously meet at Heartland and decide to get married on the ranch. John is a frequent speaker on divorce-related topics and is well-respected among his peers in the legal community. Do Caleb and Cassandra get divorced? Ashley Tanner is introduced in Season 10 (episode #16) when Fonzie hires her to work at his restaurant after seeing her modeling work. After she leaves, Soraya tells her that if her Mum was ill like Val she would want to talk to her. (Starstruck! The simple answer is no, it is not legal to record your spouse unless that person consents to being recorded. (Dark Horse) When Caleb's packing up to head to the rodeo, he tells Ashley not to make his place too girly while he's gone. 16 Jun June 16, 2022. do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland. Ty Borden died as a result of deep vein thrombosis. Caleb has returned, but he still lives a nomadic life on the rodeo circuit. When Val came for the competitions and saw Ashley performing in other races contrary to her expectations, she threatened to sell the horse. As of 2016, Marshall lives on a farm ranch outside Calgary, Alberta with her husband Shawn Turner and their animals. Shes a rich girl, a rude one for that matter, who constantly challenges Amy in every aspect. It officially confirmed that they are in fact divorced now. She finally gets Caleb to not give her mixed signals and they kiss again, starting a relationship. Thats the reason why Ashley is no longer filming in Heartland. Do Ty and Amy get divorced? Caleb gets hired after Ty leaves Heartland, he makes a good impression and seems to know his stuff regarding horses, trying to give Ty advice when he returns. How can I check my court case status in Maharashtra? Ashley has appeared only in the first four episodes and once in season 7. She kisses him back and the pair finally get together. (Breaking Free), Ashley goes to Heartland to see Ben and riles up Amy and Ty, he offers Ty a job at Briar Ridge. On April 5, 2018, Madison Cheeatow gave birth to her first and so far only child with her husband Chris Spoke. The next day, Val again tells Ashley of her plans for dinner to have mac and cheese and chocolate fondue, Ashley tells her that she has plans and she has her own life too. (Letting Go) Ashley competes against Amy coming 1st with Amy coming 3rd. Well, on set this week the cast and crew had nothing short of a . They decided to go their separate ways but still remain good friends. See more ideas about heartland, heartland tv show, heartland tv. Cindys friends and colleagues would even make fun of her when acting mean since that was out of her real-life picture. Val berates her and tells her that if she doesn't improve she's going to sell Apollo. By . She's lived in diverse settings - from small-town Texas to the big city of Chicago - and she never stops exploring the world around her, which gives her plenty of inspiration for writing about new trends and cultural insights. Quinn and Georgie are still together in Heartland Season 14. With Amber Marshall, Michelle Morgan, Graham Wardle, Chris Potter. They seemed to get on well for most of Lous childhood. She's about to head out to play golf when Val reminds her to back for the investors. Val tries to make it up to her and is happy that she's enjoying riding again. This led to a series of events where London broke up with her first because he wanted to date someone who wasn't crazy, then he realized that he actually did like her mad personality and they re-started dating again. Ashley finds Caleb in the barn and asks how it went with Jack because she and Soraya bet he'd get fired. Aug 17, 2013 - Cindy Busby as Ashley Stanton is back on Heartland for Season 7!!! Mallory Wells marries Jake Anderson in Heartland season 10, episode 14, Written in the Stars. Jake and Mallory have a long dating history that started in the early seasons of the show. Party Name. Heartland is a Canadian family drama television series which debuted on CBC on October 14, 2007. When Ty shows up at Briar Ridge, she shows him around. It's rumored that he went to Europe to escape from his grief but this hasn't been confirmed. Ashley tells him that what she did was wrong but the way she is now she can't be mad at her. However, she falls in love with Caleb Odell, the ranch hand at Heartland Ranch. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. She demands that she buy him back but Val refuses so Ashley tells her she's moving out. She comes back in, where we find out that she graduated from college and went to law school. Good Witch is set in the small town of Salem Center, Connecticut where all the magic happens. It's not as if Heartland hasn't had the theme of divorce lurking in the background; Tim and Marion divorced. Lou goes to the barn looking for Amy and sees Ashley, she begs Lou to help save Apollo. Do Ty and Amy get divorced? Val Stanton (formerly)Amy Fleming (formerly)Soraya Duval (formerly) Who does Mallory end up with on Heartland? Leaving Amy feeling bad. Filing Number. She enjoys it more knowing that her Mother, Val, hates her working there. Does Tim get married on Heartland? Who does Georgie end up with in Heartland season 14? Ashley believes that Val thinks everyone's after money and she tells her that he accepted the sponsorship money from her and that he was bought easily, Ashley kicks her out. He and Ashley started dating in 2018 after meeting on the set of the video for her song "Let You Go". Ashley and Cara split up in May 2020, just a couple weeks before the actress was spotted holding hands with G-Eazy. John is a frequent speaker on divorce-related topics and is well-respected among his peers in the legal community. He is the husband of Cassandra Fay and father to Carson, and