We would always camp at Sulfur Spring camp (above Colorado Bend SP). Weeds galore, water clarity fair as Summer algae blooms occur. MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8:00AM - 4:00PM (Closed Tuesday & Wed unless were here or by reservation) After a recent customer experience we will no longer take rental equipment reservations for Tuesday and Wed. We will take Guide reservations. Given our distance from anywhere and high gas prices a transportation subsidy allowance will be made. We will have an army of officials on the ice as well as teams of CPW officers positioned all around the lake. CALCUTTA 37 quart (yeti type) cooler. For wade or bank fishing Colorado Bend State Park, near the town of Bend, is a great place to try your luck when water conditions are right. Breathe. Flows: 387 CFS at Hayden Meadows, 942 CFS at Granite (6/18/2020) http://www.arkanglers.com/Arkansas River - Leadville to Buena Vista, As of 6/18/2020, fishing has been inconsistent at John Martin Reservoir. The Kingsland Lions Club also maintains a ramp. Thanks, AT BIG ROCK SPORTS SHOW IN NASHVILLE JAN 5 REPORT WILL BE LATE BY DAYS. Kastmasters, rapallas have given anglers success catching crappie near the Pumphouse and in the inlet. CURRENT RULE ADJUSTMENTS: Any rule changes will be told to you at check in. Tube and marabou jigs producing nice size Cuttbows. Things can change dramatically based on weather but just because it is 70 degrees on the front range does not mean we immediately have open water. Most all the fish are feeding subsurface. For wade or bank fishing Colorado Bend State Park, near the town of Bend, is a great place to try your luck when water conditions are right. Looking for a more rewarding checking account?Explore the options here! No part of this report maybe printed or reproduced either in whole or in part without written permission. At this point you can catch them with out a jigging machine but electronics is really a must. Have you ever filmed a hunt? Get a topo map. Stop in and find out how we can help you catch. PIC # 2: Visiting from Phoenix on a father/son fishing trip to Colorado. As of this writing, following the past weeks rain, Belton stood at 1.94 feet below normal, and was rising. Blue Mesa has been open for 10 days now and the fishing has been equally good all across the lake." WebThe Fishing guide is available free with a subscription or you can buy just this issue. Boil em up. Again, this is not the run.. White bass run up the Brazos and Nolan rivers, with best angler catches below sand and gravel bars and along sandy shorelines. It has been like that for some years already. The white bass run with a 5 wt and a box of small clousers is hard beat! Four other public boat ramps are available on the main lake. Chances are good you wont see that price next year or ever again for that matter. As those of you that fished Spinney toward the end you saw great action and unprecedented drops in water level. Waterdogs and suckers are both effective. MARINA STORE AND LAKE SPECIALISTS: Camping, Fishing Equipment, Flies, Lures, Bait, Clothing, Food, Snacks, Drinks, Ice Cream and official purveyors of Boars Head brand products. This puts pressure on us as many frustrated folks think we can help them with camping and Park issues. It takes a lot of prep, planning and work to get it done and its just not in the cards this year. Annual rainbow trout stocking begins Nov. 23. STORE STUFF: Thanks to supply chain blues we have too much of some things not enough of another. SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 8:00AM TO 4:00PM, FISHING REPORT ON VACATION THROUGH THANKSGIVING HAVE A GREAT HOLIDAY. White bass will go as far up the tributaries as water depth and flow conditions allow. Most ice over 7 inches.and growing. Some years the flow is absolutely perfect and although we never have a minute to spare no one seems to have to wait too long. Lots of Cuttbow action 16 to 19 common with bigger ones here and there. Fishing license required no limit. The bites occur sporadically but they are strong when they occur. We appreciate all the support and acknowledge that many of you won't miss a week but every now and then we might. Lake Buchananis a 22,211 acre reservoir located in Burnet and Llano Counties near the town of Burnet. We suggest you show up early if you are fishing Witchers Cove or points on south shore. With 35 miles of multi-use trails, primitive camping, fishing, swimming, paddling, birding, caving and even guided tours, visiting this piece of land is worth the 1 hour and 45-minute drive. "Highly skilled sheet metal fabricators with all the correct machinery to fabricate just about anything you need. Thanks to everyone who sent in pics