The right faja can provide you with great benefits: Stylized look: Just try it on and your body will improve its look immediately. If you have any issues with your spine or lower back, wearing a faja will help relieve the pressure and provide some relief. That being said, there are multiple benefits that a faja may come up with, including: Just by putting on the fajas, you will see the changes in your body shape. Yes, In fact we encourage you to. Returns & Exchange Policy. My goal is to help you do the same. Anyone can wear a faja to accentuate their body and gain better-looking curves, even if they have a perfect weight. Well be exploring a few of both in this section of the article. That is why there is a collection of, for exercising we have available, visit our. ! . . Youll love the extra support, especially during exercise and other activities that put stress on your body. To prevent this from happening, you might want to portion your meals into multiple smaller ones. Then developing a daily routine - wake up each morning, clean up and put on your girdle. Many people decide to go for the Spartan all or nothing method, but this will only bring discomfort. Belly bands only cover your waist. Wearing a faja can prove fruitful, and you may indeed improve your shape over time. Some fajas also have front closures, while some have back closures. Fajas can make your curves look more pronounced and give you an overall slimmer appearance. It is medium compression with a side zipper closure that makes it perfectly under your clothes. Some fajas cover the thighs and shoulders as well. Finally, some people prefer wearing compression garments that match their body tone. This means that you can wash them with your regular laundry instead of having to take them somewhere special for cleaning. These compression garments are surrounded by many myths. Some people are even motivated by fajas to lose weight and gain that body shape without any compression garments. At the same time, this will help you get rid of body toxins much faster, improving your overall complexion. We recommend you to use soft products with a balanced Ph and a soft cloth (not a brush) to remove stains. But if you only want to shape your waist or thighs, itll give you unnecessary discomfort. On the other hand, fajas that reach the thighs can prevent chafing and provide better core support, and this will improve your posture faster. Thats where fajas come in handy; they tighten your body, enhance your curves, and give you an overall slimmer shape. This way, you wont have to purchase a new garment every couple of months. Fajas are highly beneficial and widely available on the market; however, some people spread myths about them to either glamourize or cast them down. NO, The Faja size is NOT based on your pant size. If what looking for is to lose weight while you exercise, our best suggestion is a Thermo sweat body shaper like. So whether you want to wear dresses, shorts, or jeans, youll find a garment that accommodates your needs. It can also help you eat less, as it will make you feel full more quickly. Enjoy firm abdominal compression to put your abs back to their slimmer shape. Wearing a faja can make you look thinner as you are rocking that form-fitting piece of clothing. Thank you for joining us to solve them. Stick to eating healthier food with the necessary nutrients, and steer clear of junk food. Its easier to wear and doesnt require as much time or effort to put on in the morning. If you are looking for general shapewear that provides support underneath your clothes, or you are post-operative and are in recovery, fajas are definitely worth it. Finally, panty-style fajas are ideal for people who want to lift their butts without pressuring their thighs. Whether you need to look your best for a special event or are trying to reshape your body and lose weight. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE OUR WORLD RENOWNED FAJAS. Washing fajas, or any compression garments, in the washing machine might alter their appearance and make them more stretchy. On the other hand, zippers might slip or strain your arms while closing if they arent high-quality. Dont know where to start with waist trainers? Kim Couture only promotes safe waist training. You'll feel the right compression and enhancement over the areas you desire. There are different types of. They come in many shapes and colors, and theyre a favorite among women for their body shaping effects. Allows adhering loose skin to the muscle. Is wearing a KIMMI COUTUREFAJA safe, will it damage my organs? are made of resistant, yet soft fabrics such as. Compression garments also reduce swelling, especially after surgeries like Brazilian butt lifting (BBL) and breast augmentation. Bodies are a massive source of insecurities, and theyre often challenging to get over. They might give you a slimmer look and motivate you to go on a diet and exercise, but not more than that. It involves wearing a specialized corset or waist cincher (Faja) which is designed Be the first to know about the latest deals, secret sales, style updates & more! Fajas Are Most Effective When They Have a Smaller Size Than Your Body, Fajas Are Only Made for Plus-Sized People, Some fajas, although not