bestfriend to Ty Borden. Caleb married his second wife Cassandra in episode 18, Greater Expectations, in season 10. Cause Lists. (Step By Step), On the school bus, Ashley and Soraya tease Amy about her and Ty. She is transformed and has evolved to be a hardworking and loving character. Ashley and Caleb are instantly drawn to each other, they are often spending time and flirting with one another. She finally gets Caleb to not give her mixed signals and they kiss again, starting a relationship. She tries to drive home but Amy stops her and offers to drive. In practice she impresses Ben by getting a personal best. They broke up because Ashley wanted to reconcile with her ex-husband, while Fonzie didn't. A hooded figure enters the Diner and they all watch in fear as Caleb removes his hood and tells them about the bad weather blowing in. He reluctantly agrees to wait for the tow truck and lends her his car. I hope you enjoy your stay! Caleb tells her to go while he fixes the porch and says she can stay in the trailer. Horse Val continues to be furious at Ashley's determination at running barrels. Amy meets Soraya and Ashley in Maggie's, they tell her all about seeing Mindy Fanshaw at the diner and that they believe the guys sitting at the nearby table are paparazzi. Female Please consult your horse veterinarian if something doesnt seem quite right with your horse, Appaloosa Horse Price How Much Do They Cost. The next day at Maggie's Ashley finds it funny when Amy tells her she said yes to coachingVal show jumping. Marshall married Shawn, a photographer, on July 27, 2013, after becoming engaged in early 2012. (Glory Days) Val reminds Ashley of their plans to get manicures and brings her some lunch to Maggie's before leaving. Ashley starts working at Maggie's and isn't doing a very good job. When Caleb goes to Maggie's he grabs Ashley and tells her that since it's his trailer he's fixing it. She tells her that to pay her bill she'll have to wash dishes, much to Ashley's horror. Hesitantly she got out of the car and walked into the diner. since he first appeared on the show in August and he said the social media network gets some of the credit. Act. Despite having forgiven Craig, Ashley is still suffering from the mental pain he left her with, as well as her dismay at Terri's coma. Caleb moves there to be with Ashley, but they drift apart as she makes new friends and spends more time away from Caleb. Val is furious when she sees her rodeo queen entry in the newspaper so Ashley continues to wind her up. (Seismic Shifts) Val goes to Caleb's Trailer to see Ashley and deliver some pumpkin loaf. Caleb gets Kit to come by and show Ashley how it's done. how to type spanish accents on chromebook keyboard; one way process of communication; 47 brand franchise fitted hats; ncaa softball coaches' salaries 2019; albert pujols home run record; We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. As Caleb's getting ready to leave, she tells him she wants to go with him as Ty's no longer going. Amy has yet to remarry or find an actual love interest on Heartland since the death of her husband Ty in season 14 of the show. lou and mitch do get together in heartland season 10, right after lou and peter sign the divorce papers. One big difference between the actor and the character is the mean personality. She kisses him back and the pair finally get together. Shes one of the former leading cast members who became part of the Heartland family since it started filming. He's further disappointed when he offers to drive her to school tomorrow and she turns him down. Is Lisa in season 14 of Heartland? are amy and ty dating in real life. He, loudly, tells her that he's not jealous and demands his trailer back. (Little Secrets), When Caleb helps catch Jake's horse, Kramer he sees Ashley and asks about fixing the roof. We can conclude she left on good terms with the producers to explore better opportunities. They continue to have a strained relationship, however after Val is diagnosed with an illness Ashley starts to see a new side to her. Cindy Busbys first appearance is in Coming Home in the first episode. And to put your mind at ease, yes, Lou and Mitch do get together during Heartland season 10. Friends Ashley gradually falls for Caleb in Season 2 and starts a serious relationship with him, and they marry in the season 3 finale. Amy goes outside and hears crying and see's Ashley crying by her car. There is more to it in an actors life than the cameras. With Quinn being Georgies show jumping coach, they spend a lot of time training for competitions and getting Georgie closer to her Olympic dream. Caleb goes by Heartland and tells Amy that he got his rodeo sponsor so hes leaving, she asks when and he tells her hes leaving today. Tim and Marion fought a lot right after Lou was born. Lastly, she returned because she felt like she owed it to herself to try and find happiness outside of Heartland. They get married at the end of season 10. Just stay cool and if Caleb and Ashley work out, then just take Caleb aside. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Caleb is out on a ride and finds Ashley and offers her a rid home. Ashley moves out of the trailer and tells Caleb that the roof and fridge are broken, they hug. Julia Baker had to leave for personal reasons, while Ziya Matheson made up her own mind about leaving. Under California Penal Code section 632, it is a crime to record a telephone call , In California, any business created during the marriage will be considered community property. (Ghost from the Past) Ashley arrives at Maggie's to overhear Ben bragging about Nick agreeing to be his coach. She was in Camp Heaven on Earth in the series, and she subsequently travelled to Antarctica to help the penguins. Val's unsympathetic but invites her to move back home, offering to put bedrooms together to create an apartment, Ashley tells her she'll think about it. On the other hand, Caleb also had a unique eye for Ashley. Case Number. FIR Number. Her character returns in Season 7 and eventually wins her job back at the vet clinic. Lou offers to sell him back to her for next to nothing but as she's currently living in a trailer and has no money to do laundry she thinks it's better he stay at Heartland for now. Ashley Leggat is one of the few cast members that has returned for the television series. (Do or Die), Ashley arrives at Heartland delivering more laundry and asks to take Apollo for a ride. In addition, she also felt threatened by his lifestyle and what it was doing for his business so she ended it. As a result, she lives at Heartland for a short period of time and later stays with Caleb, in his rented trailer. Ashley admits that they didn't think she was actually lying. Mallory Wells marries Jake Anderson in Heartland season 10, episode 14, Written in the Stars. Jake and Mallory have a long dating history that started in the early seasons of the show. At the end of Season 14, Georgie and Quinn leave Heartland to train with elite show jumpers in Florida. Ashley found several love interests in the show, but she instantly got interested in Caleb. Amy gets off the bus and the other two follow her adamant she's lying. The couple keeps their marriage profile private, so we know little about their status. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Leaving the horses at Heartland. However, if she does, it wont just be to see her family. LawyerWaitress at Maggie's Diner (Formerly) Caleb is back, but he lives a somewhat nomadic life, touring on the rodeo circuit. do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland 16 do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland. (Holding Fast) Kit coaches Ashley with the barrel racing confusing Ashley for helping the competition. When she makes a noise from the trailer Caleb rushes off with Amy before she can notice. While stabling one of the ranch's horses, Ty collapses to the floor with Amy and Jack rushing to his side but he's unresponsive. Can you record your spouse without consent in California? Later, after Caleb is injured at a rodeo that Ashley attended, he blames her for the accident, claiming that a competitors girlfriend going to watch them at the rodeo is bad luck. Later, Ashley returns to Heartland and reunites with Caleb. Does Peter have a girlfriend on Heartland? Maggie ran a business in town called Maggies Tack and Feed. Season 6 | Season 7 | Season 8 Getting Started | Contributor Zone Contribute to This Page Add episode ibm layoffs jan 2021; 1914 german 20 mark note; do caleb and ashley get divorced on heartland . It hasn't anything to do with Hannah or Miranda. Like other Heartland cast members. Ashley broke up with G-Eazy because their relationship had gotten to a point where they were arguing more often than not, and the romance had just lost its spark, "the source explained. When Ty gives her a ride back to Briar Ridge Ashley is surprised to see they actually know each other. She later returns once in episode 10, Darkness and Light, season 7. Do Ty and Amy get divorced? Later the series, Lisa sets Lou up with Peter, an oilman, and eventually, Lou and Peter get married, have their daughter Katie and later officially adopt another daughter, Georgie. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". She does knocking rails. Ashley tells her she'll stop if she can keep Apollo. Ashley and Caleb relocated to Vancouver, but their marriage did not work out. Court Number. After the jump she informs Amy that she can't handle the pressure form her mum anymore and is quitting jumping. She tells Val that Jack called her and offers to take her to the appointment. Tim Fleming married Marion Bartlett in the early 80s, and Lou was born shortly afterward. The simple answer is no, it is not legal to record your spouse unless that person consents to being recorded. "Hi Ashley." Ashley's stomach was doing little flip flops. She displays as a wealthy equestrian in most of the seasons one and two episodes. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Order Date. Not until after Tys plane crash when Caleb confesses to Ashley how he feels, fearing that he might not have enough time in life to confess his love for her. Enemies You can see in Ravenswood that Caleb finds out that he has a curse on him, and he doesn't want to involve Hanna in this. The pair share two children, Mara Carmen Tisdelle and. Ed comes to Heartland to collect the horses after Lou can't pay, Ashley's devastated again when Apollo is being taken. Posted at 02:28h in jen beattie husband by live in infamy meaning. Many people hang out at Maggies. The couple get married in the Season 10 finale Greater Expectations and welcome a baby boy in Season 13. Played various roles in many films, Ashley in Heartland is a frequent speaker on topics. Horse Val continues to be the most hated character in the barn looking for Amy and sees Amy working Apollo... Was spotted holding hands with G-Eazy see 's Ashley crying by her car instantly got in! ) they get married on the ranch jumpers in Florida Ashley wanted to reconcile with her Chris... She 'll miss him and Amy do not get a copy of my birth! 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Cookie consent plugin that cindy fell in love with most episode 18, Greater Expectations, she falls love... He, loudly, tells her that she buy him back and the pair finally get together with Borden!
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