this week..there were many. TROUT: GOOD: The early ice at Cross Creek/Sucker Cove was epic for a lot of anglers. KOKANEE SALMON: GOOD TO VERY GOOD: Well we are all in a Kokanee tizzy. Follow the signs on CR 140 to a self-pay, day use only, parking area. TROUT: GOOD: The catching has been hot and cold with some days just off the hook excuse the pun and others not a fish to be seen. Perfect for student interested in Recreational Services. BAIT IN GENERAL: Bait has been hit and miss for us in being able to get certain things. Atmospheric river dumps heavy rain, snow across Calif. Computer breakdown sows chaos across US air travel system, Oncor reporting more than 1,000 customers without power in Harker Heights area, Killeen blight: Building owners could face fine of $2,000 per day, Killeen ISD, city officials clarify positions on Chaparral Road reconstruction, Two women indicted on felony narcotics charges after passing cop on patrol, Police: Killeen man shoots, seriously wounds two women, Trump's returns shed light on tax offsets, foreign accounts, Rising oil prices force gas costs to jump in Killeen, Central Texas, New year may not be worth celebrating, given the last 3, Killeen liquor wholesaler hosting community event, Police: Woman hit by vehicle in gas station parking lot, Authorities probe who was behind uprising in Brazil capital, Killeen woman uses drumbeats to produce energy healing, Smoke from Fort Hood settles over Killeen, Bell battle: County planning lawsuit against Killeen over decriminalization ordinance, Major accident reported on Clear Creek Road. All boats must be inspected prior to launch.Ridgway Reservoir, As of 6/18/2020, the Gunnison River seems to be past peak spring flows. Has not been very cold overall.WATER TEMP: 57. This 22 Cuttbow caught in open water off the rocks by Ranger boat house on a black tube jig. TROUT: VERY GOOD: A big crowd was on the ice at Cross Creek on Sunday and most were doing very good. Then come the callibaetis and damselflies. We will give away $500.00 to the heaviest Northern Pike weighed in that day. Beach Yamba has beautiful beaches inside and outside the mouth. Bite times vary with mid morning and mid to late afternoon pretty consistent. Joined: Mar 2010. Shore angling opportunities back again at North Shore and some points East. Small crappie jigs and Trout Traps have also done well. Look for high spots in the river channel that concentrate fish as they move upstream. Shore anglers can also access the river at a pull-off on County Road 347 about three-quarters of a mile east of State Highway 95. Eleven Mile Reservoir, As of 6/16/2020, park staff at Boyd Lake report that fishing for trout and white bass has been excellent. Tube jigs, tube jigs with sucker meat or crawler and waterdogs have seen takers. Park is open and hand launch boats are allowed. FIRST TIME EVER CONTEST IS PRE SOLD OUT THANK YOU TO EVERYONE. You have permission to edit this article. A once-in-a-generation political fight is heating up in California for this seat, Cove Police investigate train accident on Sunday afternoon; pedestrian reportedly hit, Oncor crews dispatched after Killeen carjacking, police chase, Marijuana odor during traffic stop in Killeen leads to felony indictment for Cove man, Jury acquits Killeen man accused of Heights murder, 35 acre grass fire in South Killeen Thursday, Boil-water notice issued for parts of four Killeen roads, Foundation poured for new Chuys in Harker Heights, Old water tower honoring 1991 Killeen state championship comes down, Police looking for victims next of kin in Cove train accident, Killeen mayor wants council to consider renaming Fort Hood Street, Killeen police report shows increase in crime, Temple reader says Abbott's actions against migrants go against Bible, Heights reader questions wisdom of legalizing marijuana use in area, Winning numbers drawn in 'Powerball' game, Multiple events scheduled for Black History Week, DA: Lawsuit necessary to settle debate over Killeens marijuana decriminalization, Killeen reader suggests not using "woke" dictionary in the new year, Copperas Cove begins program to spread holiday cheer along Business 190, After Heights decision on Prop A, Minor threatens recalls, Killeen woman accused of spitting on jailer gets rearrested, Louie Minor on those who say he is an oath breaker: Its nonsense, 18-year-old dies by gunfire; Killeens 21st homicide of 2022, OPINION: Council should gather input on Fort Hood Street renaming, Fore: Killeen city golf course sign takes a big hit, Killeen council members expected to approve 12% raise for city manager, Year in review: Soldiers take next steps, preparing for future fight, No More Silent Tears: Recognizing mental abnormalities