On average, there were 50, 21, and 8 female officers at the O 4, O 5, and O 6 levels, respectively, in the Coast Guard in each of the four years. Selection boards for O7 will convene at the discretion of the Secretary of the Army, who will prescribe the minimum TIG for an officer in each competitive category. Did you know that OPM has resources and career counselors to help you manage your career? This site provides OSMS guidance and resources. the RASL for whom the running mate system applies is eligible for consideration for promotion to the next higher grade when that officer's running mate is in or above the promotion zone and only if the officer has served continuously on the RASL or ADL (or a combination of both lists) for a period of one year immediately preceding the convening date of the board. For example if the commission on 1 July and their active date is 1 September, their DOR will be 1 August. The Direct Commission Officer programs represent one of the primary ways that the United States Coast Guard meets critical specialty needs. Officers selected are listed below in active duty promotion list precedence (ADPL) order. AFI 36-2501: Second lieutenants on the ADL are eligible for promotion as soon as they have 24-months time-in-grade computed from their company grade date of rank as a second lieutenant First lieutenants on the ADL are promoted to captain after completing 24-months time-in-grade computed from their company grade date of rank as a first lieutenant, or upon the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness (PDUSD(P&R)) approval of the captain selection board report, whichever is later. If you missed one, not to worry. 10 U.S. Code 14315: Officers in the Army Reserve or Air Force Reserve on the RASL may be considered for promotion to the next grade if: Consideration for promotion shall be by a vacancy promotion board, and officers not selected by the board shall not be considered to have failed of selection. Officers receiving a direct commission commonly start at a higher rank. This career counseling is only available for officers at this time, but there have been discussions about expanding the service for enlisted members and civilians. To apply for a temporary commission, enlisted personnel must be in pay grade E-5 or higher and have served at least four years in the armed forces, at least two of which were in the Coast Guard . An officer of the US Coast Guard, who seeks to be promoted to Captain, must have served four years in the rank of Commander to become eligible. 10 U.S. Code 14307: Service Secretaries determine the maximum number of officers on the RASL to be recommended for promotion within each competitive category. Manages and produces the Register of Officers. This guide provides valuable information to Coast Guard junior officers on charting a successful course within the Operations Ashore communities that will lead to command opportunities and assignments into key leadership positions. Lastly, this new system will be in place in the fiscal year of 2021, which begins this coming October. Officers declining promotion are considered to have failed of selection. But a few offenses may delay your trajectory or even push you off track for that promotion. Also, senior leadership makes recommendations to the unit commander. These ranks break into Junior enlisted, Noncommissioned officers, and Senior Noncommissioned officers. 3 years. The Secretary determines the vacancies to be filled and a selection board is convened, usually annually in March. Although each specialty varies, it typically takes at least two assignments in an officers chosen specialty to meet all necessary qualifications, competencies, and time requirements in order to achieve the journeyman level. Navy Chaplains care for all of the sea services. N Relocation? By policy, Reserve Officers are limited to 20 years of military service; this may be extended as needed to meet specific service requirements. Air Force Promotions. Army Promotion Timeline for Enlisted & Officers. Actually, you can pin on O-3, 2.5 years after coming in as an O-2. 10 U.S. Code 625: The President has the authority to nullify the promotion to grade O7 of any ADL officer who has held that grade for less than 18 months. A soldier ready for promotion should show proficiency in their area of expertise and can effectively communicate. That officer will revert to the grade of O6. All Chaplains serving the U.S. Coast Guard are Navy Chaplains. And on 1 Oct 1998, Borrego earned promotion to YNCS and was the first Hispanic-American woman to reach E8. Another excellent source of information to gain fidelity on successful career management is the Guidance and Eligibility Criteria for Officer Personnel Boards and Panels (CG PSCINST 1401.1B). The organization is headed by the Director General Indian Coast Guard (DGICG) exercising his overall command and . The application occurs in two phases:completethe initial online forms at this website https://www.usphs.gov. Commissioned officers are recommended for promotion by their commanders and are selected by centralized (service-wide) promotion boards, which make promotion determinations based upon the officers' promotion records. WASHINGTON DC 20593-7200. The Coast Guard Register of Officers is also maintained by OPM-1. These promotion boards are convened as vacancy promotion boards. We discussed a variety of topics including how boards and panels work, the Officer Specialty Management System (OSMS 2.0), career advice from assignment officers and much more. Time in Service (TIS) and Time in Grade (TIG) count, as well as points earned in performance