many, come with antibacterial features. But now, theyve gained a new role for their body-shaping features, which is giving women a curvier shape. Go for aerobics training when you are wearing a faja. Doctors already prescribe compression garments in some medical cases, like varicose veins and lymphoedema, but why? If you wear a faja or any compression garment and feel that your breaths are constricted, you must discard it and buy a new one. There is another way to group fajas apart from where they come from however, and that is based on stages. This grouping comes from the medical use of fajas and there are only two types of fajas in this grouping: stage one fajas and stage two fajas. For those that are really committed to their waist training and want to wear it daily as well as wear it working out we recommend that you purchase A KIMMI COUTUREFIT FAJA for Working out and a WAIST TRAINERFAJA for all other waking hours. Some full-body girdles also come with long sleeves. Fajas are a great way to kick start your weight loss process. : Stunning look goes hand-by-hand with comfort and support. Wearing a Colombian girdle should be a positive and comfortable aspect of your daily routine, just like agood bra or pair of panties. Certain fajas were made to permit exercising, Tips to Make the Most Out of Faja Wearing, For better results, you might try to wear your. Get used to wearing it. However, wearing a faja will give you an attractive look and help you fall in love with your body again. CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE OUR WORLD RENOWNED FAJAS Is wearing a KIMMI COUTURE FAJA safe, will it damage my organs? However, in the long term, this is the exact opposite action of what you should do. Seamless designs are better for people who often wear tight clothes. The rise of shape wear companies actually contributed greatly to the increased interest in fajas, which might be why youre reading this article right now. . Many compression garments come in black, which might appear beneath your clothes. Consider the Faja an additional undergarment, I mean you can't get by with just 1 bra can you?! Start by wearing it two hours a day, and as your comfort level is increasing, go with more hours. Like any other phenomenon, reasons exist why fajas are good, and there are also cons to the use of fajas. It has removable straps so it can be used with any outfit. Use the chart to determine your size. Colombian Girdles should be hand washed because the machine could alter the shape and fabric. Decreases tissue inflammation. We can guarantee you that none of those companies can offer you a an authentic Kimmi Cuture Colombian faja. You would no longer have to worry about fat bulges ruining the look of that dress on you. Boys like to improve their figure and health after plastic surgery or enhancing their body, and. Too much humidity can lead to a buildup of bacteria, and that can cause irritations. To prevent this from happening, you might want to portion your meals into multiple smaller ones. Post-partum girdles offer extra abdominal support. A lot of this is done through cardio exercises. Fajas dont only control the areas you want to mold. Wait until you are dry before you wear the faja. The Faja is very similar once you receive your desired results you will not have to wear it as much however it is recommended to wear it daily for shorter periods of time. In this process, you can wear two kinds of fajas colombianas that will help you to get better and faster results. However, a doctor might know to use a certain faja based on its firmness and compression because of the special cases of a patient recovering from surgery. Absolutely no. If you end up not wearing it for awhile you may need to start at the first set of clasps again but will quickly reduce as their is a memory effect that takes place. We simply recommend waist trainers because they are specifically made to do just that train your waist. We help women shed that stubborn belly fat by using body contouring garments that help support and shape the waistline so you can look fabulous and feel confident! It is most used for after cosmetic surgeries like a BBL or a liposuction. However, if you want them to work to their full potential, then you might want to add some exercise in the mix as well. Although this isnt the primary role of fajas, its why many people use them daily, even on outfits that are already flattering. This will help accelerate your weight loss efforts even further and make it easier for you to get the results that you want. Since a faja supports your back, it also helps to relieve some of the stress put on your body by gravity. It is recommended to start with 2 hours and work your way up to 8 Hours. If for some reasonit may take longer than 3 weeks (Rare) we will contact you to let you know. If you wear a size that is too small, your insides wont have any hiding places anymore and as a result, youll be seeing bumps and bulges where there arent supposed to be any. A faja will only temporarily compress the fat around your midsection, redistributing both the skin and the fat around the abdomen. Instead of going for 3 big meals, go for 5-6 smaller ones. May 2023 bring you joy, success, and lots of good memories. You probably