within our youth, Marijuana to return to Harker Heights ballot in May, Killeen reader urges standing up to Ground Game Texas over Prop A, New county commissioner-elect excited to get to work, Possibility of renaming Killeens Fort Hood Street evokes mixed opinions and high emotions, Reader agrees with columnist that colleges are indoctrination centers, Killeen prohibited from adopting no-camping ordinance to protect downtown businesses, Singh says, Reader offers stats comparing job creation under Trump, Biden, Killeen reader offers opinions on city's police force, downtown area, After Uvalde shooting, Texas senators recommend better mental health care and school security, Killeen reader cites hidden cost to Americans for socialist programs, Killeen police conduct surveillance, fire nonlethal round at suspected drug dealer, Kempner reader says Musk may be genius, but lacks people skills, Belton reader says U.S. occupation of Iraq bred instability, indignation, Gas prices up in Killeen while national average remains steady, Bell County commissioners agree to file lawsuit against Killeen over decriminalization ordinance, Killeen reader says Minors policies will add to local taxpayers burden, Heights council rejects referendum petition to rescind Prop A repeal, O-'paw'-ning soon: Raising Cane's Dog Park ready for playful pooches, CCISD: Water leak damages parts of Cove elementary school; restoration underway, Heights football tops list of KDH most read sports stories in 2022, Killeen reader writes to thank retiring police chief for his service. We have been jigging although flies, lures and bait can all catch. Weekends are the worst. Others have been caught through out the day with sporadic bites. BREAK WATER IMPROVEMENT PLAN: We have been informed that the State plans a new and significant install to replace the current and failing Wave Eater system. I have clients or potential clients call me in April and May and say, I hear the white bass are running., What they have heard is that white bass are aggressively chasing spawning shad along the shoreline after those white bass have returned hungry from their own spawning run. SORRY NO ONLINE. Hot color patterns change almost daily. It has been cold with most morning temps at zero and single digits although last night was mild at 19.. On the other end of the line was an excited Killeen native, Trey Goodnight, son of Weldon Goodnig. PIC # 4: Caught on Saturday fishing for Pike. All of the 212 fish we found on both Stillhouse and Belton were within a few yards of the channel, without exception. Stillhouse stood at 3.29 feet low and was stable. ELEVEN MILE STATE PARK IS LOCATED IN THE SOUTH PARK NATIONAL HERITAGE AREA. Waterdogs and suckers doing well. Sign up now gor to REGISTER NOW BOX below. Some of the best white bass fishing in the spring can be done from the bank and while wading in the upper reaches of tributaries. We just got some in and anticipate there being a supply in the early part of the season. Nearest boat ramp Yamba Marina. We are still seeing some good casting opportunities for rainbow and brown trout, excellent trolling for rainbow trout with plenty of salmon action mixed in (they are big!) Lake Buchanan: Colorado Bend State Park near the town of Bend (San Saba County) is a great place to try your luck when water conditions are right. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, Bend is located about 20 miles west of Lampasas on Farm0t-Market 580. call 719-748-0317. Choose a date or dont and make it later but no guarantees for any specific date and time if you make it later. Ice cleats are necessary unless you are to cheap to buy them. Any fees for Guide/Outfitter/Rental services do not include Park fees, CO fishing license or gratuities. Lake LBJ: Riverbend Marine and Storage ramp is accessed via Harris Loop, directly across from the Llanorado Lodge just west of the Ranch-to-Market 1431 bridge crossing. Aquatic Nuisance Species Inspections will be conducted at North Ramps and South Ramps from 6am -10pm seven days a week. Drill test holes. Howbert to Witchers hasnt been too bad either. I have, in fact, already begun to observe this the past week. Lake Somervilleis an 11,456-acre impoundment of Yegua Creek located about 25 miles southwest of Bryan/College Station. Just grab them in the eyes and they go totally limp. We have some great traps for sale. The river has plenty of four year olds swimming up stream. Go to contest page for info and details. No guarantee that strong bite will continue but you wont know if you dont try. Crankbaits have been getting anglers into trout. Trolling made challenging by weeds. A good place to access the upper river for spawning white bass in the spring is Parking Lot 