evaluations, awards and examinations. Retirement coast guard officers promoted at this timeline is generally promoted. Line numbers are determined using the following criteria: Being a Reserve Officer does not mean the officer is serving in the Reserves. US COAST GUARD STOP 7200 Seeking positions of increasing leadership and responsibility should be a fundamental goal for an officer. SECNAVINST 1420.1B: Navy officers who would be eligible for consideration by a promotion board as an in-zone or above-zone officer with less than one year of placement on the ADL will be deferred unless they specifically request consideration. The Coast Guard also has its own physician assistants that are not attached to the PHS corps. Some general advice - to be successful in your career, know your specialty and your sub-specialties. Service Secretaries provide estimates of the number of opportunities and sizes of the promotion zones within competitive categories under these authorities. Promotion Eligibility Requirement can be found in AFI 36-2501, Officer Promotions and Selective Continuation. Also, in all four of these cases, you will need to complete a full tour of joint duty with the Air Force, Marines, Navy, or Coast Guard. Most of this applies to the Guard and Reserve, to varying degrees. However, soldiers have access to their information in the Army Career Tracker, and they can share this information with a mentor if they wish to have help to plan their Army careers. Report text available as: TXT; Corporals and Specialists both compete for this promotion and must meet the following expectations: A Staff Sergeant works closely with other sergeants on the development of soldiers in their section. Individuals selected will serve as a Coast Guard Reserve officer on full-time active-duty. Once selected for promotion by the promotion board, not all officers are promoted at the same time. For the most part, successful officers understand how performance, professionalism, leadership and education (PPLE) apply to their record. Knowledge and experience are essential in a soldiers career. CG PSC (OPM-1) and CG PSC (RPM-1) manages the Register of Officers. 10 U.S. Code 14310: Officers may be removed from a promotion list by the President at any time before the date of promotion. Resignations. Seaman (E-3) To become a Seaman, you must have six months as an E-2 and complete your 'A' course. All officers, regardless of branch of service must obtain a college degree and receive their commission prior to entering the pay-grade of O-1. As an officer in the Coast Guard, you'll get opportunities unmatched by any offered by an entry-level civilian job. Promotions to O7 and O8 require the confirmation of the U.S. Senate. 10 U.S. Code 14311: Promotion of an officer on the RASL who is serving on active-duty or full-time National Guard duty can be delayed for up to six months while the officer is undergoing investigation to determine whether disciplinary action should be taken against the officer, or if the officer has not met the requirement for exemplary conduct. COMMANDER (PSC-OPM) Check with your recruiter, but if you participate in the following, you may find yourself leaving basic training as a private first class. Service Secretaries establish requirements for promotion to O2. Read about the Coast Guard's Captain rank on Military-Ranks.org. Medical and Dental Corps officers selected the first time considered (IPZ) are promoted on the sixth anniversary of the company grade date of rank, or on Senate confirmation of the promotion, whichever is later. Auction will be held on Wed Jan 25 @ 10:00AM in Chesapeake City, MD 21915. (OPM-2) The Officer Assignments Branch places officers in various billets for all Coast Guard units. The mandatory retirement age for all general officers is 62. The Officer Assignments Branch (CG PSC-opm-2) handles the assignments of all regular officers, Chief Warrant Officers, and reserve officers on Extended Active Duty contracts. All fully-qualified officers will be promoted to the grade of O3. By law, Regular Officers promoted to lieutenant colonel (O-5) may serve for 28 active commissioned years, while those promoted to colonel (O-6) may stay for 30 active commissioned years unless earlier retired by other provisions of law. Qualifications Holder of an international lifeguard certification (gold), with minimum of 2 years work experience as fitness instructor or consultant. The following chart is provided to be used in conjunction with NGR 600-101, 1 Oct 96, w/ IOC 1 . Driving under the influence, committing a felony, failing training programs, or not meeting the minimum standards of the military are among the items that can prevent you from being promoted. The U.S. Coast Guard Academy offers a fulfilling life experience that emphasizes academics, physical fitness, character and leadership. This requirement can be waived, in some instances. All Coast Guard unit commanders, commanding officers, officer-in-charge, Nonetheless, any officer who desires to discuss aspects of their career will be given ample opportunity and have the ability to benefit from OPM-4 services. Global Chief Marketing Officer Morgan Flatley will also oversee new business ventures. OPM-4 targets junior officers (O3 & below) since their careers are typically less defined than more senior officers. January. Do you have a good idea of what to do next? Processes requests for Inter-service Transfer. LTs are not boarded. CSPI provides college sophomores and juniors with valuable leadership, management, law enforcement, navigation and marine science skills and training, while fully funding up to two years of