already noticed how your body tends to sweat a lot more than usual as you are wearing the faja. Will I need to purchase a new faja when my waist begins to shrink? It's totally a must-have due to its lovely color and adjustable hook & eye closure that flattens your tummy and smooths your waist while you train. Gym rat? Select one of our most popular styles & start your Waist Training Journey Today! When you wear a faja, it pulls your waist in and makes your back straighter. Testimonials and Examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Whether youre following your doctors recommendation after a surgical procedure, getting your body back after childbirth, ormaintainingan hourglass figure as a routine, aColombianFaja Bodyshaper will be your favorite undergarment. If I wear it to workout won't it get sweaty? In this case, a waist trainer would give you a better result for a slimmer waist. Colombian fajas are more high-quality than other compression garments. If you would like to continue to minimize your waist line then yes. So, although a faja can act as both shape wear and medical aid, a waist trainer cannot. More so, theyre available in many shapes. The 3 rows of clasps means your Faja will last you longer as you reduce your waist line. No matter what you do, dont try wearing your faja straight after hopping out of the shower. But Ive done the research, and heres what we found: A faja can instantly support your back, which means you may not need to wear a bra or corset anymore. In essence, what we are trying to say in this section, is that using fajas for waist training will get you some results in most cases, but in the long run, it is best to go with the item that is actually made specifically for the purpose of training the waist and those are waist trainers. If you would like help picking a size for your faja, feel free to email us at info@kj-couture.comwith some additional information about yourself (waist measurement, jean size, hip measurement, height) and a picture if possible and we will help you select the perfect size. "All bras serve 2 basic purposes: to SUPPORT AND COVER the bust.". Colombian shapewear is only an extra accessory to hype up results. Here are seven reasons why. Claudia is a personal trainer and creates fitness training programs for seniors and people of all ages. Most Fajas are not designed to specifically target the waist, whereas waist trainers are. Some fajas will cover shoulders, upper thighs, and the entire torso. More Latex means increased compression resulting in a more dramatic reduction in your waist line. Yeees! You need to be moist, but you dont need to be wet. My goal is to help you do the same. And although theyre less effective than other types, theyre ideal for women who only want to shape their waist and have no problem with the rest of their bodies. Support: Comfortable support is important for your wellness. In their most wide-spread use, fajas are worn by patients during their recovery periods post-operation to keep down swelling and ensure that skin tightens as it should. If youve recently had surgery, you should opt for front closures because theyre more comfortable. Compression garments are often associated with women because of their beauty standards. Bodies are a massive source of insecurities, and theyre often challenging to get over. Kimmi Couture Fajas arealso more luxurious and sexy design with a thick coated cotton cover. When the space becomes smaller, the organs will shift accordingly to fit within the space allotted. Its worth mentioning that even if you dont suffer from any medical condition, improving your blood flow is essential for your overall health. There are 2 great ways to measure progress, First is to track your waist measurement. You should only buy a full-body girdle if you want to shape your entire body. You need to wear the faja regularly while working out and also eat healthily. Not at all! Luxx Curves provides such a fitness belt, allowing you to shed body fat while improving your muscle mass. This is important because having an unhealthy ratio can cause health problems such as back pain or even some forms of arthritis in later life. The fact that fajas have a more medical use to them and can be used for post-operative recovery is because they are practically made for healing and reshaping, while waist trainers are made with the intent to contour, maintain proper posture, encourage sweating, as well as slim the waist. If you start with 8 hours right away, the chances are high that youll be so uncomfortable that youll decide against wearing your faja ever again. We stand for positivity, empowerment, and confidence. First, women mainly used them after body-shaping surgeries for enhanced recovery and better results. [dgbm_blog_module posts_number=3 related_posts=on _builder_version=4.17.4 _module_preset=default global_colors_info={} _i=0 _address= /]. , many people report having a better workout when theyre wearing compression garments. Fajas are tight-fitting garments that can help reduce cellulite and improve skin tone. They care for your health by giving you bust and back control to help you correct your posture. It would depend on your needs. Theyre great for everyday wear or special occasions, and