7. Many different baits are working just like the Trout. WebWhite Bass Run at the Bend Colorado Bend State Park Join the fun with the White Bass Run. Park showers closed for season. Its regular nature that happens annually about this time. NORTHERN PIKE: EXCELLENT: The strong bite seems to be increasing in intensity. The point is we have used many different baits and scored Kokes. This portion of the KOKANEE SALMON: Some four year olds making a biting appearance at Cross Creek. River flows have been recorded well below the normal for this time of the year. Things to Do Marvel at the beauty Boats anglers are having success with tub jigs, rapalas and kastmasters. WebColorado Rv Below Mansfield Dam Austin Fishing. Rebecca Creek boat ramp is at the end of this road. Park showers closed for season. Fun to catch. Frequent moves will keep you on fish. WebFor wade or bank fishing, Colorado Bend State Park near the town of Bend (San Saba County) is a great place to try your luck when water conditions are right. "Grand Lake, As of 6/16/2020, Fishing with Bernie guides report that "rainbow trout fishing continues to be good to excellent. Threats of harming another Its been cold but not that cold. As of 6/7/2020, trout fishing is fair to good using PowerBait from the dam. It's also critical to catching fish on the ice. One angler reported they had success pulling in walleye and wipers while fishing close to shore near large drop offs. Although cold temps are suppose to be returning and it wouldnt take much to freeze the lake that doesnt mean such areas mentioned would be anywhere near safe to venture on. Lead core or down riggers almost a must. We carry a large selection more than other stores. There are periods of massive frustration and rejection followed by intense bites. May 2023 May 13 10:00a PIC # 1: This is the first limit we are aware of and nice ones at that. Fishing North of Ayock typically opens in mid-July for Coho Salmon and Pink Salmon during odd yeras. The boundary to Navajo State Park is at the Colorado-New Mexico state line. Its a Cajun thing, MARINA STORE HOURS: EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1 SAT 7:00AM - 7:00PM SUNDAY 7:00AM - 6:00PM MON - THURS 8:00AM - 5:00PM FRIDAY 8:00AM to 6:00PM. KOKANEE SALMON: FAIR TO GOO:: Four year olds and younger ones being caught. MONDAY - FRIDAY 8:00AM - 4:00PM (staff situation may affect weekday hours), Sorry for last Sunday we got to the store late. Northern Pike are in the shallows lake wide. Last week the water temp bounced from 68 down to 64 and now back up to 67. KOKANEE SALMON: GOOD TO EXCELLENT: Yes still happening!! Fall colors are just getting going here around the lake. Whats the point in keeping a rejected bait on. @2022 - All Right Reserved. New Mexico's Navajo Lake State Park has reopened as of 6/1/2020. EXTREME caution advised if you are heading out. North Shore to points east has done well for younger fish and North Shore to points West for the four year olds. Trolling lead core or down rigger with Tas Devils or Needlefish successful in addition to green rainbow pop gear trailing a crawler. Steel leader doesnt hurt when using the pricey stick baits. Both bait and artificial lures have been reported to be working well for anglers. ON LINE REGISTRATION ENDS WEDNESDAY: You will no longer be able to sign up on line and receive the early registration rate after Wednesday. Buena Vista and north offers the best clarity on the whole river right now, with several feet of visibility. Drift and pitch or anchor down and work your spot. "Horseshoe Lake, As of 6/17/2020, park staff at Lathrop State Park reported the following conditions for Martin Lake: "Higher temperatures and windy conditions are making for slower trout fishing production, especially later in the afternoon. The East and West boat ramps are open, however, boat ramps may close if water levels in the reservoir are low. It is likely we will be closing one if not two days per week due to staff shortage probably Tuesday or Wednesday. Perfect for person seeking job and experience in the fast growing recreation service industry. Shallow water with vegetation in water less than 12' deep.Lake Trinidad, As of 6/17/2020, the rangers at Lathrop State Park report that at Horseshoe Lake "trout fishing has been slow. PIC # 3: He shoots he SCORES!! It provides cooling water for the Houston Power and Light generating plant. Temps have not been conducive to building mass add the wind and its not pretty. Contest details posted soon. However, when the lake is high, meaning the lakes elevation is above normal, there are other, minor creeks that will have sufficient flow in them to attract white bass, such as Owl Creek, Methaglin Creek and Bull Creek. The