college. Navy and Marine Corps officers on the ADL who meet prescribed service-in-grade requirements are eligible for consideration by ADL promotion selection boards. When we get enough questions, well compile and post responses to Portal and MyCG. Most importantly, OSMS enables selection boards or panels to view officer progression across all specialties under a standardized apprentice, journeyman and master framework. Many junior officers--especially Coast Guard Academy graduates--may begin their careers in assignments that are not in the specialty track they desire to be in, and thats okay. USAR officers who are on a promotion list from another mandatory or position vacancy board are not eligible for consideration by subsequent position vacancy boards, nor are O2s through O4s who have previously failed of selection by a mandatory board to the grade of the vacancy. Airmen seeking a promotion to a non-commissioned officer are expected to exemplify a specific set of personal qualities and possess the proper skill level. Most promotions occur In-the-Zone. 10 U.S. Code 14305: Service Secretaries establish promotion zones for each grade and competitive category for officers on the RASL and should provide relatively similar promotion opportunities over the next five years. Once a person has received a Bachelors Degree and been accepted at seminary, they can qualify for the Chaplains Candidate Program and be commissioned. There's one thing you can definitely be sure of: because the Coast Guard is the smallest of all our nation's armed forces, once you're a commissioned officer, your leadership skills, experience and management abilities will be called upon often. We offer Officer Programs in a variety of fields including: *Medical Career Fields note:The Coast Guard maintains its own health care network utilizing Public Health Service (PHS) Officers to fill their medical, dental, pharmacy, environmental health, and PA positions. Government branch: Executive Department Sub-Office/Agency/Bureau. To become a Lieutenant Colonel, you need approximately 16 years of time in service and three years of time in grade. Those who are selected pursue rigorous training to become a Coast Guard pilot following graduation from college and officer candidate school. New York Army National Guard Warrant Officer Information. An officer of the US Coast Guard, who seeks to be promoted to Captain, must have served four years in the rank of Commander to become eligible. Captain selections for all competitive categories are made quarterly by the officer's respective Management Level on a fully qualified basis. 10 U.S. Code 14313: The President has the authority to nullify the promotion to grade O7 of any reserve officer who has held that grade for less than 18 months. Lastly, to continue to a Specialist (E-4), you will need two years of service and at least six months of time in pay grade. Promotion from CW2 to CW3 is possible after successful completion of WOBC. ATTN: CG PSC OPM Coast Guard Boot Camp Graduation Dates For 2022. is within or above their promotion zone OR is below the promotion zone and is determined to be exceptionally well-qualified for promotion based on criteria set by the Service Secretaries. The Indian Coast Guard is a multi-mission organization, conducting round-the-year real-life operations at sea. The crew consists of 70 officers, 210 enlisted personnel, 13 civilians, and 54 auxiliarists working together to achieve aviation excellence. If youre interested in this program, go to https://www.gocoastguard.com/active-duty-careers/officer-opportunities/programs/direct-commission-physician-assistant-dcpa. It is presented in a sortable spreadsheet, and offers more information than any shopping list to date. Aggressive pursuit of more than two primary specialties is generally counterproductive. An officer on. Discharges. Local news, sports, business, politics, entertainment, travel, restaurants and opinion for Seattle and the Pacific Northwest. All Rights Reserved. He used. Find out what to expect before joining the Coast Guard, 2021 United States Coast Guard. Enlisted time in a compulsory reserve applicants already have received orders by their assigned as well as ceremonial affairs personnel fulfilled certain . RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. It's a meritocracy. After you graduate, you will receive a rank as an O-1, and you can expect to . If you choose not to review your record, you may be signaling poor records management to a board or panel. Service members have at least 14 years of considerable leadership and technical experience before applying for . The effective date of promotion for an officer on the RASL with a running mate is the same as that of the officer's running mate. AR 600-8-29: All qualified O1s and O2s will be promoted to the next highest grade. Also, to promote to an E-2, which is a private second-class, you need six months of service. If you are interested in becoming an enlisted Religious Program Specialist (RP) who works with chaplains, call 1-800-USA Navy or go to this website. Promotion Eligibility. Officer Orthodontic Waivers. Contact by email: ARL-PF-CGPSC-OPM-4@uscg.mil, Portal Link: https://cgportal2.uscg.mil/units/psc/psc-opm/opm-4/SitePages/Home.aspx, An official website of the United States government, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1). Following graduation from college and officer candidate school of WOBC officers is 62 your or... Numbers are determined coast guard officer promotion timeline the following criteria: Being a Reserve officer on active-duty. 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