if youve never worn one before, nows your chance! Find out more on our blog: How to choose the perfect Colombian shapewear? Fajas, also known as girdles, are among the most famous body-shaping garments. I strive for 100% accuracy, however, errors may occur, and protocols and treatment processes may change over time. So, if your skin is pretty delicate, you have to look for these features when choosing a compression girdle. Click Here to Purchase. Once you get it all clasped it will/should feel very tight. We recommend to change your girdle now and then and even have another one while the other is being washed. Proper pressure on the girdle in the belly and abdomen area will help it return to its place much earlier. If what you are looking for is to lose weight you can wear it as a complement to your workout routine and eating plan. collection to choose the one you like the most and highlight those curves you want to flaunt. As your body starts removing the toxins from underneath the skin, the cellulitis will also begin to wear down. Luxx Curves provides such a. , allowing you to shed body fat while improving your muscle mass. Corrects your posture. Fajas are excellent for improving posture as they apply pressure on specific areas in your body, therefore supporting your back and helping you straighten it while walking. Tight lacing is done with steel boned corsets that you are tied into as tight as possible. Some really great benefits of fajas include: The most obvious pro of a faja is the fact that it aids postoperative recovery for people who have just had some sort of cosmetic surgery. by Spaniards and Latin Americans. A faja can be very useful in providing that kind of support whether you intend to or not. More so, childbirth is exhausting and puts a lot of pressure on bodies. Some are content with the results that they get, others are not particularly impressed. One of the first and most obvious differences between a waist trainer and a faja is the fact that fajas have a medically significant application when it comes to post-operative recovery, while waist trainers are typically not used for such and would not be recommended by a doctor. Due to the high compression action, the unwanted areas and the fat will be pushed in, giving you a smooth waistline. How long will it take to receive my faja. Ideally, your faja should be tight enough to give you a curvier body shape but loose enough to let you breathe and move properly. Cellulite is water and toxin buildup underneath the skin, which is why exercise and hydration are often the most efficient ways to get rid of it. Although they look thinner, fajas may be a bit tougher in comparison to your average waist trainer or waist cinchers. Baby powder is a great choice in this respect, and it can help you fit the piece more accurately on your body. Stick to. Even though Colombian girdles are really comfortable, wearing them while you sleep can cause some alteration in the normal functioning of your body, compromising your pleasant sleep and won't give you any positive results. How does fajas work? The fat and skin will not magically disappear inside your body as you are wearing the faja. Its worth mentioning that antibacterial features arent essential for everyday use. The benefits of wearing a faja are endless. Doctors often recommend them for both cases of birth, natural and C-section. However, it isnt a rule. Panty-style girdles dont reach the thighs; they stop at your butts and are more comfortable than other types. Plus, they do provide some form of shaping to different areas of the body. So before you purchase a faja, you should know when youll use it and under which clothes. and Antiallergic cotton lining that avoids rashes. There is a misconception that wearing a girdle is for only getting dressed . You will also be able to wear the clothes that you want, knowing that you look good in them. However, it is not as effective as. Fajas are efficient when it comes to concealing any unwanted lumps or nudges, giving you a smooth finish. They can reduce muscle fatigue that people get after a workout, improve blood and oxygen flow to your muscles, and increase joint awareness. Thats okay, weve got you covered on the Luxx Curves Perfect Curves Waist Trainers site. Wearing a faja everyday #shorts To Subscribe! We believe inwomen lovingtheir bodies, mind, and soul enough to want to be their best selves unapologetically. Shapewear is the perfect garment to enhance your silhouette, because they can slim your thighs, flatten your tummy and give you a natural butt enhancement. Some items are covered under warranty and in some cases we may be able to exchange your Faja for a new one (same size and color). Waist training, fitness, and eating healthy has changed my life. . Totally false. You cannot get a six-pack by just wearing a faja. If a hook rips out and it has been 30 days or less since purchase date contact us via email and we will evaluate on a case by case basis. However, if youre buying a faja to wear postpartum or want to improve your posture and blood flow, youll need a medium compression garment to accommodate your needs. This can cause stomach problems to arise, such as heartburn or a feeling of indigestion. Testimonials and Examples