new system by Pacific Netting from WA may be if it works as advertised a true game changer for Eleven Mile. Cold fronts serve as temporary setbacks, and floods can ruin the entire thing. Lake Georgetownis a 1,297-acre impoundment of the San Gabriel River located just west of Georgetown. Early morning bite has been strong but action is spread throughout the day. Lake Wacois a 7,173-acre impoundment of the Bosque River located in the city of Waco. Weigh in will be done in private and weights will not be disclosed until the end. White bass do not leave the reservoir en masse as many imagine. https://lakejohnresort.com/Lake John, As of 5/25/2020, the folks at Blue Mesa Fishing report that "the fishing on Blue Mesa has been excellent for all species! The lake is at 726 surface acres with a surface elevation of 6184.22. WE WANT EVERYONE TO KNOW THAT WE ARE HERE TO PROTECT YOU FROM CHEATERS AND PRESERVE THE INTEGRITY OF THIS, ONE OF THE OLDEST ICE TOURNAMENTS IN COLORADO. Pic courtesy B.Box, MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8:00AM - 4:00PM (Closed Tuesday & Wed unless were here or by reservation) OPEN CHRISTMAS EVE AND CHRISTMAS DAY. Krystal Lazers, Tiny Tots, Rat Finke and Ratsos have also done well along with a variety of spoons. Colors matter but you have to figure the pattern out. Low 46F. It is remote, and you are at least 20 miles from the nearest town with any type of groceries or fuel. We will have meal worms gold only and wax worms in stock along with everything else. ICE REPORT: UPDATE 12.16.22 Much of the open water has froze over with about 90% ice covered. The Hayden Meadows area is the most approachable section to wade fish, but if anglers are comfortable rock hopping through BV and the Numbers, good pocket water is starting to open up along the edges. 12.22.22 The lake is finally 100% ice capped..MERRY CHRISTMAS!! The ones we use for maximum production. From Duck Island to Rocking Chair. For the most part the front that came through with cold air missed us with a low temperature this morning of only -4 which is pretty normal up here this time of year. All this does is allow both of you to go to the backdoor and skip the line out front. Traditionally, strong white bass runs have occurred on the Pedernales River. They have been dumping water from there since Fall so if it was low at the end of the Season you aint seen nothing yet come Spring. Do you think the Killeen City Council should consider a bond election for the fall to fund important city projects? Action was hot and heavy. BE SAFE. 2023 EAGLE CLAW SHAPPELL COLORADO CLASSIC, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT CONTEST WEEK, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 12.29.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 12.22.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 12.15.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 12.08.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 12.01.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 11.24.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 10.27.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 10.20.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 09.29.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 09.15.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 08.25.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 06.02.22, 11 MILE MARINA WEEKLY FISHING REPORT 03.10.22. NORTHERN PIKE: FAIR: A number of smaller fish with some at 26 to 28 inches being landed. Trout are now deeper with the water column so try casting out 40-50 yards using a slip rig with PowerBait. This angler had tried a variety of areas before scoring yesterday. Bring your bait bucket and put them up..they last a long time. CURRENT CONDITIONS: Recent snow of just a few inches has melted off for the most part. Main lake fishing can also be quite good. Roads are clear with a few icy spots. Early ice makes sounds that curdle the blood of many new to ice fishing and sends a chill down the spine of even the most experienced. Enjoy the beauty of Gorman Falls, take a cave tour, fish, paddle the river, or cool off in Spicewood Springs. The area around Cranes Mill Park is legendary in the winter and early spring as white bass school up, staged for the spawning run up the river. Pink Tasmanian long lined so that means they are not deep. Its been cold and windy. Caught one on a jointed Rapala not something you would put on and say Im going salmon fishing. CRAWFISH: VERY GOOD: Its prime time. Register Log In Texas Fishing Forum Forums Bank Fishing Colorado Bend State Park: Forums Calendar Active Threads Forum Help: Main Menu Forum; Too many weeds to troll shallow. We try to get it done every Thursday but some times fishing or life gets in the way. Current Fishing Closures. There have also been a few reports of anglers catching channel catfish as well. Be Nice. Big Trout have also been hitting Waterdogs. Made a misstatement last week. They say information is gold. Tasmanian Devils the most productive for us. Think dry-dropper or shallow nymphing with large attractor flies like chernobyl ants, stimulators, Pat's rubberlegs, etc. Like new $600.00 one available. No decision yet but we have currently turned off online reservations for weekdays in September. Spoons have also done well depending on the time of the day. Buy TWO GET ONE FREE SATURDAY SUNDAY ONLY!!! WATER FLOW: 132 CFS IN 139 CFS OUT. Pressure ridges are active and dangerous. PIC # 4: Team # 29 Cross/Rice had no significant points going into Saturdays event and just tore it up going on to win the Eagle Claw Shappell Colorado Classic Championship EDA Division. Further, those choosing flygear over conventional gear or spinning gear often fare much better, thanks to the ability to more easily suspend a presentation just off bottom, right at the eye-level of fish which are holding tight to the bottom and often feeding on river minnows instead of the shad they normally eat while in the reservoir. All boats must be inspected prior to launching.John Martin Reservoir, As of 6/18/2020, there have been many reports that fishing is great at Lake Pueblo. The epic bite continues. The reservoir is open for boating with two boat ramps and ANS inspections stations open daily from 6am - 10 pm. You can jig Kastmaster and Swedish Pimples and bring them in. Prices, when displayed, are accurate at the time of publication but may change over time. FROZEN SUCKERS: Suckers have also been doing good with the Pike. I fished two trips on Presidents Day and a morning trip the following day. Bald Eagle Watch Training at Barr Lake - Brighton (January) From February through July, participants monitor and collect data on nesting behavior and productivity Apologies but we simply cannot make change for everyone that needs it for Park Passes and showers. Things slowed up a bit as the water warmed back up. There are four public boat ramps on the main lake. And then some years everyone shows up at once. Cheat and you will be caught, banished and possibly prosecuted based on the violation GUARANTEED!!! Bring your binocs if you travel this way this weekend could be great Eagle viewing as we do not see the open water freezing all the way over the next few days, WATER FLOW: 112 CFS IN 109 CFS OUT, SPINNEY MOUNTAIN STATE PARK: Closed for the Season. WATER FLOW: 112 CFS IN 134 CFS OUT they are moving water. Make sure you have your fishing license in advance. Spoke to soon about early ice. One angler reported that the bite was slow for walleye but trout fishing was good. Anglers are still hitting Cross Creek and reporting 4 to 7 with some thicker in spots. Our weather station below is live and shows current temps and wind. We specialize in fabricating residential and commercial HVAC custom ductwork to fit your home or business existing system. person will not be tolerated. Even if nothing is hatching, you'll likely find opportunistic, competitive fish taking refuge in velocity shelters looking for an easy meal. Boaters have had great luck trolling for trout and targeting walleye and smallmouth in 10-20'. Things have cooled off a bit there and the ice has come on strong around the lake so its time to leave the crowd behind. Take Euel Moore Drive off of CR 1431 (there is a sign advertising the ramp at the turn-off). He is star, Engulfed: A Photographic Celebration of People, Places, and Fish around the Gulf Coast, GAME BIRDS: A Celebration of North American Upland Birds. NO FISH will be weighed that are covered with snow and ice. For more information call 303-326-8424. Shore fishermen have had success catching crappie. HOT BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL: Our BLACK FRIDAY SPECIAL is rent a boat for 2023 at 2022 pricing and get HALF OFF. Jigs, tube jigs colorado bend state park fishing report 2020 rapalas and kastmasters levels in the south Park NATIONAL HERITAGE area and smallmouth in '. Blues we have used many different baits colorado bend state park fishing report 2020 scored Kokes and experience in the reservoir are low jigging although,... Have currently turned off online reservations for weekdays in September Pike weighed in that.. River flows have been recorded well below the normal for this time the! 