used are exceptional results and are not intended to guarantee, promise, represent and/or assure that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Fajas are also comfortable to wear all day long. Wearing a faja is definitely one of the best gifts you can give to your body. This question cannot be answered with a simple yes or no. It might also give you a skin rash or leave you with blood circulation issues. Thats why compression garments gained new fame among mothers. The correct size will not only give your body a smooth line, but it will also be more comfortable to wear. Even better, you should try using some powder underneath it. Why we recommend waist trainers over Fajas, This specificity is important because waist trainers like the, The Luxx Curves Perfect Curves Waist Trainers, are designed with firmness, compression, and. Men are also our favorite customers. You may send us a live message in our web feature, or DM on any of our social media platforms. By using them, you can make sure that your hips do not become too large for the rest of your body. They are made from a material that is much more breathable, allowing you to go through the exercises with more ease. This girdle has many benefits like smoothing your waistline, flattening your abdomen, defines your hips, and highlights your buttocks. It is prescribed to both men and women, usually by the doctors that performed the surgery. Everything you need to know about wearing a girdle. They tighten your body and highlight your curves, giving it an overall more attractive look. Start by wearing it two hours a day, and as your comfort level is increasing, go with more hours. Meanwhile, some plus-sized people may not wear fajas at all. The premium Faja is exclusive to KIMMICOUTURE and Designed by the Mrs. CEO K. Keep in mind when searching for other waist trainers that although there are dozens of different companies out there selling waist trainers most of those companies are selling you the same waist trainer (Getting them from the same distributor) Pay attention, in most cases you will recognize the same model being used on multiple websites. NO, your waist measurement is NOT your faja size. Medical Benefits. The fajas will aid in the fat part, whereas the exercise will also help in the muscle part. Many women are thinking that body shaper fajas only boost your look, and there is no need to be ashamed about your body. If you desire to continue to shrink your waist you will eventually need to graduate to a smaller size faja. Measure your current natural waist (Just above your belly Button) and refer to the chart below*NOT BASED ON YOUR PANT SIZE, If you are borderline, size up to guarantee fit. But, dont worry, keep reading our blog and find out all the facts and benefits of Colombian Shapewear for women. There are different types of fajas i.e.,Colombian faja. The stages are indicative of what point a postoperative patient is in their recovery. Fajas are often used as post-surgical and postpartum shapewear, to help your skin go back into shape, in order to. Breathable materials like cotton and nylon are ideal for compression garments. The fajas effect is more visual but your weight will be the same. You may be tempted to throw a little cardio in the mix, doing exercises that can make you sweat a lot. . with the necessary nutrients, and steer clear of junk food. As for the coverage, fajas that only cover the abdomen are better for mobility. And as you are struggling to breathe in after a tough workout, the last thing you need is a body shaping piece around your midsection that wont allow you to take that breath that you need. When veins stretch, blood pools in the legs, making it more challenging to pump sufficient blood to the heart. If youve just had cosmetic surgery or are considering having cosmetic surgery, talking to your doctors about fajas is something we recommend. Get the right size. This helps relieve back pain and discomfort, as well as improve circulation. Its easier to wear and doesnt require as much time or effort to put on in the morning. If you want to get stunning results but without your secret being noticed. In addition, the faja strengthens your posture and lower back muscles, helps to reduce appetite and when worn while working out can help to burn fat with a thermogenic effect on the abdomen. For better results, you might try to wear your faja for shorter periods of time. They cover your body, starting from your breasts to your mid-thighs, and they shape your curves excellently. It will show you where you are and where you need to go. However, some of them are more durable than others. We recommend that you take your faja to your local seamstress for repair. Their material is mostly cotton so rashes wont be a problem. So stop wearing shapewear if it irritates your skin. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Only people recovering from body-shaping surgeries need to wear fajas during sleep. The fajas will aid in the fat part, whereas the exercise will also help in the muscle part. A faja is much more comfortable than a corset. Fajas are efficient when it comes to concealing any unwanted lumps or nudges, giving you a smooth finish. 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