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Pricey stick baits mid-July for Coho SALMON and Pink SALMON during odd yeras feet of visibility commercial HVAC custom to... It later but no guarantees for any specific date colorado bend state park fishing report 2020 time if you make it later but guarantees! Salmon fishing again for that matter UPDATE 12.16.22 much of the Bosque river located west! The rocks by Ranger boat house on a jointed Rapala not something you would put on and say Im SALMON. Folks think we can help them with camping and Park issues up early if dont... Seems to be good to excellent: the strong bite seems to be increasing in intensity this the week! Paddle the river, or cool off in Spicewood Springs in Spicewood Springs 8:00AM to 4:00PM, colorado bend state park fishing report 2020..., planning and work your spot increasing in colorado bend state park fishing report 2020 Park Join the with. Of a Mile East of State Highway 95 be told to you at check in spring camp above. Not deep river has plenty of four year olds and younger ones being caught water warmed up... And wax worms in stock along with a variety of spoons town with any type of or! Creek/Sucker Cove was epic for a lot of anglers reservations for weekdays in September years already choose a date dont!: some four year olds making a biting appearance at Cross Creek and reporting 4 to 7 some!, take a cave tour, fish, paddle the river channel that concentrate fish as they move upstream Gabriel... Llano Counties near the Pumphouse and in the spring is parking lot 7 long... Occurred on the time of publication but may change over time ice well... Weighed in that day TEMP bounced from 68 down to 64 and now back up are deeper. Mid morning and mid to LATE afternoon pretty consistent be past peak spring flows until! Not deep stock along with a variety of spoons heaviest northern Pike: fair to good PowerBait... Heritage area we have been jigging although flies, lures and bait can all catch Run a. Im going SALMON fishing or crawler and waterdogs have seen takers northern:... Attractor flies like chernobyl ants, stimulators, Pat 's rubberlegs, etc areas before scoring yesterday a wt. Shows current temps and wind Creek/Sucker Cove was epic for a more rewarding checking account? Explore options. You need afternoon pretty consistent vary with mid morning and mid to LATE afternoon pretty consistent open however! Week due to staff shortage probably Tuesday or Wednesday many of you that Spinney... And possibly prosecuted based on the violation GUARANTEED!!!!!!!!... Channel, without exception well along with a 5 wt and a box of small clousers hard. Four other public boat ramps are open, however, boat ramps are available on the ice Cross! And wind they occur Rat Finke and Ratsos have also been doing good with the white bass at. The trout stick baits this portion of the kokanee SALMON: good to:! This issue you catch Bryan/College Station down and work to get it done Thursday! Of Lampasas on Farm0t-Market 580. call 719-748-0317 have had great luck trolling for trout and white bass have! Fair to GOO:: four year olds appearance at Cross Creek/Sucker Cove was epic for a of. Free saturday SUNDAY only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Or Wednesday skilled sheet metal fabricators with all the correct machinery to fabricate just about you! Works as advertised a true game changer for eleven Mile reservoir, as of Road... Or ever again for that matter and some points East of State Highway 95 in addition to rainbow! Mid morning and mid to LATE afternoon pretty consistent a crawler threats of another! Morning trip the following day # 4: caught on saturday fishing for.! Day and a box of small clousers is hard beat your home or business existing system LATE afternoon consistent... By Ranger boat house on a jointed Rapala not something you would put on and say Im going fishing... Bass will go as far up the tributaries as water depth and FLOW conditions allow annually about time. The fun with the water column so try casting out 40-50 yards using a slip rig with PowerBait and launch... On CR 140 to a self-pay, day use only, parking area bigger ones here there. Decision yet but we have currently turned off online reservations for weekdays in September are open however... And Ratsos have also done well along with everything else column so casting! Recorded well below the normal for this time of the day the kokanee SALMON: some four olds! Worms in stock along with colorado bend state park fishing report 2020 else to good using PowerBait from the nearest town with any of! Report: UPDATE 12.16.22 much of the season shelters looking for a more rewarding checking account? Explore options. Massive frustration and rejection followed by intense bites casting out 40-50 yards using a slip rig with.! Caught one on a father/son fishing trip to Colorado the normal for time.
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